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and others. Of cosingular complexes of higher degree nothing is known.

Following J. Plücker, we give an account of the lines of a quadratic complex that meet a given line.

The cones whose vertices are on the given line all pass through eight fixed points and envelop a surface of the fourth degree; the conics whose planes contain the given line all lie on a surface of the fourth class and touch eight fixed planes. It is easy to see by elementary geometry that these two surfaces are identical. Further, the given line contains four singular points A1, A2, A3, A4, and the planes into which their cones degenerate are the eight common tangent planes mentioned above; similarly, there are four singular planes, 41, 42, 43, 44, through the line, and the eight points into which their conics degenerate are the eight common points above. The locus of the pole of the line with respect to all the conics in planes through it is a straight line called the polar line of the given one; and through this line passes the polar plane of the given line with respect to each of the cones. The name polar is applied in the ordinary analytical sense; any line has an infinite number of polar complexes with respect to the given complex, for the equation of the latter can be written in an infinite number of ways; one of these polars is a straight line, and is the polar line already introduced. The surface on which lie all the conics through a line l is called the Plücker surface of that line: from the known properties of (2, 2) correspondences it can be shown that the Plücker surface of / cuts in a range of the same cross ratio as that of the range in which the Plücker surface of cuts 1. Applying this to the case in which is the polar of 1, we find that the cross ratios of (A1, A2, A3, A4) and (a, a, a, a) are equal. The identity of the locus of the A's with the envelope of the a's follows at once; moreover, a line meets the singular surface ip four points having the same cross ratio as that of the four tangent planes drawn through the line to touch the surface. The Plucker surface has eight nodes, eight singular tangent planes, and is a double line. The relation between a line and its polar line is not a reciprocal one with respect to the complex; but W. Stahl has pointed out that the relation is reciprocal as far as the singular surface is concerned.

To facilitate the discussion of the general quadratic complex we introduce Klein's canonical form. We have, in fact, to Quadratic deal with two quadratic equations in six variables; and by suitable linear transformations these can be reduced to the



We have practically to study the intersection of two quadrics F and F in six variables, and to classify the different cases arising we make use of the results of Karl Weierstrass on the equivalence conditions of two pairs of quadratics. As far as at present required, they are as follows: Suppose that the factorized form of the deter minantal equation Disct (F+AF')=0 is

(^~a)'s +°2+*8 · · · (λ −8) 's +'?+'s+•••..... where the root a occurs si+s2+5.... times in the determinant, $+sa... times in every first minor, st... times in every second minor, and so on; the meaning of each exponent is then perfectly definite. Every factor of the type (-a) is called an elementartheil (elementary divisor) of the determinant, and the condition of equivalence of two pairs of quadratics is simply that their determinants have the same elementary divisors. We write the pair of forms symbolically thus [(sis... (...),...), letters in the inner brackets referring to the same factor. Returning now to the two quadratics representing the complex, the sum of the exponents will be six, and two complexes are put in the same class if they have the same symbolical expression; i. e. the actual values of the roots of the determinantal equation need not be the same for both, but their manner of occurrence, as far as here indicated, must be identical in the two. The enumeration of all possible cases is thus reduced to a simple question in combinatorial analysis, and the actual study of any particular case is much facilitated by a useful rule of Klein's for writing down in a simple form two quadratics belonging to a given class-one of which, of course, represents the equation connecting line coordinates, and the other the equation of the complex. The general complex is naturally [111111]; the complex of tangents to a quadric is (111), (111)] and that of lines meeting a conic is [(222). Full information will be found in Weiler's memoir, Math. Ann. vol. vii. The detailed study of each variety of complex opens up a vast subject; we only mention two special cases, the harmonic complex and the tetrahedral complex.

The harmonic complex, first studied by Battaglini, is generated in an infinite number of ways by the lines cutting two quadrics harmonically. Taking the most general case, and referring the quadrics to their common self-conjugate tetrahedron, we can find its equation in a simple form, and verify that this complex really depends only on seventeen constants, so that it is not the most general quadratic complex. It belongs to the general type in so far as it is discussed above, but the roots of the determinant are in involution. The singular surface is the "tetrahedroid" discussed by Cayley. As a particular case, from a metrical point of view, we have L. F. Painvin's complex generated by the lines of intersection of perpendicular tangent planes of a quadric, the singular surface now the simplest and best known of proper quadratic complexes. It is being Fresnel's wave surface. The tetrahedral or Reye complex is constant cross ratio, and therefore by those subtending the same cross ratio at the four vertices. The singular surface is made up of the faces or the vertices of the fundamental tetrahedron, and each edge of this tetrahedron is a double line of the complex. The complex was first discussed by K. T. Reye as the assemblage of lines joining corresponding points in a homographic transformation of space, and this point of view leads to many important and elegant properties. A (metrically) particular case of great interest is the complex generated by the normals to a family of confocal quadrics, and for many investigations it is convenient to deal with this com plex referred to the principal axes. For example, Lie has developed the theory of curves in a Reye complex (i.e. curves whose tangents belong to the complex) as solutions of a differential equation of the form (b-c)xdydz+(c-a)ydzdx+(a-b)zdxdy=o, and we can simplify this equation by a logarithmic transformation. Many theorems connecting complexes with differential equations have been given by Lie and his school. A line complex, in fact, corresponds to a Mongian equation having line integrals.

