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The following recapitulation for the entire State shows the number and per cent of property owners in each of 7 groups for 1900:

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The total number of property owners enumerated in the State was 909,220 in 1900. There were 2,330 firms and corporations owning $10,000 and over. In the statistics by counties it is shown that the value of property in some counties increased and in others decreased more rapidly than the population, and that the classes of smaller holdings have increased in number far more rapidly than those of larger holdings.

AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS.--Statistics are given, by counties, showing for 1899 and 1900 the acreage and quantity of the chief agricul tural products; also comparative tables showing the quantity produced for a series of years. The wages paid for farm labor in 1900 are shown for each county. These varied, for males, from $11.08 to $17.12 per month, including board; the average for 29,610 male employees being $14.36. The wages paid for female labor, including board, varied from $1.00 to $4.37 per month; the average for 9,776 females being $1.74.

RAILROAD STATISTICS.-Statistical tables are given showing for each road operating in the State for the year ending June 30, 1900, the earnings, operating expenses, passengers carried, freight tonnage, average passenger and freight rates, number of officials and employees, average salaries and wages, hours of service, and accidents.


Twenty-second Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics and Inspection of the State of Missouri, for the year ending November 5, 1900. Thomas P. Rixey, Commissioner.

458 pp.

This report treats of the following subjects: Statistics of manufactures, 113 pages; prison factories and convict labor, 9 pages; industrial education, 60 pages; county industrial statistics, 183 pages; State institutions, 4 pages; Government land in Missouri, 3 pages; timber interests, 2 pages; commercial stone, 2 pages; wages, 5 pages; factory

inspection, 14 pages; free employment offices, 2 pages; judicial decisions, 11 pages; chronology, 5 pages. An appendix of 32 pages contains short chapters on "scrip" and metal-check payment for labor and merchandise, the St. Louis street-railway strike, bake-shop inspection, the proceedings of the meeting of the National Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics, and the population of Missouri. MANUFACTURES.-Returns from 1,037 establishments are published, the tabulation being by industries and for each establishment. The returns show that during 1899 these establishments manufactured goods valued at $153,308,557. They employed 57,888 males and 14,737 females, or a total of 72,625 persons, including salaried employees. The total wages paid amounted to $28,845,609. The average wage rates have changed very little since the preceding year.

CONVICT LABOR.-Eight prison factories in the State manufactured goods to the value of $2,482,204. They employed 74 skilled and 1,556 unskilled males and 10 skilled and 165 unskilled females. All of the unskilled males and 40 unskilled females were convicts. An extract from the report of the United States Industrial Commission on prison labor is included in this chapter.

INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION.-This chapter contains a series of 10 articles on the advantages of skilled labor, industrial and manual training, etc. COUNTY INDUSTRIAL STATISTICS.--A description is given of each county, showing, among other things, the location and resources, manufactures, new enterprises desired, and average wages paid in certain occupations.

TIMBER INTERESTS.-An account is given of the resources and production of timber in the State. During 1899 the total surplus production of timber was valued at $12,620,780. About 7,000 persons were employed in the various branches of the timber industry.

COMMERCIAL STONE.-A brief account is given of the various kinds of commercial stone found in the State.

WAGES. Statistics are given of wages paid to steam railway employees and to wage-earners in other important industries.

FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICES.-A statement is given showing, by occupations, the number of applications for situations and for help received during the fiscal year ending October 1, 1900. The statement shows that at the St. Louis office 3,535 males and 687 females applied for work. Of these, 1,340 males and 568 females secured positions through the agency of the office. There were 2,281 orders for help, 365 of which remained unfilled. At the Kansas City office, which

was opened December 18, 1899, 5,792 males and 1,319 females applied for work during the nine and one-half months. Of these, 3,201 males and 1,077 females secured positions. There were 5,243 applications for help, 965 of which remained unfilled.


Third Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor of the State of New Hampshire. 1899-1900. L. H. Carroll, Commissioner. 247.

xxx, pp.

