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menaçaient de se produire dans l'application du budget de l'année courante peuvent être considérées comme aplanies.

Cependant le budget de l'année 1875, qui se trouve grevé par l'annuité du chemin de fer Pitesci-Varciorova et par d'autres dépenses, les unes prévues à l'occasion du vote y afférent, les autres réclamées actuellement, ainsi que l'extinction de la dette contractée par l'émission de bons du trésor, conformément à vos votes, doivent faire l'objet de votre principale préoccupation.

Les projets de lois relatives au Code Forestier et à la création d'une banque nationale d'escompte et de circulation, projets qui sont déjà présentés à la Chambre des Députés, sont également d'une nécessité de premier ordre. Le déboisement surtout des forêts, par leur défrichement illimité, est devenu un fait inquiétant; il a produit une perturbation sensible dans les phénomènes climatériques du pays, perturbation dont les effets ont atteint déjà l'agriculture et la menacent sérieusement. Je ne doute point, Messieurs, que vous n'avisiez aux mesures à prendre pour combattre ce péril.

En 1871, alors que vous vous réunissiez pour la première fois, des embarras assez inquiétants existaient dans nos finances. C'est vous qui avez su, qui avez pu les surmonter. Cette fois encore. avant de vous séparer, vous saurez assurer, pour l'avenir, la marche régulière de nos finances.

Messieurs les Sénateurs, Messieurs les Députés, le patriotisme avec lequel vous avez travaillé dans les sessions précédentes, de concert avec mon Gouvernement, aux réformes réclamées par l'administration intérieure de l'État, au bon ordre de ses finances, ainsi qu'à l'extension de ses relations extérieures, et par lequel vous avez gagné des droits à la reconnaissance du pays, m'est un sûr garant que vous continuerez l'œuvre commencée et que, dans cette session aussi, vous aiderez mon Ministère à conduire la Roumanie paisiblement, mais avec fermeté et persevérance, dans la voie du progrès. Que Dieu bénisse vos travaux !

L. CATARGI, Président du Conseil des Ministres

et Ministre de l'Intérieur.

P. MAUROJENI, Ministre des Finances.

GÉNÉRAL I. EM. FLORESCO, Ministre de la Guerre.
B. BOERESCO, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères.

AL. LAHOVARI, Ministre de la Justice.

G. GR. CANTACUZÈNE, Ministre de l'Agriculture, du Commerce, et des Travaux Publics.

T. MAIORESCO, Ministre des Cultes et de l'Instruction Publique.


SPEECH of the Emperor of Brazil, on the Closing of the General Assembly.-Rio de Janeiro, September 12, 1874. (Translation.)


I AGAIN thank you for your condolence as expressed to me on the unfortunate event which happened to my much-esteemed daughter, the Princess Imperial, who, through the mercy of Divine Providence, is now re-established in health.

The public tranquillity has not been disturbed in all the Empire, save in the district of St. Leopoldo, where a sect of fanatics committed grave crimes, and rendered necessary the intervention of a military force to put them down.

The irregularity in the sanitary condition has disappeared in almost all the places in which small-pox and other disorders raged.

We continue to be at peace with all the other Powers, who constantly respond to the efforts which Brazil makes to endeavour to cultivate the most friendly relations with them, and to promote reciprocal interests.

An abundant harvest of some of our country products is expected this year, but the future of agricultural works especially claims the powerful aid of credit under favourable conditions, as well as the development of railway traffic and of professional teaching.

The sacrifices which we shall make for this purpose will be fully compensated by the advantages which will arise therefrom to all the social classes, and by the increase of national wealth. The Government are aware of the importance of the measures to be taken, and give the subject their most zealous attention.

The new law for recruiting will do away with the old and most defective system of levying men by force; it will raise the condition of the Brazilian soldier, and will distribute equally, and without causes of irritation, the onus of military service. It is a reform worthy of our patriotism and advancement.

Various projects of acknowledged public utility still remain dependent on your enlightened decision. Besides the general budget of the Empire I will mention, as being the most urgent, electoral reform, the aids to agricultural labour, and the reorganization of primary and secondary instruction.

You will not fail to take into consideration in the first place the high importance of making the next election according to the new dispositions, which, obviating the abuses brought to light in the practice of the law still in vigour, ensure by an efficacious method the free and genuine manifestation of the popular vote, without altering the bases established by the political constitution of the State.

Angut and most worthy Representatives of the Nation,

I am sure that you will, during the interval of cessation from your legislative labours, continue your efforts for the general good of the Brazilian people, to whom Nature has granted everything to make them great and happy.

The session is closed.

SPEECH of the King of the Hawaiian Islands, on the Prorogation of the Legislature.-Honolulu, August 8, 1874.


AFTER a protracted session, I congratulate you upon the termination of your labours. I trust and believe that the constitutional amendments which you have passed will result in good, and that the extension of the suffrage will be duly appreciated by the country.

