Public Affairs Bulletin ..., Issues 62-66 |
Residential Rent Control Laws | 1 |
City Ordinances | 28 |
Maximum Rent Adjustments and Increases | 33 |
22 other sections not shown
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76th Congress abolished accounts action activities administrative amended applicant appointed appropriations approved audit authority bill Board Budget Bureau Civil Service cloture Commission Commissioner Committee Congress consolidation coordination Corporation court debate Department of Agriculture Department of Commerce Department of Justice discrimination Division duties economy Education effective efficiency employees established executive agency executive branch executive departments Executive Order expenditures Fair Employment Practice Farm Credit Administration Federal Security Agency filibuster fiscal functions governmental housing accommodations independent Interior investigation Jefferson's Manual June 30 jurisdiction landlord legislation Loan major maximum rent ment motion national origin necessary Office operation organization person personnel powers present President proposed purpose question recommendations regulations relating rent control rent control area Reorganization Act reorganization plan resolution responsibility rules Secretary Senate Session Stat tenant thereof tion transferred transmitting Treasury Department United War Powers Act York