The Statutes, Volume 17; Volume 1236

Front Cover
Eyre & Spottiswood, 1875 - Law

From inside the book

Selected pages

Common terms and phrases

Popular passages

Page 153 - An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders," inclusive of any Acts amending the same.
Page 511 - ... rates and taxes, and tithe commutation rent-charge, if any, and deducting therefrom the probable average annual cost of the repairs, insurance, and other expenses, if any, necessary to maintain them in a state to command such rent...
Page 219 - In narrow channels every steam vessel shall, when it is safe and practicable, keep to that side of the fairway or mid-channel which lies on the starboard side of such vessel.
Page 283 - AB, do declare my unfeigned assent and consent to all and everything contained and prescribed in and by the Book entitled the Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England...
Page 512 - means any drain of and used for the drainage of one building only, or premises within the same curtilage, and made merely for the purpose of communicating therefrom with a cesspool or other like receptacle for drainage, or with a sewer into which the drainage of two or more buildings or premises occupied by different persons is conveyed." " ' Sewer ' includes sewers and drains of every description, except drains to which the word
Page 392 - Act, 1847, with respect to the mortgages to be executed by the commissioners, shall be incorporated with this Act ; and in the construction of...
Page 238 - Summary Jurisdiction Acts" means as follows : As to England, the Act of the session of the eleventh and twelfth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter forty-three, intituled "An Act to facilitate the performance of the duties of justices of the peace out of sessions within England and Wales with respect to summary convictions and orders...
Page 25 - every person playing or betting by way of wagering or gaming in any street, road, highway, or other open and public place, or in any open place to which the public have or are permitted to have access, at or with any table or instrument of gaming, or any coin, card, token or other article used as an instrument or means of such wagering or gaming at any game or pretended game of chance, shall be deemed a rogue and vagabond within the true intent and meaning of 5 Geo.
Page 224 - means any land used as arable meadow or pasture ground only, land used for a plantation or a wood or for the growth of saleable underwood...
Page 231 - ... there shall be more than one mortgagor, or more than one person claiming through the mortgagor or mortgagors, such acknowledgment, if given to any of such mortgagors or persons, or his or their agent, shall be as effectual, as if the same had been given to all such mortgagors or persons ; but where there shall be Sect.

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