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him to perpetual imprisonment and forfeiture of his property; for the law of England took no account of religious scruples or professional etiquette when they permit the execution of a preventable crime. Strangely enough, however, the government passed over the incriminating conversation with Greenway, and relied entirely on the strong circumstantial evidence to support the charge of high treason against the prisoner. The trial was not conducted in a manner which would be permitted in more modern days. The rules of evidence which now govern the procedure in criminal cases did not then exist, and Garnet's trial, like many others, was influenced by the political situation, the case against him being supported by general political accusations against the Jesuits as a body, and with evidence of their complicity in former plots against the government. The prisoner himself deeply prejudiced his cause by his numerous false statements, and still more by his adherence to the doctrine of equivocation. Garnet, it is true, claimed to limit the justification of equivocation to cases" of necessary defence from injustice and wrong or of the obtaining some good of great importance wher there is no danger of harm to others," and he could justify his conduct in lying to the council by their own conduct towards him, which included treacherous eavesdropping and fraud, and also threats of torture. Moreover, the attempt of the counsel for the crown to force the prisoner to incriminate himself was opposed to the whole spirit and tradition of the law of England. He was declared guilty, and it is probable, in spite of the irregularity and unjudicial character of his trial, that substantial justice was done by his conviction. His execution took place on the 3rd of May 1606, Garnet acknowledging himself justly condemned for his concealment of the plot, but maintaining to the last that he had never approved it. The king, who had shown him favour throughout and who had forbidden his being tortured, directed that he should be hanged till he was quite dead and that the usual frightful cruelties should be omitted.

Soon after his death the story of the miracle of "Garnet's Straw" wascirculated all over Europe, according to which a blood-stained straw from the scene of execution which came into the hands of one John Wilkinson, a young and fervent Roman Catholic, who was present, developed Garnet's likeness. In consequence of the credence which the story obtained, Archbishop Bancroft was commissioned by the privy council to discover and punish the impostors. Garnet's name was included in the list of the 353 Roman Catholic martyrs sent to Rome from England in 1880, and in the 2nd appendix of the Menology of England and Wales compiled by order of the cardinal archbishop and the bishops of the province of Westminster by R. Stanton in 1887, where he is styled "a martyr whose cause is deferred for future investigation." The passage in Macbeth (Act 11. Scene iii.) on equivocators no doubt refers especially to Garnet. His aliases were Farmer, Marchant, Whalley, Darcey Meaze, Phillips, Humphreys, Roberts, Fulgeham, Allen. Garnet was the author of a letter on the Martyrdom of Godfrey Maurice, alias John Jones, in Diego Yepres's Historia particular de la persecucion de Inglaterra(1599); a Treatise of Schism, a MS. treatise in reply to A Protestant Dialogue between a Gentleman and a Physician; a translation of the Stemma Christi with supplements (1622); a treatise on the Rosary; a Treatise of Christian Renovation or Birth (1616).

AUTHORITIES. Of the great number of works embodying the controversy on the question of Garnet's guilt the following may be mentioned, in order of date: A True and Perfect Relation of the whole Proceedings against... Garnet a Jesuit and his Confederates (1606, repr. 1679), the official account, but incomplete and inaccurate; Apologia pro Henrico Garneto (1610), by the Jesuit L'Heureux, under the pseudonym Endaemon-Joannes, and Dr Robert Abbot's reply, Antilogia versus Apologiam Eudaemon-Joannes, in which the whole subject is well treated; Henry More, Hist. Provinciae Anglicanae Societatis (1660); D. Jardine, Gunpowder Plot (1857); J. Morris, S. J., Condition of the Catholics under James I. (1872), containing Father Gerard's narrative; J. H. Pollen, Father Henry Garnet and the Gunpowder Plot (1888); S. R. Gardiner, What Gunpowder Plot was (1897), in reply to John Gerard, S.J., What was the Gunpowder Plot? (1897); J. Gerard, Contributions towards a Life of Father Henry Garnet (1898). See also State Trials II., and Cal. of State Papers Dom., (1603-1610). The original documents are preserved in the Gunpowder Plot Book at the Record Office.

GARNET, a name applied to a group of closely-related minerals, many of which are used as gem-stones. The name probably comes from the Lat. granaticus, a stone so named from its resemblance to the pulp of the pomegranate in colour, or to its seeds in shape; or possibly from granum," cochineal," in allusion to the colour of the stone. The garnet was included, with other red stones, by Theophrastus, under the name of åvėpaέ, while the common garnet seems to have been his ávů pákov. Pliny groups several stones, including garnet, under the term carbunculus. The modern carbuncle is a deep red garnet (almandine) cut en cabochon, or with a smooth convex surface, frequently hollowed out at the back, in consequence of the depth of colour, and sometimes enlivened with a foil (see ALMANDINE). The Hebrew word no phek, translated ǎv@pa§ in the Septuagint, seems to have been the garnet or carbuncle, whilst bareketh (oμápaydos of the Septuagint), though also rendered "carbuncle," was probably either beryl or, in the opinion of Professor Flinders Petrie, rock-crystal. Garnets were used as beads in ancient Egypt. Though not extensively employed by the Greeks as a material for engraved gems, it was much used for this purpose by the Romans of the Empire. Flat polished slabs of garnet are found inlaid in mosaic work in Anglo-Saxon and Merovingian jewelry, the material used being almandine, or "precious garnet."

