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(b.) Passenger carriages requiring extensive


Passenger carriages requiring average repairs Passenger carriages requiring running repairs (c.) Goods wagons requiring complete overhauling for running repairs or extensive repairs... Requiring running repairs


8 months. 4 months. 10 days.

3 months.

10 days.

The cost of the repairs will be determined in the following

[blocks in formation]

Rolling-stock requiring casual repairs will be placed in one of the above categories or will be estimated separately in accordance with the 1914 prices.

5. Should it be ascertained that in the locomotives restored to Poland the essential parts of the engine are lacking (framework. boilers, &c.), and that subsidiary portions (instruments, fittings, &c.) are wholly or partially lacking, Russia and the Ukraine will pay to Poland the price of these parts after deducting 5 per cent. for the costs incurred in connection with the repair of all the locomotives to

be restored.

6. The wear and tear of the rolling-stock for broad-gauge lines which is to be made good to Poland in the form of money amounts to 120,000 gold roubles, which will be deducted from the sum referred to in the second paragraph of Article 1 of Part I of the present Annex.

Part III.

1. In view of the fall in the purchasing power of gold, sums in gold roubles arrived at in accordance with the stipulations in the previous Articles will be increased by 60 per cent.

2. The rolling-stock which belongs to any district and is to be restored will be collected in groups at certain points, where it will be examined by representatives of the Mixed Restitution Commission in any manner which they deem necessary, without, however, imposing too heavy a burden on the local workshops. The Commission will then classify the rolling-stock in the various categories mentioned above, will estimate, should it think it desirable, the cost of repairs in accordance with the 1914 price, and will draw up a protocol of receipt in which it will indicate the class, the cost of repairs and the price of the parts, the absence of which has been ascertained.

On the completion of this duty, it will despatch the rolling-stock thus selected to the frontier stations, where it will be handed over to Poland. At these stations no new certificate shall be drawn up: the state and amount of the rolling-stock shall merely be examined

to see if it corresponds to the information given in the certificate of receipt.

3. In principle, rolling-stock restored to Poland must be despatched to frontier stations, with all the parts necessary to enable it to be placed on the rails. If the Russo-Ukrainian members of the Mixed Restitution Commission should, however, ascertain, after the local railway administration has examined the information given by the Polish members of the Mixed Restitution Commission with regard to the place where these parts are to be found, that the parts in question are missing, the rolling-stock will be handed over without these parts.

4. All accounts arising from the condition of the rolling-stock restored will be brought together under one head and not drawn up separately for each group handed over.

Part IV.

Rolling-stock and other railway material belonging to private companies and rolling-stock belonging to private corporations and individuals in Poland which has been removed from the territory. of Poland into Russia or the Ukraine will be restored in accordance with the provisions of Article XV of the Treaty of Peace, as the provisions of Article XIV of the Treaty of Peace and the present Annex do not apply to this material.

ANNEX No. 5.

Supplementary Protocol to Article II of the Treaty of Peace between Poland, Russia and the Ukraine.

IN order to extend and complete the provisions of Article II of the Treaty of Peace, the two Contracting Parties have agreed as follows:

1. The obligation undertaken by the two Parties, namely, to grant each other the right of free navigation and free rafting, with the use of towpaths, on that part of the Dwina which forms the frontier, shall come into force from the date of the signature of the Treaty of Peace.

2. Poland shall grant the same privileges to Russia, the Ukraine and White Russia on that part of the Dwina which forms the frontier between Poland and Latvia.

3. Without the special consent of the other Party, it shall not be lawful for either Contracting Party to undertake works on the banks or in the neighbourhood of the river, or to set up hydraulic plant as a result of which the waterways in the territory of the other Contracting Party might be deteriorated. The same rule shall apply to any construction which might raise the level of the water beyond the frontier of that State.

4. Should natural obstacles preventing navigation, rafting or the free flow of the current be formed in the bed of rivers constituting the frontier or used in common as waterways, each of the two Parties undertakes to remove such obstacles at the request of the other Party. The cost of dredging shall be fixed and divided between the Parties concerned in accordance with an Agreement to be concluded beforehand.

5. The question of damming rivers forming the frontier shall be settled by an Agreement between the two States.

6. The construction of drainage canals connected with a river forming the frontier shall be permitted in so far as such works do not injure the other Party.

This present Protocol shall form an integral part of the Treaty of Peace; it is binding in the same manner as the Treaty and shall come into force with the signature of the Treaty of Peace.

In faith whereof the Plenipotentiaries of the Contracting Parties have signed this present Protocol.

Riga, March 18, 1921.

[blocks in formation]

DECLARATION between Portugal and Spain relative to the Renunciation by Portugal of Capitulatory Rights in the Spanish Zone in Morocco.-Lisbon, July 20, 1918.*

[Ratifications exchanged at Lisbon, January 27, 1922.]


THE undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, make the following Declaration by common accord.

