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Déclaration du 16 juillet 1883 pour la réglementation du commerce des spiritueux en Siam.

Art. 1. Spirits of all kinds not exceeding in alcoholic. strength those permitted to be manufactured by the Siamese Government in Siam may be imported and sold by Swedish or Norwegian subjects on payment of the same duty as that levied by the Siamese excise laws upon spirits manufactured in Siam; and spirits exceeding in alcoholic strength spirits. manufactured in Siam as aforesaid may be imported and sold upon payment of such duty and of a proportionate additional duty for the excess of alcoholic strength above the Siamese Government standard.

Beer and wines may be imported and sold by Swedish or Norwegian subjects on payment of the same duty as that levied by the Siamese excise laws upon similar articles manufactured in Siam, but the duty on imported beer and wines shall in no case exceed 10 per cent ad valorem.

The said duty on imported spirits, beer and wines shall be in substitution of, and not in addition to, the import duty, of 3 per cent leviable under the existing Treaties; and no further duty, tax, or imposition whatever shall be imposed on imported spirits, beer, and wines.

The scale of excise duty to be levied upon spirits, beer, and wines manufactured in Siam shall be communicated by the Siamese Government to His Majesty's Consul at Bangkok, and no change in the excise duties shall affect Swedish or Norwegian subjects until after the expiration of six months. from the date at which such notice shall have been com

municated by the Siamese Government to His Majesty's Representative at Bangkok.

Art. 2. The testing of spirits imported into the kingdom of Siam by Swedish or Norwegian subjects shall be carried out by European officials nominated by the Siamese authorities, and by an equal number of experts nominated by His Majesty's Consul. In case of difference the parties shall nominate a third person, who shall act as umpire.

Art. 3. The Siamese Government may stop the importation by Swedish or Norwegian subjects into Siam of any spirits which, on examination, shall be proved to be deleterious to the public health; and they may give notice to the importers, consignees, or holders thereof to export the same within three months from the date of such notice, and if this is not done the Siamese Government may seize the said spirits and may destroy them, provided always that in all such cases the Siamese Government shall be

bound to refund any duty which may have been already paid thereon.

The testing of spirits imported by Swedish or Norwegian subjects, and which may be alleged to be deleterious shall be carried out in the manner provided by Article 2.

The Siamese Government engage to take all necessary measures to prohibit and prevent the sale of spirits manufactured in Siam which may be deleterious to the public health.

Art. 4. Any Swedish or Norwegian subject who desires to retail spirituous liquors, beer, or wines in Siam must take out a special licence for that purpose from the Siamese Government, which shall not be refused without just and reasonable cause.

The licence may be granted upon conditions to be agreed upon from time to time between the two Governments.

Art. 5. Swedish and Norwegian subjects shall at all times enjoy the same rights and privileges in regard to the importation and sale of spirits, beer, wines and spirituous liquors in Siam as the subjects of the most favoured nation; and spirits, beer, wines, and spirituous liquors coming from any part of Sweden or Norway shall enjoy the same privileges in all respects as similar articles coming from any other country the most favoured in this respect.

It is therefore clearly understood that Swedish or Norwegian subjects are not bound to conform to the provisions of the present Agreement to any greater extent than the subjects of other nations are so bound.

Art. 6. Subject to the provisions of Article 5, the present Agreement shall come into operation on a date to be fixed by mutual consent between the two Governments, and shall remain in force until the expiration of six month's notice given by either party to determine the same.

The existing Treaty engagements between Sweden and Norway and Siam shall continue in full force until the present Agreement comes into operation and after that date, except in so far as they are modified hereby.

Should the present Agreement be terminated the Treaty engagements between Sweden and Norway and Siam shall revive, and remain as they existed previously to the signature hereof.

Art. 7. In this Agreement the words »Swedish and (or) Norwegian subject shall include any naturalized or protected subject of His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway; and the words >> His Majesty's Consul« shall include any Consular officer of Sweden and Norway in Siam.

In witness whereof the Undersigned have signed the same in duplicate, and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at Stockholm the sixteenth day of July 1883, corresponding to the twelfth day of waxing moon of the month Bhisagamas of the year of Goat, Fifth Decade 1245 of the Siamese Astronomical Era.

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Délimitation entre les provinces de Smaalenene et de Bahus, en date du 26 octobre 1661.

