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[blocks in formation]

Dale-Wallington, 16, 130, 196
Dance's Patent, 172

Dangerfield v. Jones, 8, 25, 36, 161, 233

Davenport v. Goldberg, 284 Davenport v. Jepson, 282, 283 Davenport v. Phillips, 284 Davenport v. Richards, 270 Davenport v. Rylands, 268, 278, 292, 299

Daris-Lewis, 27

Daw v. Eley, 118, 159, 161, 287
De la Rue v. Dickinson, 294

De la Rue-Sturtz, 103, 129, 132, 134

Derby Gas Light Co.-Crossley, 284, 292

Dering, ex parte, 176

Derosne v. Fairie, 23, 37, 130, 133 Derosne's Patent, 22, 212, 219

De Vitre-Betts, 66, 167, 271, 278, 294, 299

Dewhurst-Chanter, 233
Dewick-Fisher, 103, 286
Dickinson-De la Rue, 294
Dickinson-Sellers, 161, 253, 254
Dismore, re, 197

Dixon v. London Small Arms Co.
Limited, 273

Dixon-Crossley, 232
Dixon's Patent, re, 116
Dollond's Patent, 52

Dudgeon v. Thomson, 162, 196, 197, 241, 250, 256, 281, 282, 294 Duke of Buccleuch-Wakefield, 283

Dunnicliff v. Mallett, 225

Eades v. Starbuck Waggon Co., 121
Easterbrook-Saxby, 292
Eastern Counties Railway Co.-
Greaves, 286

Easton-Tetley, 32, 133, 134, 140, 149, 155, 164

[blocks in formation]

Electric Telegraph Co. v. Brett, 13, 15, 247

Electric Telegraph Co. v. Nott, 282, 286

Eley-Daw, 118, 159, 161, 287
Elgie v. Webster, 228
Elkan-Upmann, 279, 280
Elliot v. Turner, 130, 167
Elliott-Newall, 16, 20, 93, 102,
197, 120, 252, 275, 277
Ellwood v. Christy, 238, 292
Elmslie v. Boursier, 268

Elsee-Bloxam, 35,59,117, 155, 226
Else-Rex, 146

Evans-Hills, 54, 67, 165
Everington-Mackintosh, 129

Fairie-Derosne, 23, 37, 130, 133
Fardell- Poupard, 118

Feather v. The Queen, 185, 273
Feltmann-Binney, 20
Felton v. Greaves, 102
Fenn--White, 255
Ferguson-Clark, 281
Fernie-Young, 25, 50, 54, 287
Fisher v. Dewick, 103, 286
Fleming-Bentley, 83, 88, 91
Flower v. Lloyd, 259, 286, 294
Ford v. Foster, 284

Forrester-Upmann, 298

Forsyth v. Riviere, 15, 22, 52
Foster-Ford, 284

Foster-Muntz, 25, 80, 127, 129,
164, 266, 270, 282
Fothergill Neilson, 233
Fox-Bush, 15, 45, 164, 248
Fox-Holland, 286

Foxwell v. Bostock, 107, 142, 143
Foxwell v. Webster, 287

Foxwell-Thomas, 147, 161,164,248
Franks-Pidding, 229

Frearson v. Loe, 28, 148, 275, 288, 294

Fuller-Morgan, 286

Galloway's Patent, 206, 208

Galloway v. Bleaden, 89, 154
Gamble v. Kurtz, 244
Gann-Wilson, 287

Gardner --Nordenfeldt, 187
Gare's Patent, re, 116, 185

Gas Light and Coke Co.-Patterson, 33, 88, 98

Geary v. Norton, 280

Gibson v. Brand, 14, 53, 121, 134, 269, 271

Gillett v. Wilby, 250
Gisborne-Lang, 62

Gloucester Waggon Co. v Saxby, 29, 32, 56, 290

Goldberg-Davenport, 284
Goodier-Bovill, 284
Goodwin-Higgs, 25, 275
Goucher v. Clayton, 232, 260
Goucher's Patent, 215
Grace-Barber, 245, 247
Grand Junction Railway Co.-
Newton, 252, 254, 260
Gray-McCormick, 275

