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Nr. 10840. resign. Telegraph direct to editors of papers in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Gross- Bloemfontein that you, I and Rhodes repudiate Jameson's action, and that you 1. Jan. 1896. are commanded by Her Majesty to enjoin all her subjects in South African Republic to abstain from aiding or countenancing Jameson or his force, to remain quiet and obey the law and the constitutional authorities, and to avoid tumultuous assemblies or in any manner adding to the excitement. Publish also in Cape press, and if necessary issue an additional formal Proclamation. It seems a clear case for asking President of South African Republic to allow a flag of truce under which De Wet can go up to Jameson and order him in the Queen's name to disarm and retire, making it plain to him that he is practically an outlaw and a filibuster. Of course the British South Africa Company, however innocent, will have to make amends for this outrage. You had better repeat all this to De Wet through Governor of Natal, suggesting to the latter that, with the concurrence of his Ministers, he should issue Proclamation similar to your own. || Her Majesty's Government will repudiate Jameson publicly here. De Wet should, as you ordered Newton to do, communicate with each of Jameson's officers direct, telling those who belong to the regular or reserve forces that they will be cashiered unless they obey Her Majesty's order to disarm and retire. Inform Krüger fully of all steps taken. At the same time impress upon him most strongly necessity of avoiding collision while Her Majesty's Government are doing everything to prevent mischief. || Take all steps you may think necessary in this crisis. I have full confidence in your discretion. The chief things are promptitude and vigour.

Nr. 10841.


Nr. 10841. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gouverneur in Kapstadt an den Kolonialminister. Haltung von Rhodes. Briefe an Jameson.

Received 10.6 p. m., 1st January 1896.

Telegraphic. || Referring to your telegram of 31st December, I have Gross- asked De Wet to meet Jameson himself, if possible, and to order him in an 1. Jan. 1896. authoritative manner to retire. I have read your message to Rhodes and urged him to make a public disavowal of all complicity with Jameson. I believe, that his colleagues have given him the same advice. I have also impressed on him the necessity for his co-operation in directing Jameson's immediate return. I have seen a copy of a letter to Jameson, dated 20th December, from Messrs. Leonard, Frank Rhodes, Phillips, Hamond and Farrar, asking him to come to their assistance in case of disturbance in Johannesburg. I understand, that these gentlemen now repudiate Jameson's action on the ground that the circumstances contemplated in their letter had not arisen when he started. Jameson's action is condemned throughout all South Africa; not a voice is raised in his support.

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Nr. 10842. SÜDAFRIKANISCHE REPUBLIK. Präsident Krüger an den englischen Kolonialminister. Weitere Bewegungen von Truppen britischer Gesellschaften sind zu befürchten.

Received 1.15 a. m., 2nd January 1896.

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Telegraphic. I have placed your telegram*) before the Executive Nr. 10842. Council, and I am directed by that body to thank you for the offer you have Republik. made to co-operate with me under the present circumstances. The Executive 2. Jan. 1896. Council sees in this the confirmation of the friendly feelings of Her Majesty's Government expressed in a message received yesterday from the High Commissioner. For the moment the Executive Council thinks it desirable to communicate the enclosed [?] telegram and thinks that Her Majesty's Government's co-operation therein furnishes the best opportunity for co-operation. || From Newman, Buluwayo and from ,,Chronicle" Buluwayo. Newman to "Financial Record," Johannesburg. Buluwayo, Monday: Consequence news received from Transvaal, 1,000 men ready leave here for border at moment's notice, mounted, equipped, armed with battery guns, Maxims; mass meeting held Sunday evening, another to day. Buluwayo 31, 179, "Chronicle" to "Star", Johannesburg: Startling news: information has just come to hand, that Captains Napier and Spreckley have been ordered to the Transvaal with whole available force or Rhodesia horse; the force will be on horseback and take all the remaining Maxims in town as well as the new 12-pounder. A contractor will supply 100 mules for transport of machine guns, &c., 1000 men have been asked for and despatches have been sent to the surrounding districts of Gwanda and Relingwe to mobilize the men immediately; it is expected, that the number will be raised all right; the two officers expect to leave in about a week as the orders are to start immediately and have [spare?] no expense; the road taken will be the Mafeking via Tati, where every arrangement has been made for provisioning the troops; we understand, that the men will be well paid and receive a bonus at the end of the affair; the two officers will enrol all those men who wish to go at once; no time will be lost.


