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Department of the Interior.

By Order in Council of the 21st of May, 1902, the following Ordinance was enacted for collection of a royalty on gold shipped from the Yukon Territory :

1. On all gold sought to be shipped from the Yukon Territory there shall be levied and collected a royalty of 2 per cent of its value; such royalty to be paid in currency to the comptroller of the Yukon Territory or to some person duly authorized by him in that behalf, and the gold for the purposes of estimating such royalty shall be valued at $15 per ounce.

2. Any gold about to be shipped upon which such royalty had not been paid shall be seized and confiscated for the use of the Crown in the manner hereinafter provided.

3. Proof of payment of such royalty shall be by production of a certificate of the comptroller of the Yukon Territory or of some person duly authorized by him as aforesaid that payment has been made.

4. Every one about to take gold out of the Yukon Territory shall produce to any officer demanding production thereof, such a certificate that the royalty has been paid; otherwise such gold shall be confiscated for the use of the Crown and taken immediate possession of by the officer who discovers the same.

5. The word "officer" in the next preceding section includes any officer or constable of the North west Mounted Police, and every such officer shall, in respect of searches, examinations or other proceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance have all the powers, rights, privileges and protection which an officer of customs or person under his direction has in respect of seizures, examinations and other proceedings for the enforcement of the provisions of the Customs Act and amendments thereto.

6. It shall be sufficient proof that any gold is about to be taken or shipped out of the territory if the same is found in the possession of any person who has left or is leaving Dawson upon any steamer, vessel, scow, or boat, or any sleigh, coach, wagon or other vehicle, or in any other way, down the Yukon River, or is found in the possession of any person who has left or is leaving White Horse in the direction of Skagway by any mode of conveyance whatever.

7. It shall be the duty of the master or any person in command of any steamship, steamboat, sailing ship or other vessel and of the conductor of any railway train, about to leave the country, having to the knowledge of such master or person in command, or of such conductor, any gold on board, to make a solemn declaration in the form prescribed by section 26 of the Canada Evidence Act, 1893, as to the quantity of such gold, before the officer of the North-west Mounted Police at the post nearest to the boundary of the territory on or near the course of such vessel, or on or near the railway or to such officer at that post as may be named and appointed for the purpose of taking such declarations by the commissioner or comptroller of the territory, and shall produce to such officer a certificate or certificates of the comptroller or of some person duly authorized by him as aforesaid that the royalty on such. gold has been paid, and any such master or person in command or conductor who fails or refuses to make such declaration or to produce such certificate or

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certificates as aforesaid shall on summary conviction be liable to a penalty not exceeding $500 and not less than $100.

8. All Ordinances or Orders in Council heretofore passed in so far as they relate to or provide for the collection of any tax or royalty on gold mined in the Yukon Territory or to be taken or shipped therefrom are hereby rescinded.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2345.

By Order in Council of the 21st of May, 1902, it was ordered with reference to the Ordinance of the Governor in Council dated 21st May, 1902, for collection of a royalty on gold to be shipped from the Yukon Territory, that, notwithstanding anything contained in any other Ordinance or in any Order in Council heretofore passed which in any way provides for or relates to a tax or royalty on gold mined in the Yukon Territory or to be taken or shipped therefrom, a royalty of 21 per cent of its value be charged and collected on all gold shipped from the Yukon Territory from the 1st May, 1902 to the date upon which the Ordinance first above mentioned shall come into force and effect, and that during such period no other tax or royalty be charged or collected on any gold mined in or taken or shipped from the Yukon Territory.

It was also ordered that such royalty of 2 per cent be paid to the Comptroller of the Yukon Territory, or to some person duly authorized by him in that behalf, and that the gold for the purpose of estimating such royalty be valued at $15.00 per ounce.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2418.

By Order in Council of the 31st of May, 1902, in virtue of the provisions of clause 47 of the Dominion Lands Act, as enacted by section 5 of chapter 15 of 55-56 Victoria, and of section 8 of the Yukon Territory Act, as enacted by section 3 of chapter 31 of 2 Edward VII., the third paragraph of clause (d) of section 6 of the Order in Council of 8th July, 1898, was cancelled, and the following was substituted therefor :

"Every entry made in any of the mining recorder's books shall show the date upon which such entry is made. A fee of twenty-five cents (25c.) shall be charged for obtaining information either verbally or in writing from the mining recorder with respect to each claim, and documents filed shall be open to public inspection upon payment of a fee of fifty cents (50c.); but for copies of any documents the fee shall be two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) up to two hundred words, and fifty cents (50c.) for each extra one hundred words."

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2511.