Garnets vary considerably in chemical composition, but the variation is limited within a certain range. All are orthosilicates, conformable to the general formula R ̋3R""¿(SiO4)2, where R"= Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and R"" Al, Fe, Cr. Although there are many kinds of garnet they may be reduced to the following six types, which may occur intermixed isomorphously:1. Calcium-aluminium garnet (Grossularite), Ca,AlSi,O12. 2. Calcium-ferric garnet (Andradite), Ca,FeSiO12 3. Calcium-chromium garnet (Uvarovite), CasCr,SiO2. 4. Magnesium-aluminium garnet (Pyrope), Mg Al SiO2. 5. Ferrous-aluminium garnet (Almandine), Fe Al Si2O12. 6. Manganous-aluminium garnet (Spessartine), MnзAl1⁄2Si3O12. These are frequently called respectively:-(1) Lime-alumina garnet; (2) lime-iron garnet; (3) lime-chrome garnet; (4) magnesia-alumina garnet; (5) iron-alumina garnet; (6) manganese-alumina garnet. The types are usually modified by isomorphous replacement of some of their elements.

All garnets crystallize in the cubic system, usually in rhombic dodecahedra or in icositetrahedra, or in a combination of the two forms (see fig.). Octahedra and cubes are rare, but the six-faced octahedron occurs in some of the combinations. Cleavage obtains parallel to the dodecahedron, but is imperfect. The hardness varies according to composition from 6.5 to 7.5, and the specific gravity in like manner has a wide range, varying from 3.4 in the calciumaluminium garnets to 4.3 in the ferrousaluminium species.

Sir Arthur H.

Church found that many garnets when fused yielded a product of lower density than the original mineral. The colour is typically red, but may be brown, yellow, green or even black, while some garnets are colourless. Being cubic the garnets are normally singly refracting, but anomalies frequently occur,

leading some authorities to doubt whether the mineral is really cubic. The refractive power of garnet is high, so that in microscopic sections, viewed by transmitted light, the mineral stands out in relief.

Garnets are very widely distributed, occurring in crystalline schists, gneiss, granite, metamorphic limestone, serpentine, and occasionally in volcanic rocks. With omphacite and smaragdite, garnet forms the peculiar rock called eclogite. The garnets used for industrial purposes are usually found loose in detrital deposits, weathered from the parent rock, though in some important workings the rock is quarried. The garnets employed as gem-stones are described under their respective headings (see ALMANDINE, CINNA MON STONE, DEMANTOID and PYROPE). Most of the minerals noticed in this article are of scientific rather than commercial interest.

Grossularite or "gooseberry-stone," is typically a brownish-green garnet from Siberia, known also as wiluite (a name applied also to vesuvianite, q.v.), from the river Wilui where it occurs. It is related to hessonite, or cinnamon-stone. A Mexican variety occurs in rose


pink dodecahedra. Romanzovite is a brown garnet, of grossularia- | and as translator or editor, that this list represents only a small type, from Finland, taking its name from Count Romanzov. Andradite was named by J. D. Dana after B. J. d'Andrada e Silva, who described, in 1800, one of its varieties allochroite, a Norwegian garnet, so named from its variable colour. This species includes most of the common garnet occurring in granular and compact masses, sometimes forming garnet rock. To andradite may be referred melanite, a black garnet well known from the volcanic tuffs near Rome, used occasionally in the 18th century for mourning jewelry. Another black garnet, in small crystals from the Pyrenees, is called pyreneite. Under andradite may also be placed topazolite, a honey-yellow garnet, rather like topaz, from Piedmont; colophonite, a brown resin-like garnet, with which certain kinds of idocrase have been confused; aplome, a green garnet from Saxony and Siberia; and jelletite, a green Swiss garnet named after the Rev. J. H. Jellet. Here also may be placed the green Siberian mineral termed demantoid (q.v.), sometimes improperly called olivine by jewellers. Uvarovite, named after a Russian minister, Count S. S. Uvarov, is a rare green garnet from Siberia and Canada, but though of fine colour is never found in crystals large enough for gem-stones. Spessartite, or spessartine, named after Spessart, a German locality, is a fine aurora-red garnet, cut for jewelry when sufficiently clear, and rather resembling cinnamon-stone. It is found in Ceylon, and notably in the mica-mines in Amelia county, Virginia, United States. A beautiful rose-red garnet, forming a fine gem-stone, occurs in gravels in Macon county, N.C., and has been described by W. E. Hidden and Dr J. H. Pratt under the name of rhodolite. It seems related to both almandine and pyrope, and shows the absorption-spectrum of almandine. The Bohemian garnets largely used in jewelry belong to the species pyrope (q.v.). Garnets are not only cut as gems, but are used for the bearings of pivots in watches, and are in much request for abrasive purposes. Garnet paper is largely used, especially in America, in place of sandpaper for smoothing woodwork and for scouring leather in the boottrade. As an abrasive agent it is worked at several localities in the United States, especially in New York State, along the borders of the Adirondacks, where it occurs in limestone and in gneiss. Much of the garnet used as an abrasive is coarse almandine. Common garnet, where abundant, has sometimes been used as a fluxing agent in metallurgical operations. Garnet has been formed artificially, and is known as a furnace-product.

