THE WEEKLY REPORTER, 1895-96 (FORTY-FOURTH YEAR), CONTAINING CASES DECIDED IN THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE WITH APPEALS TO THE HOUSE OF LORDS AND THE PRIVY COUNCIL, FROM THE 24TH OF OCTOBER, 1895, TO THE 12TH OF AUGUST, 1896. TOGETHER ALSO WITH SOME CASES DECIDED PREVIOUSLY TO THAT PERIOD. Oct. 24, 1896. PREFACE. In the forty-fourth volume of the WEEKLY REPORTER the characteristics of the publication will be found unaltered. Every endeavour has been made to render the reports succinct and accurate, and they have been published as soon as possible after the decisions have been pronounced. It is believed that the cases in this volume may be cited with the confidence which the Profession has always placed in the WEEKLY REPORTER. The Annual Digest this year contains, in the same form as last year, a summary of all the cases published from the 24th of October, 1895, to the end of August, 1896, in the WEEKLY REPORTER, and in the Law Reports, the Law Journal Reports, and the Law Times Reports, besides some of those given in the Irish Law Reports. In the body of the Digest, figures following the name of a case denote the page in the WEEKLY REPORTER at which it will be found. Where the name of a case has no figures attached, the case is not reported in this volume of the WEEKLY REPORTER; but the references to the case in other series cf Reports will be found in the Tabular Index to the Names of Cases. LIBRARY Reporter JUDGES AND LAW OFFICERS FROM THE 24TH OF OCTOBER, 1895, TO THE 12TH OF AUGUST, 1896. SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE-COURT OF APPEAL. LORD ESHER, MASTER OF THE ROLLS, SIR NATHANIEL LINDLEY, SIR HENRY CHARLES LOPES, SIR EDWARD EBENEZER KAY, SIR ARCHIBALD LEVIN SMITH, SIR JOHN RIGBY, LORDS JUSTICES OF APPEAL. *HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE-CHANCERY DIVISION. SIR JOSEPH WILLIAM CHITTY. SIR FORD NORTH. SIR JAMES STIRLING. SIR ARTHUR KEKEWICH. SIR ROBERT ROMER. SIR ROLAND VAUGHAN WILLIAMS. QUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. LORD RUSSELL OF KILLOWEN, CHIEF JUSTICE. SIR CHARLES EDWARD POLLOCK. SIR HENRY HAWKINS. SIR JAMES CHARLES MATHEW. SIR LEWIS WILLIAM CAVE. SIR JOHN CHARLES DAY. SIR ALFRED WILLS. SIR WILLIAM GRANTHAM. SIR ARTHUR CHARLES. SIR ROLAND VAUGHAN WILLIAMS. SIR JOHN COMPTON LAWRANCE. SIR ROBERT SAMUEL WRIGHT. SIR RICHARD HENN COLLINS. SIR GAINSFORD BRUCE. SIR WILLIAM RANN KENNEDY. PROBATE, DIVORCE, AND ADMIRALTY DIVISION. SIR FRANCIS HENRY JEUNE, PRESIDENT. SIR JOHN GORELL BARNES. SIR RICHARD EVERARD WEBSTER, ATTORNEY-GENERAL. SIR ROBERT BANNATYNE FINLAY, SOLICITOR-GENERAL. |