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of age, took for her third husband Constantine X., who succeeded to the empire in 1042. See Eastern Empire.

ZOOLOGY. The animal kingdom was divided by Linnæus into six classes; viz :— Mammalia, which includes all animals that suckle their young; Aves, or birds; Amphibia, or amphibious animals; Pisces, or fishes; Insecta, or insects; Vermes, or worms; A.D. 1741. From this period, the science of zoology has had many distinguished professors, the most illustrious of whom was the baron Cuvier, who died in Paris, May 13, 1832. The Zoological Gardens of London were opened in April, 1827: the society was chartered March 27, 1829. On the demolition of Exeter 'Change, in 1829, the menagerie of Mr. Cross was temporarily lodged in the King's Mews, whence it was removed to the Surrey Zoological Gardens, 1832. The Zoological Gardens of Dublin were opened in the same year.

ZORNDORFF, BATTLE OF. Between the Prussian and Russian armies, the former commanded by the king of Prussia, obtaining a memorable victory over the forces of the Czarina, whose loss amounted to 21,529 men, while that of the Prussians did not exceed 11,000, Aug. 25 and 26, 1758.

ZUINGLIANS. The followers of Ulricus Zuinglius. This zealous reformer, while he officiated at Zurich, declaimed against the church of Rome and its indulgencies, and effected the same separation for Switzerland from the papal dominion, which Luther did for Saxony. He procured two assemblies to be called; by the first he was authorised to proceed, and by the second the ceremonies of the Romish church were abolished, 1519. Zuinglius, who began as a preacher, died in arms as a soldier; he was slain in a skirmish against the Popish opponents of his reformed doctrines, in 1531. The reformers who adhered entirely to Zuinglius were called after his name, and also Sacramentarians.

ZURICH. It was admitted to be a member of the Swiss confederacy, of which this canton was made the head, A.D. 1351. Cession of Utznach, 1436. This was the first town in Switzerland that separated from the church of Rome, in consequence of the opposition given by Zuinglius to a Franciscan monk sent by Leo X., to publish indulgencies here, 1519, et seq. A grave-digger of Zurich poisoned the sacramental wine, by which eight persons lost their lives, and many others were grievously injured, Sept. 4, 1776. The French were defeated here, losing 4000 men, June 4, 1799. The Imperialists were defeated by Massena, the former losing 20,000 men in killed and wounded, Sept. 24, 1799. See Switzerland.


BBA-THULLE; Pelew Islands,


Abdalla, king of Candahar, 192
Abdallah; Morocco, 410
Abd-el-Kader, Algiers, 19; Mo-
rocco, 410.
Abel, sacrifice, 537
Abelard; his amour, 2
Abercromby, sir R., 3; battle of
Alexandria, 19; Trinidad,


Aberdeen, earl of, minister, 2, 9,
10, 456

Abingdon, earl of; his trial, 613
Abrantes, duke of. See Junot.
Abubeker, sect of Ali, 20
Acbar, the illustrious, 316
Acca Laurentia, Alba, 17
Acca Laurentia; courtesan, 197
Achæus founds Achaia, 5
Achaius, king of Scotland, 602
Achilli v. Newman; trial, 617
Achmet, emperor of Turkey, 621,

Acilius; statutes, 579; temples,

Ackermann, of London, 220
Acron, of Agrigentum, 40, 224,


Actuarius; purgatives, 503
Adair, serjeant. Junius, 337
Adalbert, St.; Prussia, 500
Adam and Eve, 61

Adams, Mr.; architect, 206
Adams, John; U. States, 23, 24,
627, 628

Adams, lieut.; duel, killed, 616
Adams v. Dundas: trial, seduc-
tion, 615
Addington, Mr. his ministry, 6, 9
Addison, Joseph; ministry, 8;
allegory, 21; Barbadoes, 59;
C. L. I. O., 150
Adelaide, queen of William IV.,
228, 229, 509
Adelais, queen of Henry I., 508
Adelmus; see of Wells, 652
Adeodatus, pope, 479
Adhelm, St.; see of Salisbury,


Adolphus Frederic, of Sweden,


[blocks in formation]