Den Stormægtigste Høybaarne Første og Herre Herr Friderich den Tredie, Danmarkes, Norges, Vendes og Gothes Konning, Hertug udj Slesvig, Holsten, Stormarn og Dytmersken, Greve udj Oldenborg og Delmenhorst, Vor allernaadigste Konning og Herres Fuldmægtige Comissarier Vi efterskrevne Georg Reichwein til Aggergaard, General Major i Norge og Oberste til Fods, Johan Friderich Marschalk til Evje gaard, Højbemte Kongl. Majts Befalingsmand over Mariæ Kirkes Provsti og Rakestad Lehn, og Niels Hanssen Meng Proviant Commissarius: Giøre hermed Vitterligt, at efterdj saasom udj det i forleden Aar Sluttede Fredsfordrag imellem Allerhøistbemelte Hands Kongl. Maj samt den Stormægtigste Høibaarne Første og Herre Herr Carll, Sverriges, Gothes og Vendes Konning og ArveFørste, Storførste til Findland, Hertug udj Skaane, Estland,

Thens Stormechtigste Hög. bårne Furstes och Herres Herr Carl Sweriges, Göthes och Wendes Konungh och Arffurstes, Stoorfurstes til Finlandh, Hertigh vthj Skåna, Estlandh, Lyflandt, Carelen, Brehmen, Venden, Stettin, Pommern, Cassuben och Wenden, Furstes til Rügen, Herres öffuer Jngermannelandh, og Wismar, Så och Pfaltzgreffues wijdh Rhein i Beyern, til Gulich Cleue och Bergen Hertigh, Wår allernådigste Konungz och Herres Fullmechtige Commissarier, Wij Effterskrefuene Johan Gustafson Örnewinge til Högboholm, Flode og Hede, Assessor i den Högb. Kongl. Götharijkes Hoffrätt, sampt Vice Laghman öffuer Wäsmannelandh, Berglagen och Dalarne, och Gerhard Leijonkrantz til Toleröö Præsident i den Kongl. Stapel Stadhen Götheborg, Giöre härmedh witterligitt, at emädan såsom ethj dett i förledne Ähret slutne Fridzfördraget,


Lifland, Carelen, Verden, Casuben og Wenden, Første til Rugen, Herre over Ingermanland og Vismer, Saa og Pfaltzgreve ved Rhin i Bejeren, til Gullich, Cleve og Bergen Hertug Er forafskedet, at paa begge Sider skulle visse Fuldmægtiger Forordnes, som kunde besigtige, adskille og adjoustere alle Grentzer, Raamerker og tvistigheder imellem de aftredde og indrymte og dernest beholdne provincier og Lehn, Paa det ald trætte og misforstand desto beqvemmere maatte forekommes, og hver i Roe nyde, det hand er berettiget til, Saa haver allerhøistbemte Hands Kongl. Maj i des ansunde allernaadt behaget dertil at Forordne OS Trende, med allernaad instruction og befaling at tilligemed allerhøistbemte Hands Kongl. Majts af Sverrige Fuldmægtige indstille os paa de Smaalehnske Grentzer under Aggershuus Lehn, og dj samme med dem fra Bahuuslehns Grentzer tilbørligen deele og adskille, Hvilket Vj og Allerunderdan- og ydmygeligsten haver efterkommet, og med Kongl. Majts af Sverrige Forordnede Fuldmægtige De Velædle og Velbaarne Herrer Herr Johan Gustafson Örnewinge til Höjsboholm, Flada og Heyde, Assessor udj den Høyloflige Kongelige Gotterriges Hof Ræt samt Vice Laugmand over Wesmanland, Bergslagen og Dalerne og Herr Gerhard Leijoncrantz til Toleröe, Præsident udj den

Stetin, Pomeren,


emillan allerhögstbete Kongl. Majt sampt den Stoormechtigste Höghbårne Fürsten och Herren, Herr Friderich den Tredije, Danmarkz, Norges, Wendes och Gothes Konungh, Hertigh vthj Sleswig, Holsteen, Stormarn och Dytmarschen, Greffue vthj Oldenburg og Delmenhorst ähr förafskedat det på begge sijdor skulle visse Fullmechtige förordnas som kunne besichtiga åhtskillia och adjoustera alle Grentz Råmerken, och twister emillan de affträdde och inrymbde, och dernäst beholdne provincier och Lähne, på dhet all Trätta och Misförståndh, deste bequemare måtte forebyggias, och huar i Roo niuta, det han är berättigat til, Så hafuer mehr allerhögstbte Hans Kongl. Maijt i dess anseende allernådigst behagat, at dertil förordna, os begge mädh allernådigste Instruction och befallningh, att tillijka mädh Allerhögstbte Hans Kongl.

Maij aff Danmark og Norrige Fullmechtige instella os på Bohuuslähns Grentzen och den samma mädh dem ifrån Aggershuus Lähns Grentzen tilbörligen deela, og Ähtskillia; Huilket wij och allerunnerdån- och ödmiukligst hafue effterkommit, och medh Kongl. Maijt af Danmarkz, og Norrige förordnade Fullmechtige, de Wäl Edle, Wälborne, og Wälbetrodde Herrar, Herr Georg Reichwein til Aggersgårdh, General Majour vthj Norrige og Öfuerste til Footh. Herr Johan Friderich

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