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The Interstate Commerce Expert Now In Demand

Manufacturers, railroads, jobbers-all our great business organizations-need, must have men who know how to handle the intricate problems of transportation. The employment of an expert means the saving of thousands of dollars, the facilitation of freight movements, the equitable adjustment of claims, and often the salvation of profits. The man who can handle the interstate commerce of a business therefore commands an expert's salary. He has practically no competition because, where there is one capable man, there are scores of organizations which need this service. Over 500,000 concerns are directly affected by the laws and decisions governing the shipment of merchandise. More and more these organizations are realizing

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Standard Oil Company.

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Among the numerous firms and corporations employing 50 to 100 or more LaSalle students or graduates are the following:

Western Electric Company International Harvester Co. B. F. Goodrich Company Wells Fargo Express Company Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. and every important railroad company in the United States.

More than 125,000 men in active business life including a large number of corporation officials have been enrolled and are reaping the benefits of LaSalle training and service. Over 20,000 new students now enroll annually. The LaSalle organization consists of 800 people, including a staff of 300 business experts, professional men, text writers, special fecture writers, instructors and assistants. LaSalle students and graduates occupying responsible positions can be found throughout the entire English speaking world.

Free Consulting Service

As a LaSalle student, you will also be entitled to the free use of our Consulting Service which gives you the privilcge of calling on our staff of experts in any department at any time when you need special help or counsel. LaSalle Extension University is a clearing house of business information and through its many highly specialized departments is organized and equipped to render a practical and distinctive service which cannot be supplied by any other institution of similar character,

their necessity for the highly trained man.
Railroads also need more men with broad
knowledge of transportation problems.
The Interstate Commerce Commission
needs them. Cities and Chambers of Com-
merce need them. One city alone in the
Middle West pays its traffic expert a salary
of $10,000.00. States are employing men
skilled in this field to act in the interests
of their shippers. The demand is con-
stantly growing. This is one uncrowded

If you are dissatisfied with your pre-
sent position or if you now know some-
thing about traffic but want to add to your
knowledge, send for particulars about the
Interstate Commerce, Railway Traffic
Course and Consulting Service, given by
LaSalle Extension University.

You will study under a staff of practical experts who have been through the actual work they will teach you-men who have occupied or are now occupying responsible positions with leading railroads or shippers. You will get in a few months the knowledge which they acquired by years of experience.

Every point will be made clear to you about Freight Rates, Classifications, Tariffs. Bills of Lading. Routing, Claims, Demurrage, Express, Ocean Trade, R. R. Organization, Regulation and Management, Laws of Carriers, and Interstate Commerce Rulings, R. R. Accounting, Statistics, etc. Everything the interstate expert needs to know is given in minute detail. You will be under direct supervision of the ablest traffic men who will answer your questions, give you suggestions and show you how to get the utmost out of your efforts.

Study By Mail

No matter how small your salary may be, you can have this LaSalle Course in Interstate Commerce-you can be trained by these experts in traffic without feeling the cost. The tuition

is so low and the monthly payments are so small that they will place no appreciable tax upon your income. Write for information and get our free books now. The coupon will bring them.

Small Tuition-Easy Terms

You can have all this instruction in your own home. You can study in your spare time. Hold your present position while acquiring knowledge that will lead to a larger income.

Make yourself master of this new, paying profession, which gives the opportunity for rapid advancement to a position of importance and prestige in any branch of business today.

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When addressing our advertisers, please mention The Railroad Telegrapher.


"The Motor Car With Twelve Points of Distinction"

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