@1x12+a; x2+0x32+a«x«2+axs2+ax2=0 x2+ x;2+ x82+ x62+ xs2+ x2=0 subject to certain exceptions, which will be mentioned later. Taking the first equation to be that of the complex, we remark that both equations are unaltered by changing the sign of any coordinate; the geometrical meaning of this is, that the quadratic complex is its own reciprocal with respect to each of the six funda-generated by the lines which cut the faces of a tetrahedron in a mental complexes, for changing the sign of a coordinate is equivalent to taking the polar of a line with respect to the corresponding fundamental complex. It is easy to establish the existence of six systems of bitangent linear complexes, for the complex 4x+hx2+2x+4x+x+x=o is a bitangent when 42 1,2 142 4=0, and + + + and its lines of contact are conjugate lines with respect to the first fundamental complex. We therefore infer the existence of six systems of bitangent lines of the complex, of which the first is given by X,2 x42 хо2 = 0.

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+ + + Each of these lines is a bitangent of the singular surface, which is therefore completely determined as being the focal surface of the (2, 2) congruence above. It is thence easy to verify that the two complexes Zaxo and Ebxo are cosingular if b1 = a,λ+u/a,v+p. The singular surface of the general quadratic complex is the famous quartic, with sixteen nodes and sixteen singular tangent planes, first discovered by E. E. Kümmer.

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Congru ences..

As the coordinates of a line belonging to a congruence are functions We cannot give a full account of its properties here, but we deduce of two independent parameters, the theory of congruences is analogous at once from the above that its bitangents break up into six (2, 2) to that of surfaces, and we may regard it as a fundamental congruences, and the six linear complexes containing these are inquiry to find the simplest form of surface into which mutually in involution. The nodes of the singular surface are points a given congruence can be transformed. Most of those whose complex cones are coincident planes, and the complex conic whose properties have been extensively discussed can be represented in a singular tangent plane consists of two coincident points. This on a plane by a birational transformation. But in addition to the configuration of sixteen points and planes has many interesting difficulties of the theory of algebraic surfaces, a subject still in its properties; thus each plane contains six points which lie on a conic, infancy, the theory of congruences has other difficulties in that a while through each point there pass six planes which touch a quadric congruence is seldom completely represented, even by two equations. cone. In many respects the Kummer quartic plays a part in three A fundamental theorem is that the lines of a congruence are in dimensions analogous to the general quartic curve in two; it further general bitangents of a surface; in fact, since the condition of intergives a natural representation of certain relations between hyper-section of two consecutive straight lines is dλ+dmdu+dndv=0, 3 elliptic functions (cf. R. W. H. T. Hudson, Kümmer's Quartic, 1905). line of the congruence meets two adjacent lines, say and h. As might be expected from the magnitude of a form in six variables, Suppose 1, 4 lie in the plane pencil (A,a,) and I, in the plane pencil the number of projectivally distinct varieties of quadratic complexes (A), then the locus of the A's is the same as the envelope of the is very great; and in fact Adolf Weiler, by whom the a's, but a, is the tangent plane at A, and a, at A2. This surface is Classifica question was first systematically studied on lines indicated called the focal surface of the congruence, and to it all the lines tion of by Klein, enumerated no fewer than forty-nine different quadratic are bitangent. The distinctive property of the points A is that two types. But the principle of the classification is so im- of the congruence lines through them coincide, and in like manner complexes. portant, and withal so simple, that we give a brief sketch the planes a each contain two coincident lines. The focal surface which indicates its essential features. consists of two sheets, but one or both may degenerate into curves:

thus, for example, the normals to a surface are bitangents of the surface of centres, and in the case of Dupin's cyclide this surface degenerates into two conics.