It may be noted that the name of white garnet has been given to the mineral leucite, which occurs, like garnet, crystallized in icositetrahedra. (F. W. R.*)

GARNETT, RICHARD (1835-1906), English librarian and author, son of the learned philologist Rev. Richard Garnett (1789-1850), priest-vicar of Lichfield cathedral and afterwards keeper of printed books at the British Museum, who came of a Yorkshire family, was born at Lichfield on the 27th of February 1835. His father was really the pioneer of modern philological research in England; his articles in the Quarterly Review (1835, 1836) on English lexicography and dialects, and on the Celtic question, and his essays in the Transactions of the Philological Society (reprinted 1859), were invaluable to the later study of the English language. The son, who thus 'owed much to his parentage, was educated at home and at a private school, and in 1851, just after his father's death, entered the British Museum as| an assistant in the library. In 1875 he rose to be superintendent of the reading-room, and from 1890 to 1899, when he retired, he was keeper of the printed books. In 1883 he was given the degree of LL.D. at Edinburgh, an honour repeated by other universities, and in 1895 he was made a C.B.

part of his published work. He was a member of numerous
learned literary societies, British and foreign. His facility as an
expositor, and his gift for lucid and acute generalization, together
with his eminence as a bibliophile, gave his work an authority
which was universally recognized, though it sometimes suffered
from his relying too much on his memory and his power of
generalizing-remarkable as both usually were-in
requiring greater precision of statement in matters of detail. But
as an interpreter, whether of biography or belles lettres, who
brought an unusually wide range of book-learning, in its best
sense, interestingly and comprehensibly before a large public, and
at the same time acceptably to the canons of careful scholarship,
Dr Garnett's writing was always characterized by clearness,
common sense and sympathetic appreciation. His official
career at the British Museum marked an epoch in the manage-
ment of the library, in the history of which his place is second
only to that of Panizzi. Besides introducing the "sliding press "
in 1887 he was responsible for reviving the publication of the
general catalogue, the printing of which, interrupted in 1841, was
resumed under him in 1880, and gradually completed. The anti-
podes of a Dryasdust, his human interest in books made him an
ideal librarian, and his courtesy and helpfulness were outstanding
features in a personality of singular charm. The whole bookish
world looked on him as a friend. Among his "hobbies" was a
study of astrology, to which, without associating his name with
it in public, he devoted prolonged inquiry. Under the pseudonym
of "A. G. Trent " he published in 1880 an article (in the Uni-
versity Magazine) on "The Soul and the Stars "-quoted in
Wilde and Dodson's Natal Astrology. He satisfied himself that
there was more truth in the old astrology than modern criticism
supposed, and he had intended to publish a further monograph
on the subject, but the intention was frustrated by the ill-health
which led up to his death on the 13th of April 1906. He married
(1863) an Irish wife, Olivia Narney Singleton (d. 1903), and had a
family of six children; his son Edward (b. 1868) being a well-
known literary man, whose wife translated Turgeneff's works
into English.
(H. CH.)

GARNIER, CLÉMENT JOSEPH (1813-1881), French economist, was born at Beuil (Alpes maritimes) on the 3rd of October 1813. Coming to Paris he studied at the Ecole de Commerce, of which he eventually became secretary and finally a professor. In 1842 he founded with Gilbert-Urbain Guillaumin (1801-1864) the Société d'Economie politique, becoming its secretary, a post which he held till his death; and in 1846 he organized the Association pour la Liberté des Échanges. He also helped to establish and edited for many years the Journal des économistes and the Annuaire de l'économie politique. Of the school of laissez faire, he was engaged during his whole life in the advancement of the science of political economy, and in the improvement of French commercial education. In 1873 he became a member of the Institute, and in 1876 a senator for the department in which he was born. He died at Paris on the 25th of September 1881. Of his writings, the following are the more important: Traité d'économie politique (1845), Richard Cobden et la Ligue (1846), Traité des finances (1862), and Principes du population (1857).

