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seasonable exertions which you have same spirit and perseverance which enabled him to make for the ang- have hitherto remained unbroken mentation of the military force of his will continue to be excited with unakingdom,

bated vigour and success. “ Gentlemen of the House of “And while bis majesty commands Commons,

us to repeat the assurances of his “His majesty has commanded us constant readiness to entertain any to return you his warmest thanks proposals which may lead to a secure for the supplies which you have and honourable peace, he commands granted with so much cheerfulness us at the same time to express his for the current year; and when he confidence that his parliament and his considers the provision which you people will feel with him the necessity bave made for those contingent and of persevering in those vigorous efforts unforeseen services which the events which alone can give the character of of the war may render necessary, his honour to any negociation, or the majesty has the great satisfaction of prospect of security or permanency recognizing the wisdom wherewith, to any peace. His majesty, therein a time of extraordinary difficulties, fore, trusts that his parliament and you have anticipated the possible de- his people will always be ready to inands which those difficulties may support him in every measure which occasion.

may be necessary to defeat the de“My Lords and Gentlemen, signs of his enemies againt the inde“His majesty commands us to as- pendence of his majesty's dominions, sure you that he deeply deplores the and to maintain against any undue unfortunate issue of the war upon pretensions, and against any hostile the continent.

confederacy, those just rights which “ The immense extension of the his majesty is always desirous to expower and influence of France, and ercise with temper and moderation, the undisguised determination of the but which, as essential to the honour enemy to employ the means and re- of his crown and true interests of his sources of those countries which he people, he is determined never to possesses or controuls, for the pur- surrender." pose of effecting the ruin of his Then a cr mission for proroguing inajesty's kingdom, undoubtedly pre- the parli as read; after which sent a formidable view of the dangers the lon lor said: and difficulties which the country has

ds and Gentle to encounter.

of his m “But his majesty trusts that the

er the loyal and brave people over whom he reigns are not to be daunted disheartened.

“ From the recollection of difficulties under which his have successively struggled, those dangers which they pily surmounted, his maje the consolation of believi

or defending those principles which you have adopted.

General. In regard to that-Yes, I shall defend those principles, I shall do my duty for the present.

King. Do you know that Buonaparte has proposed to the king to treat with him on his rights. This is the greatest proof of his acknowledging those rights, that he could give.

General.-I am ignorant of that. King. But do you know that the king has constantly refused it, and said, as Francis I. said, We have lost every thing except our honour!

(General Brune repeated these words with warmth.)

King. I know the king intimately, and he deserves to be known for his great and excellent qualities. You, general, you can never have restfor what will be your situation if all is changed?

General. I shall then die an honourable death, sword in hand. As a military man, I am exposed to such a fate every moment.-The question is not to die, but to die as one ought.

King. But that depends upon unforeseen circumstances. There exists however a happiness, which consists in peace of mind-the consequence of having fulfilled one's duties, and acted according to the dictates of conscience. Buonaparte can never have that peace of mind. He might have made himself immortal if he had restored the throne to the king. He may gain fortuitous honour, much celebrity, and many advantages, but he can never enjoy any peace of


When the general began to speak of the talents of Buonaparte, and said that there was none of the Bourbon family who was distinguished for so

many, the king answered, "There occur favourable circumstances, and it needs only to take advantage of them."

The general seemed to admit this. King. The death of the duke of Enghien-what an enormity!

General. I was at that time in Constantinople, and cannot explain it. When the conversation turned on the French revolution, the general said: I belong to the revolution, and it has been brought about by the will of the French people.

King. It is not the French people that have made the revolution; it is the rabble. We now see plainly the consequences of these mob-revolutions of which you speak. This one began with abolishing all distinctions in order to introduce equality; and now you yourself are a proof that these principles are changed.

General. If your majesty had been in the place of Louis XVI. the revolution had never happened.

