PART I. OF THE INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION OF THE GOVERNMENT. TITLE I. OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE-LEGISLATURE-STATUTES PUBLIC REPORTS AND DOCUMENTS-STATE LIBRARY AND OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY VACANT LANDS. CHAPTER I. Of the Jurisdiction of the State, and Places Ceded to the United States. II. Of the Legislature. III. Of the Statutes. IV. Of Public Reports and Documents. V. Of the State Library and other Public Property. CHAPTER I. OF THE JURISDICTION OF THE STATE, AND PLACES CEDED TO THE UNITED STATES. SEC. 1. Jurisdiction of the State of South Carolina. Reciprocity as to chartered privile ges between Georgia and South Carolina Places ceded to the United States, ! and subject to concurrent juris- 1. Light-house on Middle Bay Isl 2. Seven acres of land on North Isl- 5. Fort Pinckney, Charleston County. 6. Sand bank on South-east Point of Charleston. 7. Ten acres on Blythe's Point, Sampit River, in Georgetown County. 8. Mustard Island, and seven acres on St. Helena Island, Beaufort County. 9. Five acres in Beaufort, Beaufort County. 10. Fort Mechanic, Charleston Coun. ty. 11. One hundred feet on Haddrell's Point, Charleston County. Jurisdiction of the State of SECTION 1. That the sovereignty and jurisdiction of this State South Carolina. extends to all places within its bounds, which are hereby declared to be as follows: North Carolina line. Survey of 1737. Survey of 1772, 409; 1815, 1, 420. The Northern line, beginning at a point on the sea shore, about a mile and a quarter east of the mouth of Little River, runs in a Survey of 1735. northwest direction, sixty-four and one-half miles, to a point two miles north west of one of the branches of Little Pee Dee River; thence in the same direction, twenty-two miles, to a stake in a meadow; Survey of 1764. thence, in a direction due west, a distance of sixty-two miles, to a point where the said line intersects the Charleston road, (at sixtyGov. Swain; I, one miles,) near the Waxhaw Creek; thence along the line extending from this point to the Tryon Mountain; thence, from a stone set up and marked "S. C. and N. C., September 15th, 1815," running west, four miles and ninety poles, to a stone marked "S. C. and N. C.;" thence South, twenty-five degrees west, one hundred and eighteen poles, to a chestnut on the top of the Ridge dividing the waters of the North Fork of Pacolet River from the waters of the North Fork of the Saluda River; thence along the various courses of the said Ridge, (agreeably to the Plat and Survey of the Commissioners and Surveyors accompanying their report, dated 24 November, 1815,) to the Ridge that divides the Saluda waters from those of Green River; thence along the various courses of the said Ridge, agreeably to the said Plat and Survey, to a stone set up where the said Ridge joins the Ridge which divides the eastern from the western waters, and which stone is marked "S. C. and N. C., September 28th, A. D. 1815;" thence along the various courses of the said Ridge, agreeably to the said Plat and Survey, to a stone set up on that part of it which is intersected by the Cherokee boundary line, run in the year 1797, and which stone is marked "S. C. and N. C., 1813;" and from the said last mentioned stone, on the top of the said Ridge, at the point of intersection aforesaid, a direct line, south, sixty-eight and one-fourth degrees west, twenty miles and eleven poles, to the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude, at the Rock in the east bank of Chatooga River, marked "Latitude thirty-five degrees, A. D. 1813;" which line, from the termination of the line of 1772 to the Chatooga River, is, in all, a distance of twenty-four miles and one hundred and eighty-nine poles. Watkin's Digest, 737. Beaufort Con vention. P. L., 460; 1787, I, 411. Shultz v. Bank, From the State of Georgia, South Carolina is divided by the Sa- Georgia Line. vannah River, from its entrance into the Ocean to the confluence of the Tugaloo and Keowee Rivers; thence by the Tugaloo River to the confluence of the Tugaloo and Chatooga Rivers; thence by the Chatooga River to the North Carolina line aforesaid, in the thirty- u. s. S. C., 122. fith degree of north latitude, the line being low-water mark at the Southern shore of the most northern stream of said rivers where the middle of the rivers is broken by islands, and middle thread of the ver Case, U. S. stream where the rivers flow in one stream or volume. On the East, the State is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, from the mouth of the Savannah River to the Northern boundary, near the mouth of Little River, including all the Islands. MS.. per John son, J. S. C., 5 Wheat., 374. Eastern boundary, Atlantic Ocean. Original Charters S. C., Trott's Laws. Reciprocity as to chartered pri Georgia Proviso. SEC. 2. Any charter or franchise granted, or to be granted, by the State of Georgia, for the purpose of building and establishing bridges or ferries over the Savannah River, shall have full effect leges between within the limits and jurisdiction of the State of South Carolina, to the same extent, in all respects, as if such charter or franchise had been granted by the State of South Carolina: Provided, That the State of Georgia do, by law, provide that equal effect be given in 1851, XII, 119. the State of Georgia to charters and franchises granted by this State; and that the legal validity and effect of a charter, granted by either of the said States for the purposes aforesaid, shall be subjeet to this limitation and restriction, that no such charter, from either State, shall prevent the other State from granting a charter for a bridge or ferry over the Savannah River at any place, however near the place, where a bridge or ferry is or may be established, under a charter from the other State. Places ceded to the United SEC. 3. That, in respect to the places within the boundaries ceded by the State to the United States, the jurisdiction of this State is States and subconcurrent with that of the United States, according to the terms of rent jurisdiccession in each case respectively. The places ceded are as follows: 1. The light-house on Middle Bay Island, within the bar of ject to concur tion, viz: Middle Bay Is ton harbor. 