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It is for these reasons that Her Majesty's Government have always deprecated the further extension of Russian territory towards the Afghan borders, and that they have now received with the most sincere satisfaction the assurances conveyed in Prince Gortchakow's despatch as to the enlightened conviction of His Imperial Majesty that such extension, either on the side of Bokhara, of Krasnovodsk, or of the Attrek, is contrary to Russian interests, and that formal orders have been given that all future action in those regions is to be strictly confined to the defence of existing limits and the protection of property and commerce from pillage and brigandage.

Lord A. Loftus to the Earl of Derby.-(Received November 1.) MY LORD, St. Petersburgh, October 27, 1875. BARON JOMINI informed me yesterday that the Government had received intelligence of the deposition by his subjects of Nasr Eddin, the Khan of Khokand, lately installed by the Russian Governor-General of Turkestan, and that he had fled with a few followers to Khodjent.

Baron Jomini added that the previous Khan had carried off with him a large amount of treasure, but that Nasr Eddin had reached Khodjent without property of any kind.

The Earl of Derby.


Lord A. Loftus to the Earl of Derby.-(Received November 15.) MY LORD, St. Petersburgh, November 9, 1875.

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt, on the 1st instant, of your Lordship's despatch of the 25th ultimo, transmitting copy of a despatch from Prince Gortchakow, accompanied by a Memorandum, reviewing the correspondence which has passed on the subject of Central Asia between the British and Russian Governments, which had been communicated to your Lordship by the Russian Ambassador.

On the following day I waited on Baron Jomini, when I read to him your Lordship's despatch, and placed in his hands, in conformit-with your Lordship's instructions, a copy of the Memorandum in reply to the Memorandum communicated to your Lordship by Count Schouvaloff. In doing so I fully explained to his Excellency that Her Majesty's Government highly appreciated the friendly sentiments expressed in Prince Gortchakow's despatch and in the Russian Memorandum, and that the remarks in the Memorandum which I placed in his hands were not offered in any spirit of controversy, but with a cordial desire to meet the wish of His Imperial Majesty that no cause for misapprehensions should exist in regard to the policy and intentions of the two Governments.

Baron Jomini expressed his appreciation of the conciliatory and courteous sentiments contained in your Lordship's despatch, and observed that by this frank and friendly exchange of opinions the interests of both countries could best be served.

In order that his Excellency might accurately convey to the Emperor the sentiments expressed in your Lordship's despatch I left that despatch in his hands.

Baron Jomini informed me yesterday that, on reading the Memorandum I had placed in his hands, he was happy to observe that all points which might give rise to sterile discussion had been omitted, and he again expressed his great satisfaction at the friendly tone and the conciliatory spirit in which the sentiments of Her Majesty's Government had been conveyed.

Baron Jomini stated that he had forwarded a copy of your Lordship's despatch, and of the Memorandum, to the Emperor at Livadia, and awaited His Majesty's orders in regard to the reply, which will be communicated to your Lordship by Count Schouvaloff, and the draft of which he had submitted to His Majesty. I have, &c.,

The Earl of Derby.


PROCLAMATION by the President of the United States removing Discriminating Duties against Merchandize imported in French Vessels.-Washington, September 22, 1873.

By the President of the United States of America,

WHEREAS satisfactory evidence was given me on the 13th day of September current, by the Marquis de Noailles, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the French Republic, that on and after the 1st day of October next merchandize imported into France in vessels of the United States, from whatever country, will be subject to no other duties or imposts than those which shall be collected upon merchandize imported into France from countries of its origin or from any other country in French vessels:

Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do hereby declare and proclaim that on and after the 1st day of October next, so long as merchandize imported into France in vessels of the United States, whether from the countries of its origin or from other countries, shall be admitted into the ports of France on the terms aforesaid, the discriminating duties heretofore levied upon

merchandize imported into the United States in French vessels, either from the countries of its origin or from any other country, shall be and are discontinued and abolished.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this 22nd day of September, in the year of Our Lord 1873, and of the independence of the United States of America the 98th.

By the President,

J. C. BANCROFT DAVIS, Acting Secretary of State.


DECLARATION between Italy, Germany, and Switzerland, relative to the Transit through Switzerland of Persons surrendered under the Extradition Treaty between Italy and Germany of October 31, 1871.*—Berlin, July 25, 1873.