Great Eastern Railway Co.-
Sheehan, 226

Great Northern Railway Co.Harwood, 43, 47

Greaves v. Eastern Counties Railway Co., 286

Greaves-Felton, 102
Green's Patent, 238

Green-Mathers, 110, 187, 233
Grimshaw-Huddart, 65, 154, 270
Grover and Baker Sewing Machine
Co. v. Millard, 232

Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Co. v. Wilson, 286

Hadden's Patent, 177
Hadley-Bovill, 299
Hague-Hullett, 55
Hague-Losh, 44, 71, 282
Halbard-Newton, 161
Hall v. Boot, 270
Hall v. Conder, 225
Hall's (Dr.) Patent, 52
Hall v. Jarvis, 27

Halsey v. Brotherhood, 296
Hamilton-Hayward, 20, 29, 245,


Hancock v. Bewley, 25, 187
Hancock v. Moulton, 260
Hancock v. Somervell, 77, 78
Hardcastle-Bramah, 84

Hardcastle-Haworth, 39, 148, 160

Hardy's Patent, 205, 214
Hare--Taylor, 231
Hurford-Neilson, 8, 11, 38, 101,
124, 133, 134, 135, 136, 154, 163,

Harmer v. Playne, 121
Harrison v. The Anderston Foundry
Co., 144, 157, 161, 162, 255, 258
Harrison-Newby, 233
Harrison v. Taylor, 284
Harrison-United Telephone Co.,
64, 107, 120, 259
Hart-Mullins, 82
Hartley's Patent, 15, 17

Harwood v. Great Northern Rail-
way Co., 43, 47
Haslam-Nickels, 103
Hassall v. Wright, 237
Hasson-Singer, 190

Hastings v. Brown, 118, 151
Hateley-Burgess, 298

Hawkes-Brunton, 30, 35, 37, 40 Haworth v. Hardcastle, 39, 148, 160

Haworth-Townsend, 256, 277
Hayne v. Maltby, 229

Hayward v. Hamilton, 20, 29, 245, 295

Heald-Steiner, 25, 165, 166

Healey's Application, 174

Hearson's Patent, 198

Heath's Patent, 208, 220

Heath v. Smith, 81, 83

Heath v. Unwin, 133, 263, 264,

278, 286

Henderson v. Mostyn, 231
Hennett-Saxby, 176, 248
Henry, ex parte, 115, 176
Herbert's Patent, 207, 214
Herzog's Application, 171
Hesse v. Stevenson, 226
Heugh v. Magill, 282
Heurteloup's Patent, 63
Heywood-Roberts, 35.
Hicks-Lovell, 231

Higgins-Seed, 140, 161, 163, 195, 295

Higgs v. Goodwin, 25, 275 Higham London Hosiery Co., 286

Hill v. Thompson, 19, 35, 37, 52,

75, 145, 281

Hill v. Tombs, 35, 48

Hil's' Patent, 204, 206, 208, 209, 212, 216, 219

Hills-Burgess, 298

Hills v. Evans, 54, 67, 165 Hills v. Laming, 229

Hills v. Liverpool Gas Light Co., 276

Hills v. London Gas Light Co., 25, 50, 70, 93, 127, 164 Hinks-Rollins, 295

Hinks v. Safety Lighting Co., 28, 125, 158, 161, 162 Hirschfeld-Leather Cloth Co.,


Hitchcock-Wright, 119, 161, 268,


Hoffman-Chollet, 237
Hoffman v. Postill, 290
Holden-Oxley, 84, 109, 120, 270
Holland v. Fox, 286
Holliday-Simpson, 25, 129, 138,
153, 154, 192

Holmes v. L. and N. W. R. Co., 142, 191

Holste v. Robertson, 284
Honiball v. Bloomer, 78

Honiball's Patent, 209, 216
Hornblower v. Boulton, 7

Horsley and Knighton's Patent, re, 225, 238

Horton v. Mabon, 43

Houghton's Patent, 207

Househill Co. v. Neilson, 10, 62,

83, 135, 246, 286

Howarth-Sykes, 271, 277, 285 Huddart v. Grimshaw, 65, 154, 270

Hughes' Patent, 207, 215

Hull v. Bollard, 286

Hullett v. Hague, 55

Hulse-Macnamara, 65, 136, 286
Hunt-Thomas, 228
Hutchison's Patent, 201

Hyam-London Hosiery Co., 286
Hyde v. Trent, 45

Ibbotson-Crompton, 133, 136
India Rubber Co.--Edison Tele-
phone Co., 287
Isaacs-Rolls, 88, 289