Eneas; Alba, 16; Greece, 283
Eropas, king of Macedon, 382
Eschylus, 174, 609
Esop; his Fables, 12, 241
Esculapius, 319
Etolus, of Elis, 12
Agamemnon; Mycenae, 414
Agathocles; Carthage, 124
Agapenor, Arcadia, 34
Age, proprietor of the, trial of, 616
Agesilaus; Sparta, 575
Agesander; Laocoon, 351
Agis; Sparta, 575

Agnew, Mr. Vans; India, killed,

Agnodice; midwifery, 403
Agricola, in Britain, 98, 350
Agricola, in Scotland, 111
Agricola; the wall of, 466
Agricola, John; Antinomians, 30
Agrippa, Rome; Pantheon, 449
Aislabie, rt. hon. Mr. ; ministry, 8
Aholiab; sculpture, 554
ALBA, Kings of, 16
Alaric, the Goth, 254, 329
Albemarle, lord; Cuba, 183
Albert, of Austria, 87, 307
Albemarle, Monk, duke of, 7
Albert II., of Austria, 51, 271,


[blocks in formation]

Alcamenes; Sparta, 575
Alcippa, Areopagita, 36
Alcibiades; naval battles, 418
Alcock, Mr.; duel, 207
Aldebert; impostor, 313
Aldhelme; poetry in England,

Alectus, in Britain, 99
Alençon, duc d'; Agincourt, 15
Alençon, duc d'; politicians, 475
Alexander, of Paris, 19
Aleus, Arcadia, 33
Alexander the Great, 520; Ar-
bela, 33; Egypt, 220; Gran-
icus, 281; Greece, 283; Issus,
329; Jerusalem, 334; Mace-
don, 382; Persia, 460; the
Gordian knot, 279; slaves,
565; Tyre, 624
Alexander, emperor of Russia, 50,
356, 534, 535
Alexander, king of Scotland, 553
Alexander II., 553
Alexander I., pope, 469
Alexander III., 550, 553
Alexander II., pope, 480

Alexander III., pope 321, 481
Alexander IV., pope, 481
Alexander V., pope, 481

Alexander VI., pope 2, 481

Alexander of Paris, 19

Alexander, Mr., Morning Journal;
trial, 615

Alexander, Sir William, 28, 435
Alfred the Great, 29, 97, 120, 159,

174, 182, 225, 346, 404
Alfred, son of Ethelred II., 412
Ali, son-in-law of Mahomet, 20
Ali Pacha; Rosetta, 531

Ali Pacha, of Janina, 622
Alibaud, French assassin, 255
Alley, bishop; Bible, 79
Alleyne, Edward; Dulwich col-
lege, 208

Almansor, Bagdad, 54
Almagro, Diego de, 136
Almeida, Lorenzo, 383
Alphonsus of Arragon; Sicily

Alphonsus of Arragon, 570, 573
Alphonsus XI.; the Moors, 409
Alphonsus of Castile, 22, 573
Alphonsus of Portugal, 444, 487,

Alphonsus of Spain; the Chaste,

Alpinus; Dublin, 206
the Wise, &c., 127, 570, 573
Alsop, Mr. Joseph; trial, 615
Althorpe, viscount; ministry, 9,
Alstedius, cyclopædias, 185

Alva, duke of; Antwerp, 30
Alvanley, lord; duel, 208
Alvinzy, field-marshal, 35
Alyattes, king of Lydia, 380
Alypius of Alexandria; dwarf,


[blocks in formation]

Ampère; electricity, 222
Amphictyon, 25, 204, 438
Amulius; Alba, 16
Amurath, of Turkey, 621, 622
Amurath IV.; Beyrout, 78, 623
Anacletus, pope, 479
Amyntas, of Macedon, 382
Anacharsis, anchors, 26; bellows,
Anacreon, of Teos, 26


Anastasia; dwarf, 210

Anastasius, pope, 479

Anaxagoras, earthquakes, 211

Anaxandrides, 378, 393
Anaximander, 134, 269, 390, 679
Anaximenes of Miletus, 16, 269
Ancaster, duke of; ministry, 135,
281, 432

Ancaster, Robert, duke of, 372,


Andhelme; ballads, 55
André, major; executed, 26
Andrew, St., of Scotland, 26, 538
Andrews; almanacks, 21
Andronicus; the drama, 203
Andronicus; Eastern empire, 214
Angela, St. Ursuline nuns, 630
Angelo, Michael, 579

