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Verhandlungen zwischen Grossbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten über den Grenzstreit mit Venezuela und die Berufung eines Schiedsgerichts 1896.

1896. Febr. 27. Vereinigte Staaten. Der Botschafter in London an den Minister des Auswärtigen. Die Vereinigten Staaten

wünschen ein Schiedsgericht in der Venezuelafrage.. 11454.

27. Grossbritannien. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den
Botschafter in Washington. Wünscht eine gemischte
Kommission zum Schiedsgericht . .


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Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Washington. Schlägt einen allgemeinen Vertrag zwischen England und den Vereinigten Staaten auf Einsetzung eines Schiedsgerichts für gewisse Fälle vor . . April 11. Vereinigte Staaten. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen an den englischen Botschafter. Fordert Änderungen an Salisburys Vorschlag eines allgemeinen Schiedsgerichts. 11460. Mai 18. Grossbritannien. Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in Washington. Antwort auf Olneys Gegenvorschläge zum allgemeinen Schiedsgericht. Verbindung mit der Venezuelafrage.

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Juni 2.

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Der Botschafter in Washington an den Minister des
Auswärtigen. Olney ist dem Schiedsgericht geneigter. 11463.
Der Minister des Auswärtigen an den Botschafter in
Washington. England acceptirt Olneys Änderungen am
Artikel IV..

12. Vereinigte Staaten. Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen an
den englischen Botschafter in Washington. Antwort auf
Nr. 11463


Der Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen an den englischen
Botschafter in Washington. Antwort auf Nr. 11461




Grossbritannien und die Südafrikanische

Republik 1896.

Verhandlungen über den Besuch des Präsidenten Krüger in London.
Nr. 11431. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Kolonialminister an den
Gouverneur in Kapstadt. Er ist einer Einladung

Krügers nach London geneigt.

Sent 3.45 p. m., January 23, 1896.


Telegram. A suggestion has been privately made to me that President Nr. 11431. Krüger and others should be invited to London for the purpose of discussing britannien. pending questions. I am favourably disposed towards the idea if it is certain 23. Jan. 1896. that the President would accept the invitation on condition that Article IV. of the London Convention is excluded from discussion. || In this case it would be desirable that you should come to England to take part in the discussion.


Derselbe an Denselben. Soll den Präsidenten Krüger zu einer Reise nach England einladen.

Sent 1.30 p. m., January 27, 1896.


Telegram. || I have now received a positive assurance that President Krüger Nr. 11432. will accept an invitation to visit this country. Unless you see strong objections britannien. you should therefore give him, in the name of Her Majesty's Government, 27. Jan. 1896. a cordial invitation to come to England for the purpose of discussing all questions relating to the security of the South African Republic and the general welfare of South Africa. || You should, in order to prevent the possibility of any mistake, repeat the statements made in previous telegram, that we cannot consent to modify the terms of Article IV. of the London Convention, but other matters are open to friendly discussion. || It is hoped that the President will come here as the guest of the British Government, who will make suitable arrangements for his entertainment. They will also arrange

*) Die folgenden Aktenstücke bis Nr. 11452 entstammen dem Blaubuche Affairs in the South African Republik 1896. (8063.)

Staatsarchiv LX.



Nr. 11432. that one of Her Majesty's vessels shall convey him to England from Delagoa Gross- Bay or any other port that he may prefer. He may probably desire that 27, Jan. 1896. one or more of his Council should accompany him; if so they are included in the invitation.

Nr. 11433.



Nr. 11433. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Derselbe an Denselben. Soll mit Krüger über die Lage der Ausländer in der Südafrikanischen Republik unterhandeln.

Sent 10.12 p. m., February 6, 1896.

Telegram. || 6th February. No. 3. Am sending you long despatch *) by

next mail on subject of recent occurrences in South African Republic. From 6. Febr. 1896. considerations of policy I consider it necessary to publish this despatch in "London Gazette" of 7th February. Following are main points:

First 29 paragraphs are historical, dealing with rise of Uitlander element, their agitation for reforms, movement of Jameson, reasons why it could not have been anticipated by Her Majesty's Government, steps taken by you and Her Majesty's Government to stop him, your proceedings at Pretoria, action of Government of South African Republic towards Johannesburg and arrests at that place. Next I indicate position which Her Majesty's Government claim to hold towards the South African Republic as regards, first, its external, second, its internal relations. I go on to refer to principal grievances of Uitlanders: naturalization, electoral franchise, public instruction, finance, right of public meeting, Government monopolies, labour questions, police force, &c. As regards naturalization and electoral franchise I adopt 3rd to 9th paragraphs of my predecessor's despatch "B," 19th October 1894, which paragraphs I am with his consent about to publish. I express hope that concessions will be made on these points which will remove just causes of discontent and disarm agitation. I proceed to suggest for President's considerations as a possible solution of the matter a plan by which it might be possible to meet complaints of Uitlanders without endangering stability of Republic. Principal features are as follows: whole of Rand district to have a modified local autonomy with powers of legislation on purely local matters subject to veto of Government of South African Republic, and selftaxation subject to annual payment of fixed contribution to Government. There to be a separate superior Court of Law, as in Eastern Province and at Kimberley, for the district, which should also control its civil police force, public instruction, management of mines, and other internal economy. Government of South African Republic would be entitled to maintain reasonable safeguards against revolutionary intrigues or storage of arms for treasonable purposes in district. Inhabitants of the autonomous district not to have voice in general legislature or Executive or Presidential election. I mention that, if possible

