Of clearance of United States products returned from Canada.. 17037 Of deposit, disposition of........ 17213 Of inspection under quarantine regulations of Marine-Hospital Service....... 17547 17237 Of registry for the special-tax year ending June 30, 1897. 17112 17524 Champagne in bottles, destruction of, by breakage and leakage.............. 17644 (G. A. 3692) Accruing on goods before finished, part of market value........ Charity, articles for, not free....... Charles H. Gage, discontinuing route covered by bond of.... 17513 17469 17556 17569 (G. A. 3660) 16998 (G. A. 3426) 16860 16824 (G. A. 3343) .... 16992 (G. A. 3420) 17409 (G. A. 3600) 17082 (G. A. 3463) 17430 (G. A. 3604) Cyanide of potassium... Refined carbonate of potash...... Saltre lavande ..... Chenille- Cotton fascinators, classification under act of 1890...... 17624 (G. A. 3672) 17628 (G. A. 3676) 16702 Maraschino, dutiable at 30 per cent ad valorem under paragraph 218 of act Children of Chinese merchants, admission of, in the United States.................... Chilled iron sand, so-called..... Bottle stoppers, painted..................... Bottle stoppers, printed..... Synopsis No. 17649 (G. A. 3697) .... 17017, 17029, 17044 17636 (G. A. 3684) 17664 (G. A. 3712) Plaques, paintings on, do not constitute paintings within meaning of tariff Laborers, exclusion of, who fail to obtain prescribed certificate... 17201 17458 17532 Laborers, registered, departure from and return to this country. 17458 17445 17555 Musicians, admission of............ 17145 Of exempt class, modification of law relating to submission of certificates by.. 17140 Chromolithographs, copies of copyrighted paintings, importation of................ 17454 Imported in glass jars not entitled to entry, being in illegal packages.. 17372 17416 Temporary storage of.......... 17319 Withdrawn from bonded warehouse for exportation, cancellation of customs stamps.......... 17356 Circular of Department of State dispensing with oaths of shippers on invoices in⚫ Circus performer's horse, tiger, and dog, tools of trade........ Of imported goods, errors in, can not be corrected in absence of protest........ 16766 Classified and unclassified employees in Treasury, duties of... 17159 (G. A. 3476) 17375 Synopsis No. Classifying officers' return conclusive unless overthrown by evidence.. 17335 (G. A. 3555) Disallowance of shortage on account of broken and rotten.... Rotten, under act of 1890.......... 17426 17109 Cod-Liver Oil and Chemistry, classification of book under act of 1894 17603 Collectors of customs can not assume trusteeship on behalf of creditors or other 16693 Goods from, properly assessed with duty under section 3 of act of 1890....... 16945 Colored- Cottons, under act of 1890....... 17113 Cylinder glass, classification of, under the act of 1890...... 17611 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company as........ 17105 Canada Southern Railway Company, discontinuance of route covered by Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Refining Company, bond of, for trans- portation of dutiable ores..... 17515 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company as....... 17238 Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railway Company as. 17383 Eastern Railway Company of Minnesota as.............. 17362 Erie Railroad Company.. 16772 George Davis & Co., discontinuance of route covered by bond as... ......... 17538 G. F. Hathaway & Co. as, for transportation of dutiable tin plate and salt.... 17413 17526 17228 Grand Trunk Railway Company, discontinuance of route covered by 17542, 17543, 17544 Heyck & Helferich, discontinuance of route covered by bond........ Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie Railroad Company as.... 17214 North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, discontinuance of route... 17521 17023 Oregon Railroad and Navigation Company........ 17517 Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, discontinuance of route............................ 17288 17601 Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad Company, discontinuance of route...... 17539 17042 Red River Transportation Company, discontinuance of route....... 17520 17471 Southern Railroad Association, lessees of Mississippi Central Railroad, dis- 17530 St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, discontinuance of route...... 17527 17519 Union Transfer Company added to list of water routes embraced in common Comptroller of the Treasury, regulations of, regarding accounts for fees, etc....... 17320 17039 Drawback on, manufactured by Fobes, Hayward & Co., of Boston, Mass..... 17465 17034 17133 Drawback on, manufactured by the Croft & Allen Company Drawback on, manufactured by the J. C. McCook Company, of Philadelphia.. 16922 Manufactured by the Croft & Allen Company, of Philadelphia, drawback on.. 16923 |