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TENTERDEN, Lord, his Act. See STATUTE 9 Geo. IV. c. 14.

TESTAMENTARY alienation, growth of right of. See WILL.
expenses, priority of payment, 258, 425, 446

THEFT, action of, 7

THINGS, real or personal, 5, 20 n., 27

in possession or in action, 27-41, and see CHOSE.

TIMBER, 131-133

TITLE, 508-533

to chattels personal, 77, 508-517

to ships, 116

to stolen goods, 508-512

to horses stolen, 511

to money and negotiable securities, 511

under factors and agents, 22, 80, 82, 514

warranty of, 31 n., 34 n., 514-516

to choses in action, 517-531

to unclaimed dividends, 525

to shares, 529-531

under Statutes of Limitation, 517-525

through deeds, wills, &c., 531

abstract of, 531

covenants for, 532

comparison of, to real and personal estate, 532

TITLE deeds, 122-125, 531, 532

solicitor's lien on, 59-61

alteration of, &c., 155


TORT, personal nature of right to sue and liability for, 4, 137

action for, 140-148

death of party, 140-145

assignment of, 145-148

wife's, 461, 470, 482-484, 488-494, 564


TRADE, contracts in restraint of, 168

fixtures, 128, 539

liability of partners in. See PARTNERS.

of executor carrying on, 401

customs of, 101, 119, 179

TRADE MARKS, 327-332, 517

TRADE NAMES, 332, 334, 517

TRADER, within the bankrupt laws, 218, 222-224, 488

loan to, 207 (A, B), 403, 494


TRANSFER of stock, 271-288, 482, 487, 492

of shares, 284, 289, 482, 487, 492, 529
of causes, 428

TRANSLATION, copyright in, 323

TREASURE trove, 47 n.

TRESPASS, action of, 12 and n., 16 n., 517

on the case, 16 n., 156, 517

de bonis asportatis, 12

TROVER and conversion, 16-18, 49-51, 522

TRUST, of chattels, 25-27, 64, 88, 91

though voluntary, enforced in equity, 64

none entered on ship's register, 107

in bank books, 271

in register of members of company, 292

settlements by means of, 340

for payment of creditors, 217-219, 225, 234, 377, 523-525
for wife's separate use, 92, 374, 463, 472-476

TRUST for sale, 362, 561

how affected by the Statute of Limitations, 523-525

form of, in marriage settlement, 555 et seq.

TRUSTEE ACT, 1893. See 56 & 57 VICT. c. 53.

TRUSTEE in bankruptcy, powers of, 100, 103, 145, 172, 215, 235 et seq.,

249, 255, 280, 294, 335, 442, 527, 541

possession of, 238

relation back of title of, 248-250

accounts of, 242

what actions pass to, 145

TRUSTEE, interest of, sufficient to support life insurance, 262
investment of trust money, 270, 360-363

application of income for maintenance, 357-360

transfer of stock in name of, 272

receipt of, 364

appointment of new, 364, 563

retirement of, 365

vesting trust property in new or continuing, 273, 365–367

costs of, 368

of bankrupt, 236

of lunatic, 274

liability of, 368--371, 523-525

indemnity and reimbursement of, 369

limitation of actions against, 370, 524

application to and payment into court by, 371

trustees made joint owners, 386

solicitor, 368

married woman, 492

notice to, on assignment of chose in action, 526-528

inquiry of, as to prior assignments of choses in action, 527

clauses in settlement, forms of, 563


UNDISCHARGED bankrupt, 254, 256

UNDUE influence, 171

UNLAWFUL Contracts, 165-171

USE, conveyance by way of 124, 340
gift of, 339

USURY laws, 167, 208

VEGETABLE chattels, 131

VENDOR'S lien, 79-81, 83
right of re-sale, 83

VERDICT, effect of, 148 n.


VESTED interests, 344

the Courts lean to, 356

giving, to children by settlement, 355, 356, 385

VESTING trust property in new or continuing trustees, 273, 365–367
of shares of joint owners, 386



VOLUNTARY trust enforced, 64

conveyance of lunatic, 93

bonds and covenants, 203, 207 (a)

settlement, 104, 223, 251, 258, 375-378
stamp duty on, 378-381


WAGER of law, 17 n.

WAGERS, 166, and n., 182

WAGES, mariners' and master's, 114, 410

servants', &c., on bankruptcy, 207 (1), 244

WAIFS, 47 n.

WALES, custom of, 407, 454

WAR, instruments or munitions of, improvements in, 311

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

WASTE, tenant without impeachment of, 132

being impleaded of, 133

by incumbent, 144

WIDOW, usually preferred in grant of administration, 445
her share on her husband's intestacy, 3, 442, 450-452

WIFE, alienation of chattels by, 92

alienation against, 407, 460, 462

life insurance by, 263

powers given to, 349

covenant to settle her future property, 372, 376, 479, 485, 559

voluntary settlement by, 376

bankrupt, 223, 488

trustee, 492, 502, n.

agent of husband, 495-499
executrix, 414, 492, 502 n.

no duty on legacy to, 431

a feme covert, 460

chattels personal belonged to her husband, 451, 460–462
paraphernalia, 462

legal choses in action, 463–465, 467

equitable choses in action, 463, 465-467

equity to a settlement, 465-467, 470

disposition of her reversionary interests, 372, 467–470, 484 n.

actions by and against, 461, 470, 482-484, 488-495

contracts of, 151, 461, 464, 470, 476, 482-484, 488-499, 506

debts, 461, 464, 470, 482-484, 488-496

torts, 461, 470, 482-484, 488-494, 564

maintenance, 496-499, 501

will of, 472, 484, 485 n., 492

separate estate in equity, 92, 374, 463, 472-476

restraint on her anticipation, 370 n., 371 n., 474-476, 486,
489-491, 501 n., 561

general engagements binding separate estate, 476

position under Married Women's Property Act, 1870, 480-484

1882, 484 et seq.

liability to maintain husband and children, 482, 490

criminal proceedings by and against, 482, 490, 495

loans to husband, 494

deserted by husband, 490, 498, 499 n., 500

separation, 497-504, 506

alimony, 501

protection order, 502

divorce, 500, 503

restitution of conjugal rights, 505

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