tained over the factious cabal of their most contemptible assembly. Bedard will be shortly releasedthat fellow alone of the whole gang has nerve, and does not want ability or inclination to do mischief whenever opportunity offers; the rest, old Papineau and the blustering B- —, are all white-livered runagates to a man; but when Sir James' back is turned, they will rally and commence the same bullying attack on his successor, who, I trust, will follow his example.* Colonel J. A. Vesey to Brigadier Brock. HAMPTON COURT PARK, April 9, 1811. I am bound to Sicily in about a fortnight, as a brigadier-general on the staff there, and I am told that Lord William Bentinck, who is destined to command the forces in that island, will be the bearer of instructions to insist upon the command of the Sicilian army likewise. I thank you much for the interesting details of local politics, both military and civil, which your letter contains, for I feel a more than common wish to know what passes in Canada, although I am certainly not partial to that country-quite the reverse. It is a pity that the 49th should be detained there so long, as it will interfere materially with the promotion of your officers. I fear you will have passed a lonely winter at Fort George, notwithstanding the addition * Part of the discontent of the French Canadians at this period arose from the Constitutional Act of 1791, which divided the two provinces, and gave to each a local legislature, consisting of an elective assembly, and a council of members appointed by the crown for life. These two bodies never harmonized, as the latter was composed of an exclusive class, consisting of office holders and a few wealthy merchants and land-holders; and the assembly, naturally enough, complained that nearly every measure, which it originated, was rejected by the legislative council. Thus the disaffection of the people was not entirely of a national character, or it was not solely a French and English quarrel; and no government will satisfy that race which has not a just share in its administration and councils. And now, nothwithstanding the continued antagonism of the two races, both appear to unite in demanding responsible government not in form, but in substance; and Sir James Craig would indeed be astonished if he could arise from his grave, and witness the present relative positions of the governor-general and the house of assembly. of my friend Murray and his nice little wife to your society. Fray remember me kindly to them and to my old riend St. George. Mrs. Vesey has charged me to cal. her to your recollection in the kindest manner; she and my six children are as well as possible, and a very nice little group they are, all as healthy as can be. I wish I had a daughter old enough for you, as I would give her to you with pleasure. You should be married, particularly as fate seems to detain you so long in Canada- but pray do not marry there. Colonel Vesey to Brigadier Brock. HAMPTON COURT PARK, May 9, 1811. I received a few days ago your letter of the 22d February, for which I thank you very much. I am very much obliged to you for taking so much trouble about my grant of land, respecting which I have not taken any steps whatever here; neither shall I, so long as Lord Liverpool continues to direct the affairs of the colonial department, for he is not friendly to me; but I will reserve my claims for a more favorable moment. I am not the less thankful for your friendship on the occasion. I quite feel for you, my good friend, when I think of the stupid and uninteresting time you must have passed in Upper Canada-with your ardour for professional employment in the field, it must have been very painful. I did not think Sir James (Craig) would have detained you so long against your will. Had you returned to Europe, there is little doubt but that you would immediately have been employed in Portugal; and, as that service has turned out so very creditable, I regret very much that you had not deserted from Canada. I take it for granted that you will not stay there long, and should the fortune of war bring us again upon duty in the same country, I need not say how I shall hail the event with joy. If you come to England, I would wish you to call upon the Duke of Kent,* who has a high respect for you, and will be happy to see you. It seems determined that the Duke of York shall return to the command of the army; it would have taken place ere now, but for some ill-natured remarks inserted in some of the newspapers, produced by an over zeal on the part of his friends. Sir David (Dundas) will not be much regretted, and it surely is time that at his advanced period of life he should be relieved from the cares of office. I am rejoiced to find that you live so comfortably with my friend Murray and his nice little wife. Mrs. Vesey and myself took a great fancy to her the morning she called here, on their way to Portsmouth. *The father of her present majesty, Queen Victoria.-The queen visited Guernsey on the 24th August, 1846, and was received by the inhabitants with the most enthusiastic demonstrations of affection, loyalty, and gratitude. Her majesty is the first British sovereign, since the days of King John, who has landed in Guernsey, which in the reign of Edward the Second, and long subsequently, was termed "The Holy Isle." CHAPTER V. On the 4th of June, 1811, Brigadier Brock was promoted, and appointed by the prince regent to serve from that day as a major-general on the staff of North America. On the 19th of the same month, Sir James Craig embarked on board H. M. S. Amelia for England, leaving Mr. Dunn in charge of the government of the Lower Province, and Lieut.-General Drummond* in command of the forces in the Canadas, consisting of 445 artillery, 3,783 regular troops, and 1,226 Fencibles; in all, 5,454 men. He seemed disgusted with the cares of a government, in which he had experienced only crosses and mortification, as his administration was decidedly unpopular among the great mass of the French Canadians. His health had long been wasting away with a dropsy and other infirmities; and he doubted whether he should live to reach England, where he however survived several months, and met with a most gracious reception from his immediate superiors. Sir James Craig had been from his youth in the service of his country, and he owed to merit alone his rank and consideration in *The present General Sir Gordon Drummond, G. C. B., colonel of the 49th foot. He succeeded to the command of the forces in Upper Canada in December, 1813. Lieut.-General Drummond was one step higher in rank than Major-General Brock, although he entered the army four years and a half after him; and as a proof of the gross favouritism and inequality which prevailed in the British army during the last century, we give the dates of General Drummond's commissions-viz. ensign, September 21, 1789; lieutenant, March 31, 1791; captain, January, 1792; major, February 28, 1794; lieut.-colonel, April 22, 1794; colonel, January 1, 1798; major-general, January 1, 1805; lieut.-general, June 4, 1811 - a general officer in little more than fifteen years! the army.* He was corpulent in person, and rather below the middle stature; in society he was frank and affable. To a clear and comprehensive judgment, he united the best qualities of the heart; and though hasty in temper, a fault arising much from disease and suffering, he was easily reconciled to those who might involuntarily have incurred his resentment. Although many differed widely in opinion with respect to his government, yet few could deny him the merit of disinterestedness and integrity in the discharge of his public duties. He may have erred in the performance of the important and complicated functions of his post, but he was guided by sincerity; and it is due to his memory to add, that the objects of his administration, however erroneous the means he pursued for their attainment, were the concord, the happiness, and the prosperity of the people whom he governed for nearly four years.† Major-General Vesey to Major-General Brock. PORTSMOUTH, June 10, 1811. I congratulate you on your promotion, and you may return me the compliment. I did not expect to appear in the same brevet with you as a majorgeneral; it has so happened, however, and I am * Sir James Craig commanded from 3 to 4,000 British troops, who, with about 4,000 Russians, were sent at the close of 1805 to Naples for the protection of the then infamous Neapolitan government; but on the advance of the French, the Russians proceeded to Corfu and the British to Messina, where Lieut.-General Craig retired from ill health, and was succeeded in the command by Sir John Stuart, who a few months after gained the battle of Maida, 4th July, 1806. Major-General Craig was also second in command of the land forces at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope, in 1795. † Memoirs of the Administration of the Colonial Government of Lower Canada, by Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Prevost, from the year 1807 until the year 1815; comprehending the Military and Naval operations in the Canadas during the late War with the United States of America. By R. Christie, Quebec, 1818. The colonels of October 30, 1805, to all the colonels of 1808, were made major-generals on the same day, June 4, 1811, and Colonel Vesey was 79 on the list below Colonel Brock. This strikes us as very wholesale promotion, and as unjust to the senior colonels. |