GARNIER, GERMAIN, MARQUIS (1754-1821), French politician and economist, was born at Auxerre on the 8th of November 1754. He was educated for the law, and obtained when young the office of procureur to the Châtelet in Paris. On the calling of the states-general he was elected as one of the députés suppléants of the city of Paris, and in 1791 administrator of the department of Paris. After the 10th of August 1792 he withdrew to the Pays de Vaud, and did not return to France till 1795. In public

His long connexion with the British Museum library, and the value of his services there, made him a well-known figure in the literary world, and he published much original work in both prose and verse. His chief publications in book-form were: in verse, Primula (1858), Io in Egypt (1859), Idylls and Epigrams (1869, republished in 1892 as A Chaplet from the Greck Anthology), The Queen and other Poems (1902), Collected Poems (1893); in prose, biographies of Carlyle (1887), Emerson (1887), Milton (1890), Edward Gibbon Wakefield (1898); a volume of remarkably original and fanciful tales, The Twilight of the Gods (1888); a tragedy, Iphigenia in Delphi (1890); A Short History of Italian Literature (1898); Essays in Librarianship and Biblio-life, however, he seems to have been singularly fortunate. In phily (1899); Essays of an Ex-librarian (1901). He was an extensive contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Dictionary of National Biography, editor of the International Library of Famous Literature, and co-editor, with E. Gosse, of the elaborate English Literature: an illustrated Record. So multifarious was his output, however, in contributions to reviews, &c.,

1797 he was on the list of candidates for the Directory; in 1800 he was prefect of Seine-et-Oise; and in 1804 he was made senator and in 1808 a count. After the Restoration he obtained a peerage, and on the return of Louis XVIII., after the Hundred Days, he became minister of state and member of privy council, and in 1817 was created a marquis. He died at Paris on the 4th of

October 1821. At court he was, when young, noted for his facile | confined to France; it was recognized by all the countries of power of writing society verse, but his literary reputation depends rather on his later works on political economy, especially his admirable translation, with notes and introduction, of Smith's Wealth of Nations (1805) and his Histoire de la monnaie (2 vols., 1819), which contains much sound and well-arranged material. His Abrégé des principes de l'écon. polit. (1796) is a very clear and instructive manual. The valuable Description géographique, physique, et politique du département de Seine-et-Oise (1802) was drawn up from his instructions. Other works are De la propriété (1792) and Histoire des banques d'escompte (1806).

GARNIER, JEAN LOUIS CHARLES (1825-1898), French architect, was born in Paris on the 6th of November 1825. He was educated in a primary school, and it was intended that he should pursue his father's craft, that of a wheelwright. His mother, however, having heard that with a little previous study he might enter an architect's office and eventually become a measuring surveyor (vérificateur), and earn as much as six francs a day, and foreseeing that in consequence of his delicate health he would be unfit to work at the forge, sent him to learn drawing and mathematics at the Petite École de Dessin, in the rue de Médecine, the cradle of so many of the great artists of France. His progress was such as to justify his being sent first into an architect's office and then to the well-known atelier of Lebas, where he began his studies in preparation for the examination of the École des Beaux Arts, which he passed in 1842, at the age of seventeen. Shortly after his admission it became necessary that he should support himself, and accordingly he worked during the day in various architects' offices, among them in that of M. Viollet-le-Duc, and confined his studies for the Ecole to the evening. In 1848 he carried off, at the early age of twenty-three, the Grand Prix de Rome, and with his comrades in sculpture, engraving and music, set off for the Villa de Medicis. His principal works were the measured drawings of the Forum of Trajan and the temple of Vesta in Rome, and the temple of Serapis at Pozzuoli. In the fifth year of his travelling studentship he went to Athens and measured the temple at Aegina, subsequently working out a complete restoration of it, with its polychromatic decoration, which was published as a monograph in 1877. The elaborate set of drawings which he was commissioned by the duc de Luynes to make of the tombs of the house of Anjou were not published, owing to the death of his patron; and since Garnier's death they have been given to the library of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, along with other drawings he made in Italy. On his return to Paris in 1853 he was appointed surveyor to one or two government buildings, with a very moderate salary, so that the commission given him by M. Victor Baltard to make two water-colour drawings of the Hôtel de Ville, to be placed in the album presented to Queen Victoria in 1855, on the occasion of her visit to Paris, proved very acceptable. These two drawings are now in the library at Windsor.

