VOL. 2 PORTER-ALABAMA REPORTS. 4p 409 9 501 6p 412 32 47 30 495 9p 667 32 260 1 597 7p 130 52 136 2 100 9 6:20 3 385 2p 136 2 213 15 99 30 669 2 540 8 374 5p 491 36 719 19 450 36 640 39 720 40 533 64 351 Copyright, 1892, by Frank Shepard, Chicago. (Patent applied for.) Containing the Decisions of part of January, and of June Terms, 1835. TUSKALOOSA: PRINTED BY MARMADUKE J. SLADE. ..... 1836. The Reporter in issuing the Second Volume of these Reports, feels justified in tendering an apology to the Bench and Bar, for the imperfect situation of the first volume, published a year ago. That Book contains many errors, chiefly in regard to its typography, which, in consequence of absence, and domestic af. flictions at the time of its publication; the Reporter could personally neither obviate or remedy. It is with pleasure announced, that a second edition is in a state of preparation, and will soon be published, improved in every particular. It is believed that this Volume, however, is as free from imperfection, and as correctly executed, as Law books usually are; and it is hoped, will authorise the promise of still further improvement, in the forth coming volumes. But the Reporter is not satisfied, but that he owes to the members of the Bar some excuse for the appearance of the arguments. The duties of the Report. er are of an exceedingly arduous nature; and certainly do not permit that at. tention to the arguments of counsel, which is due to the character of the Bar. While the publication of the entire arguments in a cause, would be incompatible with the design of a book of Reports; it cannot be expected that an arbitrary selection, from a few unconnected notes, taken in the hurry of debate; would either satisfy the profession or do justice to the Reporter. It is therefore respectfully urged upon the members of the Bar, in all cases of sufficient importance, to furnish their positions in arguments, stated as concisely as possible; and thus relieve the Reporter from the labor and responsibility of preparing, what the Bar, may not always feel disposed to acknowledge as legitimate. TUSCALOOSA, JUNE 1836. |