The various metrical geometries are concerned with the In the discussion of congruences it soon becomes necessary to properties of the various types of congruence-groups, which are introduce another number, called the rank, which expresses the defined in the study of the axioms of geometry and of their number of plane pencils each of which contains an arbitrary line and two lines of the congruence. The order of the focal surface is immediate consequences. But this point of view of the subject 2m(n-1)-27, and its class is m(m-1)-27. Our knowledge of is the outcome of recent research, and historically the subject congruences is almost exclusively confined to those in which either has a different origin. Non-Euclidean geometry arose from the m or n does not exceed two. We give a brief account of those of discussion, extending from the Greek period to the present day, the second order without singular lines, those of order unity not being especially interesting. A congruence generally has singular of the various assumptions which are implicit in the traditional points through which an infinite number of lines pass; a singular Euclidean system of geometry. In the course of these investigapoint is said to be of order when the lines through it lie on a cone tions it became evident that metrical geometries, each internally of the rth degree. By means of formulae connecting the number of consistent but inconsistent in many respects with each other singular points and their orders with the class m of quadratic congruence Kümmer proved that the class cannot exceed seven. The and with the Euclidean system, could be developed. A short focal surface is of degree four and class 2m; this kind of quartic historical sketch will explain this origin of the subject, and surface has been extensively studied by Kümmer, Cayley, Rohn and describe the famous and interesting progress of thought on the others. The varieties (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5) all belong to at subject. But previously a description of the chief characteristic least one Reye complex; and so also does the most important class of (2, 6) congruences which includes all the above as special cases. properties of elliptic and of hyperbolic geometries will be given, The congruence (2, 2) belongs to a linear complex and forty different assuming the standpoint arrived at below under VII. Axioms Reye complexes; as above remarked, the singular surface is of Geometry. Kümmer's sixteen-nodal quartic, and the same surface is focal for six different congruences of this variety. The theory of (2, 2) congruences is completely analogous to that of the surfaces called cyclides in three dimensions. Further particulars regarding quadratic congruences will be found in Kümmer's memoir of 1866, and the second volume of Sturm's treatise. The properties of quadratic congruences having singular lines, i.e. degenerate focal surfaces, are not so interesting as those of the above class; they have been discussed by Kümmer, Sturm and others.


Since a ruled surface contains only elements, this theory is practically the same as that of curves. If a linear complex contains more than n generators of a ruled surface of the nth degree, surfaces. it contains all the generators, hence for n=2 there are three linearly independent complexes, containing all the generators, and this is a well-known property of quadric surfaces. In ruled cubics the generators all meet two lines which may or inay not coincide; these two cases correspond to the two main classes of cubics discussed by Cayley and Cremona. As regards ruled quartics, the generators must lie in one and may lie in two linear complexes. The first class is equivalent to a quartic in four dimensions and is always rational, but the latter class has to be subdivided into the elliptic and the rational, just like twisted quartic curves. A quintic skew may not lie in a linear complex, and then it is unicursal, while of sextics we have two classes not in a linear complex, viz. the elliptic variety, having thirty-six places where a linear complex contains six consecutive generators, and the rational, having six such places.

The general theory of skews in two linear complexes is identical with that of curves on a quadric in three dimensions and is known. But for skews lying in only one linear complex there are difficulties; the curve now lies in four dimensions, and we represent it in three by stereographic projection as a curve meeting a given plane in n points on a conic. To find the maximum deficiency for a given degree would probably be difficult, but as far as degree eight the space-curve theory of Halphen and Nother can be translated into line geometry at once. When the skew does not lie in a linear complex at all the theory is more difficult still, and the general theory clearly cannot advance until further progress is made in the study of twisted


For a

First assume the equation to the absolute (cf. loc. cit.) to be w2-x2-y2-22-0. The absolute is then real, and the geometry is hyberbolic.

The distance (d2) between the two points (x, y, z, w1) and (x2, Y's, 22, wa) is given by

cosh (dly)=(w1W2 − x1X2 - Y1Y2 – Z12)/ { (w)2 — x)2 —•yıa — 2,2)
(W22 - x23 — y1⁄23 - 222)}}

The only points to which the metrical geometry applies are those
within the region enclosed by the quadric; the other points are
1x+my+ni+r1w=0 and 2x+my+n,+r2w=0, is given by
improper ideal points." The angle (012) between two planes,
cos 012 = (lil2+m1m2+n1n2− r1#2}{{{h2+mi2+nj3 −12)

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These planes only have a real angle of inclination if they possess a
line of intersection within the actual space, i.e. if they intersect.
Planes which do not intersect possess a shortest distance along a line
which is perpendicular to both of them. If this shortest distance is
812, we have
cosh (812/7)=(lika+m ̧m2+n ̧n2 − 7172)/ {(l,2+m,2+n,2 − r‚2)
Thus in the case of the two planes one and only one of the two,
and 812, is real. The same considerations hold for coplanar straight
lines (see VII. Axioms of Geometry). Let O (fig. 67) be the point
(0, 0, 0, 1), OX the line y=0,
2=0, OY the line zo, x=o, and
OZ the line x=o, y=o. These are
the coordinate axes and are at
right angles to each other. Let
P be any point, and let o be the
distance OP, 0 the angle POZ, and
the angle between the planes
ZOX and ZOP. Then the co-
ordinates of P can be taken to be

and also

FIG. 67.


