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N'TERITIS (Neo-Lat., from Gk. ěvтepov, enteron, intestine). Inflammation of the bowels, and especially of their muscular and serous coat, accompanied by pain, colic (q.v.), and diarrhoea (q.v.), or dysentery (q.v.). Enteritis in children (see CHOLERA INFANTUM) is often fatal. It attacks the entire digestive tract, generally being a gastroenteritis. Abstinence from food, washing the colon with large enemata of water, and sterilization of drinking water are essential in the treatment of these cases. In adults enteritis is benefited by mild purgation, followed by opiates and fasting. If the colon is attacked, the term used is colitis, properly a subdivision of enteritis. Typhlitis is an inflammation of and about the cæcum (q.v.), and appendicitis (see VERMIFORM APPENDIX) is an inflammation of the appendix. These are dangerous and frequently fatal. Rest, opiates, and poultices or ice may ameliorate some cases. Operation is generally necessary in appendicitis. In all cases the diagnosis and treatment must be left to the physician.

In the Lower Animals. Inflammation of the bowels, among the heavier breeds of horses, generally results from some error of diet, such as a long fast, followed by a large, hastily devoured meal, indigestible or easily fermentable food, or large drafts of water at improper times. When thus produced, it is frequently preceded by stomach staggers or colic, affects chiefly the mucous coat of the large intestines, and often runs its course in from 8 to 12 hours. With increasing fever and restlessness, the pulse soon rises to 70 or upward, and in this respect, unlike colic, continues throughout considerably above the natural standard of 40 beats per minute. The pain is great, but the animal, instead of recklessly throwing himself about as in colic, arises and lies down cautiously. When standing, the horse frequently turns his head backward and looks at his flanks. Respiration is quickened, the bowels are torpid. Cold sweats, stupor, and occasionally delirium, precede death. When connected with, or occurring as a sequel to, influenza, laminitis, and other complaints, the small intestines are as much affected as the large, and the peritoneal as well as the mucous coat of the bowels. This form is more common in the lighter breeds. When the patient is seen early, while the pulse is still clear and distinct and not above 60, and the

legs and ears are warm, bloodletting is useful, as it relieves the overloaded vessels, and prevents that exudation of blood which speedily exudes into the interior of the bowels in cases of hemorrhagic enteritis. This disease should be treated as follows: In a pint of oil, or an infusion of two drams of aloes in hot water, give a scruple of calomel and an ounce of laudanum, and repeat the calomel and laudanum every hour in gruel until the bowels are opened, or until five or six doses are given. Encourage the action of the bowels by using, every half hour, soap-andwater clysters, to which add laudanum so long as pain and straining continue. If the animal is nauseated and stupid, with a cold skin, weak, quick pulse, bleeding and reducing remedies are very injurious; and the only hope lies in following up one dose of the calomel and aloes with small doses of laudanum and sweet spirit of nitre, or other stimulants, repeated every 40 minutes. In all stages woolen cloths wrung out of hot water and applied to the belly encourage the action of the bowels and relieve the pain.

Enteritis in cattle is produced by coarse, wet pasture, acrid or poisonous plants, bad water, and overdriving. The symptoms are fever and thirst, a quick but rather weak pulse, restless twitching up of the hind limbs, tenderness of the belly, torpidity of the bowels, and cessation of rumination. Calves generally die in three or four days, other cattle in a week or nine days. Bleed early, open the bowels with a pint of oil and a dram of calomel, which may be repeated in 8 or 10 hours if no effect is produced. Give, every hour, 15 drops of Fleming's tincture of aconite in water, until six or seven doses are given. Allow only sloppy and laxative food, such as molasses, gruel, or a thin bran mash; employ clysters and hot cloths to the belly and use two-ounce doses of laudanum if the pain is great. Enteritis in sheep mostly occurs in cold, exposed localities, and where flocks are subjected to great privations or improper feeding. EN'TEROHEP'ATI’TIS.


ENTFÜHRUNG AUS DEM SERAIL, DIE, ent-fu'rung ous dem så-ri' or sâ-ril' (Il Seraglio). An opera by Mozart (q.v.), first produced in Vienna, July 13, 1782; in the United States, October, 1862 (New York).

