what has been the Progress of the Permanent Revenue of Ireland during the same period, and what may be the expected future Annual Produce of the Taxes now existing in that country, what has been the total Expenditure of Ireland in each year of the period, distinguishing the Amount expended on account of the Joint Expenditure of Great Britain and Ireland, or which may appear to be still due on that account, and what was the Amount of the Unfunded Debt and Demands outstanding and unprovided for, in Ireland, on the 5th of January 1815; and likewise to take into their consideration the Accounts relating to the Trade and Navigation of Ireland, during the same period; and to report the same to the House, together with their observations upon the whole ratters referred to them; and who were empowered to report their Opinion thereupon to the House ;— Have, in obedience to the commands of the House, and in the order prescribed by the reference, proceeded to examine the various matters submitted to their consideration; and have agreed to the following REPORT: FUNDED DEBT OF IRELAND. The Increase and Redemption of the Public Funded Debt of Ireland, in each year for the last twenty-four years, will appear from the following Statement: A STATEMENT of the Amount of the PUBLIC FUNDED DEBT of IRELAND, Redeemed and Unredeemed, with the Annual Charge thereof; together with the Sinking Fund applicable to the Reduction of the Debt at the under-mentioned periods, and showing the proportion that the Sinking Fund bears to the Unredeemed Debt. 3 Quarters Years ended 5th January 10 Jan. 1801 30,109,056 1,031,068 29,077,987 1,117,123 989,384 3,382,324 217,220 1,090,376 5,662,914 221,278 1,205,9463,921,017 187,782 1,377,9184,249,804 179,782 1,482,971 4,384,854 179,782 1,661,042 4,805,168 207,407 1,883,147 5,386,852 1-52d. 1-51st. 1-51st. 1-50th. And it appears that the total amount of the Public Funded Debt of Ireland was, on the 5th of January 1815, 127,865,0671., of which 22,455,4541, had been purchased by 129,018 355,207 1,601,348 1-81st. 129,018 422,748 1,793,879 1-78th. 129,018 489,798 1,983,381 1-76th. 135,970 552,1322,130,245 1-72d. 217,220 1-63d. 1-61st. 1-58th. 1-56th. the commissioners for the Redemption of the National Debt, leaving a funded debt unredeemed, of 105,409,6132. 1 And it also appears, that the total annual charge of the said debt consists of 3,613,675/. interest on the unredeemed capital; of 207,4077. unexpired annuities, together with the annual sum of 2,087,8091. standing in the names of the commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and which sum of 2,087,8091. consists of 67,649, established by an Irish Act, 37 Geo. 3. cap. 27;—of 1,229,432l., being 11. per cent. on stock created in consequence of all subsequent loans ;-of 54,0431. expired annuities, and of 736,6851. interest on stock redeemed; making a total charge for Interest, Annuities, and Sinking Fund, on 5th January 1815, of 5,908,8917. But your Committee must here repeat the observation made by the Committee of 1812: "That, in the foregoing account is not included the sum of 4,500,000l. British currency, borrowed for the service of Ireland, in the British loan of 1811, of which the interest has hitherto been defrayed by Great Britain, but without any distinct provision for the payment thereof having been made by Parliament in the usual way." PERMANENT REVENUE OF IRELAND. Your Committee have caused a detailed account to be prepared, of the gross and net produce of the ordinary or permanent Revenues of Ireland for the last twentyfour years, which will exhibit the annual progress of each branch of the Revenue from 25th March 1791 to 5th January 1815. And your Committee beg leave to subjoin a COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, showing the increase or diminution, on the total, of the gross and net permanent revenues, at the end of every three years during the same period. On this statement it is satisfactory to observe, that the net payments into the Exchequer, for the year ending January the 5th 1815, exceed those for the year ending on the same day 1812, by 1,300,000l.; and that the increase has been uniformly progressive since 1811. And although your Committee cannot pretend to form any correct opinion as to what may be the actual produce of the existing taxes of Ireland in future years, subject as that must be to the influence of various causes connected with the general state of the empire; yet they are strongly induced to hope for a continued increase, founding their opinion on what has actually happened in recent times, on a full conviction of the growing prosperity of Ireland, and on a belief that improvements are yearly taking place in the financial collections and arrangements of that country. EXPENDITURE. The next subject referred to the consideration of your Committee, is the "Total Expenditure of Ireland in each year during the last twenty-four years; distinguishing the amount expended on account of the Joint Expenditure of Great Britain and Ireland, or which may appear to be due on that account, on 5th January 1815." For the years antecedent to the Union, your Committee have had recourse to the annual accounts laid before the Parliament of Ireland, and subsequently to the Journals of the United Parliament; from which they have extracted the following STATEMENT, exhibiting the total expenditure in each of the twenty-four years. ABSTRACT of the Total EXPENDITURE of Ireland, from 25th March 1791 to 5th January 1815, exclusive of the Charge for Management. * These Sums are Payments made on account of Balances due by Ireland to Great Britain, on the Joint Account. And with respect to expenditure on Joint Account since the Union, your Committee have prepared other Statements, on the principles adopted in 1812, giving a Balance due to Great Britain from Ireland on the 5th January 1815, of 1,656,3511. British currency, being part of the balance remaining unpaid on the Joint Account ending 5th January 1814; together with 4,451,6351. British currency, being so much underpaid by Ireland on her proportion of the expenditure for the year 1814, making together a balance due by Ireland to Great Britain, on the 5th of January 1815, of 6,107,987, sterling, or in Irish currency, 6,616,9861. UNFUNDED DEBT AND DEMANDS OUTSTANDING, on the 5th of January 1815. It appears from an account certified to your Committee, that on the 5th January 1815 a sum of 28,2681. remained due; but for which, provision has been made by several Acts of Parliament. And there also remained due, but unprovided for, on the same day, Exchequer Bills at 51. per cent. amounting to 2,708,750: If to this is added the sum of 6,616,9867. Irish currency, being the balance due by Ireland to Great Britain on the joint account, as before stated, a balance will be left outstanding on the 5th January 1815, of 9,325,7361. But your Committee have to observe, that it appears, from a document laid before them, that, to meet this balance due to Great Britain, there was at the disposal of the Irish Exchequer on that day, a sum of 5,864,165l. of which 3,852,3831. actually lay in the British Exchequer, awaiting the forms of transfer to its proper head, in discharge of contribution account; which sum of 5,864,1651. being deducted from the above sum of 9,325,7361., leaves the unfunded debt and demands outstanding on 5th January 1815, 3,461,571.; of which 2,708,7501. exist as Treasury Bills, provided with Interest and Sinking Fund. TRADE AND NAVIGATION. Your Committee next advert to the Trade and Navigation of Ireland; and submit the following Accounts, taken from the Report of 1811, and continued to the present time. THE TOTAL OFFICIAL VALUE OF THE IMPORTS OF IRELAND,—WAS 2,494,455 287,628 401,589 3,153,181 30,791 3,183,972 2,300,671 315,798 460,976 3,054,680 22,766 3,077,446 - 1793 5th Jan. 4,039,581 371,145 715,259 5,060,040 65,944 5,125,984 - 1800 - 3,778,520 265,629 306,491 4,225,254 125,386 4,350,640 1811 5,159,884 304,954 458,557 5,525.606 397,507 5,923,113 ` · 1815 5,731,119 443,781 913,856 6,614,646 474,110 7,088,756 Note. The Real Value of Exports Average of three Years to 5th January Ditto............ 5th January 1815, was £.11,607,610 14,073,206 |