Your appropriations for preserving the health of the people, for immigration, and for public improvements have been very liberal and fully equal to meet the necessities to which I drew your attention upon your being called together. It will be my duty and that of my Government to see that the several sums are judiciously and economically expended. For your liberality towards myself and family I thank you.

My relations with the great nations of the world continue to be of the most gratifying character, and I have received letters during the sitting of the House from the Sovereign of Great Britain, the President of the United States, the President of the French Republic, the Emperor of Germany, the Emperor of Russia, the King of the Netherlands, the King of Denmark, the King of Sweden and Norway, the King of Italy, and the King of Belgium, recognizing my election to the throne and assuring me of their friendship and good will.

A number of new laws and amendments to laws have been carefully considered by you, and those enacted will, I trust, promote the welfare of our beloved country.

The Acts which you have passed to aid the introduction of electric telegraphs and for the encouragement of steam navigation with foreign countries show that my people are prepared to take advantage of all the improved methods of communication with neighbouring countries.

The Act to facilitate the negotiation of Treaties of Reciprocity proves that you fully appreciate the advantages of such a Treaty, more particularly with our near neighbour the United States, and no

efforts on my part or on that of my Government shall be wanting to bring about so desirable a result.

The law which you have passed to authorize a national loan, and to defiue to what uses such loan shall be applied, is in accordance with the views which I expressed to you in my Message of the 22nd of June, and I shall carefully watch its working by the board which you have empowered me to constitute, in the hope that it may fully realize the benefits anticipated from it, in the increase of the population and products, and therefore in the prosperity, of my Kingdom. Nobles and Representatives,

On returning to your homes and to your constituents, you will still have the opportunity to continue the good work of the session, in instructing the people in all that tends to preserve their health and comfort, and to increase their means and their knowledge; and I trust that you will apprize them of my constant solicitude for their welfare, and assure them that each man who takes good care of himself and family, with due regard to the rights of his neighbour, is adding to the strength of my Kingdom and assisting in the perpetuation of our race.

I now declare this Legislative Assembly of the Kingdom prorogued.

SPEECH of the King of Portugal, on the Opening of the Cortes.-Lisbon, January 2, 1874.



. On this solemn occasion, when I have come to open the legislative session of this year, I feel happy at being in the midst of the Representatives of the nation.

Our diplomatic relations with foreign Powers continue to be in a satisfactory condition.

The public tranquillity has not been in any way disturbed throughout this Kingdom and the transmarine provinces.

'Availing myself of the authority accorded to my Government in virtue of the Laws of July 2, 1867, and March 5, 1858, a public and national subscription was opened for the emission of the first series of the debentures of the Minho Railway to the amount of reis 1,535,6708000 (341,2607.) in cash, and for the consolidation of the floating debt to the amount of reis 38,000,000$000 (nominal) (8,444,4447.); and, in both instances, the demands made by my Government were not only met, but were even exceeded.

My Minister of Finance will render you an account of these

operations, which show the vitality of the country, its patriotism, and the relative degree of prosperity which it enjoys.


With the object of improving the armament of our military forces -on a peace footing-my Government has been indebted to the kind courtesy of the Governments of Her Majesty the Queen of England and of His Majesty the Emperor of Germany for a supply of modern carbines for infantry and cavalry, and of Krupp guns, which we obtained direct from the arsenals of Great Britain and Prussia. order to legalize the expenditure incurred in purchasing this armament, with other military stores which, in addition to the above, we absolutely required either to buy or to manufacture, my Government will lay before you the necessary bills, which you will duly examine, as the importance of the matter to which they refer demands.

The works on the Minho Railroad have been continued, those of the Regoa Railway have been commenced, and the Extremoz section on the South Eastern Railway has been concluded and opened to the public. The works on ordinary roads have been carried on as far as the supplies voted for the purpose would allow. In the face, however, of the constant and palpable evidence-which is daily borne out by facts-that the increase of the public wealth is due in a great measure to the facilities afforded by rapid means of communication, the time has arrived to extend this great improvement to the two divisions of the Province of Beira, which will not only be of great advantage to that important province, but will also considerably facilitate our international communications. My Government will lay before you, for this end, the respective projects of law, which will nevertheless be subordinate to the rule that the financial condition of the country is not to be disturbed on that account.

In addition to the measures submitted to your enlightened judgment, and which remained over from last session, others of a general interest will be shortly presented to you by my Ministers. I rely upon your well-known zeal and patriotism, and I feel convinced that you will ever devote your best attention to everything that may in any way tend to the improvement of the public administration, to a more speedy administration of justice, to the diffusion of public instruction, and to the amelioration of all the branches of the military and naval services, and of the state of our colonies, which are for so many reasons entitled to the consideration of the powers of the State.

In compliance with the Constitutional Precept, my Minister of Finance will lay before you the budget for the financial year 18741875, and you will see therefrom, as well as from the reports and bills which will accompany and follow it, that the condition of the public treasury is satisfactory, and that, owing to the measures which you voted, to the efforts made by all, and, in fiue, to the fortu

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