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Houses on the Formation of the New Ministry-Strong Hostility ex-
pressed towards it in the House of Lords-Speech of Earl Grey-Opi-
nions of his Majesty on the Catholic Question-Motions on the State of
Ireland withdrawn-Motion for the Repeal of the Test Acts withdrawn
-Motion on the Chancellor's Jurisdiction in Bankruptcy-Motion
regarding the Stamp Duty on Cheap Publications-The Marquis of
Lansdowne made Secretary of State - [105
The Corn Bill introduced in the House of Lords-Debate on the Second
Reading-Amendment of the Duke of Wellington carried against the
Ministry in the Committee, and confirmed on the bringing up of the
Report-Ministers withdraw the Bill-Attack of Mr. Canning on the
Duke of Wellington-Proposal to give effect to the Corn Act of 1822-
Temporary Corn Bill brought in and passed-Discussion in the House
of Lords on the Language used concerning them in the House of Com-
mons-Discussion with respect to the State of the Shipping Interest
FINANCE-The Budget-Proceedings connected with Elections-Charges
brought against the Corporations of Northampton and Leicester-
Proceedings with a view to the Disfranchisement of Penryn and East
Retford-Bill for preventing corrupt Practices at Elections-Game
Laws-Bill declaring the using of Spring Guns illegal-Mr. Peel's
Improvements of the Law-The Court of Chancery-Prorogation of
Death of Mr. Canning-Formation of a New Ministry under Lord Gode-
rich-Changes in the Cabinet.-COLONIES-INDIA-FOREIGN RELA-
FRANCE.-Meeting of the Chambers-Discussions on the Affairs of Por-
tugal-New Jury Act-Decision of the Chamber of Peers regarding
the Laws against the Jesuits-Law for the more effectual Prohibition
of the Slave Trade-Finances, and State of Manufactures-Royal Debts
-Law for the Regulation of the Press: amendments proposed by the
Committee the Bill carried in the Chamber of Deputies-Discontent
of the Public-The Bill is withdrawn in the Chamber of Peers-The
National Guard of Paris is disbanded-Prorogation of the Chambers-
Establishment of the Censorship-Dissolution of the Chamber of
Deputies-Creation of Peers-General Election Coalition of the
Ultra-Royalists and the Liberals-The Ministers are defeated in the
Elections Change of Ministry-Dispute with the Regency of Algiers
Commercial Connexion with Mexico
SPAIN. Declaration regarding Portugal-Army of Observation formed-
New Invasion of Portugal permitted-The defeated Rebels disarmed,
and Chaves and Canellas ordered to quit Spain-Progress of the Carlists
-Attempt upon Tortosa-Insurrection in Catalonia-Dissensions in the
Ministry-M. Recacho dismissed-Progress of the Rebels in Catalonia—
They establish Provisional Governments-Measures adopted against
them-The Army of Observation is marched into Catalonia-Ferdinand
goes to Catalonia himself—Arrives at Tarragona-Defeat of the Rebels
-Conduct of the Clergy-Purification of the Public Offices-Execu-
tions-The French Garrison is withdrawn from Barcelona-Trade with
South America-Difference with the Pope, regarding the Appointment
of South American Bishops
PORTUGAL.-New irruption of the Rebels in the Province of Minho-
They are defeated at Barca, and driven beyond the Frontier-They
again enter the Province of Tras Os Montes: they are again driven
into Spain, and are there disarmed-Position of the British Army-
Opening of the Cortes-Differences between the Chambers regarding
a Loan A Loan voted-Finances-Discussions on the Conduct to be
pursued towards the Rebels-Motion for the Dismissal of the Ministry
-Prorogation of the Cortes-Proclamation against the Clergy-An
Amnesty is published-Decrees of the Emperor received from Brazil-
They are not put into Execution-Mutiny in the Garrison of Elvas-
Dissensions in the Cabinet-Illness of the Regent-Change of Ministry
-Don Miguel announces his intention of returning to assume the
Regency Desertions of the Army-Saldanha dismissed from the
Ministry of War-Disturbances in Lisbon and at Oporto-Proceedings
against their Instigators and against the Press-Changes of Ministry-
The Emperor appoints Don Miguel Regent-Don Miguel visits England
on his return to Portugal-The Bank of Lisbon stops Payment."[248
SWEDEN. NETHERLANDS.-Concordat with the Pope concluded-Pro-
gress of the Insurrection in Java.-SAXONY.-BRUNSWICK.-BAVARIA.
-Law against Duelling.-PRUSSIA-Organization of the Provincial
Estates. AUSTRIA-Dissolution of the Hungarian Diet.-RUSSIA-
Opening of the Campaign against Persia-Erivan besieged, and
the Siege raised-Abbas Abad besieged-Battle of Djeuen Boulak-
Battle of Etchmiazine-Sardar Abad surrenders-Erivan again besieged
and taken-The Russians enter Tauris-Preliminaries of Peace signed-
The Schah refuses to ratify them--Levy of Troops throughout the
Russian Empire
GREECE.-General State of Greece-Successes of Karaiskaki in Livadia-
Operations in the Siege of Athens-Meeting of the National Assembly
Capo d'Istra named President, Lord Cochrane Commander of the
Fleet, and Colonel Church Generalissimo of the Armies-Plan to raise
the Siege of Athens-Karaiskaki killed-Total defeat of the Greek
Army before Athens-The_Acropolis surrenders-Military Events in
Western Greece-Britain, France, and Russia interpose to put an end
to the War-Manifesto of the Porte rejecting their Mediation-Treaty
of London-The Porte refuses to accede to an Armistice-Egyptian
Fleet arrives at Navarino-Armistice with Ibrahim Pacha-Negotiations
at Constantinople-The Turkish Fleet attempts to sail for Patras, and
is obliged to put back-Ibrahim ravages the Morea-Battle of Navarino
-Proceedings at Constantinople-Demands of the Porte in consequence
of the Battle of Navarino-They are refused, and the British, French,
and Russian, Ambassadors leave Constantinople-Proceedings of the
Greeks-British Order in Council against the Greek Marine [296
UNITED STATES-Discussions in Congress on the Colonial Trade.-SOUTH
AMERICA-Progress of the War between BRAZIL and BUENOS AYRES
Battle of Ituzaingo-Advance of the Republican Army towards Rio
Grande-Naval Operations-Preliminaries of Peace signed at Rio Janeiro
-The Treaty is rejected by the Government of Buenos Ayres, and the
President Rivadavia resigns-Pretensions of the Provisional Governments
-Finances.-COLOMBIA-Arrival of Bolivar at Bogota, and his depar-
ture for Venezuela-He re-establishes Tranquillity in that Province-
He resigns the Presidentship-Congress meets-The Vice-president,
Santander, likewise proffers his Resignation-Congress refuses to accept
either-A National Convention ordered to be convoked-Revolt in the
Southern Provinces-Bolivar returns to Bogota-Finances.-MEXICO-
Revolt of the Province of Texas-Conspiracy of Arenas-Measures
directed against Spanish Inhabitants-Arrests on Account of a New
Conspiracy-Insurrection in the Province of Durango-Finance.-
PERU-Revolution in the Government, and Election of a new President
Dismissal of the Colombian Envoy-Finances.-GUATEMALA-Progress
of the Civil War