King. I will not praise myself on that head, as I have never found myself in such circumstances. He was too good and conciliatory, and has proved that those qualifications, when misapplied, may have fatal consequences. You have yourself led me on to this subject. I have been candid with you, and my character required that I should explain myself on the subject. It is my duty to speak as I have done; but were I even placed in different circumstances, my principles would still be the same. Can you imagine that I should look with indifference upon people neglecting their duty to their lawful king, when I am a king myself? that would be to forget what I owe to myself.

General.-Your majesty considers the king as a brother.

King.-It seems to me that the pressed upon Europe during so many French ought themselves to under- years, and his natural moderation, stand their duties, without expecting would induce him to accept without that I should set them the example. scruple, the offer of his iinperial and

General Brune here returned to royal majesty, if he could convince the subject about the additional clause himself that the basis which France in the armistice. Your majesty is would consent to in a negociation then determined as to the ten days would be such as his hronour allowed notice?

him to accept.


and manKing.—Yes.

ner in which Napoleon has constantly General.-But should not your evaded explaining himself in this remajesty wish to agree privately that spect is no fortunate omen. Yet, the armistice shall not cease till after should his imperial and royal majesa month's notice ?

ty succeed in inducing France to state King.–You do not know me such a basis, and make it known to rightly if you believe me capable of the king, and should they be not alentering into such an agreement. together hostile to the end which his

General.- I know your majesty's majesty has been endeavouring to character.

attain in common with his allies, his Such is the substance of this con- Prussian majesty will eagerly accept ference, during which general Brune the offer which his imperial and roya found it difficult to conceal his em- al apostolic majesty has just made.” barrassment; which, notwithstanding all liis endeavours, was apparent in his countenance and conversation.

Order of Council.


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At the Court at the Queen's Palace, Answer of the Prussian Court to 19th Aug. 1807, present, the

the Austrian offer of Media- King's most Excellent Majesty tion.

in Council.

“ His majesty, taking into con“His niajesty the king, recognizing sideration the measures recently rethe motives which induced his apos- sorted to by the enemy for distresstolic majesty to offer his mediation ing the commerce of the united between the more distinguished of kingdom, is pleased, by and with the powers now at war, in order, by the advice of his privy council, to means of his good services, to lead to order, and it is hereby ordered, conferences concerning peace, is that all vessels under the flag of eager to testify all the gratitude le Mecklenburg, Oldenburg, Papenfeels on this account. The king be- burg, or Kniphausen, shall be forthholds this measure of the court of with warned not to trade in future Vienna with pleasure as it respects at any bostile port, unless such veshimself, considering it as the effect sel shall be going from, or coming of that friendship of which the em- to, a port of the united kingdom; peror and king has given him more and in case any such vessel, after than one proof, and therefore feels having been so warned, shall be this more strongly. The desire to found trading, or to have traded see the evils terminated, which have after such warning; or in case any

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wessel or goods belonging to the “ We further liereby ordain, that inhabitants of such countries, after all English ships, as well as all the expiration of six weeks from the English property and all English date of this order, șliall be found goods, shall be seized by the magitradiyg, or to have traded, after such strates and others, in particular by six weeks have expired, at any hos- the officers of customs, wheresoever tile port, such vessel and goods, un- they may be found, It is further less going from, or coming to, a port our will, that all English subjects, of the united kingdom, shall be seized until, pursuant to our further orders, and be brought in for legal adjudi- , they can be sent out of the country, cation, and shall be condemned as shall without exception be arrested lawful prize to his majesty: and his as enemies of our kingdom and our majesty's principal secretaries of country, which measure is strictly state, the lords commissioners of" to be carried into execution by all the admiralty, and the judge of the magistrates, as well as by all subhigh court of admiralty, and judges ordinate officers, duly to be instructof the court of vice-admiralty, are ed by them for that purpose; and it to take the necessary measures here- is a matter of course, that all English in, as to them shall respectively ap- ships and boats which approach our pertain.

coasts shall be considered and treat(Signed)

ed as hostile. “ STEPHEN COTTRELL.” 5. It is also our will, that all sus

picious foreigners shall be watched

with the greatest attention, and that Danish Proclamation. magistrates, as well as all subordi

nate officers, shall use their utmost “We, Christian the Seventh, by efforts as soon as possible to discover the grace of God, king of Denmark, all spies.

