from Goo. Gostivar 1816 THE PRACTICAL WORKS OF THE REVEREND RALPH ERSKINE, A. M. CONSISTING OF HIS SERMONS and POEMS. IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO, VOLUME THE FIRST. i The Editors of the present handsome Edition of the Rev. Mr. RALPH ERSKINE'S Practical Works, in Octavo, purchased, some time ago, from the Heirs of Mr. Newlands, the original Proprietor of these Works, the fole right of Printing, Publishing, and Vending them: and judge it proper to notify this to the Public, that none may imagine they are invading the late Proprietor's right; and to affure all others, that if any prefume to incroach upon theirs, in any respect, they will subject themselves to a profecuti on. T < PRACTICAL WORKS, Of the Late REVEREND and LEARNED MR.RALPH ERSKINE, Minister of the Gospel in DUNFERMLINE. CONSISTING OF Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO. To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, By these be, being dead, yet speaketh. Heb. xi. 4. VOL. I. Entered in Stationers-Hall. GLASGOW: Printed by WILLIAM SMΙΤΗ. Sold by W. SMITH and J. BRYCE, booksellers, Saltmercat. MDCCLXXVII. The following Recommendations of Mr. ErsKINE'S Writings, by Dr. Bradbury and Mr. Hervey, were not infert in the folio edition; the Account of the Author's Life, here given, is quite different, and much fuller than the former one; and the Elegiac Poem, subjoined thereto, was not printed with the former edition of his works. |