THE Spiritual Magazine ; OR, SAINTS' TREASURY. "There are Three that bear record in heaven; the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY 1 John v. 7. "Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints."-Jude 3. VOLUME XIII. London: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY E. PALMER AND SON, 18, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND MAY BE HAD OF ALL BOOKSELLERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. 1837. All Communications for this Magazine must be addressed to the Publisher. PREFACE. WHILE the man of art and literature is deriving pleasure and satisfaction from extending by his pursuits, and the exertion of the powers with which he is endowed, the bounds of the particular science to which his attention is directed, the Christian will be susceptible of far more ennobling delight, while carrying into effect new efforts to enlarge the kingdom of his God and Saviour, looking with the eye of faith to that soul-animating promise, "the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." The steady and unabated countenance, which the Spiritual Magazine has received from the advocates of " the truth as it is in Jesus," is such as calls for our warmest acknowledgments to our various correspondents and readers, and suggests a firm confidence, that amidst the flimsy profession of very many in this land of moral light, there are yet to be found in this our British Sardis, a few, who, in the strength of their Lord, are determined to "contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints;" fully satisfied, that though error may unfurl its many-coloured banner, and collect its infatuated votaries, truth, however slow her progress may appear, shall continue the even tenor of her way, and finally establish her rule triumphantly over the whole earth, and the whole election of grace shall willingly submit to her controul, and sweetly rejoice under the protecting shelter of her wings. It has long been our anxious wish, that the Spiritual Magazine should be still more extensively circulated than it has yet been. We have been gratified and encouraged by the many pleasing testimonies which we have received from time to time of the blessing of our covenant God attending its perusal, to the edification and building up of the saints in their most holy faith, as well as to the conversion of many who were lying in the ruins of the Adam-fall transgression; and this has been, and is, all the recompense we seek; for our aim, we can say, has never been worldly advantage, but the spiritual prosperity of the Lord's family; at the same time, we have often felt the propriety of repeated observations from |