Jack-Penn, 293
Jack-Spencer, 20

Jackson v. Wulstenhulmes, Rye &
Co., Limited, 296
James-Thompson, 34, 44

[blocks in formation]

Leather-Lister, 20, 34, 69, 140, 158, 248, 252, 253, 255, 258, 286 Leather Cloth Co. v. Hirschfeld,


Ledsam-Russell, 181, 213
Lee's Patent, 213
Lelm-Ball, 299

Lever-Reuss, 233, 234

Levinstein-Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, 129, 134, 246, 268, 290, 291

Levinstein-Renard, 41, 122, 231, 233, 281, 282, 287, 289, 290 Lewis v. Davis, 27

Lewis v. Marling, 38, 52, 71 Liardet v. Electric Lighting Co.


Liardet v. Johnson, 123, 124
Liddell's Patent, 173
Linford-Otto, 13, 40, 41, 67, 138,
139, 162, 163, 246, 276
Linoleum Manufacturing Co., v.
Nairn, 304

Lister v. Eastwood, 275

Lister v. Leather, 20, 34, 69, 140, 158, 248, 252, 253, 255, 258, 286

Liverpool Gas Light Co.-Hills, 276

Lloyd-Flower, 259, 286, 294 Lloyd-Patent Type Founding Co., 289

Loe-Frearson, 28, 148, 275, 288, 294

London Gas Light Co.-Hills, 25, 50, 70, 93, 127, 164

London Hosiery Co., v. Higham, 286

London and N. W. R. Co.-Holmes,

142, 191

London and N. W. R. Co.-Smith,

226, 252, 254

London Small Arms Co., Limited -Dixon, 273

London and S. W. R. Co.-Smith,


Lord Dudley's Invention, 40 Losh v. Hague, 44, 71, 282 Lott's Invention, 177

Lovell v. Hicks, 231.

Lowe's Patent, 173, 174, 202
Lucas' Patent, 193
Lund-Axmann, 233, 295

Mabon-Horton, 43

Me Alpine-Bridson, 283
Macalpine v. Mangnall, 161
Macfarlane v. Price, 118, 120
Macfarlane's Invention, 178
Macfarlane-Templeton, 161
Mackelcan v. Rennie, 43, 120, 125
Mackintosh's Patent, 216
Mackintosh v. Everington, 129
Macmillan-Bergmann, 226

Macnamara v. Hulse, 65, 136, 286
McCormick v. Gray, 275
McDougal's Patent, 207
Magill-Heugh, 282
McInnes' Patent, 209
Malcolmson Plimpton, 64, 122,
135, 153, 282, 283, 294
Mallet-Dunnicliff, 225
Mallet's Patent, 214
Maltby-Hayne, 229
Manceaux, ex parte, 175, 180
Mangnall-Macalpine, 161
Manton v. Manton, 36, 37
Manton v. Parker, 35, 36, 37
Markwick's Patent, 205
Marling-Lewis, 38, 52, 71
Marsden v. Saville Street Foundry
and Engineering Co., 97
Marsh-Milligan, 96

Marshall-Kay, 24, 30, 35, 140,


Mather-Birch, 286

Mathers v. Green, 110, 187, 233
Medlock's Patent, re, 192
Menzies Betts, 66, 68, 84, 166,
248, 281, 282
Metcalf-Kex, 101
Middleton-Morton, 118

Millard-The Grover and Baker
Sewing Machine Co., 232
Milligan v. Marsh, 96
Milner's Patent, 216
Minter v. Mower, 55, 146
Minter v. Wells, 13, 37, 58
Minter v Williams, 270, 272