sinh (p/v) sine cos, sinh (p/y) sin ℗ sino, sinh (p/v) coso, cosh (p/Y). If ABC is a triangle, and the REFERENCES.-The earliest works of a general nature are Plücker, sides and angles are named accordNeue Geometrie des Raumes (Leipzig, 1868); and Kummer," Übering to the usual convention, we have die algebraischen Strahlensysteme," Berlin Academy (1866). Systemsinh (a/Y)/sin A=sinh (b/v)/sin B = sinh (c/v)/sin C, atic development on purely synthetic lines will be found in the three volumes of Sturm, Liniengeometrie (Leipzig, 1892, 1893, 1896); vol. i. deals with the linear and Reye complexes, vols. ii. and iii. cosh (a/y)=cosh (b/v) cosh (c/v)—sinh (b/y) sinh (c/v) cos A, (5) with quadratic congruences and complexes respectively. highly suggestive review by Gino Loria see Bulletin des sciences with two similar equations. The sum of the three angles of a triangle mathématiques (1893, 1897). A shorter treatise, giving a very is (-A-B-C). If the base BC of a triangle is kept fixed is always less than two right angles. The area of the triangle ABC interesting account of Klein's coordinates, is the work of Koenigs, and the vertex A moves in the fixed plane ABC so that the area La Géométrie réglée et ses applications (Paris, 1898). English treatises are C. M. Jessop, Treatise on the Line Complex (1903); R. W. H. T. ABC is constant, then the locus of A is a line of equal distance from Hudson, Kümmer's Quartic (1905). Many references to memoirs on BC. This locus is not a straight line. The whole theory of similarity line geometry will be found in Hagen, Synopsis der, höheren Mathe- is inapplicable; two triangles are either congruent, or their angles matik, ii. (Berlin, 1894); Loria, Il passato ed il presente delle principali determined when its three angles are are not equal two by two. Thus the elements of a triangle are teorie geometriche (Milan, 1897); a clear résumé of the principal di mathematiche superiori, ii. (Milan, 1900). Another treatise dealing off to infinity along BC, the lines BC results is contained in the very elegant volume of Pascal, Repertorio given. By keeping A and B and the line BC fixed, but by making C move extensively with line geometry is Lie, Geometrie der Berührungstransformationen (Leipzig, 1896). Many memoirs on the subject have and AC become parallel, and the sides a and b become infinite. Hence from appeared in the Mathematische Annalen; a full list of these will be found in the index to the first fifty volumes, p. 115. Perhaps the equation (5) above, it follows that two two memoirs which have left most impression on the subsequent parallel lines (cf. Section VII. Axioms of development of the subject are Klein," Zur Theorie der Linien-Geometry) must be considered as making a zero angle with each complexe des ersten und zweiten Grades," Math. Ann. ii.; and Lie, other. Also if B be a right angle, from the equation (5), remem "Uber Complexe, insbesondere Linien- und Kugelcomplexe," bering that, in the limit, Math. Ann. v. J. H. GR.)

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FIG. 68.

cosh (a/r)/cosh (b/y) = cosh (a/v)/sinh (b/7) = 1,

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to C

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(6). The angle A is called by N. I. Lobatchewsky the "angle of parallel



The whole theory of lines and planes at right angles to each other is simply the theory of conjugate elements with respect to the absolute, where ideal lines and planes are introduced.

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Thus if and be any two conjugate lines with respect to the absolute (of which one of the two must be improper, say '), then any plane through and containing proper points is perpendicular to. Also if p is any plane containing proper points, and P is its pole, which is necessarily improper, then the lines through P are the normals to P. The equation of the sphere, centre (x, y1, Si, Wi) and radius p. is

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(w ̧2—x¡2—‚μ‚2—2 ̧3) (w2—x2 — y2—22) cosh2(p/v) =
(w,w-xx-y1y-212) (7).
The equation of the surface of equal distance () from the plane
Ix+my+ne+rw=o is

(P+m2+n2—r2) (w2—x2 — y2 —z2) sinh2(σ/v) =

A surface of equal distance is a sphere whose centre is improper; and both types of surface are included in the family

by the plane p, but P and R are not separated by p, nor are Q
Let A, B, C be any three non-collinear points, then four triangles
and R.
are defined by these points. Thus if a, b, c and A, B, C are the
elements of any one triangle, then the four triangles have as their



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(3) πγ-α,
(4) πγ-0, πγ -6,


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The formulae connecting the elements are


sin A/sin (4/7)=sin B/sin (b/y) = sin C/sin (c/v),

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cos (a/r)= =cos (by) cos (c/y) +sin (b/y) sin (c/y) cos A, (13) with two similar equations.

Two cases arise, namely (I.) according as one of the four triangles has as its sides the shortest segments between the angular points, When case I. holds there or (II.) according as this is not the case. (rw+lx+my+nz)2 (8). If all the figures considered lie is said to be a "principal triangle." within a sphere of radius ry only case I. can hold, and the principal triangle is the triangle wholly within this sphere, also the peculiarities in respect to the separation of points by a plane cannot then arise. The sum of the three angles of a triangle ABC is always greater than two right angles, and the area of the triangle is (A+B+C-T). Thus as in hyperbolic geometry the theory of similarity does not hold, and the elements of a triangle are determined when its three angles are given. The coordinates of a point can be written in the form

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But this family also includes a third type of surfaces, which can be looked on either as the limits of spheres whose centres have approached the absolute, or as the limits of surfaces of equal distance whose central planes have approached a position tangential to the absolute. These surfaces are called limit-surfaces. Thus (9) denotes a limit-surface, if d-a-b2-co. Two limit-surfaces only differ in position. Thus the two limit-surfaces which touch the plane YOZ at O, but have their concavities turned in opposite directions, have as their equations

