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General Worth had but lately reappeared at the theatre of war: and the cause of his temporary absence has now to be explained His last important act, previous to his leaving the army, was the interview with the Mexican authorities, immediately after planting the American flag on the river bank. Previous to this a dispute had arisen between him and Colonel Twiggs, as to precedence of rank. Twiggs's appointment [colonel 2d dragoons] was dated June 8, 1833; Worth's [colonel 8th infantry] July 7, 1838; but, in addition to this, Worth had been twice brevetted as brigadier-general, and it was on virtue of this that he now based his claim for a rank next to General Taylor. Twiggs refused to yield, affirming that a brevet was no commission, and consequently conferred no rank. The matter was referred to General Taylor, who decided in favour of Twiggs. Considering the decision unjust, Worth threw up his commission, and sailed for the United States. Previous to departing, he addressed a letter to General Taylor, in which, while regretting the necessity of the step, he expressed his belief that open hostilities would not occur, but, should that be the case, he would gladly withdraw his resignation. "If," he concludes, "there is any form or manner in which, out of authority, I can serve you, it is hardly necessary to say with what alacrity I shall be always at your command. At the earliest moment when you feel assured that no conflict is at hand, or in prospective, I shall be much gratified by being allowed to retire, and not before."


ORTH had scarcely reached Washington, and tendered his resignation, when news of Taylor's difficulties reached that city, followed in a few days by accounts of the battles on the Rio Grande. Previous to receiving the latter, Worth wrote as follows to the adjutant-general:

"Reliable information, which I have this moment received from the head-quarters of the army, in front of Matamoras, makes it not only my duty, but accords with my inclination, to request permission to withdraw my resignation, and that I be ordered or permitted forthwith to return. to, and take command of, the troops from which I was separated on the 7th of April, by order No. 43, army of occupation."

This request being complied with, the general left Washington on the 11th of May, and reached the Rio Grande in time to participate

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in the taking of Matamoras. After the occupation of the city by the American troops, Colonel Twiggs was appointed military governor. So precipitate had been the retreat of the enemy, that large quantities of military stores were strewed along their track, boxes and storehouses were broken open, and quantities of arms and ammunition thrown into wells and among thickets.

An officer of the American army thus describes the city:-" Matamoras is a much handsomer place than I expected to find it. It covers two miles square, though by no means as compact as an American city. Every house, except those around the public square, has a large garden attached.. The houses in the business part of the town are built after the American fashion, though seldom exceeding two stories in height. All the windows to these buildings are grated from top to bottom with iron bars, and half of the door only opens for admittance, which gives them the appearance of prisons, more than business houses. The public square is in the centre of the town, and must have been laid out by an American or European, for the Mexicans never could have laid it out with such beauty and precision. On the four sides of the square the houses are built close together, as in a block, and are all of the same size and height, with the exception of the cathedral, which, though unfinished, still towers above the others. In these houses are sold dry goods, groceries, and every kind of wares, with now and then an exchange or coffee-house

They are principally occupied by Europeans, and one can hear French, English, Spanish, and German, spoken at the same time. After leaving the public square, on either side, the houses decrease in size and beauty for two or three squares, when the small reed and thatched huts commence, and continue to the extreme limits of the place."

Thus in the short space of twenty-three days after the capture of Captain Thornton, which may be considered the commencement of actual war, the Americans had defeated a superior force of the enemy in two battles, driven their army into the interior, entirely destroying its moral efficiency, successfully defended two isolated positions, captured Barita and Matamoras, and destroyed for ever the Mexican jurisdiction in Texas. Such results had displayed to the world the military character of our officers and troops. The long peace had not impaired the national energy, nor rendered less formidable that army, which in the nation's infancy had twice braved the utmost efforts of Great Britain; and foreign powers, who had scoffed at the unavoidable prolongation of the Seminole difficulties in Florida, were taught other dispositions, when a fair opportunity was offered for the display of our energies.

But this campaign did more. It taught our own soldiers their efficiency. Since that time, no American force has ever thought of being defeated by any amount of Mexican troops. Whenever and however the two nations have met in the field, the Americans were sure of victory before the battle commenced. This very confidence has no doubt often been one main cause of triumph. Had the battle of Buena Vista been the first one of the war, there is every reason to believe that Santa Anna would have triumphed; for often, during the exigencies of that terrible action, when victory hung in long uncertainty upon the conduct of single parties, the remembrance of former triumphs was the mainspring of American effort. Such was the case, too, in the battles before Mexico: and frequently even the Mexicans seem to have contended less for victory, than for the support of the national honour, by a vigorous though unsuccessful resistance.

Another result of our operations on the Rio Grande, was to bring prominently before the nation the merit of our officers. It might seem inexplicable to the commanders of Europe, that the general who now ranks among the first of our military men, was, prior to these operations, unknown even by name to the bulk of his countrymen. The same may be said of Generals Twiggs, Worth, Smith, and others, all of whom are now among the brightest ornaments of the service. Other generals have been appointed since that time, some of whom


253 have displayed a valour and skill remarkable in citizen soldiery; but none have ever taken that hold upon public approbation, which a grateful nation has spontaneously extended to the heroes of the Rio Grande. These first operations of the war must be considered the foundation on which is based to a great extent all the glory which has accrued to our nation from the Mexican war.

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HE crossing of the Rio Grande placed the relative position of the two armies in a new aspect. Hitherto General Taylor's force had been an army of occupation, now it was to become an invading power. Future triumphs were to be not only victories but conquests; disputed boundary no longer formed an im pediment to onward progress; and the city of Mexico now became the ultimate object of military operations.

On the 11th of May, 1846, President Polk, after receiving in

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