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and the proposed understanding on the other points, that is, on blockades and impressment, being first obtained, in a manner, though informal, to admit of no mistake or disagreement hereafter, the instrument providing for the armistice may assume a general form, especially if more agreeable to the British government. It may for example be said in general terms, "that both powers being sincerely desirous to terminate the differences which unhappily subsist between them, and equally so, that full time should be given for the adjustment thereof, agree, 1st. That an armistice shall take place for that purpose, to commence on the day of

"2d. That they will forthwith appoint on each side commissioners with full power to form a treaty, which shall provide, oy reciprocal arrangements, for the security of their seamen from being taken or employed in the service of the other power, for the regulation of their commerce, and all other interesting questions now depending between them.

"3d. The armistice shall not cease without a previous notice by one to the other party of days, and shall not be understood as having other effect than merely to suspend military operations by land and by sea."

By this you will perceive that the President is desirous of removing every obstacle to an accommodation, which consists merely of form. Securing in a safe and satisfactory manner the rights and interests of the United States in these two great and essential circumstances, as it is presumed may be accomplished by the proposed understanding, he is willing that it be done in a manner the most satisfactory and honourable to Great Britain, as well as to the United States.

I have the honour to be, &c.


Mr. Graham to Mr. Russell. Department of State, August 9, 1812.

SIR, The Secretary left on a short visit to Virginia. has, in consequence of some

this city about ten days ago Since that period, Mr. Baker despatches from his govern

ment addressed to Mr. Foster, made to me a communication respecting the intentions of his government as regards the orders in council. It was of a character, however, so entirely informal and confidential that Mr. Baker did not feel himself at liberty to make it in the form of a note verbal or pro memoria, or even to permit me to take a memorandum of it at the time he made it. As it authorizes an expectation that something more precise and definite in an official form may soon be received by this government, it is the less necessary that I should go into an explanation of the views of the President in relation to it, more particularly as the Secretary of State is daily expected, and will be able to do it in a manner more satisfactory.

I refer you to the enclosed papers for information as to the maritime and military movements incident to the war, and will add, that the President is anxious to know, as soon as possible, the result of the proposals you were authorized to make to the British government, respecting an armistice. He considers them so fair and reasonable, that he cannot but hope that they will be acceded to, and thus be the means of hastening an honourable and permanent peace.

I have the honour, &c.


Mr. Graham to Mr. Russell. Department of State, August 10, 1812.

SIR,-Thinking that it may possibly be useful to you, I do myself the honour to enclose a memorandum of the conversation between Mr. Baker and myself alluded to in my letter of yesterday's date. From a conversation with Mr. Baker since this memorandum was made, I find that I was correct in representing to the President that the intimation from Mr. Foster and the British authorities at Halifax was to be understood as connected with a suspension of hostilities on the frontiers of Canada.

I have the honour, &c.


(Memorandum referred to in the above Letter.)

MR. BAKER verbally communicated to me for the infor mation of the President, that he had received despatches from his government addressed to Mr. Foster, dated, I believe, about the 17th June, from which he was authorized to say, that an official declaration would be sent to this country, that the orders in council, so far as they affected the United States, would be repealed on the 1st August, to be revived on the 1st May, 1813, unless the conduct of the French government, and the result of the communications with the American government, should be such as in the opinion of his majesty to render their revival unnecessary. Mr. Baker moreover stated, that the orders would be revived, provided the American government did not, within fourteen days after they received the official declaration of their repeal, admit British armed vessels into their ports, and put an end to the restrictive measures which had grown out of the orders in council.