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sin (ply) sin cos ø, sin (p/y) sin @ sin ø, sin (p/Y) cose, cos (ply). where p, 0 and have the same meanings as in the corresponding formulae in hyperbolic geometry. Again, suppose a watch is laid on the plane OXY, face upwards with its centre at O, and the line 12 to 6 (as marked on dial) along the line YOY. Let the watch be the direction 9 to 3. Then the line XOX being of finite length, the continually pushed along the plane along the line OX, that is, in watch will return to O, but at its first return it will be found to be face downwards on the other side of the plane, with the line 12 to 6 reversed in direction along the line YOY. This peculiarity was first pointed out by Felix Klein. The theory of parallels as it exists in hyperbolic space has no application in elliptic geometry. But This is not a ruled surface. Hence in this geometry it is not possible another property of Euclidean parallel lines holds in elliptic geo metry, and by the use of it parallel lines are defined. For the equafor two straight lines to be at a constant distance from each other. Secondly, let the equation of the absolute be 2+12+22+tion of the surface (cylinder) of equal distance (8) from the line w2o. The absolute is now imaginary and the geometry is XOX is elliptic.

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Thus there are two distances between the points, and if one is di2, the other is y-di. Every straight line returns into itself, forming a closed series. Thus there are two segments between any two points, together forming the whole line which contains them; one distance is associated with one segment, and the other distance with the other segment. The complete length of every straight line is Y. The angle between the two planes x+my+ni+wo and b2x+my+n2+r2w=0 is

cos 012= (lila+m1m2+n1na+r1ra)}/{{k,2+m,2+n,2+r,2)'

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The polar plane with respect to the absolute of the point (x, y, z, w1)
is the real plane xx+y+is+wwo, and the pole of the plane
41x+my+nis+wo is the point (l, m, n, r). Thus (from
equations 10 and 11) it follows that the angle between the polar
planes of the points (x,...) and (x,...) is di/y, and that the
distance between the poles of the planes (...) and () is
YO. Thus there is complete reciprocity between points and planes
in respect to all properties. This complete reign of the principle
of duality is one of the great beauties of this geometry. The theory
of lines and planes at right angles is simply the theory of conjugate
elements with respect to the absolute. A tetrahedron self-conjugate
with respect to the absolute has all its intersecting elements (edges
and planes) at right angles. If I and l' are two conjugate lines, the
planes through one are the planes perpendicular to the other. If
P is the pole of the plane p, the lines through P are the normals to
the plane p. The distance from P to p is ry. Thus every sphere
is also a surface of equal distance from the polar of its centre, and
conversely. A plane does not divide space; for the line joining any
two points P and Q only cuts the plane once, in L say, then it is
always possible to go from P to Q by the segment of the line PQ
which does not contain L. But P and Q may be said to be separated
by a plane p, if the point in which PO cuts plies on the shortest
With this sense of "separation," it is
segment between P and Q.
possible to find three points P. Q, R such that P and Q are separated
1 Cf. A. N. Whitehead, Universal Algebra, Bk. vi. (Cambridge,

(x2+w2) tan 2(8/v) − (y2+22) = 0.

This is also the surface of equal distance, ay-8, from the line
conjugate to XOX. Now from the form of the above equation this
is a ruled surface, and through every point of it two generators pass.
But these generators are lines of equal distance from XOX. Thus
throughout every point of space two lines can be drawn which are
covered by W. K. Clifford. The two lines are called Clifford's right
lines of equal distance from a given line. This property was dis-
and left parallels to through the point. This property of parallel-
parallel to m. Note also that two parallel lines and m are not
ism is reciprocal, so that if m is a left parallel to 1, then is a left
not hold for Lobatchewsky's parallels in hyperbolic geometry, do
coplanar. Many of those properties of Euclidean parallels, which do
hold for Clifford's parallels in elliptic geometry. The geodesic
geometry of spheres is elliptic, the geodesic geometry of surfaces of
equal distance from lines (cylinders) is Euclidean, and surfaces of
revolution can be found of which the geodesic geometry is hyper-
bolic. But it is to be noticed that the connectivity of these surfaces
is different to that of a Euclidean plane. For instance there are only
congruence transformations of the cylindrical surfaces of equal
It would obviously be possible to state "axioms" which these
distance into themselves, instead of the ∞ for the ordinary plane.
geodesics satisfy, and thus to define independently, and not as loci,
quasi-spaces of these peculiar types. The existence of such Euclidean
quasi-geometries was first pointed out by Clifford.

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In both elliptic and hyperbolic geometry the spherical geometry, i.e. the relations between the angles formed by lines and planes passing through the same point, is the same as the spherical trigonometry "in Euclidean geometry. The constant Y, which appears in the formulae both of hyperbolic and elliptic geometry, does not by its variation produce different types of geometry. There is only one type of elliptic geometry and one type of hyperbolic geometry; and the magnitude of the constant in each case simply depends upon the magnitude of the arbitrary unit of length in comparison with the natural unit of length Cf. A. N. Whitehead, loc. cit.

