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ment of the Portuguese Republic on the subject of a reciprocal exchange of information with reference to the confinement, release or death of insane persons, who are nationals of either of the two countries, and are detained in the asylums of the other country.

In reply, I have the honour to inform you that the Government of the Republic accepts the proposal as submitted by your Government and containing the following provisions:

ART. I. Should any Swedish subject be attacked in Portugal with mental disease, his confinement in a lunatic asylum or his release from such an institution or his death, as the case may be, shall be notified to the Swedish Legation at Lisbon.

II. [The wording of this Article is identical with that of Article II in the previous Note.]

III. In all cases where the Portuguese Government demands the repatriation of a Swedish subject suffering from mental disease, the request shall be accompanied by a notification containing the information referred to under Article II.

IV. When a Swedish subject suffering from mental disease is repatriated, the medical record of the patient, which is kept in the lunatic asylum, shall be communicated to the competent Swedish authorities.

The present Note and the Note from your Legation, to which this is a reply, constitute a formal Agreement on this subject between the Government of the Portuguese Republic and the Government of His Majesty the King of Sweden. I have, &c.


EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Roumania and Sweden establishing an Agreement for the Renewal of the International Convention for the Transport of Goods by Rail, signed at Berne, October 14, 1890, and relevant Acts. Stockholm, November 21/25, 1921.*

(No. 1.)-The Roumanian Chargé d'Affaires at Stockholm to the President of the Swedish Council and Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Président du Conseil,


le 21 novembre 1921.

EN me référant à la lettre de son Excellence le Comte Wrangel, en date du 6 juin 1921, j'ai l'honneur, pour constater l'accord entre nos deux Gouvernements, ainsi qu'il

*Official French text. "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 190.

avait été prévu dans les pourparlers qui viennent d'avoir lieu, de déclarer officiellement par la présente que le Gouvernement du Roi est d'accord avec celui de Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède pour renouveler purement et simplement la Convention de Berne du 14 octobre 1890* et les Actes qui la complètent.

Cet Accord pourra être dénoncé d'année en année moyennant un préavis de trois mois. Cette dénonciation devra être faite au plus tard le 30 septembre pour avoir son effet le premier janvier suivant.

Je saisis, &c.


(No. 2.)-The President of the Swedish Council and Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Roumanian Chargé d'Affaires at Stockholm.

M. le Chargé d'Affaires,


le 25 novembre 1921.

EN me référant à votre lettre du 21 de ce mois, j'ai l'honneur, pour constater l'accord entre nos Gouvernements ainsi qu'il avait été prévu dans les pourparlers qui viennent d'avoir lieu, de déclarer officiellement par la présente que le Gouvernement du Roi est d'accord avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi de Roumanie pour renouveler purement et simplement la Convention de Berne du 14 octobre 1890 et les Actes qui la complètent.

Cet Accord pourra être dénoncé d'année en année moyennant un préavis de trois mois. Cette dénonciation devra être faite au plus tard le 30 septembre pour avoir son effet le premier janvier suivant.

Veuillez agréer, &c.


SPANISH NOTIFICATION of the Denunciation by Roumania of the Treaty of Commerce between Roumania and Spain, signed at Vienna, December 1, 1908.Madrid, April 9, 1921.†


Ministry of State,

Madrid, April 9, 1921.

THE Minister Plenipotentiary of Roumania has notified this Department, in a Note dated the 4th of the present month, that his Government denounces the Treaty of

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Commerce concluded between Spain and that country on the 1st December, 1908.*

The said Treaty will accordingly cease to have effect as from the 4th April, 1922.

This is made public for general information.


Acting Under-Secretary.

SPANISH NOTIFICATION of the Denunciation by Spain of the Commercial Convention between Italy and Spain, signed at Madrid, March 30, 1914.-Madrid, May 29, 1921.


Ministry of State,

Madrid, May 29, 1921. THE Government of His Majesty notified the Italian Government on the 26th instant of its intention to terminate the Commercial Convention of the 30th March, 1914.‡

The said Convention will therefore cease to be effective as from the 26th June next, that is, one month after the date of the above-mentioned notification, in accordance with the terms agreed upon by both Governments.

This is made public for general information with reference to the notices published in the "Gaceta de Madrid" of the 18th April last.


Acting Under-Secretary.

