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[The Acting Secretary of State to the Siamese Minister.]

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washngton, December 16, 1920.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this date referring to the provisions of Article I of the treaty signed by us to-day and relating to the real property now in possession of American missionary societies in Siam. I note that:

1. As to the lands for which the missions now possess papers of any kind or of which the missions are otherwise in legal occupation they should apply to have title papers issued in the regular way.

2. As to the lands held under lease from Government, the Siamese Government will not interrupt the possession by the missions as long as they continue to use the land for mission purposes.

3. However, in Ratburi the Mission is now occupying a house belonging to the Siamese Government; this must be returned when asked for.

4. It is understood that the Siamese Government is not identified with Wat administration; that is to say, the foregoing understanding must not be construed as a promise by the Government to interfere with lands held and claimed by religious authorities, whether Buddhists or of any other faith.

5. All Mission Lands are held subject to the exercise by the Siamese Government of the right of eminent domain.

I have the honor to express my satisfaction with this pronounce


Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. NORMAN H. DAVIS, Acting Secretary of State.


Siamese Minister.



Signed at Washington May 29, 1913; ratification advised by the Senate February 21, 1914; ratified by the President March 9, 1914; ratified by Spain March 2, 1914; ratifications exchanged at Washington March 21, 1914; proclaimed March 23, 1914.

(Treaty Series, No. 586; 38 Statutes at Large, 1765.)


I. Extends 1908 convention five years. II. Ratification; effect.

The Government of the United States of America and the Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, being desirous of extending the period of five years during which the Arbitration Convention concluded between them on April 20, 1908, is to remain in force, which period is about to expire, have authorized the undersigned, to wit: The Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States, and Señor Don Juan Riaño y Gayangos, Chamberlain to His Majesty the King of Spain, His Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, to conclude the following agreement:


The Convention of Arbitration of April 20, 1908,1 between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, the duration of which by Article III thereof was fixed at a period of five years from the date of the exchange of ratifications of said Convention, which period will terminate on June 2, 1913, is hereby extended and continued in force for a further period of five years from June 2, 1913.


The present Agreement shall be ratified by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the Government of His Majesty the King of Spain, in accordance with its Constitution and laws, and it shall become effective upon the date of the exchange of ratifications, which shall take place at Washington as soon as possible.

Done in duplicate, in the English and Spanish languages, at Washington, this twenty-ninth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen.


1 For text see Vol. II, p. 1722.




Washington July 26, 1914.

(Foreign Relations, 1914, p. 720.)

File No. 812.63/12a.

The Secretary of State to the Spanish Ambassador.

Washington, July 2, 1914.

EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to propose that this Government and the Spanish Government agree that they will withhold all diplomatic support from their respective citizens or subjects who claim, directly or indirectly, title or interest in mines or mining rights in Mexico, which they have acquired since January 1, 1913, or may hereafter acquire, directly or indirectly, by reason of the cancellation of contracts, leases, or other forms of conveyance, or by reason of the confiscation or taking by de facto authorities of mines or mining rights, in which American citizens or Spanish subjects are interested, on the ground of default in contractual obligations or noncompliance with legal requirements, provided such default or noncompliance was unavoidable because of military operations or political disturbances in Mexico.

It should, however, be distinctly understood that this agreement will not apply to any case in which the failure of the American or Spanish owner of an interest in mines or mining rights in Mexico to perform his contractual obligations or to comply with a legal requirement was not the direct result of the political unrest prevailing in Mexico at the time of default, or to any case of bona fide transfer. If the proposed agreement relative to mines and mining rights in Mexico is acceptable to your Government, a note stating its acceptance will be considered by this Government as putting the agreement into effect.

Accept [etc.]

File No. 812.63/11.


The Spanish Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

SPANISH EMBASSY, Washington, July 6, 1914.

Mr. SECRETARY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your excellency's note of July 2, 1914, in which you state:

[Quotes Spanish translation of note to the Spanish Ambassador of July 2, 1914.]

I have the honor, in reply to this note, to inform you that I am authorized by my Government to accept the agreement proposed by

your excellency, and I do accept it, at the same time assuring you of my highest consideration.




Signed at Washington September 15, 1914; ratification advised by the Senate September 25, 1914; ratified by the President November 23, 1914; ratified by Spain November 23, 1914; ratifications exchanged at Washington December 21, 1914; proclaimed December 23, 1914.

(Treaty Series, No. 605; 38 Statutes at Large, 1862.)



1. All disputes not settled by diplo- | 3. Reference to and initiative of commacy or arbitration to be reported upon by commission before resort to any act of force.

2. Composition, appointment, compensation of commission.

4. Statements to commission.

5. Procedure; time and effect of re


6. Ratification; effect; duration.

The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Spain, desiring to strengthen the friendly relations which unite their two countries and to serve the cause of general peace, have decided to conclude a treaty for these purposes and have consequently appointed the plenipotentiaries designated hereinafter, to-wit:

The President of the United States of America, the Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States; and

His Majesty the King of Spain, His Excellency Señor Don Juan Riaño y Gayangos, His Ambassador in Washington;

Who, after exhibiting to each other their full powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following articles:


Any disputes arising between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Spain, of whatever nature they may be, shall, when ordinary diplomatic proceedings have failed and the High Contracting Parties do not have recourse to arbitration, be submitted for investigation and report to a Permanent International Commission constituted in the manner prescribed in the following article.

The High Contracting Parties agree not to resort, with respect to each other, to any act of force during the investigation to be made by the Commission and before its report is handed in.


The International Commission shall be composed of five members appointed as follows: Each Government shall designate two mem

bers, only one of whom shall be of its own nationality; the fifth member shall be designated by common consent and shall not belong to any of the nationalities already represented on the Commission; he shall perform the duties of President.

In case the two Governments should be unable to agree on the choice of the fifth commissioner, the other four shall be called upon to designate him, and failing an understanding between them, the provisions of article 45 of The Hague Convention of 1907 shall be applied.

The Commission shall be organized within six months from the exhange of ratifications of the present convention.

The members shall be appointed for one year and their appointment may be renewed. They shall remain in office until superseded or reappointed, or until the work on which they are engaged at the time their office expires is completed.

Any vacancies which may arise (from death, resignation, or cases of physical or moral incapacity) shall be filled within the shortest possible period in the manner followed for the original appoint


The High Contracting Parties shall, before designating the Commissioners, reach an understanding in regard to their compensation. They shall bear by halves the expenses incident to the meeting of the Commission.


In case a dispute should arise between the High Contracting Parties which is not settled by the ordinary methods, each Party shall have a right to ask that the investigation thereof be intrusted to the International Commission charged with making a report. Notice shall be given to the President of the International Commission, who shall at once communicate with his colleagues.

In the same case the President may, after consulting his colleagues and upon receiving the consent of a majority of the members of the Commission, offer the services of the latter to each of the Contracting Parties. Acceptance of that offer declared by one of the two Governments shall be sufficient to give jurisdiction of the case to the Commission in accordance with the foregoing paragraph.

The place of meeting shall be determined by the Commission itself.


The two High Contracting Parties shall have a right, each on its own part, to state to the President of the Commission what is the subject-matter of the controversy. No difference in these statements, which shall be furnished by way of suggestion, shall arrest the action of the Commission.


As regards the procedure which it is to follow, the Commission shall as far as possible be guided by the provisions contained in articles 9 to 36 of Convention 1 of The Hague of 1907.

The High Contracting Parties agree to afford the Commission all means and all necessary facilities for its investigation and report.

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