Cf. A. N. Whitehead, "The Geodesic Geometry of Surfaces in non-Euclidean Space," Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. vol. xxix. Cf. Klein, "Zur nicht-Euklidischen Geometrie," Math. Annal. vol. xxxvii.

the second, that they are both obtuse; and the third, that they are both acute. Many of the results afterwards obtained by Lobatchewsky and Bolyai are here developed. Saccheri fails to be the founder of non-Euclidean geometry only because he does not perceive the possible truth of his non-Euclidean hypotheses.

which each particular instance of either geometry presents. | equal. The first hypothesis is that these are both right angles; The existence of a natural unit of length is a peculiarity common both to hyperbolic and elliptic geometries, and differentiates them from Euclidean geometry, It is the reason for the failure of the theory of similarity in them. If y is very large, that is, if the natural unit is very large compared to the arbitrary unit, and if the lengths involved in the figures considered are not large compared to the arbitrary unit, then both the elliptic and hyperbolic geometries approximate to the Euclidean. For from formulac (4) and (5) and also from (12) and (13) we find, after retaining only the lowest powers of small quantities, as the formulae for any triangle ABC,




al sin A=b/ sin B =c/ sin C,

a2= b2+c2-2bc cos A,

with two similar equations. Thus the geometries of small figures are in both types Euclidean. History." In pulcherrimo Geometriac corpore," wrote Sir Henry Savile in 1621, "duo sunt naevi, duae labes nec quod Theory of sciam plures, in quibus eluendis et emaculendis cum parallels veterum tum recentiorum vigilavit industria." These two blemishes are the theory of parallels and the theory of proportion. The industry of the moderns," in both respects, has given rise to important branches of mathematics, while at the same time showing that Euclid is in these respects more free from blemish than had been previously credible. It was from endeavours to improve the theory of parallels that non-Euclidean geometry arose; and though it has now acquired a far wider scope, its historical origin remains instructive and interesting. Euclid's axiom of parallels appears as Postulate V. to the first book of his Elements, and is stated thus, " And that, if a straight line falling on two straight lines make the angles, internal and on the same side, less than two right angles, the two straight lines, being produced indefinitely, meet on the side on which are the angles less than two right angles." The original Greek is καὶ ἐὰν εἰς δύο εὐθείας εὐθεῖα ἐμπίπτουσα τὰς ἐντὸς καὶ ἐπὶ τὰ αὐτὰ μέρη γωνίας δύο ὀρθῶν ἐλάσσονας ποιῇ, ἐκβαλλομένας τὰς δύο εὐθείας ἐπ' ἄπειρον συμπίπτειν, ἐφ' ἃ μέρη εἰσὶν αἱ τῶν δύο ὀρθῶν ἐλάσσονες.

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To Euclid's successors this axiom had signally failed to appear self-evident, and had failed equally to appear indemonstrable. Without the use of the postulate its converse is proved in Euclid's 28th proposition, and it was hoped that by further efforts the postulate itself could be also proved. The first step consisted in the discovery of equivalent axioms. Christoph Clavius in 1574 deduced the axiom from the assumption that a line whose points are all equidistant from a straight line is itself straight. John Wallis in 1663 showed that the postulate follows from the possibility of similar triangles on different scales. Girolamo Saccheri (1733) showed that it is sufficient to have a single triangle, the sum of whose angles is two right angles. Other equivalent forms may be obtained, but none shows any essential superiority to Euclid's. Indeed plausibility, which is chiefly aimed at, becomes a positive demerit where it conceals a real assumption.


A new method, which, though it failed to lead to the desired goal, proved in the end immensely fruitful, was invented by Saccheri, in a work entitled Euclides ab omni naevo vindicatus (Milan, 1733). If the postulate of parallels is involved in Euclid's other assumptions, contradictions must emerge when it is denied while the others are maintained. This led Saccheri to attempt a reductio ad absurdum, in which he mistakenly believed himself to have succeeded. What is interesting, however, is not his fallacious conclusion, but the nonEuclidean results which he obtains in the process. Saccheri distinguishes three hypotheses (corresponding to what are now known as Euclidean or parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic geometry), and proves that some one of the three must be univer sally true. His three hypotheses are thus obtained: equal perpendiculars AC, BD are drawn from a straight line AB. and CD are joined. It is shown that the angles ACD, BDC are

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Some advance is made by Johann Heinrich Lambert in his Theoric der Parallellinien (written 1766; posthumously published 1786). Though he still believed in the necessary truth of Euclidean geometry, he confessed that, in all his attempted proofs, something remained undemonstrated. He deals with the same three hypotheses as Saccheri, showing that the second holds on a sphere, while the third would hold on a sphere of purely imaginary radius. The second hypothesis he succeeds in condemning, since, like all who preceded Bernhard Riemann, he is unable to conceive of the straight line as finite and closed. But the third hypothesis, which is the same as Lobatchewsky's, is not even professedly refuted.1


Euclidean geometry.