SPANISH NOTIFICATION of an Exchange of Notes of June 9, 1921, between Spain and Switzerland, providing for the application of the Duties in the Second Column of the Spanish Tariff to Swiss Goods and the Duties levied under the Commercial Treaty, September 1, 1906, to Spanish Goods.-Madrid, June 10, 1921.||


Ministry of State,

Madrid, June 10, 1921. By an Exchange of Notes on the 9th instant, it has been agreed between the Government of Spain and the Swiss Federal Council that Spanish goods, on being imported into

* Vol. CI, page 1049.

Vol. CVII, page 947.

+"Gaceta de Madrid," June 1, 1921.

§ This was a Spanish notification of the prolongation of the Commercial Convention of March 30, 1914, subject to one month's notice of termination.

Gaceta de Madrid," June 13, 1921.

Switzerland, shall continue paying until the 1st July next the same duties as were levied under the Commercial Treaty of the 1st September, 1906,* which ceased to be valid on the 30th May last, and that until the said date the duties applicable to Swiss goods imported into Spain shall be those in the second column of the Spanish tariff at present in force.

Which is made public for general information, with reference to the notice inserted in the Gaceta de Madrid" on the 24th March last.


Acting Under-Secretary.

SPANISH NOTIFICATION of an Exchange of Notes between Denmark and Spain of June 18, 20, 1921, providing for the application of the Duties in the Second Column of the Spanish Tariff to Goods from Denmark and Iceland, and for Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment of Spanish Goods imported into those Countries.-Madrid. June 22, 1921.‡


Ministry of State,

Madrid, June 22, 1921. By an Exchange of Notes of the 18th and 20th instant, the Spanish and Danish Governments have agreed that, during one month from the 20th instant, the duties in the second column of the Spanish tariff of the 17th May last shall be applied to merchandise coming from Denmark and Iceland, with the modifications introduced therein by the Royal Order of the 3rd June: and that Spanish merchandise shall, on being imported into Denmark and Iceland, receive most-favoured-nation treatment.

Furthermore, by virtue of this Agreement, the stipulations of the Treaty dated the 4th July, 1893, § which have no relation with the tariff régime, will remain in force for a period of three months beginning on the 20th instant, that is to say, Articles I, II, III, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI. XII, XIII and XIV of the said Treaty and paragraphs 1 and 3 of its final Protocol.

It is also stipulated in this Agreement that Spanish subjects may establish themselves in Denmark without hindrance and devote themselves freely to the conducting of

* Vol. CI, page 610.

This was the Spanish notification of the temporary prolongation of the Commercial Treaty of September 1, 1906. + "Gaceta de Madrid," June 26, 1921. § Vol. LXXXV, page 866.

Vol. LXXXV, page 871.

business and industrial enterprises as do Danish subjects in Spain.

Which is made public for general information.


SPANISH NOTIFICATION of the Exchange of Notes, dated July 4/7, 1921, establishing a Modus Vivendi between Belgium and Spain applying the Second Column of the Spanish Tariff to Belgian Goods imported into Spain, and conceding Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment to Spanish Goods imported into Belgium.—Madrid, July 8, 1921.*


Ministry of State,

Madrid, July 8, 1921. By an Exchange of Notes of the 4th and 7th instant the Governments of Belgium and Spain have agreed upon a provisional tariff régime by which Spain concedes to Belgian goods the second column of the tariff of the 17th May last, t with the modifications therein introduced by the Royal Order of the 3rd June following, while Belgium on her side will apply her lowest duties to Spanish goods.

This Agreement, which will take effect after the 4th instant, will remain in force for a period of three months beyond which it will continue to hold good for one month after either of the Contracting Parties denounce it. Which is made public for general information. E. DE PALACIOS,


SPANISH NOTIFICATION of the Exchange of Notes, dated July 11/12, 1921, establishing a Modus Vivendi between Spain and Switzerland, applying the Second Column of the Spanish Tariff to Swiss Goods imported into Spain, and conceding Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment to Spanish Goods imported into Switzerland.Madrid, July 13, 1921.


Ministry of State,

Madrid, July 13, 1921. By an Exchange of Notes of the 11th and 12th instant, a Modus Vivendi has been arranged between Spain and

"Gaceta de Madrid," July 9, 1921.

+ See Notification of December 23, 1921, concerning the application of the new Spanish Customs tariff, page 961.

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Gaceta de Madrid," July 15, 1921.

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