Angerstein, John Julius, 27, 417
Anglesey, Arthur, earl of; min-
istry, 7

Anglesey, marquess of, 10, 375
Angria, the pirate, 27, 316
Angus, earl of; Linlithgow, 362
Anjou, duke of; Jarnac, 331
Anjou, first earl of, 470
Anjou, Charles of; Naples, 416,

Anjou, Margaret of, queen of
Henry V1. of England. See
Margaret of Anjou
Ankerstrom, count; Sweden, 589
Anna Boleyn, queen of Henry
VIII., 508

Anne, regnant queen of England,
229, 509; motto, 555
Anne of Brittany; maids of ho-
nour, 385

Anne of Austria; iron mask, 328
Anne of Cleves, queen, 508
Anne Hyde, queen, 509
Anne, consort of James I., 509
Anne, queen of Richard II., 508
Anne, queen of Richard III., 508
Anson, admiral, 4, 146, 419
Anson, lord; ministry, 8
Anthony, St.; monk, 1, 3, 26
Antigonus; battle of Ipsus, 324
Antigonus; Sparta, 575
Antigonus; profiles, 499
Antiochus Epiphanes, 38
Antiochus the Great, 25
Antiochus takes Jerusalem, 334
Antiochus; Syria, 592
Antipater; battle of Cranon, 178
Antiphiles; painting, 447
Antipopes. See Popes, 479
Antisthenes, the Cynic, 186
Antoninus Pius, 395, 468
Antoninus Pius, 468
Antony, Mark, Actium, 6; Arme-

nia, 38 Egypt, 220; Philippi,
463, 476

Apis, king of Argos, 36

Apolinarius, 31

Apollodorus, 281, 609

517; the screw, 553; the pla-
netarium, 576

Archytas; automaton, 52, 636
Archytas, of Tarentum, 502
Ardesoif, Mr., cock-fighting, 152
Ardysus, king of Lydia, 380
Aretæus; blisters, 85
Aretin, Gui; music, 413
Arfastus, first lord chanc., 372
ARGOS, Kings of, 36
Argyll, duke of; ministry, 2, 10
Argyll, duke of; ministry, 8, 102,

Argyll, duke of; Sheriffmuir, 209,

Ariarathes of Cappadocia, 120
Ariarathes, crucified, 182
Ariobarzanes, of Pontus, 477
Aris, governor; prisons, 498
Aristarchus, of Samos, 276, 586
Aristaus; Cyrene, 186
Aristaus; conic sections, 164
Aristides the Just, 46, 390
Aristippus the Elder, 186
Aristocrates, of Arcadia, 34
Aristodemus; biarchy, 78
Aristophanes, 520
Aristotle; acoustics, 5; botany,
91; Álexander's tutor, 382;
mechanics, 398; metaphysics,
402; philosophy, 459
Arius; the Arians, 36
Arkwright; cotton-spinning, 174,
388, 576

Arlington, lord,; cabal ministry,
7, 109; introduces tea, 596
Arlotta, of Falaise, 294
ARMENIA, Kings of, 38
Arminius; the Arminians, 38, 202,

Arnold, Mr.; balloons, 55

Arnold; American general, 26
Arsaces; Parthia, 454

Artabazes, king of Pontus, 477
Artavasdes, king of Armenia, 38
Artaxerxes, 454, 460, 519
Artaxias, king of Armenia, 38
Artemisia; mausoleum, 397, 665
Artemones; battering-ram, 64
Arthur, of Britain, 99, 261, 668
Artois, Count d'; duel, 207
Arundel, Henry, earl of; min-
istry, 7

Arundel, lord; Parian marble,
41, 450

Ascanius founds Alba, 16
Asdrubal; Carthage, 124
Asellius; lacteal veins, 348; lym-
phatics, 381

Asgill, Mr.; expelled the com-
mons, 609
Ashburton, lord; U. States, 628

Apollo, laurel, 352; the lyra, 381 Ashe, American general, 96

Apollonius; Syria, 592
Appius Claudius, 32, 639
Applegarth; printing-rollers, 496
Apries; Egypt, 220

