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d'hier les navires canadiens autorisés à faire le cabotage en Suède à partir du 15 courant, toutefois sous condition que les navires suédois soient par réciprocité admis à faire le cabotage entre les ports canadiens.

En ce qui concerne la Norvège le cabotage est ouvert pour les navires de toutes les nations, en sorte qu'aucun arrêt n'a été rendu nécessaire.

Je Vous prie en conséquence de vouloir bien informer Votre Gouvernement que les navires canadiens seront admis au cabotage en Suède à partir du 15 courant et que cet avantage leur est déjà accordé en Norvège. En Vous priant également de me faire connaître en son temps la date à partir de laquelle le cabotage entre les ports canadiens sera ouvert aux navires suédois et norvégiens, je saisis etc.

Monsieur Erskine

etc. etc. etc.



Stockholm January 6, 1875.

In the month of October last Your Excellency did me the honour to intimate that from the 15:th of that month, the Coasting Trade of Sweden would be thrown open to vessels belonging to the Dominion of Canada, on condition that Swedish vessels were in like manner admitted to the Coasting Trade of the Dominion; and Your Excellency was pleased to add that the Coasting Trade of Norway was already open to the Flags of all nations on the same footing as the national Flag.

A copy of Your Excellency's aforesaid note having been communicated to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, I am now authorized to state to Your Excellency that from and after the fifth of last November the ships and vessels of Sweden and Norway were admitted to the Coasting Trade of the Dominion of Canada on the same terms and conditions as Canadian vessels, and I am directed to transmit to Your Excellency the enclosed copies of the Canada Gazette containing an Order of the Governor General in Council to that effect.

I avail myself etc. etc.

His Exc. General Björnstjerna,
Minister of State

& for Foreign Affairs.

E. M. Erskine.

Déclaration du 12 juillet 1881 concernant l'assistance à

donner aux marins délaissés.

Le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède et de Norvège et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, désirant régler l'assistance à donner, dans certains cas, aux marins délaissés des pays respectifs, les Soussignés, dûment autorisés à cet effet, sont convenus de ce qui suit:

Lorsqu'un marin de l'un des Etats Contractants, après avoir servi à bord d'un navire appartenant à l'autre Etat, se trouvera, par suite de naufrage ou pour d'autres causes, délaissé sans ressources soit dans un pays tiers, soit dans les Colonies de ce pays, soit dans les Colonies de l'Etat dont le navire porte le pavillon, le Gouvernement de ce dernier Etat sera tenu d'assister ce marin jusqu'à ce qu'il embarque de nouveau ou trouve un autre emploi, ou jusqu'à son arrivée dans son propre pays ou dans les Colonies de son pays, ou enfin jusqu'à son décès.

Il est toutefois entendu que le marin placé dans la situation prévue au paragraphe précédent devra profiter de la première occasion qui se présentera pour justifier, devant les autorités compétentes de l'Etat appelé à lui prêter assistance de son dénûment et des causes qui l'ont amené. Il devra prouver, en outre,

The Government of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway, and the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being desirous to make arrangements for the relief of distressed seamen of the respective nations in certain cases, the Undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have agreed as follows:

If a seaman of one of the Contracting States, after serving on board a ship of the other Contracting State, remains behind in a third State or in its Colonies, or in the Colonies of that State whose flag the ship carries, and the said seamen is in a helpless condition in consequence of shipwreck or from other causes, then the Governmentof that State whose flag the ship bears shall be bound to support the said seaman until he enters into ship-service again, or finds other employment, or until he arrives in his native State or its Colonies, or dies.

But this is on condition that the seaman so situated shall avail

shall avail himself of the first opportunity that offers to prove his necessitous condition and the causes thereof to the proper officials of the State whose support is to be solicited, and that the destitution is shown to be the natural consequence of the

que ce dénument est la conséquence naturelle de son débarquement. Faute de quoi, le marin sera déchu de son droit à l'assistance Il sera également déchu de ce droit dans le cas où il aura déserté, ou aura été renvoyé du navire pour avoir commis un crime ou un délit, ou l'aura quitté par suite d'une incapacité de service occasionnée par une maladie on une blessure résultant de sa propre faute.

L'assistance comprend l'entretien, l'habillement, les soins médicaux, les médicaments, les frais de voyage, et, en cas de mort, les dépenses de funérailles.

[blocks in formation]

termination of his service on board the ship; otherwise the aforesaid liability to afford relief lapses.

The said liability is also excluded if the seaman has deserted, or has been turned out of the ship for any criminal act, or has left it on account of disability for service in consequence of illness or wounding resulting from his own fault.

The relief includes maintenance, clothing, medical attendance, medicine, and travelling expenses; in case of death the funeral expenses are also to be paid.