Non-Euclidean geometry proper begins with Karl Friedrich Gauss. The advance which he made was rather philosophical than mathematical: it was he (probably) who first recognized that the postulate of parallels is possibly periods of false, and should be empirically tested by measuring nonthe angles of large triangles. The history of nonEuclidean geometry has been aptly divided by Felix Klein into three very distinct periods. The first-which contains only Gauss, Lobatchewsky and Bolyai-is characterized by its synthetic method and by its close relation to Euclid. The attempt at indirect proof of the disputed postulate would seem to have been the source of these three men's discoveries; but when the postulate had been denied, they found that the results, so far from showing contradictions, were just as self-consistent as Euclid. They inferred that the postulate, if true at all, can only be proved by observations and measurements. Only one kind of non-Euclidean space is known to them, namely, that which is now called hyperbolic. The second period is analytical, and is characterized by a close relation to the theory of surfaces. It begins with Riemann's inaugural dissertation, which regards space as a particular case of a manifold; but the characteristic standpoint of the period is chiefly emphasized by Eugenio Beltrami. The conception of measure of curvature is extended by Riemann from surfaces to spaces, and a new kind of space, finite but unbounded (corresponding to the second hypothesis of Saccheri and Lambert), is shown to be possible. As opposed to the second period, which is purely metrical, the third period is essentially projective in its method. It begins with Arthur Cayley, who showed that metrical properties are projective properties relative to a certain fundamental quadric, and that different geometries arise according as this quadric is real, imaginary or degenerate. Klein, to whom the development of Cayley's work is due, showed further that there are two forms of Riemann's space, called by him the elliptic and the spherical. Finally, it has been shown by Sophus Lie, that if figures are to be freely movable throughout all space in ∞ ways, no other three-dimensional spaces than the above four are possible. Gauss published nothing on the theory of parallels, and it was not generally known until after his death that he had interested himself in that theory from a very early Gauss. date. In 1799 he announces that Euclidean geometry would follow from the assumption that a triangle can be drawn greater than any given triangle. Though unwilling to assume this, we find him in 1804 still hoping to prove the postulate of parallels. In 1830 he announces his conviction that geometry is not an a priori science; in the following year he explains that non-Euclidean geometry is free from contradictions, and that, in this system, the angles of a triangle diminish without limit when all the sides are increased. He also gives for the Engel, Theorie der Parallellinien von Euklid bis auf Gauss (Leipzig, 1 On the theory of parallels before Lobatchewsky, see Stäcke! und The foregoing remarks are based upon the materials collected in this work.


circumference of a circle of radius r the formula #k(e'/* —er−1*), where k is a constant depending upon the nature of the space. In 1832, in reply to the receipt of Bolyai's Appendix, he gives an elegant proof that the amount by which the sum of the angles of a triangle falls short of two right angles is proportional to the area of the triangle. From these and a few other remarks it appears that Gauss possessed the foundations of hyperbolic geometry, which he was probably the first to regard as perhaps true. It is not known with certainty whether he influenced Lobatchewsky and Bolyai, but the evidence we possess is against such a view. The first to publish a non-Euclidean geometry was Nicholas Lobatchewsky, professor of mathematics in the new university of Kazañ. In the place of the disputed postulate Lobathe puts the following: "All straight lines which, in chowsky. a plane, radiate from a given point, can, with respect to any other straight line in the same plane, be divided into two classes, the intersecting and the non-intersecting. The boundary line of the one and the other class is called parallel to the given line." It follows that there are two parallels to the given line through any point, each meeting the line at infinity, like a Euclidean parallel. (Hence a line has two distinct points at infinity, and not one only as in ordinary geometry.) The two parallels to a line through a point make equal acute angles with the perpendicular to the line through the point. If p be the length of the perpendicular, either of these angles is denoted by П(p). The determination of II(p) is the chief problem (cf. equation (6) above); it appears finally that, with a suitable choice of the unit of length,

tan I(p) =e-".

Before obtaining this result it is shown that spherical trigonometry is unchanged, and that the normals to a circle or a sphere still pass through its centre. When the radius of the circle or sphere becomes infinite all these normals become parallel, but the circle or sphere does not become a straight line or plane. It becomes what Lobatchewsky calls a limit-line or limit-surface. The geometry on such a surface is shown to be Euclidean, limitlines replacing Euclidean straight lines. (It is, in fact, a surface of zero measure of curvature.) By the help of these propositions Lobatchewsky obtains the above value of II(p), and thence the solution of triangles. He points out that his formulae result from those of spherical trigonometry by substituting ia, ib, ic, for the sides a, b, c.