Apsley, lord; ministry, 9, 373
Aram, Eugene, 237, 612
Arbaces; Media, 399
Arbogastes, the Gaul, 33
Arbuthnot, Mr.; ministry, 9
ARCADIA, Kings of, 33
Arcadius, and Honorius, 527, 654
Arcas, of Arcadia, 33
Archelaus, of Cappadocia, 121
Archelaus, of Macedon, 131, 382
Archemorus, 424

Archilochus; Iambic verse, 311
Archimedes; cranes, 178; me-

chanics, 398; mensuration,
400; organs, 442; reflectors,

Ashford, Mary; murdered, 32, 64
Ashley, lord; cabal ministry, 7,


Ashley, of Dorset, sir Arthur, 109
Ashmole, Elias, 41
Ashton, colonel Wigan, 659
Ashur, builds Nineveh, 43
Asicus, St.; Elphin, 223
Aske; pilgrimage of grace, 466
Aslett, Rob., 235; his trial, 613
Asmadeus, of Savoy, 548
Asoph ud Dowlah; Benares, 75
Aster of Amphipolis, 34
Aston, lord, Donnington, 201
Astydamus, tragedy, 609
Assheton, William, 149
Assise, Francis de, 264
ASSYRIA, kings of, 43
Astley, lord; Naseby, 416
Aston, sir A.; Drogheda, 205

Aston, Mr. Harvey; duel, SV7
Astor, of Amphipolis, 34
Astyages; Media, 399
Athanasius; the Creed, 45
Athelstan, 10; the Mint, 405
Athenodorus; Laocoon, 351
ATHENS, Kings, &c., of, 46
Atherton, bishop, $2
Athlone, earl of, 47

Athol, duke of; Man, 387
Athol, earl of; Edinburgh, 213
Athol, earl of; the regicide, 461
Athothes; hieroglyphics, 22, 3 I,


Atossa, 43; marriage by sale, 293
Attalus, of Pergamus; parch-
ment, 450

Attila, the Hun, 47, 305
Auchmuty, sir Samuel, 63, 408
Auckland, lord; ministry, 6, 9, 20
Auckland, earl of; ministry, 9,
399, 533; India, 317, 318
Audley, lord; ministry, 7, 372
Augustin, St., 34, 98, 119, 142,
523, 596

Augustus Caesar, 6, 11, 49, 120
Auletas; Egypt, 220
Auliana; Dublin, 206
Aumale, duke de, 256
Aurelian, emperor of Rome, 528
Aurelius, Ambrosius, 171, 581
Aurelius Carus; Rome, 528
Aurelius Marcus; Rome, 528
Aurelius Probus; Rome, 528
Aurungzebe; India, 316
Austin, St.; see Augustin, &t.
Austin, capt.; his expedition,


AUSTRIA, Emperors of, 52
Austria, don John of; battle of
Lepanto, 356

Averani; diamonds, 196
Avisa, queen of John, 508
Azo, family of Este, 102


Baber, the sultan; India, 316
Babington; his conspiracy, 53
BABYLON, Kings of, 53
Bacchus, 43, 54
Bachelier, M.; encaustic painting,


Back, Capt.; his expedition, 433
Bacon, lord Verulam, 44, 45, 354
Bacon, sir Nicholas, minister, 7;
baronet, 61
Bacon, Roger, 12, 44; camera
lucida, 115; loadstone, 366;
magic-lantern, 384; magnet,
385; optics, 440; spectacles,
Baden, king of, 494
Baffin, Wm., 35; Baffin's bay, 53
Bagnal, lieut.; duel, 208
Bagration, prince; Mohilow, 407
Bagster, Miss M.; murdered, 615
Bailey, rev. W., trial for forgery,

Baillie, colonel; Arcot, 35
Bailie, general; Alford, 19
Baird, major-gen; India, 383, 556
Baird, sir David, 120
Bajazet, of Turkey, 621
Balchan, admiral; Alderney, 18
Baldwin II., king of Jerusalem,

Bales, P.; stenography, 113, 580
Balfour, John of Burley, 551
Baliol, Edward, king, 291, 553
Baliol, John; Oxford, 445

