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1780. fally efteemed and regretted. The sympathy he had excited in the American army was perhaps unexampled, under any fimilar circumstances.


oa. General Washington thus expressed himself upon this whole business in a private letter" In no instance fince the commencement of the war, has the interpofition of Providence appeared more remarkably confpicuous, than in the rescue of the post and garrifon of West Point How far Ar


nold meant to involve me in the catastrophe of this place, does not appear by any indubitable evidence; and I am rather inclined to think, he did not wish to


hazard the more important object by attempting to combine two events, the leffer of which might have marred the greater. A combination of extraordinary circumstances, and unaccountable deprivation of prefence of mind in a man of the first abilities, and the virtue of three militia men, threw the adjutant general of the British forces (with full proof of Arnold's intention) into our hands; and but for the egregious folly, or the bewildered conception of lieut. col. Jamefon, who feemed lost in astonishment, and not to have known what he was doing, I should undoubtedly have gotten Arnold. Andre has met his fate, and with that fortitude which was to be expected from an accomplished man and a gallant officer: but I am mistaken if Arnold is undergoing at this time, the torments of a mental hell." The unhappy event of which Arnold's project was productive, the death of major Andre, deeply affected the whole royal army. Arnold was made a British brigadier general in America; and it was hoped, that with the aid of the loyalists and the discontented of

all forts, he would raise a confiderable body of forces, 1780. to act under his own feparate command: but neither an address of his to the inhabitants of America, nor his proclamation inscribed to the officers and foldiers of the continental army, had any effect. Notwithstanding the difcontents among the American troops, through their various difficulties, Arnold's example and endeavours were so far from being the means of bringing over, even a fmall body or detachment, that they do not appear to have produced the desertion of a single foldier, much less of an officer.

Sir Henry Clinton in obedience to the orders fent him to profecute the war with vigor in North Carolina and Oct. Virginia, dispatched gen. Leslie from New York to the 15 bay of Chesapeak, with near 3000 choice troops. He was to co-operate with lord Cornwallis, who was expected to have been far advanced toward, if not to have reached Virginia. Within a few days the fleet arrived in the bay. The troops were landed in different parts of Virginia. In the beginning of November, Leflie was engaged in establishing a post at Portsmouth, till he could hear from his lordship, according to whose orders he was to act in all cases. It was sometime before he learned for a certainty where Cornwallis was: but at length inftructions were received from his lordship, for the fleet and troops to proceed without delay to Charleftown. While in Virginia they possessed themselves of fome tobacco and stores; but the vessels seized in the harbours and rivers were the most valuable part of the booty. About the time that Leflie landed at Portsmouth, Sir H. Clinton fent to Charlestown all the recruits belonging to the fouthern army, amounting to near 800,


1780. which he reckoned would place under Cornwallis's orders full 11,306 effective rank and file, including Leflie's corps.

General Washington made a proposition to Sir H. Clinton for the exchange of a number of officers, which was not acceded to. A general exchange being what the other fincerely wished, a propofition to that purpose was returned. The British gen. Phillips, and the American gen. Lincoln, were employed for the fettling of a cartel. The former supposed, that the reason why the Americans declined the exchange of privates, was an unwillingness to throw into the hands of their enemy, in the middle of an active campaign, such a reinforcement as they would receive by an exchange of all the privates. To obviate this difficulty, Phillips mentioned, that the exchange of the privates might be postponed to some future day that might be agreed on. Lincoln, on the 25th of September, expressed his desire in writing, that this might remove the objections which had existed againft an exchange of privates. He wrote on October the ist to the Massachusetts and the South Carolina delegates, and to gen. Sullivan, now one of the New Hampshire representatives in congress-" The enemy have made a propofition for a general exchange. I think policy, juftice and humanity demand it on our part. I cannot but hope you will be with me in opinion: if so the propofition will have your support and interest." At length an exchange of all officers, prifoners of war, on both fides, including fuch as were upon their paroles in New York or in Great Britain, was settled. The exchange comprehended also an equivalent of British and German foldiers, prisoners of war, for those Americans that were

at New York. In the course of the negotiation, an in- 1780. effectual effort was made on the part of the British for the release of the privates of the convention troops.

On the 3d of November it was refolved, "That Nov. congress have a high sense of the virtuous and patriotic 3. conduct of John Paulding, David Williams, and Ifaac Van Vert: in testimony whereof, ordered, that each of them receive annually two hundred dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these states during life; and that the board of war be directed to procure for each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscriptition FIDELITY, and on the other the following motto, VINCIT AMOR PATRIÆ, and forward them to the commander in chief, who is requested to present the fame, with a copy of this resolution, and the thanks of congress for their fidelity, and the eminent service they have rendered their country." The next day they recommended to the several states to levy a tax equal to fix millions of filver dollars, to be paid partly in specific articles, and the refidue in gold or filver, or bills of credit, emitted purfuant to the resolution of the 18th of March last. On the 28th, they had before them an account of major Tallmadge of the light dragoons, having surprised and taken fort St. George on Long Island, with the garrifon; they extolled the enterprise as planned and conducted with wisdom and great gallantry, and executed with intrepidity and complete success by the officers and foldiers of his detachment. Such commendations not only reward, but excite to military adventures. The major crossed the found to the island with 80 men; left 20 to guard the boats, made a circuitous route of 20


*780. miles to the fort, and reduced it almost instantly. The enemy had 8 killed and wounded. He captivated 1 lieut. colonel, 1 captain, and 55 privates; destroyed 400 tons of hay, and returned without further loss than one private wounded. Congress have at length determined upon having a permanent army. They ought before to have gotten rid of an error, which the experience of all mankind has exploded, viz. the carrying on a war with militia, or which is nearly the fame, temporary le vies. America has been amused almost out of her liberties. The behaviour of the militia upon one and another occafion, has been unreasonably extolled, by men who judge only from the furface, by others who had particular views in misrepresenting, and by visionary men whose credulity easily swallowed every vague story, in support of a favorite hypothefis. Some of the first generals in the American service, are ready folemnly to declare, that they never were witnesses to a single instance during this conteft, that can countenance an opinion of militia or raw troops being fit for the real business of fighting. How little dependence can be had upon fupplies by new levies, the last campaign may serve to show. By a return on the 16th of August it appeared, that gen. Washington had received from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania inclusive, no more than 6,143; and that the deficiency within the same circuit was 10,397. Rhode Island was the least deficient in proportion to its numbers, and Pennsylvania the most. Massachusetts had in the army double the number of any other of the states north of Maryland. What few troops the general had with him, pleased him however by the rapid progrefs they made in military difcipline.


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