1790, V, 148. Light-house on Charleston harbor, bounded, to the north, by a small inlet passing land, in Charles between the said island and Morris Island; to the south, by an inlet called the Folly Inlet; to the east, by the Atlantic Ocean; and to the west, by a sound or creek passing between the said Middle Bay Island, and the other island aforesaid; together with the lands and tenements thereunto belonging, and together with the jurisdiction of the same, as far as the same shall be incident and essential for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other needful buildings, and the appointment of officers, and general regulation of the said light-house, forts, magazines, arsenals and dockyards, in fee-simple, in as full, ample and effectual manner as the premises could be granted, aliened, transferred, conveyed and confirmed, by any deed or devise, in due form of law; upon the special proviso and condition, nevertheless, that the said United States shall sufficiently support, maintain and keep in good repair, and rebuild, when necessary, the said light-house, from time to time, and at all times hereafter; and shall also erect, or cause to be erected, proper leading marks to and for, or as appending to, the said light-house, and cause buoys to be stationed in fit places for the further and better facilitating and securing the navigation; and that all expenses which shall accrue in, for and about the said lighthouse or the leading marks and buoys above mentioned, shall be defrayed out of the Treasury of the United States. Seven acres of Jand on North town County. 1797, V, 309. 2. Seven acres of land on North Island, in Georgetown County, Island. George butting and bounding to the eastward on the sea, to the west and north by lands belonging to Paul Trapier, and to the south by Winyaw Bay: Provided, nevertheless, That nothing contained in this cession shall be construed to exclude or prevent any process, criminal or civil, issuing from any of the Courts of this State, from being served or executed within the limits of the said tract of seven acres of land. Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's Is County. 1805, V, 501, 3. All the lands reserved for Fort Moultrie, on Sullivan's Island, land, Charleston in Charleston County-provided the same shall not exceed five acres with all the forts, fortifications and buildings thereon, together with the canal leading from the cove on the back of the fort, nearly up to the same, as delineated on the plan of Charleston harbor by Col. Senf, in the Secretary of State's office at Columbia. $1. 4. The high lands and part of the marsh belonging to Fort Johnston, as delineated on the said plan of Charleston harborprovided the same shall not exceed twenty acres-including the present site of Fort Johnston. 5. The land on which Fort Pinckney is built, and three acres around the same-Charleston County. Sand Bark, on 6. A portion of the sand bank marked "C," on the south-eastern- South-east point most point of Charleston, as delineated on the said plan of Charles- of Charleston. ton harbor, not exceeding two acres. Ib. Ten acres on Blythe's Point, Sampit River, in Georgetown 7. A lot, not exceeding four acres, for a battery or fort, and necessary buildings, on Dr. Blythe's point of land, at the mouth of Sampit River, Georgetown County, and a quantity of land, not ex- County. ceeding six acres, on Dr. Blythe's said point of land, at the mouth of Sampit River, adjoining, and in addition to, the said four acres, and for the same purposes. Ib. Mustard Is land, and 7 acres 8. Mustard Island, opposite Parris' Island, in Beaufort River, and a tract of land on St. Helena Island, opposite the same, not on St. Helena exceeding seven acres― -Beaufort County. Island. 1805, V, 501. Beaufort. 9. Five acres of the public lands, near the town of Beaufort, in- Five acres in cluding the site of Fort Lyttleton, Beaufort County, for the pur-1508, V, 576, § 4. pose of erecting a fort. Fort Mechanic, Charleston County. 10. The lots or tracts of land whereon Fort Mechanic is erected, and such other lots and parcels of land as may be considered necessary to that establishment, so soon as they shall have been conveyed 1813, V, 695, § 1. by Christopher Williman and William Holmes to the United States, for all purposes necessary to the maintenance of a military post: Provided, however, That nothing in this cession shall be construed to prevent any process, civil or criminal, issuing from any of the Courts of this State, or any other competent authority, from being served or executed within the limits of the said lots or tracts of land so to be conveyed by the said Christopher Williman and William Holmes to the United States: And provided, also, That nothing contained in this cession shall be so construed as to impair the rights and privileges vested in the City Council of Charleston, under their charter of incorporation, who are hereby also authorized and empowered to relinquish their right of jurisdiction in and over the land aforesaid. Haddrell's Point, Charleston Co. 1823, VI, 220. 11. One hundred feet square of land, on Haddrell's Point, Charles- One hundred ton County, (conveyed by Mrs. Rebecca Bee Barksdale, for the use feet on of the United States,) for the purpose of erecting a beacon thereon: Provided, nevertheless, That nothing contained herein shall be construed to exclude or prevent any process, civil or criminal, issuing from the Courts of this State, from being served or executed within the limits of the said cession. on One acre Otter Island, in Colleton Coun ty; one acre on 12. One acre of land on Otter Island, in Colleton County, for a light-house; one acre of land on the north side of Station Creek, near St. Helena Island, in Beaufort County, for the erection of a beacon-light; and one acre of land on Bob's Island, at the entrance of Scull Creek, in Beaufort County, for the erection of a beacon- t ight: Provided, That the said lands, when purchased by, or vested station Creek, Bob's Island, in and one acre on Beaufort Coun 1837, VI, 569. |