By Order in Council of the 31st of May, 1902, in virtue of the provisions of clause 47 of the Dominion Lands Act, as enacted by section 5 of chapter 15 of 55-56 Victoria, and of section 8 of the Yukon Territory Act, as enacted

Department of the Interior.

by section 3 of chapter 34 of 2 Edward VII., clause (a) of section 41 of the regulations governing placer mining in the Yukon Territory, established by Order in Council dated 13th March, 1901, was amended by adding the following paragraph thereto :

"If a claim is not re-recorded within three months subsequent to the date up to which it was recorded, the claim shall then be deemed to be abandoned and open for occupation and entry by a free miner even although the required amount of work may have been done within the year for which the claim was recorded or the commutation fee paid in lieu thereof, and the certificate called for by the regulations obtained."

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2511.

By Order in Council of the 31st of May, 1902, in virtue of the provisions of clause 47 of the Dominion Lands Act as enacted by section 5 of chapter 15 of 55-56 Victoria, and of section 8 of the Yukon Territory Act, as enacted by section 2 of chapter 11 of 62-63 Victoria, clause 38 of the regulations governing placer mining in the Yukon Territory, established by Order in Council dated 13th March, 1901, as amended by Order in Council dated 27th November, 1901, was amended by providing that the fee of $2 therein mentioned be the fee for the registration of the instrument therein referred to for one claim, and $1 for each additional claim or fraction of a claim described in said instrument.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2511.

Department of Justice.

Department of Justice.

By Proclamation dated the 30th of July, 1901, the Act chapter 5, 1 Edward VII., intituled "An Act to amend the Pacific Cable Act, 1899," was brought into force and effect upon, from and after the 1st day of August,

A.D. 1901.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 173.

By Order in Council of the 18th of July, 1901, " An Act respecting Real Property in the Province of Manitoba," chaptered 47 and passed by the Legislature of the province of Manitoba on May 31, 1900, was disallowed. Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 132.

By Order in Council of the 11th of September, 1901, a statute, chaptered 11, and intituled "An Act to regulate Immigration into British Columbia," passed August 31, 1900, by the Legislature of the province of British Columbia, was disallowed.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 455.

By Order in Council of the 11th of September, 1901, a statute, chaptered 14 and intituled "An Act relating to the employment on works carried on under franchises granted by private Acts," and passed by the Legislature of British Columbia on August 31, 1900, was disallowed.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 455.

By Order in Council of the 15th of April, 1902, the following regulations were established concerning fees and law stamps for the Yukon Territorial Court:

1. That the fees payable on writs and process issued out of the office of the clerk of the Yukon Territorial Court, and all other fees and charges payable to the said clerk, or to the court stenographers, shall be paid in law stamps, and that the said clerk be provided with a perforating cancelling machine with which all stamps shall be cancelled as soon as they are used.

2. That law stamps be printed and sent to the comptroller of the Yukon Territory for sale of the following denominations, and of such pattern and colour as may be approved by the Minister of Justice, namely, two thousand dollars worth of ten cent stamps, five thousand dollars worth each of twentyfive cent, fifty cent and dollar stamps, and two thousand dollars worth of three

Department of Justice.

dollar stamps. And that hereafter such quantities and denominations of law stamps be printed and supplied to the said comptroller as may from time to time be required.

3. That the law stamps be kept on sale at the office of the said comptroller under such regulations as may from time to time be made by the comptroller, but the comptroller shall not be obliged to sell such stamps in less quantities than ten dollars worth at any one sale.

4. That solicitors and others requiring copies of evidence or other reports taken by the court stenographers shall file a præcipe with the clerk of the court setting out the style of cause, the document and number of copies required. The clerk is then to instruct the court stenographers to prepare what is so asked for and have an extra copy made. This extra copy shall be attached to the præcipe and filed in the clerk's office with the other papers in the suit, and the fees shall be paid in stamps which shall be affixed to the copy filed and cancelled.

5. That the comptroller of the Yukon Territory be directed to see that the necessary arrangements and regulations are made for the carrying out of the above rules.

6. That the changes herein mentioned shall take effect on, from and after the first day of July, 1902.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2198.

By Order in Council of the 10th of May, 1902, a statute, chaptered 80 and intituled "An Act to incorporate the Lake Bennett Railway," passed by the Legislature of the province of British Columbia on May 11, 1901, was disallowed.

Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2303.

By Order in Council of the 31st of May, 1902, an Ordinance, chaptered 22, and intituled "An Ordinance respecting Foreign Companies," which had been passed by the Legislature of the North-west Territories, was disallowed. Vide Canada Gazette, vol. xxxv., p. 2446.

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