| English literature - 1786 - 710 pages
...fori'.iki-D, and to compare and collate the diftrefles of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and is as full of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery, a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt, .more or lefs,... | |
 | Edmund Burke - Great Britain - 1780 - 206 pages
...forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to vifit the forfaken, and to compare and collate the diftrefies of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery ; a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt more or lefs in... | |
 | SEVERAL HANDS. - 1781 - 590 pages
...forgotten, to attend to toe neglected, to vifit the forfaken, and to compare and collate the ditlrefles of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery ; a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt more or left in... | |
 | History - 1781 - 732 pages
...forgotten, to attcnd'to the neglected, to viut the forfaken, and to compare and collate the diftreffes of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and it is as full of genius as it is of humani». It was a voyage of dilcovery ; a circumnavigation of charily. Already the benefit of his... | |
 | Early English newspapers - 1786 - 678 pages
...to attend to the negle&ed, to vifit the forfaken, and to compare and collate the di(lrefle« of ail men in all countries. His plan is original ; and it...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery, a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt, more or Icfs,... | |
 | History - 1788 - 734 pages
...forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to vilu the forfaken, and to compare and collate the diftreffes of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of dif'covery ; a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt more or lefs... | |
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1788 - 762 pages
...forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to vifit theforfaken, and to compare and collate the diftreffes of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery ; a circumnavigation of charitv. Already the benefit of his labour is felt more or lefs in... | |
 | Edmund Burke - Great Britain - 1792 - 676 pages
...forgotten, to attend to the neglected, to vifit the forfaken, and to compare and collate the diftreffes of all men in all countries. His plan is original ; and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovery ; a circumnavigation of charity. Already the benefit of his labour is felt more or lefs in... | |
 | Jeremiah Whitaker Newman - Anecdotes - 1796 - 296 pages
...his death, in the Cathedral of St. Paul. " The plan of Mr. Howard," faid a parliamentary orator, " is original, and it is as full of genius^ as it is of humanity. He has vifited all Europe, not to furvey the fumptuoufnefs of palaces, or the ftatelinefs of temples,... | |
 | Charles M'Cormick - 1798 - 402 pages
...forgotten, to attend to the neglefted, to vifit the forfaken, and to compare and collate the diftrefles of all men in all countries. His plan is original, and...of genius as it is of humanity. It was a voyage of difcovcry — a circumnavigation of charity." The beauty of this panegyric is confiderably heightened... | |
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