The following subjects are treated in this report: Newspapers and publishing companies, 5 pages; directory and statistics of manufacturing industries, 62 pages; statistics of creameries, 5 pages; manufacturing statistics by counties, 8 pages; description and statistics of leading cities and towns, 57 pages; railroad employees, 4 pages; fire chronology, 20 pages; strikes, 7 pages; United States census statistics, 25 pages; railroad, telegraph, and telephone taxation for 1900, 6 pages; New Hampshire labor laws, 25 pages. A special report on the summer boarding business and resorts in New Hampshire in 1899 is appended.

MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES.-A table is presented giving a summary of returns for the year ending June 30, 1900, from 1,331 establishments. These figures cover all but three of the important manufacturing establishments in the State. The aggregate results of these

returns are shown in the following statement:

Establishments considered..

Capital invested.......

Value of product..

Cost of material..

Number of male wage-earners

Number of female wage-earners.

Total wage-earners


Wages paid male wage-earners

Wages paid female wage-earners

Total wages paid ..................

Number of salaried employees

Total salaries paid..

Taxes paid....

Insurance cost

Amount invested in permanent repairs, enlargements, etc...


$86, 632, 297

$103, 429, 553

$58, 404, 515



73, 485

$19, 278, 802 $6,865, 538 $26, 144, 340


$1,979, 802



$1,710, 302

and 89 a

Of the 1,331 establishments, 585 reported an increase decrease in the production as compared with the preceding year: 328 reported increased and 9 reported decreased wages.

CREAMERIES.-Statistics are given of the creameries in operation in the State during the years ending June 30, 1899 and 1900, and their locality. For the year ending June 30, 1900, 45 creameries reported a total invested capital of $226,840. The entire product of the 45 creameries was valued at $1,179,055. They gave employment to 121 wage-earners and 29 salaried persons, and paid a total of $56,694 in wages and $9,835 in salaries.

LEADING CITIES AND TOWNS.-This chapter contains a brief description of each of the leading cities and towns and the principal industries; also statistics of manufactures covering the same items as those above mentioned.

strikes that occurred in During this period only

RAILROAD EMPLOYEES. This presentation shows the railway mileage and the estimated number of employees and wages paid in the steam and electric railway service in the State. STRIKES.-Brief accounts are given of the the State from January, 1899, to July, 1900. 9 strikes were reported, 5 of which were due chiefly to wage disputes, 1 to a question of trade unionism, and the other 3 to the employment, discharge, and promotion of employees, respectively. Four of the strikes failed, the others being either entirely or partly successful.


Seventh Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Arbitration, for the year ending December 30, 1899. Joseph Bishop, Secretary.

62 pp.

This report contains a detailed account of 23 cases of dispute that were brought to the attention of the board during the year 1899 under the Ohio arbitration law. Only a portion of these were strikes and lockouts, the other disputes having been settled before reaching that stage, either through the efforts of the board or otherwise. The board recommended an amendment to the arbitration law, empowering the board, in certain cases, to compel the temporary suspension of strikes and lockouts pending adjustment or arbitration.



Annuaire de la Législation du Travail. 3 Année, 1899. Office du Travail, Ministère de l'Industrie et du Travail. 1900. xiv, 563 pp.

The present volume constitutes the third of a series of annual reports on labor legislation prepared and published by the Belgian labor bureau. It contains the text of laws enacted and important regulations, orders, and decrees issued concerning labor during the year 1899 in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain and colonies, Italy, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, and in 14 States of the United States. An appendix contains the text of labor laws enacted in 1898 in New Zealand, which had been omitted from the second annual report.


Seventh Annual Report on Changes in Wages and Hours of Labor in the United Kingdom. 1899. lxxviii, 293 pp. (Published by the Labor Department of the British Board of Trade.)

This is the seventh of a series of annual reports dealing with the changes in the market rates of wages and the recognized hours of labor of working people in the United Kingdom. The changes in 1899, recorded in the present report, are based upon 1,800 returns from employers and employers' associations, 1,400 from trade unions, 700 from local correspondents, and 700 from official sources. The returns for 1899, as a whole, show a continued improvement in the condition of labor, the proportion of unemployed members of trade unions reported being smaller than in any year since 1890, and the changes both with regard to increased wages and to hours of labor being generally favorable to the working people.

The tables following summarize the principal data contained in the returns for the years 1894 to 1899:


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