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[The following Despatches offer an interesting illustration of the aggressive policy of Prussia, of the absolute despotism of its government, and of the utter insecurity of persons and property in those states of Germany which are subjected to her dictation.

We trust that the example here displayed of the infraction by the Cabinet of Berlin of every principle of international justice will have its due weight in preserving those portions of Germany which have hitherto escaped the snare of the "Customs' Union," from surrendering their national rights and independence at the dictation of a power which derives its sole importance in the balance of Europe from being the subservient instrument of Russia.


We hope there is yet time for the minor Cabinets of Germany to see the error into which they have been beguiled, and that they may yet work out their deliverance from a system of which they have not yet tasted the direful consequences. We are happy to perceive that the Hannoversche Zeitung" has taken up the cause we advocate. The fact of the authenticity of the documents in the Portfolio being acknowledged as self-evident, and placed beyond a doubt by a journal which bears the character of a semi-official German paper, is important as regards the public opinion of Germany, and as an indication that the government of Hanover appreciates the utility of exposing designs which threaten such disastrous consequences to every European interest.]





Trier, 14 June, 1832.

ALLOW me to express one more opinion in confidence. If it must be left to the Sovereigns of Germany to treat their demagogues and insensate agitators as they please, and to condemn them to punishment according to the so-called French laws, the weakness of the governments will be increased, and the malignant strength of the revolutionary party will be increased both in Germany and abroad, and the evil will spread on every side.

The safety of the state, firmly established on

Jetzt noch eine vertrauliche Aeusserung. Wenn es den deutschen Souveränen überlassen werden muss, ihre Demagogen und tollen Aufwiegler nach Gefallen zu behandeln, und nach den sogenannten französischen Gesetzen zur Strafe zu ziehen, so wird der Schwäche der Regierungen und der bösartigen Kraft der revolutionären Parthei in und ausserhalb Deutschlands Vorschub geleistet, und der Krebs frisst um sich.

Staatssicherheit, nach moralischen Grundsätzen festgestellt, ist

moral principles, is the most important duty of a government; it can never be secured by representative forms, or by popular usurpations; on the contrary, whithersoever we turn our regards, we behold it exposed to insult and danger. The stream which has burst its bounds does not return of itself to its original bed; it must be led thither.

If the diets of the German Constitutional States, which grant to the representatives of the people a right of veto and a power over the Regents, cannot be led back to what has been proved by experience to be advantageous, viz., its usefulness as a deliberative assembly; it then would appear that danger threatens the safety of all states and especially of those which are governed wisely and moderately, entirely ac

die wichtigste der Regierungspflichten; sie wird durch repräsentative Formen oder Volksvertretungen nirgends gesichert, vielmehr durchweg, wo wir hinblicken, gemissbraucht und gefährdet. Der ausgebrochene Strom fügt sich nicht von selbst wieder in sein ursprüngliches Stromgebiet; er muss dahin geleitet werden.

Können die konstitutionellen deutschen Staatenverfassungen, welche den Volksrepräsentanten ein Versagungsrecht und eine Macht über den Regenten anweisen, nicht auf das aus der Erfahrung sich ergebende Nützliche einer berathenden Stände-Auswahl zurückgeführt werden, so erscheint die Sicherheit aller und auch der Staaten gefährdet, welche weise und gemässigt, ganz nach

cording to the noble tendency of the Prussian system of rendering the people happy.

I see the difficulty of carrying this into execution; it can only be urged by the force of arms on those German principalities which delight in the freedom and audacity of their people, and which recognize therein a means of protection against the arbitrary power, severity and oppression of their princes. And still every other consideration which I have proposed in my despatch to the King, viz., arrests, deportation into a fortress of the confederation, and the punishment of those who excite the people against the safety of the German states by the sentence and cognizance of a decree of the Diet, will afford no radical cure.

der würdigen preussischen Tendenz der Volksbeglückung, regiert werden.

Ich sehe die Schwierigkeit dieser Durchführung ein; sie kann nur durch Waffengewalt den deutschen Furstenländern aufgedrungen werden, welche sich in ihrer Volksfreiheit und Frechheit gefallen, und in selbiger ein Schutzmittel gegen Willkühr, Härte, und Bedrückung ihrer Fürsten erkennen. Und dennoch alles Andere, worauf ich in meinem Schreiben an den König angetragen habe, Arretiren, Abführen in eine Bundesfestung, und Bestrafung der Volksfrevler gegen die Sicherheit der deutschen Staaten durch Spruch und Erkenntniss eines deutschen Bundesgerichts, wird keine radikale Hülfe gewähren.

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