Baliol, John, 550; Dunbar, 209; Bedford, duke of; ministry, 8,

Scotland, 553

Ballasteros; Ximera, 673
Balmerino, lord, 237, 516, 551, 612
Baltimore, lord, the notorious,


Baltimore, lord; Maryland, 23
Bannister, Mr. ; theatres, 601
Bar, duc de; Agincourt, 15
Baradæus, Jacob; Jacobites, 330
Barbarossa; Tunis, 620
Barber, Fletcher, Saunders, and
Dorey; trial, 616
Barclay, captain; pedestrian, 60,


Barclay, Robert, of Ury, 505
Barclay, Perkins, & Co.; brewers,

Barentz; his expedition, 433, 577
Barham, lord; ministry, 9
Baring, Alexander; ministry, 10
Baring, sir Francis Thornhill,
ministry, 10, 533

Barker, Robert; panoramas, 448
Barlow, bishop; Bible, 79
Barlow; repeating watches, 150
Barlowe, William, 162

Barnett, Geo.; his trial, 614
Barré, rt. hon. Isaac; ministry,
9, 558

Barrett, captain; the ship Cum-
berland, 184

Barrie, captain; naval action, 420
Barrington, Mr.; duel, 207
Barrington, viscount; ministry,
135, 196, 523

Barrington; pickpocket, 523, 613
Barron, the Misses; drowned, 659
Barry, sir Charles; architect,,447
Barton, Dr. ; insurance, 321
Barton, Elizabeth, 303, 313
Baschi, Matthew; Capuchins, 121
Basil, St.; Basilians, 62
Basil, of Russia, 535
Basilowitz, John, of Russia, 535
Bass; Bass's straits, 62
Bath, earl of; ministry, 8, 63
Bathurst, earl; minister, 9, 373
Bathyllus; pantomimes, 449
Batiras, the Alcoran, 17
Bathurst, earl; ministry, 459
Bathurst, carl; lord chancellor,


Bathurst, Charles Bragg, min-
istry, 9

Batthyani, Hungary; shot, 308
BAVARIA; dukes and kings of, 70
Bavaria; elector of Ramilies, 514
Bayle; his dictionary, 197
Bayley, lieut.; duel; killed, 208
Baynard, Geoffrey; combat, 157
Bean, aims at the queen, 228; his
trial, 616

Beau Nash; Bath, 130
Beauchamp, Henry de, 659
Beauchamp, John de; barons, 61
Beauharnais, Eugène, 330, 406
Beaulieu, general; Lodi, 367
Beaumont, sir G.; natl. gallery,


Beaumont, Mr.; duel, 208
Beaumont, viscount, 639
Beauvoir, sir J. de; trial of, 615
Beazley, Mr.; Theatres, 600
Becket, Thomas à, 72, 119
Beckford, Mr.; Fonthill abbey,


Beckwith, Mr.; Spa-fields riot,


Bedford, duke of; duel, 208
Bedford, duke of, 15; lord lieut.
of Ireland, 375, 657
Bedford, duke of; France; 254

[blocks in formation]

Bedford, John, duke of; ministry,

Bedingfield, Ann; burnt, 612
Beeby, William; longevity, 371
Behem, Martin; the Azores, 53
Behring; Behring's straits, 73
Belasyse, John, lord; ministry, 8
Belcher, sir Edward; his expe-
dition, 261

BELGIUM, Kings of, 73, 74
Belinus, Magnus, 81.
Belisarius, 395, 436, 649
Bell, Dr.; Lancasterian schools,

Bell, professor; London univer-
sity, 370

Bellamont, lord; duel, 207
Bellingham; assassin, 238, 459,


Bellingham, sir Daniel, 376
Bellisle; marshal, 74
Belochus, Assyria, 43
Belus; temple of Babel, 53, 344
Bem, Hungary, 308
Ben-Ashur; the Bible, 79
Benbow, admiral; naval battles,


Benedict; Benedictines, 76
Bentham, Jeremy, 58
Bentinck, lord Wm., 42; India,
317, 318

Berengarius, fête de Dieu, 244
Berenger, Butt, lord Cochrane,
and others; trial, 614
Berengera, queen of Richard I.,