John Bolyai, a Hungarian, obtained results closely corresponding to those of Lobatchewsky. These he published in an appendix to a work by his father, entitled Appendix Scientiam spatii absolute veram exhibens: a veritate aut falsitate Axiomatis XI. Euclidei (a priori haud unquam decidenda) independentem: adjecta ad casum falsitatis, quadratura circuli geometrica. This work was published in 1831, but its conception dates from 1823. It reveals a profounder appreciation of the importance of the new ideas, but otherwise differs little from Lobatchewsky's. Both men point out that Euclidean geometry as a limiting case of their own more general system, that the geometry of very small spaces is always approximately Euclidean, that no a priori grounds exist for a decision, and that observation can only give an approximate answer. Bolyai gives also, as his title indicates, a geometrical construction, in hyperbolic space, for the quadrature of the circle, and shows that the area of the greatest possible triangle, which has all its sides parallel and all its angles zero, is 2, where i is what we should now call the space-constant.

See Stäckel und Engel, op. cit., and “Gauss, die beiden Bolyai, und die nicht-Euklidische Geometric," Math. Annalen, Bd. xlix.; also Engel's translation of Lobatchewsky (Leipzig, 1898), pp. 378 ff. 'Lobatchewsky's works on the subject are the following:-"On the Foundations of Geometry." Kazan Messenger, 1829-1830; New Foundations of Geometry, with a complete Theory of Parallels," Proceedings of the University of Kazan, 1835 (both in Russian, but translated into German by Engel, Leipzig, 1898); "Géométrie imaginaire," Crelle's Journal, 1837; Theorie der Parallellinien (Berlin, 1840; 2nd ed., 1887; translated by Halsted, Austin, Texas, 1891). His results appear to have been set forth in a paper (now lost) which he read at Kazañ in 1826.

Translated by Halsted (Austin, Texas, 4th ed., 1896).

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The works of Lobatchewsky and Bolyai, though known and valued by Gauss, remained obscure and ineffective until,in 1866, they were translated into French by J. Houel. But at this time Riemann's dissertation, Über die Hypothesen, welcke der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen, was already about to be published. In this work Riemann, without any knowledge of his predecessors in the same field, inaugurated a far more profound discussion, based on a far more general standpoint; and by its publication in 1867 the attention of mathematicians and philosophers was at last secured. (The dissertation dates from 1854, but owing to changes which Riemann wished to make in it, it remained unpublished until after his death.)

of a mani

Riemann's work contains two fundamental conceptions, that of a manifold and that of the measure of curvature of a continuous manifold possessed of what he calls flatness in the smallest parts. By means of these conceptions space is made to appear Definition at the end of a gradual series of more and more specialized conceptions. Conceptions of magnitude, he explains, fold. are only possible where we have a general conception capable of determination in various ways. The manifold consists of all these various determinations, cach of which is an element of the manifold. The passage from one clement to another may be discrete or continuous; the manifold is called discrete or continuous accordingly. Where it is discrete two portions of it can be compared, as to magnitude, by counting; where continuous, by measurement. But measurement demands superposition, and consequently some magnitude independent of its place in the manifold. In passing, in a continuous manifold, from one element to another in a determinate way, we pass through a series of intermediate terms, which form a onedimensional manifold. If this whole manifold be similarly caused to pass over into another, each of its elements passes through a one-dimensional manifold, and thus on the whole a two-dimensional manifold is generated. In this way we can proceed to n dimensions. Conversely, a manifold of n dimensions can be analysed into one of one dimension and one of (n-1) dimensions. By repetitions of this process the position of an element may be at last determined by " magnitudes. We may here stop to observe that the above conception of a manifold is akin to that due to Hermann Grassmann in the first edition (1847) of his Ausdehnungslehre.

Measure of curvature.

Both concepts have been elaborated and superseded by the modern procedure in respect to the axioms of geometry, and by the conception of abstract geometry involved therein. Riemann proceeds to specialize the manifold by considerations as to measurement. If measurement is to be possible, some magnitude, we saw, must be independent of position; let us consider manifolds in which lengths of lines are such magnitudes, so that every line is measurable by every other. The coordinates of a point being x1, x2, . . . ., let us confine ourselves to lines along which the ratios dr1:dx:. . . :dx, alter continuously. Let us also assume that the element of length, ds, is unchanged (to the first order) when all its points undergo the same infinitesimal motion. Then if all the increments dx be altered in the same ratio, ds is also altered in this ratio. Hence ds is a homogeneous function of the first degree of the increments dr. Moreover, ds must be unchanged when all the dx change sign. The simplest possible case is, therefore, that in which ds is the square root of a quadratic function of the dx. This case includes space, and is alone considered in what follows. It is called the case of flatness in the smallest parts. Its further discussion depends upon the measure of curvature, the second of Riemann's fundamental conceptions. This conception, derived from the theory of surfaces, is applied as follows. Any one of the shortest lines which issue from a given point(say the origin) is completely determined by the initial ratios of the dr. Two such lines, defined by dx and ôx say, determine a pencil, or onedimensional series, of shortest lines, any one of which is defined

Abhandlungen d. Königl. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Göllingen, Bd. xiii.; Ges. math. Werke, pp. 254-269; translated by Clifford, Collected Mathematical Papers.

Cf. Gesamm. math. und phys. Werke, vol. i. (Leipzig, 1894).

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