EN'THYMEME (Gk. évoýunua, enthymēma, argument, from évvμcio@ai, enthymeisthai, to ponder, from èv, en, in + Ovμós, thymos, mind). A term used by Aristotle to denote a syllogism

"from probabilities and signs"; now a technical name in logic for a syllogism with one of its premises or its conclusion unexpressed. For instance, "The steamship Rio Janeiro could not have been built in water-tight compartments, for it sank in 15 minutes"-the suppressed premise being, "No steamship built in water-tight compartments sinks in 15 minutes." Almost all ordinary argumentation is conducted in enthymemes. See DEDUCTION; LOGIC.

ENTIRETY (from entire, OF., Fr. entier, It. intero, from Lat. integer, whole, from in, not +tangere, to touch), TENANCY BY. The form of joint estate which subsists between husband and wife. Like the ordinary joint estate, it arises upon a conveyance or devise to the two persons together who are to hold the premises, and, like that also, it is attended with the right of survivorship, as incident to the estate, the interest of the one dying first passing to the other and not to the heirs of the decedent. But the circumstance that the joint tenants are here husband and wife, and have therefore identical interests in the property, has differentiated the tenancy by entirety in some important respects from joint tenancy proper. The joint tenant may ordinarily convey his interest separately from his cotenants, thereby dissolving the joint estate and destroying the right of survivorship. But this is not permitted in the case of a tenancy of the entirety; neither can the estate be partitioned during the existence of the marriage relation, though it is dissolved by a divorce and the parties thereupon converted into joint tenants or tenants in common, usually the latter.

The estate is one which is much favored by the law, and it has accordingly been generally held that it is not affected by statutes abolishing joint tenancies, or creating a presumption in favor of tenancies in common; nor yet by the more recent legislation known as the married women's acts, whereby a wife is rendered capable of holding and conveying real estate free from the control of her husband. But in a few States the contrary view has been taken, and in a few others the tenancy by entirety has never been recognized. In most of the United States, however, the estate still exists without material change in the characteristics which it had at the common law. See HUSBAND AND WIFE, and the authorities there referred to.

ENTOMB'MENT, THE. A frequent subject of paintings, representing the burial of Christ. One of the most celebrated is that by Raphael, painted in 1507, for the church of San Francesco, Perugia, and now in the Palazzo Borghese, Rome. The finest representation of the subject is by Titian in the Louvre (1523). It shows the body of Christ suspended in a cloth, borne to the sepulchre by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. St. John supports one arm, and to the left are the Virgin and the Magdalen. It is a consummate masterpiece, not only in technique (the composition, color, and chiaro scuro being especially effective), but as a sublime and profound expression of religious feeling. Another example by Titian (1559) is now in the Madrid Gallery. Tintoretto also painted two masterly pictures on the subject-one in the Parma Gallery, the other in San Francesco della Vigna, Venice. Caravaggio's celebrated "Entombment" (see CARAVAGGIO for reproduction) is in the Vatican Gallery. Other wellknown representations of the subject are by the Italian masters Gaudenzio Ferrari (Turin),

Annibale Carracci (Louvre), Garafalo (Palazzo Borghese, Rome), and the sculptor Donatello (South Kensington Museum, London); and by the Flemish painters Rogier van der Weyden (Uffizi, Florence), Quentin Matsys (Antwerp), and Van Dyck (Antwerp).

ENTOMIS, ĕn'tô-mis. A genus of minute fossil ostracods with subovate or fabiform shell, the valves of which are characterized by a deep submedian vertical furrow extending to the hinge line. The genus ranges from the Ordovician to the Carboniferous period, but its remains are most profuse in the Devonian strata. The species Entomis serrato-striata composes certain beds of the Upper Devonian of middle Europe. See OSTRACODA.

ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, AMERICAN. An organization for the investigation of the character and habits of insects, founded at Philadelphia in 1859, incorporated in 1862, and known until 1867 as the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. The results of its investigations are published in its Proceedings and Transactions, beginning in 1861, and also in the Entomological News, the latter issued monthly with the cooperation of the entomological section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. It owns a valuable entomological collection and library. Membership in 1914 was

about 140.

EN'TOMOLOGY (Neo-Lat. entomologia, from Gk. evropov, entomon, insect, from év, en, in roun, tomě, a cutting, from réuvei, temnein, to cutλoyía, -logia, account, from Aéyew, legein, to say). That part of the science of zoology which treats of insects. See INSECT.