In 1860 came, at last, Garnier's chance: a competition was announced for a design for a new imperial academy of music, and out of 163 competitors Garnier was one of five selected for a second competition, in which, by unanimous vote, he carried off the first prize, and the execution of the design was placed in his hands. Begun in 1861, but delayed in its completion by the Franco-German War, it was not till 1875 that the structure of the present Grand Opera House of Paris was finished, at a cost of about 35,000,000 francs (£1,420,000). During the war the building was utilized as the municipal storehouse of provisions. The staircase and the magnificent hall are the finest portion of the interior, and alike in conception and realization have never been approached. Of Garnier's other works, the most remarkable are the Casino at Monte Carlo, the Bischoffsheim villa at Bordighera, the Hôtel du Cercle de la Librairie in Paris; and, among tombs, those of the musicians Bizet, Offenbach, Massé and Duprato. In 1874 he was elected a member of the Institute of France, and after passing through the grades of chevalier, officer and commander of the Legion of Honour, received in 1895 the rank of grand officer, a high distinction that had never before been granted to an architect. Charles Garnier's reputation was not

Europe, and in England he received, in 1886, the royal gold medal of the Royal Institute of Architects, given by Queen Victoria. Besides his monograph on the temple of Aegina, he wrote several works, of which Le Nouvel Opéra de Paris is the most valuable. For the International Exhibition of 1889 he designed the buildings illustrating the "History of the House" in all periods, and a work on this subject was afterwards published by him in conjunction with M. Ammann. Not the least of his claims to the gratitude of his country were the services which he rendered on the various art juries appointed by the state, the Institute of France, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, services which in France are rendered in an honorary capacity. Garnier died on the 3rd of August 1898. (R. P. S.)

GARNIER, MARIE JOSEPH FRANÇOIS [FRANCIS) (18391873), French officer and explorer, was born at St Etienne on the 25th of July 1839. He entered the navy, and after voyaging in Brazilian waters and the Pacific he obtained a post on the staff of Admiral Charner, who from 1860 to 1862 was campaigning in Cochin-China. After some time spent in France he returned to the East, and in 1862 he was appointed inspector of the natives in Cochin-China, and entrusted with the administration of Cho-lon, a suburb of Saigon. It was at his suggestion that the marquis de Chasseloup-Laubat determined to send a mission to explore the valley of the Mekong, but as Garnier was not considered old enough to be put in command, the chief authority was entrusted to Captain Doudart de Lagrée. In the course of the expedition-to quote the words of Sir Roderick Murchison addressed to the youthful traveller when, in 1870, he was presented with the Victoria Medal of the Royal Geographical Society of London-from Kratie in Cambodia to Shanghai 5392 m. were traversed, and of these 3625 m., chiefly of country unknown to European geography, were surveyed with care, and the positions fixed by astronomical observations, nearly the whole of the observations being taken by Garnier himself. Volunteering to lead a detachment to Talifu, the capital of Sultan Suleiman, the sovereign of the Mahommedan rebels in Yunnan, he successfully carried out the more than adventurous enterprise. When shortly afterwards Lagrée died, Garnier naturally assumed the command of the expedition, and he conducted it in safety to the Yang-tsze-Kiang, and thus to the Chinese coast. On his return to France he was received with enthusiasm. The preparation of his narrative was interrupted by the Franco-German War, and during the siege of Paris he served as principal staff officer to the admiral in command of the eighth "sector." His experiences during the siege were published anonymously in the feuilleton of Le Temps, and appeared separately as Le Siège de Paris, journal d'un officier de marine (1871). Returning to Cochin-China he found the political circumstances of the country unfavourable to further exploration, and accordingly he went to China, and in 1873 followed the upper course of the Yang-tsze-Kiang to the waterfalls. He was next commissioned by Admiral Dupré, governor of Cochin-China, to found a French protectorate or a new colony in Tongking. On the 20th of November 1873 he took Hanoi, the capital of Tongking, and on the 21st of December he was slain in fight with the Black Flags. His chief fame rests on the fact that he originated the idea of exploring the Mekong, and carried out the larger portion of the work.

The narrative of the principal expedition appeared in 1873. as Voyage d'exploration en Indo-Chine effectué pendant les années 1866, 1867 et 1868, publié sous la direction de M. Francis Garnier, avec le concours de M. Delaporte et de MM. Joubert et Thorel (2 vols.). the Bulletin de la Soc. de Géog. (1874). His Chronique royale du An account of the Yang-tsze-Kiang from Garnier's pen is given in Cambodje, was reprinted from the Journal Asiatique in 1872. See Ocean Highways (1874) for a memoir by Colonel Yule; and Hugh Clifford, Further India, in the Story of Exploration series (1904).

