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To point out to Portuguese
Government the bene-.
ficial effects of acting
jointly for the suppres
sion of the Slave Trade
in Portuguese waters
in Mozambique............ 801

Ir. Cobbold to the Earl of Apr. 14 May 1 Inclosing copy of note

[blocks in formation]

addressed to PortuGovernment. guese Gratification of Her Majesty's Government at issue of Decree of October 31, 1874, freeing libertos in Cupe Verde Islands

Apr. 15 May 2 Sends copy of corre

spondence with Portu


[blocks in formation]

Lord Lytton to the Earl of May 31 June 16 Inclosing copy of note


to Senhor Corvo as to

operations of Thetis in



the Umfusi River ....... 806

Sept. 30 Oct. 8 Inclosing copy of note to

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Portuguese Minister,
expressing apprecia-
tion of Senhor Adrião's


[blocks in formation]

PORTUGAL (Mozambique).

Consul Elton to the Earl of May 12 June 27 | Visit to Johanna in Her




Majesty's ship Thetis.
Punishment of
Shereef, convicted at
Zanzibar for compli-
city in Slave Trade, by
Sultan of Johanna... 809

May 25 June 27 Reception of freed slaves

[blocks in formation]

in temporary depôt at Mozambique. Portuguese Government consent to, but Natal Government does not wish for at present 811 Slaves at Kivolane and Umfusi


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Consul Hopkins to the Earl July 31 | Sept. 18 Report on publication of of Derby

Law of April 29, 1875.
Sends extract from
"Boletim Officiel of
May 26, 1875. Regu-
lation of labour in the
Province of Angola .... 815


Major-General Stanton to the Jan. 6 Jan. 29 Inclosing letter from

Earl of Derby

Consul at Jeddah on Slave Trade in Hedjaz and Yemen

Dec. 4 Dec. 13 Interview with Khedive.

Murder of Munzinger
Pasha by natives


[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Lord Lyons to the Earl of Feb. 3 Feb. 6 Sends copy of note from



Duc Decazes on dhow
under French colours,
Instructions sent to
French Admiral.......... 851

May 28 May 29 Note to the French Go

vernment, expressing acknowledgments of

[blocks in formation]

Her Majesty's Govern-
ment for conduct of
Mr. Consul Gaspary at
Zanzibar, in prevent-
ing abuse of French
flag in Slave Trade...... 851

Lord Lyons to the Earl of July 7 July 10 Sends copy of note sent


[ocr errors][merged small]

to French Government on use of French flag for Slave Trade pur

[blocks in formation]

SPAIN (Havana).

Commissary-Judge Sept. 1 Oct. 2 Sends copy of statement

Crawford to the Earl of



in" Havana Gazette."
Number of persons

freed under Law of

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Consul Pauli to the Earl of May 12 May 31 | Incloses

report from Vice-Consul Gibbons on result of abolition of slavery and contract of "libertos"



The Earl of Derby to Sir H. | May 11

Case of 4 slaves on Mace-
donia, from Malta,

Sir H. Elliot to the Earl of July 10 July 20 Complicity of Governor

of Bengazi in Slave
Trade. Sends copy of


note to Safvet Pasha... 865

[blocks in formation]

Aug. 8 Aug. 17 Sends report of Sir P.

Francis on female slave

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Consul Beyts to the Earl of Dec. 27 | Jan. 29 Official installation as Derby

Consul on 21st instant.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Remarks on Slave

Trade, &c.


closed since his ap

pointment. Forwards

list of slaves liberated
at Jeddah since his


Instructions as to course
to be pursued on
Slave Trade questions 875
Remarks on slaves im-

ported into Yemen
and Hedjaz, &c.


· Consul Beyts to the Earl of June 10 June 21 Inclosing report on Red


Sea Slave Trade.
remarks upon it



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Vice-Consul Ellon to the Earl of Derby.-(Rec. January 11, 1875.) (Extract.)

Zanzibar, December 15, 1874.

I HAVE the honour to inclose you copy in translation of a letter addressed by me to His Highness the Sultan of Zanzibar, together

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