WITH REFERENCE TO THE SICK AND DYING: FROM THE LATIN OF THE REV. JOHN STEARNE, VICAR OF TRIM, IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY WITH ADDITIONS, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED, BY THE REV. KIRBY TRIMMER, A.B. CURATE OF STANHOE, NORFOLK; FORMERLY OF ST. ALBAN HALL, OXFORD; AND AUTHOR OF CONVERSATIONS ON THE THIRTY-NINE ARTICLES. LONDON: PRINTED FOR J. G. F. & J. RIVINGTON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, AND WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. 1840. PREFACE. A DESIRE to extend the usefulness of the excellent Treatise which occupies the first portion of this Manual, by adapting many parts of it to the Sick Chamber, has led to its translation. In subsequent parts of the Manual it will be found that some of the recommendations contained in the Treatise have been followed. The Service for the Communion of the Sick has been arranged in the appointed order; this, it is hoped, will be found convenient at the time of administration. The Ministration of Private Baptism of Children in houses (which is here supposed to take place in cases * "Tractatus de Visitationé Infirmorum, seu de iis Parochorum Officiis quæ Infirmos et Moribundos respiciant, In gratiam Juniorum, et in Visitandis Infirmis minus Exercitatorum editus. Authore Johanne Stearne, S. T. D. et Vicario de Trim, in Diocesi Midensi." |