GARNIER, ROBERT (c. 1545-c.1600), French tragic poet, was born at Ferté Bernard (Le Maine) in 1545. He published his first work while still a law-student at Toulouse, where he won a prize (1565) in the jeux floraux. It was a collection of lyrical pieces, now lost, entitled Plaintes amoureuses de Robert Garnier (1565). After some practice at the Parisian bar, he became

conseiller du roi au siège présidial et sénéchaussée of Le Maine, | deputies (1842). He was a keen promoter of reform, and was a his native district, and later lieutenant-général criminel. His leading spirit in the affair of the reform banquet fixed for the friend Lacroix du Maine says that he enjoyed a great reputation 22nd of February 1848. He was a member of the provisional as an orator. He was a distinguished magistrate, of considerable government of 1848, and was named mayor of Paris. On the weight in his native province, who gave his leisure to literature, 5th of March 1848 he was made minister of finance, and incurred and whose merits as a poet were fully recognized by his own great unpopularity by the imposition of additional taxes. He generation. He died at Le Mans probably in 1599 or 1600. was a member of the Constituent Assembly and of the Executive In his early plays he was a close follower of the school of Commission. Under the Empire he was conspicuous in the dramatists who were inspired by the study of Seneca. In these republican opposition and opposed the war with Prussia, and productions there is little that is strictly dramatic except the after the fall of Napoleon III. became a member of the Governform. A tragedy was a series of rhetorical speeches relieved by a ment of National Defence. Unsuccessful at the elections for the lyric chorus. His pieces in this manner are Porcie (published National Assembly (the 8th of February 1871), he retired into 1568, acted at the hôtel de Bourgogne in 1573), Cornélie and private life, and died in Paris on the 31st of October 1878. He Hippolyte (both acted in 1573 and printed in 1574). In Porcie wrote Histoire de la révolution de 1848 (1860-1862); Histoire de the deaths of Cassius, Brutus and Portia are each the subject of la commission exécutive (1869–1872); and L'Opposition et l'empire an eloquent recital, but the action is confined to the death of the (1872). nurse, who alone is allowed to die on the stage. His next group GARNISH, a word meaning to fit out, equip, furnish, now of tragedies-Marc-Antoine (1578), La Troade (1579), Antigone particularly used of decoration or ornament. It is formed from (acted and printed 1580)-shows an advance on the theatre of the O. Fr. garnisant or guarnissant, participle of garnir, guarnir, Étienne Jodelle and Jacques Grévin, and on his own early plays, to furnish, equip. This is of Teutonic origin, the base being in so much that the rhetorical element is accompanied by abund-represented in O. Eng. warnian, to take warning, beware, and ance of action, though this is accomplished by the plan of joining Ger. warnen, to warn, Eng. warn; the original sense would be to together two virtually independent pieces in the same way. guard against, fortify, hence equip or fit out. The meaning of In 1582 and 1583 he produced his two masterpieces Brada- "warn" is seen in the law term " garnishee," a person who owes mante and Les Juives. In Bradamante, which alone of his plays money to or holds money belonging to another and is "warned " has no chorus, he cut himself adrift from Senecan models, and by order of the court not to pay it to his immediate creditor but sought his subject in Ariosto, the result being what came to be to a third person who has obtained final judgment against that known later as a tragi-comedy. The dramatic and romantic creditor. (See ATTACHMENT; EXECUTION; BANKRUPTCY.) story becomes a real drama in Garnier's hands, though even GARO HILLS, a district of British India, in the hills division of there the lovers, Bradamante and Roger, never meet on the stage. Eastern Bengal and Assam. It takes its name from the Garos, a The contest in the mind of Roger supplies a genuine dramatic tribe of doubtful ethnical affinities and peculiar customs, by whom interest in the manner of Corneille. Les Juives is the pathetic it is almost entirely inhabited. The Garos are probably a section story of the barbarous vengeance of Nebuchadnezzar on the of the great Bodo tribe, which at one time occupied a large part of Jewish king Zedekiah and his children. The Jewish women Assam. According to the census of 1901 they numbered 128,117. lamenting the fate of their children take a principal part in this In the 18th century they are mentioned as being frequently in tragedy, which, although almost entirely elegiac in conception, conflict with the inhabitants of the plains below their hills, and in is singularly well designed, and gains unity by the personality of 1790 the British government first tried to reduce them. No the prophet. M. Faguet says that of all French tragedies of the permanent success was achieved. In 1852 raids by the Garos 16th and 17th centuries it is, with Athalie, the best constructed were followed by a blockade of the hills, but in 1856 they were with regard to the requirements of the stage. Actual representa- again in revolt. Again a repressive expedition was despatched in tion is continually in the mind of the author; his drama is, in 1861, but in 1866 there was a further raid. A British officer was fact, visually conceived. now posted among the hills; this step was effective; in 1869 the district was constituted, and though in 1871 an outrage was committed against a native on the survey staff, there was little opposition when an expedition was sent in 1872-1873 to bring the whole district into submission, and there were thereafter no further disturbances.

Garnier must be regarded as the greatest French tragic poet of his century and the precursor of the great achievements of the


The best edition of his works is by Wendelin Foerster (Heilbronn, 4 vols., 1882-1883). A detailed criticism of his works is to be found in Emile Faguet, La Tragédie française au XVIe siècle (1883, pp. 183-307).