The despatches authorizing this communication to the American government expressly directed that it should be made verbally, and Mr. Baker did not consider himself at liberty to reduce it to writing, even in the form of a note verbal, or pro memoria, or to suffer me to take a memorandum of his communication at the time he made it. I understood from him, that the despatches had been opened by Mr. Foster at Halifax, who, in consequence of a conversation he had had with vice-admiral Sawyer and sir John Sherbroke, had authorized Mr. Baker to say that these gentlemen would agree, as a measure leading to a suspension of hostilities, that all captures made after a day to be fixed, should not be proceeded against immediately, but be detained to await the future decision of the two governments. Mr. Foster had not seen sir George Prevost, but had written to him by express, and did not doubt but that he would agree to an arrangement for the temporary suspension of hostilities. Mr. Baker also stated that he had received an authority from Mr. Foster to act as charge des affaires, provided the American government would receive him in that character for the purpose of enabling him officially to communicate the declaration which was to be expected from the British government.

His functions to be understood of course as ceasing on the renewal of hostilities.

I replied, that although to so general and informal a communication, no answer might be necessary, and certainly no particular answer expected, yet, I was authorized to say, that the communication is received with sincere satisfaction, as it is hoped that the spirit in which it was authorized by his government may lead to such further communications as will open the way, not only for an early and satisfactory termination of existing hostilities, but to that entire adjustment of all the differences which produced them, and to that permanent peace and solid friendship which ought to be mutually desired by both countries, and which is sincerely desired by this. With this desire, an authority was given to Mr. Russell on the subject of an armistice as introductory to a final pacification, as has been made known to Mr. Foster, and the same desire will be felt on the receipt of the further and more particular communications which are shortly to be expected, with respect to the joint intimation from Mr. Foster and the British authorities at Halifax on the subject of suspending judicial proceedings in the case of maritime captures, to be accompanied by a supension of military operations. The authority given to Mr. Russell just alluded to, and of which Mr. Foster was the bearer, is full proof of the solicitude of the government of the United States to bring about a general suspension of hostilities on admissible terms, with as little delay as possible. It was not to be doubted, therefore, that any other practicable expedient for attaining a similar result would readily be concurred in. Upon the most favourable consideration, however, which could be given to the expedient suggested through him, it did not appear to be reducible to any practical shape to which the Executive would be authorized to give it the necessary sanction; nor indeed is it probable that if it was less liable to insuperable difficulties, that it could have any material effect previous to the result of the pacifick advance made by this government, and which must, if favourably received, become operative as soon as any other arrangement that could now be made. It was stated to Mr. Baker that the President did not, under existing circumstances, consider Mr. Foster as vested with

the power of appointing a charge des affaires; but that no difficulty in point of form would be made, as any authentick communication through him, or any other channel, would be received with attention and respect.

Extract of a Letter from the Secretary of State to Mr. Russell. Department of State, August 21, 1812.

"My last letter to you was of the 27th July, and was forwarded by the British packet, the Althea, under the special protection of Mr. Baker. The object of that letter, and of the next preceding one of the 26th of June, was, to invest you with power to suspend by an armistice, on such fair conditions as it was presumed could not be rejected, the operation of the war, which had been brought on the United States by the injustice and violence of the British government. At the moment of the declaration of war, the President, regretting the necessity which produced it, looked to its termination and provided for it; and happy will it be for both countries, if the disposition felt, and the advance thus made on his part, are entertained and met by the British government in a similar spirit.

You have been informed by Mr. Graham of what passed in my late absence from the city, in an interview between Mr. Baker and him, in consequence of a despatch from the British government to Mr. Foster, received at Halifax, just before he sailed for England, and transmitted by him to Mr. Baker, relating to a proposed suspension or repeal of the British orders in council. You will have seen by the note forwarded to you by Mr. Graham, of Mr. Baker's communication to him, that Mr. Foster had authorized him to state, that the commanders of the British forces at Halifax would agree to a suspension, after a day to be fixed, of the condemnation of prizes to await the decision of both governments, without however, preventing captures on either side. It appears also, that Mr. Foster had promised to communicate with sir George Prevost, and to advise him to propose to our government an armistice.

Sir George Prevost has since proposed to general Dearhorn, at the suggestion of Mr. Foster, a suspension of

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