Berenthobaldus, 27
Beresford, lord; Albuera, 17, 104,

rt. hon. William ;
ministry, 10
Beresford, lord J.; suicide, 585
Berkeley, lord; ministry, 8, 646
Berkeley cause, trial of the, 614
Berkeley, lord; America, 24;
Brest, 96; Carolina, 123
Berkeley, hon. C.; duel, 208
Bermudas, Juan, 77
Bern, abbot of Cluny, 151

Bird, the boy; trial; 615
Birinus, St.; Dorchester, 202
Bishop the murderer, 107
BITHYNIA, kings of, 83
Black, Dr. ; duel, 208
Black, Dr.; magnesia, 385
Blackstone, on tithes, 605
Blaeu, Wm.; printing-press, 496
Blair, Dr., rhetoric, 520; verse,

Blake, admiral; Algiers, 19; Do-
ver Straits, 418; Portland isle,
487; Santa Cruz, 545
Blakesley, Rob.; trial of, 616
Blanchard, madame; balloon, 55,


Blanchard, Laman; suicide, 585
Blandy, Miss; her trial, 612
Bleddyn ab Cynvyn; Wales, 643,


Blewitt family, 362

Bligh, capt.; bread-fruit tree, 95
Bligh, captain v. Mr. Wellesley
Pole; trial, 615
Bligh, captain, 12; mutiny of the
ship Bounty, 92
Bligh, Mr.; murdered, 613
Blomfield, bishop; geology, 270
Blood; his conspiracy, 86, 165,

Blood, Mr., Clare; murdered, 615
Bloomer, Mrs.; America, 205
Blucher, marshal. 331, 360
Bluet, Rt. bishop of Lincoln, 362
Blundell, lieut. ; duel; killed, 208
Boadicea, queen, 98, 386
Boardman, capt.; duel; killed,

[blocks in formation]

BOHEMIA, Kings of, 87
Bohemia, John, duke of, 179
Boiroimhe, Bryan, king, 150, 294
Bois de Chène, Mlle. ; beards, 72
Bolam, Mr. ; tried for murder, 615
Boldero, captain; duel, 208
Boleslaus I. of Poland, 473, 474,

Boleslaus II. of Poland, 473, 474

Bernadotte, king of Sweden, 194, Boleslaus III. of Poland, 474

[blocks in formation]

Berri, duke and duchess de, 255
Berry, lieut.; trial, 613
Bertholet, bleaching, 85
Bertie, lady Georgina C., 372
Berwick, duke of, 350
Berwick, duke of; Almanza, 21
Berwick, duke of; Newry, 428
Bewick; wood-engraving, 665
Bessus, assassin of Darius, 460
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray, 78
Best; captain; duel, 207
Best, captain; Surat, 587
Bethencourt, Canaries, 117
Betterton; the drama, 204
Betty, master; theatres, 600
Bevern, prince; Breslau, 96
Bexley, ford; ministry, 9, 118
Bezaleel; sculpture, 554
Biela; his comet, 158

Big Sam; prince of Wales's por-
ter, 274
Bingley, lord; ministry, 8, 446

Boleslaus IV. of Poland, 474
Boleyn, earl of Wiltshire, 7
Bolingbroke, lord, 8; deism, 191
Bolingbroke, viscount, ministry,
Bolivar, Colombia, 156
Bolton, duke of; ministry, 102
Bonar, Mr. and Mrs., 614
Bonaventura, St.; conclave, 162
Bonavisa, Anthony; distaff, 199
Boniface, of Mentz ;fantipodes. 30
Bonner, bishop of London; min-
istry, 7

Boon, col., Kentucky, 24
Booth, Mr.; theatres, 601
Borde, Andrew ; called the
"Merry-Andrew," 401
Borelli; mechanics, 12, 398
Borgese, Hortensio; diamond,


Borowlaski, count; dwarf, 210
Borringdon, lady; crim. con., 613
Boscawen, admiral, 349, 419
BOSPHORUS, Kings of, 90
Boswell, sir Alexander; duel, 208
Bothwell, earl of; Scotland, 218,


[blocks in formation]

BRAZIL, emperors of, 94
Bremer, sir Gordon; China, 139
Brendon, St., Clonfert, 150
Brenn, capt; ship Hibernia, 300
Brennus, prince of Britain, 98
Brent, Foulke de, 165
Brereton, colonel; Bristol, 98;
suicide, 585, 615
Bresson, count; suicide, 585
Brewster, Mr.; kaleidoscope, 339
Bric, Mr.; duel; killed, 208
Bridgewater, duke of; canal, 97
Bridport, lord, 377
Brienne, Mons. de, 434