GARNIER-PAGÈS, ÉTIENNE JOSEPH LOUIS (1801-1841), French politician, was born at Marseilles on the 27th of December 1801. Soon after his birth his father Jean François Garnier, a naval surgeon, died, and his mother married Simon Pagès, a college professor, by whom she had a son. The boys were brought up together, and took the double name Garnier-Pagès. Etienne found employment first in a commercial house in Marseilles, and then in an insurance office in Paris. In 1825 he began to study law, and made some mark as an advocate. A keen opponent of the Restoration, he joined various democratic societies, notably the Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera, an organization for purifying the elections. He took part in the revolution of July 1830; became secretary of the Aide-toi, le ciel l'aidera, whose propaganda he brought into line with his anti-monarchical ideas; and in 1831 was sent from Isère to the chamber of deputies. He was concerned in the preparation of the Compte rendu of 1832, and advocated universal suffrage. He was an eloquent speaker, and his sound knowledge of business and finance gave him a marked influence among all parties in the chamber. He died in Paris on the 23rd of June 1841.

His half-brother, LOUIS ANTOINE GARNIER-PAGÈS (18031878), fought on the barricades during the revolution of July 1830, and after Étienne's death was elected to the chamber of

The district consists of the last spurs of the Assam hills, which here run down almost to the bank of the Brahmaputra, where that river debouches upon the plain of Bengal and takes its great sweep to the south. The administrative headquarters are at Tura. The area of the district is 3140 sq. m. In 1901 the population was 138,274, showing an increase of 14% in the decade. The American missionaries maintain a small training school for teachers. The public buildings at Tura were entirely destroyed by the earthquake of June 12, 1897, and the roads in the district were greatly damaged by subsidence and fissures. Coal in large quantities and petroleum are known to exist. The chief exports are cotton, timber and forest products. Trade is small, though the natives, according to their own standard, are prosperous. They are fair agriculturists. Communications within the district are by cart-roads, bridle-paths and native tracks.

GARONNE (Lat. Garumna), a river of south-western France, rising in the Maladetta group of the Pyrenees, and flowing in a wide curve to the Atlantic Ocean. It is formed by two torrents, one of which has a subterranean course of 2 m., disappearing in the sink known as the Trou du Taureau (" bull's hole ") and reappearing at the Goueil de Jouéou. After a course of 30 m. in Spanish territory, during which it flows through the fine gorge called the Vallée d'Aran, the Garonne enters France in the department of Haute Garonne through the narrow defile of the

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Pont du Roi, and at once becomes navigable for rafts. At the English and German romantic movements during his stay Montréjeau it receives on the left the Neste, and encountering at abroad. this point the vast plateau of Lannemezan is forced to turn Imbued with the spirit of nationality, he wrote in 1824 at abruptly east, flowing in a wide curve to Toulouse. At Saint Havre the poem " Camões," which destroyed the influence of the Martory it gives off the irrigation canal of that name. At this worn-out classical and Arcadian rhymers, and in the following point the Garonne enters a fertile plain, and supplies the motive year composed the patriotic poem "D. Branca," or "The power to several mills. It is joined on the right by various Conquest of the Algarve." He was permitted to return to streams fed by the snows of the Pyrenees. Such are the Salat, at Portugal in 1826, and thereupon devoted himself to journalism. whose confluence river navigation proper begins, and the Arize With the publication of O Portuguez, he raised the tone of the and the Ariège (both names signifying" river"). From Toulouse press, exhibiting an elevation of ideas and moderation of language the Garonne flows to the north-west, now skirting the northern then unknown in political controversy, and he introduced the border of the plateau of Lannemezan which here drains into it, the "feuilleton." But his defence of Liberal principles brought him principal streams being the Save, the Gers and the Baise. On its three months' imprisonment, and when D. Miguel was proclaimed right hand the Garonne is swelled by its two chief tributaries, the absolute king on the 3rd of May 1828, Garrett had again to leave Tarn, near Moissac, and the Lot, below Agen; farther down it is the country. In London, where he sought refuge, he continued joined by the Drot (or Dropt), and on the left by the Ciron. his adhesion to romanticism by publishing Adozinda and BernalBetween Toulouse and Castets, 33 m. above Bordeaux, and the Francez, expansions of old folk-poems, which met with the highest point to which ordinary spring-tides ascend, the river is warmest praise from Southey and were translated by Adamson, accompanied at a distance of from a to 3 m. by the so-called He spent the next three years in and about Birmingham, lateral canal of the Garonne, constructed in 1838-1856. Warwick and London, engaged in writing poetry and political This canal is about 120 m. long, or 133 m. including its branches, pamphlets, and by these and by his periodicals he did much to one of which runs off at right angles to Montauban on the Tarn. unite the Portuguese émigrés and to keep up their spirit amid From Toulouse to Agen the main canal follows the right bank of their sufferings in a foreign land. Learning that an expedition the Garonne, crossing the Tarn on an aqueduct at Moissac, while was being organized in France for the liberation of Portugal, another magnificent aqueduct of twenty-three arches carries it at Garrett raised funds and joined the forces under D. Pedro as a Agen from the right to the left bank of the river. It has a fall of volunteer. Sailing in February 1832, he disembarked at Terceira, 420 ft. and over fifty locks, and is navigable for vessels having the whence he passed to S. Miguel, then the seat of the Liberal maximum dimensions of 98 ft. length, 19 ft. breadth and 6 ft. | government. Here he became a co-operator with the statesman draught. The carrying trade upon it is chiefly in agricultural Mousinho da Silveira, and assisted him in drafting those laws produce and provisions, building materials, wood and industrial which were to revolutionize the whole framework of Portuguese products. At Toulouse the canal connects with the Canal du society, this important work being done far from books and Midi, which runs to the Mediterranean. After passing Castets the without pecuniary reward. In his spare time he wrote some of Garonne begins to widen out considerably, and from being 160 the beautiful lyrics afterwards collected into Flores sem Fructo. yds. broad at Agen increases to about 650 yds. at Bordeaux, its He took part in the expedition that landed at the Mindello on the great commercial port. From here it flows with ever increasing 8th of July 1832, and in the occupation of Oporto. Early in the width between two flat shores to the Bec d'Ambès (15 m.), siege he sketched out, under the influence of Walter Scott, the where, after a course of 357 m., it unites with the Dordogne to historical romance Arco de Sant' Anna, descriptive of the city in form the vast estuary known as the Girond The triangular the reign of D. Pedro I.; and, in addition, he organized the peninsula lying between these two great tidal rivers is called Home and Foreign offices under the marquis of Palmella, drafted Entre-deux-mers (" between two seas") and is famous for its many important royal decrees, and prepared the criminal and wines. The drainage area of the Garonne is nearly 33,000 sq. m. commercial codes. In the following November he was deFloods are of common occurrence, and descend very suddenly. spatched as secretary to the marquis on a diplomatic mission to The most disastrous occurred in 1875, 1856 and in 1770, when the foreign courts, which involved him in much personal hardship. flood level at Castets attained the record height of 42 ft. above In the next year the capture of Lisbon enabled him to return low-water mark. home, and he was charged to prepare a scheme for the reform of public instruction.