Der Gouverneur in Kapstadt an den Kolonialminister. Der Oranje-Freistaat will der südafrikanischen Republik seine Hülfe anbieten. Received 2.19 a. m, 2nd January 1896.

No. 2. Following telegram received Nr. 10843.
Begins: Your Excellency's britannien.


Telegraphic. || 1st January. from Acting Orange Free State President: telegram of yesterday received. I must thank your Excellency for the measures 2. Jan. 1896.

so far adopted to preserve peace of South Africa, but information to hand

*) Nr. 10835.


Nr. 10843. leads me regretfully to conclude, that your Excellency's endeavours to recall Gross- Dr. Jameson from his unwarranted invasion of South African Republic have 2. Jan. 1896. hitherto been unsuccessful. Jameson's forces consisting of British subjects organised in and starting from British territory to invade the neighbouring Republic, I feel my duty to ask your Excellency whether any and what steps are being taken by British Government forcibly to oppose Jameson and to ensure his retirement. I am about issuing orders to have our Burghers commandeered to be in readiness to assist the sister Republic, but trust that your Excellency may still be enabled to adopt such measures as to avert the necessity of interference by this State to aid our sister Republic in resisting hostile attacks from without on their independence. In all efforts to avert bloodshed your Excellency will have hearty co-operation from this Government. Ends.

Nr. 10844.


I have to-day sent following reply: Begins: Your Honour's telegram of to-day. I have sent British Agent in South African Republic, Sir J. De Wet, to turn back Dr. Jameson; should that step fail, I must consult Her Majesty's Government as to what steps I am to take. I am using my utmost endeavours to avert bloodshed and bring about peaceable settlement, and I ask your Honour's Government to assist me in this. Ends. || I believe the two Republics are mutually bound by Treaty to assist each other in the event of hostile attack upon either from without.

Nr. 10844. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben. Der Gouverneur will mit Zustimmung Präsident Krüger's nach Pretoria reisen, um ihn in seinen Friedensbemühungen zu unterstützen.

Received 4.52 a. m., 2nd January 1896.

Telegraphic. | No. 4. I sent British Agent, Pretoria, following telegram Gross- this morning: || Begins: I have just seen in papers, that there has been a 2. Jan. 1896. rising in Johannesburg and a Provisional Government declared. See President of South African Republic at once and ask if he would wish me to come up to Pretoria to co-operate [with] him in endeavouring to bring about a peaceful settlement. Ends.

I have just received following reply: Begins: Following answer to your Excellency's telegram of this morning, offering to co-operate with President South African Republic, has this moment been handed to me: || Begins: From his Honour the President: I accept your Excellency's offer delivered to me by British Agent to come to Pretoria to assist to prevent further bloodshed, as I have received information that Dr. Jameson has not given effect to your orders, and has fired on my Burghers, and I would advise your Excellency, for cogent reasons, to come straight to Pretoria, and to receive no deputations either at Johannesburg or Pretoria until you have met his Honour the President Ends.


Rhodes and colleagues in the Cabinet warmly in favour of my accepting Nr. 10844. and proceeding to Pretoria by special train to-morrow night. Chief Justice britannien. and Hofmeyr also told me this morning, that, if invited, it would be right for 2. Jau. 1896. me to go. Do you approve of my doing so, and have you any instructions to give me? What line shall I take with Jameson, who has apparently disregarded my two messages and my Proclamation, and is stated to have fired on the Burghers? It is believed, that he will be in Johannesburg at daylight to-morrow morning. Reply as soon as you can, as arrangements for special train and other administrative matters have to be made after I receive your reply. Please telegraph "yes" or "no" at once, as if "yes" your instructions can follow later and meet me on the road *).

Nr. 10845. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben.
Jamesons Antwort auf den Befehl umzukehren.
Received 6. 15 a.m., 2nd January 1896.

