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Il est convenu que les mots "y compris les droits additionnels" à l'alinéa 2 ne se rapportent nullement à la question des octrois en Roumanie, qui se trouve réglée par l'Article XXI de la Convention.

Il est également convenu que la liberté de commerce ne pourra jamais être entravée par aucune disposition de monopole ou autre qui pourrait être en contradiction avec les dispositions de la présente Convention, et notamment avec celles des Articles V et XXI.

ART. XIII. Le cas échéant on s'entendra, d'un commun accord, sur les marchandises pour lesquelles la nécessité d'exiger des certificats d'origine serait démontrée.

ART. XVIII. Par rapport à l'alinéa b de l'Article XVIII il est entendu que pour toutes les bêtes qui ne retournent pas, excepté celles qui seraient mortes pendant le passage, on payera, au retour des troupeaux, les droits d'importation respectifs.

ART. XX. Dans l'intérêt du commerce les Plénipotentiaires Austro-Hongrois et Roumain expriment le désir que les bureaux douaniers Austro-Hongrois et Roumains traitent, autant que possible, simultanément les marchandises soumises à leurs opérations.

Quant à l'établissement des bureaux mixtes de Douane, les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes tomberont d'accord sur les principes à adopter à ce sujet. Cependant, il est entendu dès à présent que ces principes ne pourront être autres que ceux contenus dans le Traité de Commerce et de Douane passé entre l'Autriche-Hongrie et l'Union Douanière de l'Allemagne le 9 Mars, 1868.*

ARTS. XXI et XXII. Les dispositions de ces Articles n'affectent en rien le droit des communes de frapper par des taxes d'octroi ou d'accise les boissons et les liquides, les comestibles, les combustibles, les fourrages et matériaux à leur entrée dans la commune, quand même ces articles n'auraient pas de similaires en Roumanie.

Néanmoins ces droits ne peuvent être supérieurs aux taxes les plus élevées prévues par les lois Roumaines actuellement en vigueur. Le maximum des droits dont il s'agit dans ce cas est réglé par les lois Roumaines :

Du 25 Février, 1875, No. 421;
Du 26 Février, 1875, No. 425;
Du 20 Mars, 1875, No. 588;
Du 20 Mars, 1875, No. 589;

Du 29 Novembre, 1871, No. 262; Du 14 Février, 1875, No. 328; Du 14 Février, 1875, No. 330; Du 19 Février, 1875, No. 376; Da 25 Février, 1875, No. 420; ainsi que par l'Article LXXXIV de la Loi du 25 Novembre, 1871.

ART. XXIV. Il est convenu que si le Projet de Loi en question ne rencontrait pas l'assentiment des Chambres, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi ne se verrait nullement lié par le présent Article.

ART. XXVI. Les Plénipotentiaires Austro-Hongrois et Roumain

* Vol. LIX. Page 103.

reconnaissent que les droits additionnels prévus comme exception aux principes énoncés à l'Article XXVI ne sauraient autoriser le Gouvernement Princier à y introduire des modifications qui grèveraient les marchandises ou les navires d'un droit quelconque dépassant les taux des taxes indiquées dans l'Article en question.

Le présent Protocole, qui sera considéré comme approuvé et sanctionné par les deux Gouvernements, sans autre ratification spéciale, par le seul fait de l'échange des ratifications sur la Convention à laquelle il se rapporte, a été dressé, en double expédition, à Vienne le 22 Juin, 1875.


SPEECH of the President of Chile, on the Opening of Congress.-Santiago, June 1, 1874.




THE year that has just passed away adds a fresh page to the history of progress in the Republic. Our institutions have gained strength, our credit has extended, freedom and law have struck still deeper roots throughout the spheres of social activity. Such is, in fact, a compendious sketch of our existence during the year that expires to-day; and in inaugurating your sessions for the third time, and giving you an account of the Government's labours, I must, first of all, render to Divine Providence the humble tribute of our gratitude for the special benefits with which we have been unceasingly favoured.

Our international relations continue frank and friendly. I expect that an approaching and mutually satisfactory arrangement will put an end to the questions which we are at present discussing with Bolivia and with the Argentine Republic. This expectation is the more just and reasonable, in that, as a final result, we only require the faithful and literal execution of the international compacts which have solemnly pledged the faith and honour of the 3 fraternal nations. I call your special attention to the Postal Convention which has been concluded with the German Empire, and which will soon be presented to you. I hope it will meet with your approval, for it is intended to facilitate our communications with that nation, and to increase our commercial relations with it.

At home we have continued with energy the works imposed upon us by various legislative orders. The railway between San Felipe and the Andes is finished, and has been at work since the 12th of

February last; that between Talcahuano and Chillan-a most important work begun by the late Administration-was completed and given up to public service in the middle of April last. The traffic on this grand line will feel for some months to come the inconveniences of having been begun with scanty appliances and when there was still much to be done; but the interest of the southern provinces required that sacrifice, and I thought it my duty to make it. The works of the new lines between Curicó and Angol are going on rapidly, and we are not aware of anything that is likely to retard or stop them. I flatter myself with the hope that, in February next, steam will put us in communication with the city of Talca, by making use of temporary bridges over the intervening rivers. The difficulties at first encountered in the prolongation of the northern railway to the Custom-house warehouses having been overcome, and a new street formed in Valparaiso, those works are now proceeding with due activity. To provide that railway with all the things which it urgently requires, I am making use of the authority which you gave me last year; we cannot, however, undertake at once all the works already sanctioned, and even if we could, it would be more prudent not to charge one year with the heavy expenses which, according to law, may be spread over three. I shall soon ask your authority to make the final surveys for a railway between Santiago and Valparaiso through the Departments of Melipilla and Casablanca; I think the State ought hardly to undertake the construction of that line until the extensive and costly works which are now going on shall be finished, for they require all our resources; were it not that the extraordinary progress of the country might justify its entering upon that important work even before the others are completed. But, at all events, it will be very useful to have a thorough survey of it made, so that there may be a definitive decision as to whether it is practicable or not, and, if it is practicable, to ascertain the cost, and to provide the means for carrying it out, if thought expedient.