. Norway, of the Wends and Goths, Lastly, we find it necessary to duke of Schleswig, Holstein, Stor- ordain, that, immediately after pubman, and Ditmarchea, also of Ol- lication hereof, all correspondence denburgh, &c. do herewith_make with English subjects shall entirely known, that whereas by the English cease, and that no payment shall be envoy Jackson, it was declared to us made to them on any ground whaton the 13th of this month, that hos- ever, until our further orders, on tilities against Denmark would be pain of severe punishment, in case commenced; and whereas, at the of contravention. same time he demanded passports “ For the rest we rely on the jusfor himself and his suite, conse- tice of our cause, and the courage quently the war between England and tried fidelity of our beloved and Denmark may be considered as subjects. actually broken out: Therefore we Given under our royal seal in herewith call on all our faithful sub- the fortress of Gluckstadt, the 16th · jects to take up arms, whenever it of August, 1807. shall be required, to frustrate the

(L. S.) ensidious designs of the enemy, and

“C. L. BART. V. BROCK DOFF. repel hostile attacks.

" J, C. MORITZ."


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Procluzation issued on the sixteenth cessary for the most active and deter

of August, ai Zeeland, by Ad- mined enterprize. miral Gambier and Lord Cath- “ We come, therefore, to your cart, Commanders in Chief of his shores, inhabitants of Zealand! not Majesty's Forces by Sea and Land, as enemies, but in self-defeuce, to employed in the Expedition. prevent those who have so long dis

turbed the peace of Europe, from “ Whereas the present treaties of compelling the force of your navy to peace, and the changes of govern- be turned against us. ment and of territory, acceded to “ We ask deposit, we have not by so many powers, have so far in- looked to capture ; so far from it, creased the influence of France on the most solemn pledge has been the continent of Europe as to render offered to your government, and is it impossible for Denmark, though hereby renewed in the name, and at it desires to be neutral, to preserve the express command of the king, its neutrality, and absolutely neces- our master, that if our demand is sary for those who continue to re- amicably acceded to, every ship besist the French aggression, to take longing to Denmark sball, at the conmeasures to prevent the arms of clusion of a general peace, be restored neutral powers froin being turned to her, in the same condition and state against them:

of equipment, as when received under “ In this view, the king cannot the protection of the British flag. regard the present position of Den- "It is in the power of your gomark with indifference, and his ma- vernment, by a word, to sheath our jesty has sent negociators with ample swords, most reluctantly drawn powers, to his Danish inajesty, to against you; but if, on the other request, in the most amicable man- band, the machinations of France ner, such explanations as the times render you deaf to the voice of rearequire, and a concurrence in such son, and the call of friendship, the measures, as can alone give security innocent blood that will be spilt, and against the farther mischiefs which the horrors of a besieged and bomthe French meditate, through the ac- barded capital, must fall.on your own quisition of the Danish navy. heads and those of your cruel advisers.

“ The king, our royal and most His majesty's seamen and solgracious master, has therefore judged diers, when on shore, will treat Zeait expedient, to desire the temporary land, as long as your conduct to deposit of the Danish ships of the them will permit it, on the footing line in one of his majesty's ports. of a province of the most friendly

This deposit seems to be so just, power in alliance with Great Britain, and so indispensably necessary, under whose territory has the misfortune to the relative circumstances of the be the theatre of war. neutral and belligerent powers, that “The

of all those who rehis majesty has further deemed it a main at home, and who do not take duty to himself, and to his people, an hostile part, will be held sacred. to support this demand by a power- Property will be respected and ful fleet, and by an army amply preserved, and the most severe dissupplied with every preparation ne- cipline will be enforced.


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