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Nr. 10845.

Telegraphic. || No. 5. Following has been received from De Wet: Begins: Just received following reply from Dr. Jameson in reply to your Ex- britannien. cellency's first message ordering him to return: || Begins: 1st January. Dear 2. Jan. 1896. Sir, I am in receipt of the message you sent from His Excellency the High Commissioner, and beg to reply, for His Excellency's information, that I should, of course, desire to obey his instructions, but, as I have a very large force of both men and horses to feed, and having finished all my supplies in the rear, must perforce proceed to Krugersdorp or Johannesburg this morning for this purpose. At the same time I must acknowledge I am anxious to fulfil my promise on the petition of the principal residents on the Rand to come to the aid of my fellow-men in their extremity. I have molested no one, and have explained to all Dutchmen met that the above is my sole object, and that I shall desire at once to return to the Protectorate. Jameson. Ends.


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Der Kolonialminister an den Gouverneur in Kapstadt. Fordert strenge Unterdrückung eines neuen Freibeuterzuges.

Sent 1.40 p.m., 2nd January 1896.


Telegraphic. || No. 3. I have received from President of South African Nr. 10 46. Republic a copy of information which has reached him from Matebeleland to britannien. the effect that 1,000 armed and mounted men are being got together at Bulu- 2. Jan. 1896. wayo, with six Maxims and 12-pounders, under Captains Napier and Spreckley, to invade the Transvaal, advancing by the Tati and Mafeking Road. I have enjoined the British South Africa Company to telegraph direct to Buluwayo to stop this. Communicate the information to Rhodes, asking for

*) Chamberlain antwortete noch am 2. Jan. mit „ja". Red.


Nr, 10846. explanations, and requesting him to take the necessary action. Warn AshburnGross- ham to look out for the force and order them to turn back in the Queen's 2. Jan. 1896. name. Any one in the force who bears the Queen's Commission will be cashiered should he disobey. || If the law of Bechuanaland and Matebeleland is not already sufficiently strong, issue legislative Proclamation, covering both countries, prohibiting such filibustering under appropriate penalties. || I will telegraph text of message from President of South African Republic later on. Apart from the report of what is happening at Buluwayo it is not important. Nr. 10847. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gouverneur in Kapstadt an den Kolonialminister. Jameson hat alle Befehle missachtet und befindet sich im Gefecht.

Nr. 10847. Grossbritannien.

Received 4.10 p.m., 2nd January 1896.

Telegraphic. || No. 2. Newton telegraphs, that his messenger overtook Jameson 10 miles on the other side of Elans River; brought back verbal 2. Jan. 1896. messages that the despatches had been received and would be attended to; the force was saddling up when messenger arrived and at once proceeded castwards. Jameson has thus received both my messages and has disregarded them.

Nr. 10848.


De Wet telegraphs this morning, that it would have been impossible for him to have gone to Jameson, and if it had been possible his mission would have proved futile as fighting commenced at 4 o'clock yesterday. He had been unable to obtain particulars from Joubert last night and has heard nothing beyond rumour this morning. || "Cape Times" has telegram this morning as follows: Pretoria, 1st January. Latest from Krügersdorp is that there has been hard fighting; the chartered troops suffering heavily. Will cable as soon as I learn anything authentic.

Nr. 10848. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben. Ueble
Lage Jamesons.

Received 4.40 p.m., 2nd January 1896.

Telegraphic. No. 3. Following message received from British Agent Gross- South African Republic:- || Begins: 2nd January. I have just seen the Exe2. Jan. 1896.cutive General; he says as far as he knows Jameson has been driven from several positions; the Burghers have twenty-two wounded prisoners, including three officers, and twenty other prisoners; five dead bodies have been buried by Burghers; last information fighting still proceeding; no force has yet moved. out of Johannesburg to assist Jameson. Information received by Government of further British South Africa Company's forces mobilising to enter Transvaal, and a Kaffir commando within Transvaal on Bechuanaland border. Free State ready to assist Transvaal if required. Jameson surrounded by large force close to Krügersdorp. Railway line between Krügersdorp and Johannesburg been broken up. Ends.

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