EN'TOMOPH'ILOUS PLANT (from Gk. EvToμov, entomon, insect+pos, philos, dear, from their, philein, to love). A plant whose pollen is carried from one flower to another by means of insects. A contrasting phrase is "anemophilous plant," meaning one whose pollen is carried about by the wind. See POL


ENTOMOPHTHORALES, ěnts-mof’thô ra. lez (Neo-Lat., from Gk. evroμov, entomon, insect+o0opá, phthora, destruction). A group of parasitic fungi fatal to insects, the common house fly often being destroyed by them. The spore in germination sends out a tube that penetrates the body of the insect, which finally be comes filled with the mycelium of the fungus. The dead bodies of flies may be seen adhering to a windowpane often surrounded by a halo of spores.

EN'TOMOS/TRACA (Neo-Lat. nom. pl., from Gk. ĕvroμov, entomon, insect + Ŏσтpakov, ostrakon, shell). One of the two subclasses of crustaceans (q.v.). Many of them are minute and exist in great numbers both in fresh and salt water, particularly in stagnant or nearly stagnant fresh water, affording to many kinds of fishes their principal food. They differ much in general form; the number of organs of locomotion is also various-in some, few; in some, more than 100-usually adapted for swimming only and attached to the posterior as well as to the anterior segments; but there never is a finlike expansion of the tail, as in some of the malacostracous crustaceans. The body is divisible into two parts, a head and a trunk, but the latter shows no differentiation into thorax and abdomen. The antennæ are generally well developed and are often used, especially the second pair, as organs of locomotion. Some of the En

tomostraca have mouths fitted for mastication and some for suction. Not a few are parasitic. The heart has the form of a long vessel. The organs of respiration are in certain species attached to some of the organs of locomotion, in the form of hairs, often grouped into beards, combs, or tufts; or bladelike expansions of the anterior legs are subservient to the purpose of respiration; in others no special organs of respiration are known to exist. The nervous system, like that of most arthropoda (q.v.), consists of a brain or supra-cesophageal ganglion and a more or less elongated double ventral cord connected with it by a commissure on each side of the œsophagus and provided with six or seven pairs of ganglia. In most entomostracans, however, the nervous system is more concentrated, sometimes to such an extent that it consists of a single ganglionic mass, through which the œsophagus passes. The eyes are of two distinct sorts; nearly all the species have a median unpaired eye, sometimes well developed and sometimes greatly reduced. Many forms also have a pair of lateral eyes, which are sometimes stalked. The name Entomostraca has been given to these creatures in consequence of most of the species having shells of many pieces, rather horny than calcareous, and very delicate, generally almost membranous and transparent. many the shell consists of two valves, including more or less of the body, capable of being completely closed, but which, at the pleasure of the animal, can also be opened so as to permit the antennæ and feet to be stretched out.


The Entomostraca comprise many thousand species, which are readily grouped in four great orders, according to the arrangement and structure of the shell and appendages: PHYLLOPODA; OSTBACODA; COPEPODA; CIRRIPEDIA (qq.v.). EN'TOPHYTE. See ENDOPHYTE.


EN'TOZO'A (Neo-Lat. nom. pl., from Gk. Evrós, entos, within + (@ov, zoon, animal), or ENDOPARASITES. Parasitic animals living within the tissues or organs of other animals. term "entozoa" or "enterozoa" was formerly extensively used, especially for the internal parasites of man. In recent years the name has fallen into disuse, because it did not include a natural assemblage of forms, but animals of several different types. The opposite term is "ectozoa" or "epizoa"-the former designating parasites resident upon or within the skin, and the latter the same with more particular reference to crustaceous parasites of fishes. See PARASITE; FLATWORM; TAPEWORM; FLUKE; GUINEA WORM; ROUNDWORM; ETC.

ENTRECASTEAUX, äN'tr'-kȧ'sto', JOSEPH ANTOINE BRUNI, CHEVALIER D' (1739-93). A French navigator, born at Aix (Provence). He entered the navy at the age of 15 and three years later won the grade of ensign for valor displayed during the battle of Minorca (1756). In 1786 he became commander of the East India Station, and in 1787 he was appointed Governor of Mauritius and the Isle of Bourbon. He later explored New Caledonia (1791-92), where he was sent in search of the missing expedition of La Pérouse, and discovered several groups of islands. He died at sea, off the north coast of New Guinea, July 20, 1793. His name is perpetuated in the Entrecasteaux Archipelago; Entrecasteaux Point, on the southwestern coast of Australia; and in Entrecasteaux Channel, between Tasmania and Bruni Island. Consult Voyage d'Entrecasteàux á la recherche

de La Pérouse (1808), and also Hulot's D'Entrecasteaux (Paris, 1894).