The works in the new palace for the Congress are proceeding with diligence, and though it may not be certain that you will be able to occupy it for the last sessions of the coming year, there is no doubt that those of the Legislative Chambers of 1876 will be inaugurated therein. I announce to you with sincere pleasure that the new hospital of San Vicente de Paul is already finished; this work is for the most part due to the generosity of the charitable inhabitants of this capital, with the hearty support of the Government and the indefatigable zeal of the contractors in completing an undertaking of such magnitude in so short a time; availing myself of the happy occasion of your first meeting, I propose to inaugurate that establishment at once, and hope you will honour its opening with

your presence. I have entered into a contract with the South American Steamer Company, and it will soon be submitted for your approval; it imposes an annual charge of 100,000 dollars upon the State for 10 years, in return for services and conditions which I consider important. It is for you to decide whether the development of our mercantile marine and the facilities offered to commerce by means of the security that the tariffs of freights and fares will be fixed in concert with the Government, are or are not worth the sacrifice of money which that contract demands.

I have paid special attention to the interesting labour of codifying the old and defective Spanish laws by which we are still ruled. The draft code for mining and that for organizing the attributions of the courts of justice are already finished, and in a few more daya will be submitted to your consideration. The Commission has been appointed to revise the draft code for civil procedure; and, considering the industry with which it has begun its important work, there is hope that it may be soon brought to a conclusion. A draft code for criminal procedure has also been diligently compiled, for which you have granted the funds in the current estimates. Notable progress has been made in the erection of new prisons and in repairing the old ones, whilst important improvements have been introduced into the penal service of some of those establishments.

Public instruction in all its branches has been the subject of my most anxious care. Under the authority that you gave me, a site has been obtained for the Valparaiso Lyceum, and the construction thereof begun on a scale in accordance with its position. Considerable works have been carried out in the two sections of the National Institute and in some provincial lyceums. The number of public schools has been augmented so far as the resources at our disposal allowed. I am glad to inform you that the Government's proposal for improving and extending primary instruction meets with the active support of the inhabitants even in the most distant towns, and with the co-operation of various associations which have taken up the patriotic task.

The fiscal revenues in 1873 were 15,392,557 dollars, an increase upon those in 1872 of 1,549,269 dollars. The revenue for the first 4 months of this year shows an excess of 682,000 dollars over that for the same period of last year; the receipts of the Valparaiso Customhouse figure to the extent of 168,000 dollars in this excess. These results are very satisfactory, if we bear in mind the extraordinary increase of our revenue in 1872. The public expenses in 1873 were 16,066,391 dollars, of which 3,249,893 dollars were for works executed in virtue of special laws, and with the extraordinary resources therein granted, the total amount of commercial operations in 1873 was 66,736,698 dollars, which gives an increase of

5,000,000 dollars over that of the year 1872. Dividing the total value of trade operations among the inhabitants of the country, we get a figure for each of them not inferior to that reached last year by the most advanced and flourishing countries. Under the authority conferred upon me by the Law of the 3rd of December last, I have entered into a contract by public competition to try the cultivation and manufacture of tobacco in the country; this is an indispensable preliminary to a judicious reformation of the monopoly. Two courses of agricultural education, primary and superior, are already established; these will open a new career, very much to the benefit of a country chiefly devoted to agriculture. The construction of Custom-house warehouses at Valparaiso goes on satisfactorily; at the beginning of next year many of them will be ready for use. The works of the great pier in the port of that city are progressing under able and diligent superintendence, but they have serious difficulties to contend with, owing to the formation of the bay. The preparations for the International Exhibition, which is to be opened on the 16th of September, 1875, are very forward; the countries with which we have commercial relations have accepted our invitations. The buildings which are in course of erection for the purpose will be finished in due time, and, as they are of a solid character, they may be used afterwards for periodical exhibitions or other equally important undertakings. Up to the present time I have not made any use of the several powers you have granted me for the issue of bonds to pay for the costly works that are going on, nor do I think of doing so just yet; considering the general state of the market, I shall wait for a more favourable opportunity. Meanwhile, some of those works have been completed, such as the terminal stations of Palmilla and the Andes, and all the rest are pushing on rapidly by means of the funds derived from the last loan, which are now applied to meet expenses which at the beginning were defrayed from ordinary revenue. This consideration will demonstrate to you the urgent necessity of hastening the various financial projects; there is all the more reason for this, inasmuch as you thought fit to vote last year an estimate of expenses for the present one, notoriously in excess of our actual revenues.

The army and navy have exhibited their usual self-denial, morality, and discipline in the discharge of the duties entrusted to them by the nation. The Law of the 26th of November last, which awarded a gratuity to the soldiers who served in the war of independence, has already been applied; 73 generals and officers and 155 privates have up to this time established their claims under it. Proper measures have been taken in time to provide officers and seamen for the ships which are soon to be added to our squadron. The explorations on the south coast, in which our sailors have been [1874-75. LXVI.]


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