*) Nr. 10913.


and agreeable to the President, I should be glad to discuss various questions Nr. 12433. with him in person, but if not I rely on you to carry on negotiations. I con- britannien. clude by saying that it would be improper for me to express an opinion on 6. Feb. 1896. Jameson's action, the matter being sub judice. (Summary of despatch ends.) || Explain to President of South African Republic that I feel it necessary to make public this despatch before its receipt by you, and urge him to keep an open mind on the subject until the full text is before him. It is important to guard against unauthorized and incomplete versions which may be sent to South Africa. I am more than ever convinced that a personal interchange of views with the President would result in a settlement satisfactory to all.

Nr. 11434. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Die Minister der Kapkolonie an den Gouverneur. Schlagen eine Zusammenkunft zwischen Krüger und Chamberlain vor. *)


In addressing his Excellency the Governor upon the subject referred to Nr. 11434. in this minute, Ministers desire to assure his Excellency that they have not britannien. the slightest intention of trespassing in any degree upon the functions of the 21. Jan. 1896. High Commissioner, and it is only on account of the very serious state of affairs prevailing in this Colony, as well as the rest of South Africa, consequent upon recent occurrences in the South African Republic, that they venture to submit the following proposal for his Excellency's consideration. || Ministers are of opinion that a material advance would be made towards the restoration. of harmonious action between the Colony and the neighbouring Republics, and towards the settlement of weighty matters affecting the relationship of Great Britain and the South African Republic, if a meeting could be arranged between the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies and his Honour the President of the South African Republic. || Ministers would therefore suggest that his Excellency communicate this proposal to Mr. Chamberlain, and advise that he invite the President of the South African Republic, accompanied by the Chief Justice of that State, to visit England, for the purpose indicated, as Ministers are in possession of information which leads them to believe that such an invitation would be cordially accepted. January 21. 1896.


J. Gordon Sprigg.

Der Gouverneur in Kapstadt

an den Kolonialminister. Krüger fordert vor der
Reise nach England Einigung über die Verhandlungs-

Received 10.5 p. m., February 10, 1896.

Telegram. || 10th February. No. 3. I have received a telegram in Dutch Nr. 11435. from President of South African Republic in reply to your invitation to Eng

*) Dieses Schreiben erhielt Chamberlain durch Robinson am 10. Februar. Red.


10. Feb. 1896.


Nr. 11435. land, of which the following is a translation: || Begins: "8th February. I have Gross- received the friendly invitation of Her Majesty's Government through your 10. Feb. 1896. Excellency's letter of 28th January, and am prepared to proceed to England. In order to give me confidence to consult the Honourable First Volksraad whether permission and instruction will be given me to leave the country, an understanding must naturally first be arrived at as to which points will not then be discussed [sic;], so that I can lay these before the Volksraad for consideration and decision. I trust Her Majesty's Government will show itself disposed to discuss at the same time the point on which they say no modification can be made, after consideration of my letter, which by an exposition of matters will show the tendency of this telegram, and will follow as soon as possible."-Ends. The telegram is not very clear, but I gather from it that a letter is to follow, urging a reconsideration of the decision to exclude from discussion Article IV. of the London Convention of 1884.

Nr. 11436.


Nr. 11436. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Derselbe an Denselben. Die Südafrikanische Republik protestirt gegen die Veröffentlichung von Nr. 11433.

Received 3.30 p. m., February 13, 1896.

Telegram. 13th February. No. 1. Referring to your telegram of Gross- 6th February No. 3, I have received following from British Agent in the 13. Feb.1896. South African Republic: || Begins: "12th February. I have received Government reply to summary of Secretary of State for the Colonies' Despatch, and, as this reply will probably be published in to-day's 'Staats Courant,' I deem it advisable to wire the full text in Dutch and lose no time by translating it lest the newspapers publish a summary in Capetown before the information reaches your Excellency."- Ends.

Here begins Dutch reply, which I have had translated, and reads as follows: Translation begins: "Honourable Sir,-I am instructed to acknowledge receipt of your letter, dated 8th February, enclosing copy of a telegram received by you from High Commissioner, transmitting copy of a telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to his Excellency. This telegram contains the brief summary of a Despatch from Secretary of State for the Colonies to his Excellency High Commissioner with reference to the occurrences which recently took place in South African Republic. In the said telegram the hope is expressed by Secretary of State for the Colonies that, although the Despatch has been published in the London 'Staats Courant,' President of the South African Republic will keep an open opinion on this subject until Despatch is delivered to him. However much President of the South African Republic might be disposed to comply with this request, it has by anticipation become impossible for him through the prior publication of the said Despatch

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