ENTRE DOURO E MINHO, ǎn'tre dō'î-ro â me'nyo ('between Douro and Minho'), or MINHO. A province of Portugal, bounded by Spain, from which it is separated by the Minho on the north, the Portuguese Province of Trazos-Montes on the east, the river Douro on the south, and the Atlantic on the west (Map: Portugal, A 2). Area, 2808 square miles. The surface is broken and mountainous, with some snow-capped peaks in the eastern part. The numerous streams afford irrigation facilities, and the soil is well cultivated. For administrative purposes the province is divided into the three districts of Vianna do Castello, Braga, and Porto (Oporto). It is the most densely populated province of Portugal. Pop., 1890, 1,091,936; 1900, 1,170,361; 1911, 1,289,066.

ENTRE MINHO E DOURO. Form of name preferred by the Portuguese for ENTRE DOURO E MINHO (q.v.), or MINHO.


ENTRE RIOS, anʼtrã rẽ'ôs ('between rivers'). A province of Argentina, bounded by the Province of Corrientes on the north, Uruguay River on the east, and the Paraná on the south and west (Map: America, S., H 4). Area, 28,792 square miles. The country is generally flat, well wooded, and well watered. Cattle raising and agriculture are the principal occupations of the inhabitants. The province is amply provided with transportation facilities through its railways and navigable waterways. The chief exports are animal products. Pop., 1892, 367,000; 1912 (official estimate), 429,348. Capital, Paraná.

EN'TRESOL, Fr. pron. äN'tr'-sôl' (Fr. entre, between + sol, ground). A low story between two main stories of a building (generally between the ground floor and the main story), or inserted in the upper portion of a high story, when certain rooms are of greater height than the others upon the same floor. It is sometimes called the mezzanine floor. See MEZZANINE.

ENTROCHITE. See BEADS, ST. CUTHBERT'S. ENTRO'PION, or ENTROPIUM (Neo-Lat., from Gk. évтрoría, entropia, évтporn, entropë, introversion, from év, en, in + Tpéπew, trepein, to turn). Inversion of the margin of the eyelid, consequent either on loss of substance ("cicatricial entropion") or on spasmodic contraction of the orbicularis palpebrarum muscle which closes the eyelids ("spasmodic entropion"). The latter form occurs chiefly in old persons, in whom the skin of the eyelid is relaxed and the eyeball sunken. The symptoms are due to the irritation of the cornea by the eyelashes, which are inverted and rub against it. (See TRICHIASIS.) Removal of the lashes may relieve temporarily, but unless the cause can be removed operation is necessary.



ENTRY. The entrance into a mine. The term usually refers to a level or sloping entrance into a coal mine and is rarely used in connection with metal mines.

ENTRY, RIGHT OF. In the common law, the right to consummate an inchoate or incomplete title to land by taking possession thereof. This right is in legal theory coextensive with the right of possession, but it carries with it the implication that such possession is wrongfully

withheld or, at least, that it has not been transferred to and assumed by the person entitled.

The right arises under three sets of circumstances: (a) Where an estate has passed by descent, or a lease for years has been made to a person not in possession. In such case the common law requires the heir or the lessee to enter upon the land in order to invest himself completely with the estate to which he has thus become entitled. (b) When lands are unlawfully withheld under a claim of freehold, from a person entitled thereto, as by a disseisin or adverse possession. The rightful owner may at common law, by an actual reëntry upon the lands, restore his title and thus prevent the adverse possession from ripening into a complete title. (c) Where lands have been conveyed upon a condition and the condition has been broken. Here the estate remains unaffected until the grantor or his heir exercises his right of entry, whereupon the estate of the grantee is ipso facto determined and the grantor "is in of his old estate."

The peculiar nature of the right of entry as a legal right appears from this enumeration of cases to which it is applicable. Though having to do with real estate, it is not itself an estate or interest in lands, nor, indeed, any species of property whatsoever, either corporeal or incorporeal: and though it will usually descend to the heir of the person entitled to it, it is in most cases incapable of assignment or transfer either by deed or will. On the other hand, it is not a mere right of action, which could not, by any magic, be transmuted, like the right of entry, into a substantial estate.