GARRET (from the O. Fr. garite, modern guérite, a watchtower, connected ultimately with "guard" and "ward "), properly a small look-out tower built on a wall, and hence the name given to a room on the top storey of a building, the sloping ceiling of which is formed by the roof.

GARRETT, JOÃO BAPTISTA DA SILVA LEITÃO DE ALMEIDA, VISCONDE DE ALMEIDA-GARRETT (1799-1854), perhaps the greatest Portuguese poet since Camoens, was of Irish descent. Born in Oporto, his parents moved to the Quinta do Castello at Gaya when he was five years old. The French invasion of Portugal drove the family to the Azores, and Garrett made his first studies at Angra, beginning to versify at an early age under the influence of his uncle, a poet of the school of Bocage. Going to the university of Coimbra in 1816, he soon earned notoriety by the precocity of his talents and his fervent Liberalism, and there he gained his first oratorical and literary successes. His tragedy Lucrecia was played there in February 1819, and during this period he also wrote Merope as well as a great part of Cato, all these plays belonging to the so-called classical school. Leaving Coimbra with a law degree, he proceeded to Lisbon, and on the 11th of November 1822 married D. Luiza Midosi; but the alliance proved unhappy and a formal separation took place in 1839.

The reactionary movement against the Radical revolution of 18 20 reached its height in 1823, and Garrett had to leave Portugal by order of the Absolutist ministry then in power, and went to England. He became acquainted with the masterpieces of

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In 1834-1835 he served as consul-general and chargé d'affaires at Brussels, representing Portugal with distinction under most difficult circumstances, for which he received no thanks and little pay. When he got back, the government employed him to draw up a proposal for the construction of a national theatre and for a conservatoire of dramatic art, of which he became the head. He instituted prizes for the best plays, himself revising nearly all that were produced, and a school of dramatists and actors arose under his influence. To give them models, he proceeded to write a series of prose dramas, choosing his subjects from Portuguese history. He began in 1838 with the Auto de Gil Vicente, considering that the first step towards the recreation of the Portuguese drama was to revive the memory of its founder, and he followed this up in 1842 by the Alfageme de Santarem, dealing with the Holy Constable, and in 1843 by Frei Luiz de Sousa, one of the few great tragedies of the 19th century, a work as intensely national as The Lusiads. The story, which in part is historically true, and has the merit of being simple, like the action, is briefly as follows. D. João de Portugal, who was supposed to have died at the battle of Alcacer, returns, years afterwards, to find his wife married to Manoel de Sousa and the mother of a daughter by him, named Maria. Thereupon the pair separate and enter religion, and Manoel becomes the famous chronicler, Frei Luiz de Sousa (q.v.). The characters live and move, especially Telmo, the old servant, who would never believe in the death of his former master D. João, and the consumptive

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