The present Agreement shall come into operation on the 1st September, 1881, and shall continue in force until one of the Contracting Parties shall announce to the other, one year in advance, its intention to terminate it.

In witness whereof the Undersigned have signed the present Agreement, and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done in duplicate at London, the twelfth day of July, 1881.

Piper. Granville.

Notes ministérielles du 20 octobre 1880, du 30 juillet, du 20 septembre et du 21 novembre 1881 concernant des peines contre les personnes qui pénètrent ou restent sans autorisation à bord d'un navire.


Stockholm October 20, 1880.

I transmit herewith, at the request of the Board of Trade, an Extract from the Merchant Seamen (Payment of Wages and Rating) Act 1880«, and I have the honour to request Your Excellency to inform me whether the Swedish and Norwegian Government have enacted any such provision as that referred to in (1) of Section 6, and, if so, whether they are desirous that it should apply in the manner specified in (2) of Section 6 of the above-mentioned Act; that is to say, whether the Swedish and Norvegian Government have provided that any unauthorized persons going on board of British ships which are about to arrive or have arrived within their territorial waters shall be subject to provisions similar to those contained in Section 5 as applicable to persons going on board British ships at the end of their voyage, and, if so, whether the Swedish and Norwegian Government are desirous that the provisions of the said Section shall apply to unauthorized persons going on board of Swedish and Norwegian ships within the limits of British territorial jurisdiction.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my high consideration.

His Excellency

Baron de Hochschild,

Minister for Foreign Affairs,

etc. etc. etc.

E M Erskine.

Penalty for


Extract from the Merchant Seamen (Payment of Wages and Rating) Act 1880 43 and 44 Vict. chap. 16.

5. Where a ship is about to arrive, is arriving, or has arbeing on board rived at the end of her voyage, every person, not being in Her Majesty's service, or not being duly authorized by law for the purpose, who

ship without

permission before seamen

leave. See 17
and 18 Vict.
e. 104, s. 287.

(a.) Goes on board the ship, without the permission of the master, before the seamen lawfully leave the ship at the end of their engagement, or are discharged (whichever last happens; or

b.) Being on board the ship, remains there after being warned to leave by the master, or by a police officer, or by any officer of the Board of Trade or of the Customs,

Shall for every such offence be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding 20 1., or at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months; and the master of the ship or any officer of the Board of Trade may take him into custody, and deliver him up forthwith to a constable, to be taken before a court or magistrate capable of taking cognizance of the offence, and dealt with according to law.

Provisions contained in

6. Whenever it is made to appear to Her Majesty (1.) That the Government of any foreign country has pro- sec. 5 to apply vided that unauthorized persons going on board of British ships to ships belongwhich are about to arrive or have arrived within its territorial jurisdiction shall be subject to provisions similar to the provisions contained in the last preceding section as applicable to persons going on board British ships at the end of their voyages; and

(2.) That the Government of such foreign country is desirous that the provisions of the said section shall apply to unauthorized persons going on board of ships belonging to such foreign country within the limits of British territorial jurisdiction;

Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, declare that the pro visions of the said last preceding section shall apply to the ships of such country; and thereupon, so long as the Order remains in force, those provisions shall apply and have effect as if the ships of such country were British ships arriving, about to arrive, or had arrived at the end of their voyage.

ing to foreign countries in certain cases.


Stockholm, le 30 juillet 1881.

Par un office en date du 20 Octobre dernier, M. Erskine m'a transmis copie de certains articles du » Merchant Seamen Act<< de 1880 statuant des peines contre les personnes qui pénètrent sans autorisation à bord d'un navire anglais, articles dont l'application peut, en vertu de la dite loi, être étendue aux navires étrangers dans les eaux britanniques et il m'a prié de lui faire savoir si, dans le cas où nos législations contenaient des prescriptions analogues en faveur des navires anglais sur le territoire maritime des Royaumes-Unis, le Gouvernement du Roi désirait voir appliquer les dispositions de la loi Anglaise aux personnes qui pénètrent à bord de navires suédois ou norvégiens se trouvant dans les eaux britanniques.

J'ai l'honneur de Vous informer qu'aux termes du code pénal suédois, chapitre 11 § 10, quiconque se rend coupable de violation de la paix domestique en s'entroduisant à l'aide de violence ou autrement, contre le gré d'autrui dans son domicile, que se soit une cour, une maison ou un navire, ou en refusant de se retirer sur l'injonction qui lui en a été faite ou en s'y introduisant furtivement ou en s'y cachant, sans pouvoir justifier sa présence d'une manière satisfaisante, est puni d'une amende d'au moins, 10 couronnes ou d'un emprisonnement de 6 mois au plus. Ces dispositions sont applicables en faveur des navires anglais dans les eaux suédoises.

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