Taking into consideration the guarantees of judicial equality offered to foreigners by the Spanish tribunals in the Protectorate, Portugal renounces her claim, on behalf of her Consuls, citizens and establishments, in the Spanish zone of the Shereefian Empire, to the rights and privileges arising out of the régime of the Capitulations, which, as far as she is concerned, are considered abolished.

All Treaties and Conventions of any kind in force between Portugal and Spain shall, in the absence of any clause to the contrary, apply as of right to the Spanish zone of the Shereefian Empire.

Transitory Provision.

Between the Spanish High Commissioner in Morocco and the Portuguese Diplomatic Agent in Tangier a definite list shall be drawn up of the old Portuguese protected subjects who will remain, as they live, liable to the Spanish tribunals under the same conditions as the protected subjects of the Powers which have renounced their tribunals and their capitulatory privileges in the Spanish zone of the Shereefian Empire.

* Signed in the l'ortuguese and Spanish languages.

The present Declaration shall be ratified and shall take effect thirty days after the exchange of ratifications. Done at Lisbon, in duplicate, the 20th July, 1918. (L.S.) JOAUQIN DO ESPIRITO SANTO LIMA. (L.S.) ALEJANDRO PADILLA.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Portugal and Sweden embodying an Agreement relative to the Exchange of Notifications concerning Lunatics.-Madrid, July 4, and Lisbon, September 20, 1921.*

(No. 1.)-The Swedish Minister at Madrid to the Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Ministre. Madrid, le 4 juillet 1921. CONFORMÉMENT aux stipulations de Conventions conclues, à titre de réciprocité, entre la Suède et plusieurs autres pays, l'admission des aliénés, ressortissants de ces pays, dans les maisons d'aliénés suédoises, leur sortie de ces établissements ainsi que leur décès sont depuis quelque temps communiqués régulièrement aux Gouvernements de leurs pays respectifs par l'intermédiaire de leurs représentants diplomatiques accrédités auprès de Sa Majesté le Roi.

Ces communications ont pour but de permettre d'informer les parents du malade et de les mettre à même de sauvegarder leurs intérêts ainsi que ceux du malade. En même temps elles donnent aux autorités du pays du malade l'occasion de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour pourvoir aux soins de sa personne et de sa fortune.

Mon Gouvernement, estimant qu'il serait très désirable de recevoir des notifications de même nature concernant tout ressortissant suédois qui serait atteint à l'étranger de maladies mentales, m'a chargé de proposer à votre Excellence, à titre de réciprocité, les Articles suivants :

ART. 1. Quand un ressortissant portugais sera atteint en Suède d'aliénation mentale, son internement dans une maison d'aliénés ou sa sortie d'un tel établissement ou éventuellement sa mort sera notifié à la Légation de Portugal à Stockholm.

II. Les notifications prévues à l'Article 1er devront mentionner le nom de la maison d'aliénés où le malade est interné et contenir, si possible, les indications suivantes concernant le malade:

1. Nom et prénom.

2. Date et lieu de naissance.

3. Qualités ou professions.



League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 183.

4. Domicile à l'époque de l'internement dans l'établissement d'aliénés.

5. Dernier domicile dans le pays d'origine.

6. Noms et prénoms, &c., des père et mère, ou, si ceuxci sont décédés, noms et prénoms des plus proches parents avec indication de leur domicile.

7. Si le malade est marié, nom et prénoms de l'autre époux et indication de son domicile.

a été interné dans

8. Date à laquelle le malade l'établissement ou en est sorti, ou y est décédé.

9. Nom de la personne à la demande de laquelle le malade a été interné dans l'établissement.

10. Si l'admission a eu lieu en raison d'un rapport médical, date de ce rapport ainsi que le nom et le domicile du médecin.

11. Etat du malade et s'il permet son rapatriement, ainsi qu'indication du nombre de convoyeurs nécessaires pour surveiller le transport.

III. Dans tout cas où le Gouvernement suédois réclame le rapatriement d'un ressortissant portugais, atteint d'aliénation mentale, la demande sera accompagnée d'une notification, contenant les indications prévues à l'Article II.

IV. Lorsqu'un ressortissant portugais, atteint d'une maladie mentale, est rapatrié, le dossier médical du malade tenu à la maison d'aliénés sera communiqué aux autorités compétentes portugaises.

En portant ce qui précède à la connaissance de votre Excellence, j'ai l'honneur de la prier de bien vouloir m'informer si le Gouvernement portugais serait disposé à conclure avec la Suède l'Arrangement dont il s'agit.

Je suis autorisé à ajouter que cette proposition sera considérée par mon Gouvernement comme un engagement dès que le Gouvernement portugais en aura assuré la réciprocité, laquelle, selon l'avis de mon Gouvernement, serait établie si votre Excellence voulait bien insérer dans sa réponse, avec les modifications nécessaires, les stipulations visées ci-dessus.

Veuillez agréer, &c.


(No. 2.)--The Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Swedish Chargé d'Affaires at Madrid.



Lisbon, September 20, 1921. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the Note dated the 4th July last, communicated by your Legation, with regard to the conclusion of an Agreement by means of an interchange of Notes between your Government and the Govern

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