Originally a right of entry might be exercised by force, if necessary, but by an early English statute (5 Rich. II, st. 1, c. 8) it was provided that this remedy must be pursued "in a peaceable and easy manner, and not with force, or strong hand"; and since that date an entry, if opposed, can be made only by legal process. (See FORCIBLE ENTRY.) The usual method provided is a summary proceeding instituted by writ of entry, under which, if it be defended, the right to the possession of the property in dispute can be tried and legally determined. In some of the United States this procedure must be followed in every case, even where the entry of the claimant is not disputed, but in others the common-law remedy is still available where the entry can be made without force. A right of entry is extinguished by an open and notorious possession of the premises for the period prescribed by the Statute of Limitations, which in the United States is usually 20 years. See ADVERSE POSSESSION; CONDITION; DESCENT CAST; DISSEISIN; LIMITATION.

ENTRY, WRIT OF. An ancient form of action at common law for the recovery of the pos session of land wrongfully withheld from the claimant. It belonged to the class of possessory, as distinguished from droitural, remedies, in the latter of which the right (droit) or title to the land was tried, and in the former the mere right of possession. But the feudal origin and character of our land law made title or ownership of real property depend in most instances on the possession of the land, and accordingly the possessory remedies came gradually to supersede those which were based upon a direct and exclusive assertion of ownership. There were many of these possessory remedies appropri ate to various circumstances (of which the

assize of novel disseisin and the assize of mort d'ancestor were in most general use); but the one which was available in all cases of wrong. ful ouster or dispossession, whether otherwise provided for or not, was the writ of entry. The efficacy of this proceeding was due to the fact that it gave effect to the right of entry, by the exercise of which one who was entitled to a freehold estate was enabled by the mere act of taking possession to reinvest himself with his rights therein. (See ENTRY, RIGHT OF.) In the course of time the proceeding by writ of entry became as intricate and complicated as the earlier remedies which it had displaced, and it was gradually abandoned in favor of the more summary action of ejectment. (See EJECTMENT.) After having long fallen into disuse, the writ of entry was, along with the other ancient possessory remedies, abolished by Act of Parliament, in 3 and 4 Will. IV, c. 27, § 36. It survives in several of the United States, however, in a simplified form, and usually for special purposes only-as, in some of the New England States, as a means of enforcing a mortgage. See ASSIZE; FORECLOSURE; SEISIN. Consult the authorities referred to under REAL PROPERTY.

ENTWISLE, JOSEPH (1767-1841). An English Wesleyan Methodist clergyman, born in Manchester. In 1787, at the call of John Wesley, he entered the ministry; in 1812 he was elected president of the conference, and from 1834 to 1838 he served as governor of the Wesleyan Theological Institution. He wrote Memoirs of Rev. J. Paison (1809) and An Essay on Secret Prayer as the Duty and Privilege of Christians (11th ed., 1861). Consult the Memoir by his son (Bristol, 1848; 4 later eds.).

ENTWISTLE, ent'wis'l, JAMES (1837-1910). An American naval officer, born at Paterson, N. J. He entered the engineer service of the navy in 1861, was in the Western Gulf squadron in the Civil War, was commissioned lieutenant commander in 1873, was promoted to be commander in 1888, served as inspector in different dockyards for construction of warships, joined the Asiatic squadron in 1895, and distinguished himself in the battle of Manila Bay, May 1, 1898. In 1899 he became captain and rear admiral and was retired.

ENURESIS. See URINE, INCONTINENCE OF. ENVELOPE (OF. envoluper, enveloper, envelopper, Fr. envelopper, to enwrap). A paper covering extensively employed for inclosing letters, circulars, pamphlets, and other mail matter, and for an endless variety of other purposes. Envelopes began to be used in England and the United States in the decade from 1840 to 1850. In both countries their use for letter mail followed the introduction of cheap postage. At first the blank forms from which envelopes are made were cut by hand to a pattern and also gummed and folded by hand. The first practicable machine for making envelopes was patented in England in 1844 by Warren De la Rue and Edwin Hill. In America the first patent was granted in 1849 to J. K. Park and C. S. Watson. The De la Rue machine was in many respects similar to the machines now in use, as described below; but instead of gumming and lifting the blank in practically one operation the blank was lifted by India-rubber fingers, then gummed by a separate arm.

Envelopes are now made entirely by machinery, and their manufacture is a comparatively

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