ENTRE le Gouvernement Royal d'Italie et le Gouvernement Impérial d'Allemagne d'une part, et le Conseil Fédéral Suisse, autorisé à cet effet par les Gouvernements des Cantons respectifs, d'autre part, ont été arrêtées les règles suivantes relativement au transport, par le territoire Suisse, des individus dont l'extradition aura été accordée, en exécution de la Convention d'Extradition conclue entre l'Allemagne et l'Italie le 31 Octobre, 1871:—

ART. I. Les individus dont l'extradition aura été accordée par l'Empire Allemand à l'Italie seront, après annonce préalable, livrés à Bâle, à Schaffhouse, à Romanshorn, ou à Rorschach, aux mains de la police Suisse, laquelle se chargera de les accompagner et de les remettre, soit à la Préfecture Italienne à Como, soit à la Douane sur le Splügen, soit à la station des Carabiniers Royaux ou à la Douane de Cannobio.

Pour ce qui concerne les individus dont l'extradition aura été accordée par l'Italie à l'Empire Allemand, ils seront, après annonce préalable, livrés, soit à la police du Canton du Tessin à Chiasso ou à Magadino, soit à la police du Canton des Grisons dans le village de Splügen. La police Suisse se chargera de les accompagner et de les remettre, soit aux autorités Allemandes de police à St. Louis, Friedrichshafen, ou Lindau, soit aux autorités judiciaires (Amtsgerichte) à Lörrach, Waldshut, ou Constance.

Il sera toujours loisible au Gouvernement qui aura accordé l'extradition, aussi bien qu'à celui qui l'aura demandée, de faire accompagner par un de ses officiers les malfaiteurs que les agents Suisses sont chargés de conduire et de remettre à la frontière.

* Vol. LXIII. Page 348.

II. Les autorités Allemandes ou Italiennes feront remettre à la police Suisse, en même temps que l'individu extradé, un ordre de transport délivré selon l'un ou l'autre des deux formulaires A eiannexés, où seront indiqués exactement le signalement du criminel, le crime ou le délit pour lequel il a été condamné ou dont il est inculpé, l'autorité à laquelle il devra être remis, et, si cela se peut, la station frontière à laquelle doit s'opérer l'extradition.

Si la police du Gouvernement qui accorde l'extradition croit qu'il est nécessaire de prendre à l'égard du détenu des précautions spéciales, il ne suffira pas de les communiquer verbalement aux autorités Suisses, mais on devra en faire l'objet d'une mention particulière dans l'ordre de transport.

III. Tous les frais de transport, d'entretien et de surveillance des individus à transférer, ainsi que les dépenses pour escorte de police, mesures spéciales de sûreté, télégrammes, &c., seront remboursés, au moment où l'extradition aura lieu, au fonctionnaire Suisse qui aura fait la remise des malfaiteurs, par le fonctionnaire Allemand ou Italien auquel ils auront été remis.

Dans ce but, chaque station de police inscrira sur l'ordre de transport, d'après l'un ou l'autre des deux formulaires B ci-annexés, la note des frais qu'elle aura supportés; cet ordre de transport sera remis acquitté avec l'individu extradé.

De même, les cantons respectifs règleront, au moment où la remise des malfaiteurs aura lieu, les frais occasionnés par leur transport.

IV. Le transit par le territoire Suisse ne sera jamais autorisé pour le transport des ressortissants Suisses, ni pour les prévenus de délits politiques, de quelque pays qu'ils soient originaires.

V. Si l'un des individus transportés n'est pas accepté à la frontière par l'autorité Allemande ou Italienne, quel qu'en soit le motif, il sera renvoyé à l'autorité-frontière par laquelle l'ordre de transport a été délivré, et les autorités de l'État d'où il vient seront tenues de reprendre cet individu, et de rembourser aux agents Suisses qui en feront la remise tous les frais de transport, aller et retour.

En foi de quoi, les Soussignés, dûment autorisés à cet effet, ont signé en triple expédition la présente Déclaration, qui entrera en vigueur un mois après la date ci-dessous, et qui cessera d'être en vigueur un mois après que la dénonciation en aura été faite par une des parties déclarantes.

Berlin, le 25 Juillet, 1873.



HAMMER, Colonel.

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