Bright, Mr.; corpulency, 172
Bright, Mr.; peace congress, 455
Brindley, Mr.; Tunnels, &c., 97,


Brinvilliers, marchioness; wives,

Briscoe, Mr.; antarctic, 29
Bristol, mayor of; trial, 615
Bristol, John, earl of; ministry, 7
BRITAIN, Kings of; see Britain
Britton, T., small-coal man, 634
Broadwood; piano-fortes, 465
Broke, captain; the Shannon fri-
gate, 136

Brome, Adam de; Oriel, 442
Bromley, sir Thomas; ministry,

7; lord chancellor, 373
Brooke, sir James; Sarawak, 90
Brougham, lord, 9, 312, 399; lord-
chancellor, 373; queen's trial,


[blocks in formation]

Bruce, the Traveller, 13, 102, 430,

Bruce, David; Durham, 210; Ne-
vill's Cross, 424
Bruce, Edward, 37, 73, 209, 324
Bruce, Robert; battle of Ban-
nockburn, 59; of Durham,


Bruce, Michael, esq., 353
Brucher, Antonio; coinage, 155
Brudenell, lord v. Wathen, 615
Brunel; Thames-tunnel, 599, 621,


Brunetto; belles-lettres, 74
Bruno, of Cologne, 125
Brunswick, duke of; killed, 506
Brunswick, duke of; deposed,


Brunswick, family of, 103
Brunswick, dukes of, 103
Brunt, Davidson, Thistlewood,
Ings, and Tidd, 127
Brutus, Lucius Junius, 166
Brutus and Cassius; Philippi, 463
Bryan Boiroimhe, 150, 294
Bubb; architect, opera-house,


Buccleuch, duke of; ministry,


Buchan, Margaret; Buchanites,


Buchan, captain, 35, 433
Buckhurst, Thomas, lord; min-
istry, 7

Buckingham, duke of; ministry,
10, 456

Buckingham, duke of; cabal mi-
nistry, 7, 109
Buckingham, duke of; duel, 208
Buckingham, Sheffield, duke of;
Buckingham House, 103
Buckingham, Stafford, duke of,


Buckingham, Villiers, duke of;
minister, 7; dress, 204; mur-
dered, 226
Buckingham, marquess of, 375
Buckinghamshire, earl of min-
istry, 9, 366

Bufalmaco; caricatures, 122
Buffon; shepherd's dog, 200
Bularchus; colours in pictures,

Bulkeley, bishop, Bangor, 57
Bunn, Mr. Alfred; theatres, 699,


Bunyan; Pilgrim's Progress, al-
legory, 21

Buonaparte, Napoleon. See Na-

Buonaparte, Jerome; Westpha-
lia, 655; abdicates, 2
Buonaparte, Joseph, 2, 297; Mad-
rid, 384, 416; Naples, 462;
Sicily, 562; Spain, 571; Wa-
gram, 642; Vittoria, 640
Buonaparte, Louis, 2; Holland,
302, 303

Burbage, James; plays, 203, 471
Burdett, sir Francis; duel, 207;

arrested, 227; the riot, 522;
his trial, 614
Burdock, Mary Ann, 615
Burdon, Mr., murdered, 616
Burgh, Hubert de; Whitehall,


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Burnet, Dr.; antediluvians, 9
Burns, Robert, 551

Burr, colonel; duel, 207
Bury, Richard de; libraries, 359
Bute, earl of; his ministry, ~, 199
Buttevant, viscount; viscounts,

Butler, sir Toby; Limerick, 361
Butt, Mr.; trial for libel, 614
Button, sir Thomas; voyages, 433
Buxton, Mr.; trial of, 615
Buxton, sir T. F.; prisons, 498
Byng, admiral; Gibraltar, 274
Byng, hon. admiral John, 109, 405
Byrne, Miss, Dublin riot, 599
Byron, commodore, 109, 146, 485
Byron, lord; Missolonghi, 22, 24
Bysse, Dr.; musical festivals, 413

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