Minter's Patent, 12

Mitchell's Patent, re, 201

Moncrieff's Patent, 215

Moore-Bovill, 37, 139, 288

Moore-Brown, 288

Moore Jordan, 48, 161

Morey's Patent, 238

Morgan's Patent, 218, 236, 239

Morgan v. Fuller, 286

Morgan v. Seward, 35, 37, 38, 40,

84, 122, 124, 132, 135, 241, 288

Morton v. Middleton, 118 Morton's Patent, 214 Mostyn-Henderson, 231 Moulton-Hancock, 260 Mower-Minter, 55, 146 Mullins v. Hart, 82

Muntz's Patent, 206, 219

Muntz v. Foster, 25, 80, 127, 129,

164, 266, 270, 282 Murdoch-Warner, 279

Murray v. Clayton, 20, 58, 245, 255, 292

Nairn-Linoleum Manufacturing
Co., 304

Napier's Patent, 201, 208, 213, 215
Nash-Williams, 184
Neale-Smith, 225

Needham v. Oxley, 285, 294, 299
Neilson-Betts, 271, 272, 287
Neilson v. Betts, 156, 291
Neilson v. Fothergill, 233
Neilson v. Harford, 8, 11, 38, 104,
124, 133, 134, 135, 136, 154, 163,

Neilson-Househill Co., 10, 62, 83,
135, 246, 286
Neilson's Patent, 136
Neilson-Rex, 301

Neustadt-Von Heyden, 3, 53, 64, 68, 268

Newall v. Elliott, 16, 20, 93, 102,

107, 120, 252, 275, 277 Newall v. Wilson, 282 Newby v. Harrison, 233

Newton v. Grand Junction Rail-
way Co., 252, 254, 260
Newton v. Halbard, 161
Newton v. Vaucher, 70

Newton's Patent, 204, 206, 212, 216

Nickels' Patent, 185
Nickels v. Haslam, 103

Nobel's Explosives Co. v. Jones, 271, 272

Nordenfeldt v. Gardner, 187
Normand's Patent, 201, 212
Normandy's Patent, 215

North British Railway Co.-
Adams, 233
Norton-Geary, 280
Norton's Patent, 201, 207
Noton v. Brooks, 231

Nottingham Manufacturers' Co.-
Lamb, 285

Nott-Electric Telegraph Co., 282,


Nunn v. Albuquerque, 298 Nuttall -Cannington, 20, 49, 69, 196

Ormson v. Clarke, 43, 51

Otto v. Linford, 13, 40, 41, 67, 138, 139, 162, 163, 246, 276 Oxford and Cambridge Universities v. Richardson, 272 Oxley v. Holden, 84, 109, 120, 270 Oxley-Needham, 285, 294, 299

Palmer v. Cooper, 286

Palmer v. Wagstaff, 37, 38, 153, 161, 270, 286

Parker-Manton, 35, 36, 37

Parkes v. Stevens, 32, 143, 254, 258 Parr-Potter, 140

Patent Bottle Envelope Co, v. Seymer, 45, 254

Patent Type Founding Co. v. Lloyd,


Patent Type Founding Co. v. Richard, 129, 268

Patent Type Founding Co. v.
Walter, 288

Patterson v. The Gas Light and
Coke Co., 33, 88, 98
Pearce-Cook, 101, 103

Pearce-Jones, 90, 275

Penn v. Bibby, 48, 107, 119, 130, 286, 287, 292, 299

Penn v. Jack, 293

Perkins' Patent, 205, 206, 219
Pettit Smith's Patent, 208, 214
Philip Ridgway, 228
Phillips-Davenport, 284
Pidding v. Franks, 229

Piggott v. Anglo-American Telegraph Co., 289

Pimm-Bovill, 163, 250
Pitman's Patent, 201

Platt-Curtis, 247, 250, 285
Playne-Harmer, 121

Plimpton v. Malcolmson, 64, 122, 135, 153, 282, 283, 294

Plimpton v. Spiller, 63, 64, 157, 161, 162, 283, 286

Poole's Patent, 206, 212

Porter's Patent, re Honiball, 78
Postill-Hoffman, 290
Potter-Crossley, 37, 120, 13
147, 151, 155

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