Affidavits accompanying cattle from Canada, before whom taken..... Agate- And crystal scale bearings...... Bookbinders' burnishers, under act of 1890...... Synopsis No. 16979 (G. A. 3407) Buttons...... Alabaster- Figures...... Statuettes..... Alaska- Collection district of.................. Killing of fur-bearing animals in................ Sale of rifles and ammunition in.. Alien- Contract laborers, admission of...... Exhibitors at Tennessee Centennial Exposition........ Mates of American vessels.......... Alizarin- Assistant....... Colors..... Lakes.... Allowance- For dirt in castor seed.......... For moisture in lead ores denied......... For rotten cocoanuts, evidence of damage must be submitted by importers... 17109 In matter of imported dead cattle....... 16761, 17426 17470 Of damage on goods by flooding of deck of steamer in storm... .. 17463 .... 16781 Allotments of pay of officers and others of the Revenue Cutter Service.............. 17226 Fisheries, fish taken from pound nets in Canada not product of............ Express Company as common carrier Fisheries, form of oath of master....... Fisheries, product of....... .......... Fisheries, product of, canned turtle meat...... 17195, 17212, 17257 (G. A. 3519) American-Continued. Goods returned.. Synopsis No. 16794 Goods returned, consular certificates for.......... Goods returned, valued at over $100, consular certificate for.......... 17132, 17476 17378 17097 17422 17101 17441 (G. A. 3615) 17158 (G. A. 3475) Anchor and chain imported for equipment of a British steamer, refund of duties Strayed, no quarantine or inspection...... For breeding purposes, one oath sufficient for each class...... 16830 (G. A. 3349) From Canada, affidavits accompanying, before whom taken......... Importation, inspection, and transportation of............................... Landing and inspection of, at Richford, Vt., for exportation via Boston........ 17456 On Mexican frontier, rounding up of... Anklets, cotton.............. 17081 (G. A. 3462) 17534 16720 (G. A. 3308) Ann Arbor Railroad Company, bond of, as common carrier. 17364 16675 Dutiable in absence of evidence of production prior to the year 1700.......... 16789 16689 Paintings and tapestry purchased of various dealers abroad and shipped to the United States at different times not.......... 16912 Antitoxin dutiable as a medicinal preparation under act of 1894....... And classification of imported raw sugars, additional rules to govern And classification of sugars, duplicate samples required.. 17302 And reappraisement, protest against. Of raw sugar, additional rule for... Protests against.. Appraisers, report of local, to Board of General Appraisers.. Artificial- Cognac oil....... Eyes..... 17406 (G. A. 3597) 16854 (G. A. 3373) Mineral water, Jewsbury & Brown's Quinine Tonic Water not an.. 17604 Ash, soda, crystal carbonate, classification of, under the act of 1894..... Asphalt- Dried.. Epurée, classification of........ 17602 16859 (G. A. 3378) Asphaltum, classification of, under the act of 1894.... 16783, 16786, 16859 (G. A. 3378) Astrakhan- 17429 Trimmings....... 16973 (G. A. 3401) Trimmings, classification of, under the act of 1890....... 16690 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, bond of, as common carrier... 17105 17468 Attorneys in customs cases, powers issued to minors not accepted.......... 17139 17531 Aunes, invoices of textile fabrics from Switzerland not to be made out in, but in 17215 Of American manufacture, value of, part of dutiable value of contents pay- ing ad valorem duty.. Paper, for coffee and cigars.. Printed, paper............................ Baker, I. G. & Co., discontinuance of route of, as common carrier.. 16930 17514 16835 (G. A. 3354) 17650 (G. A. 3698) 17516 17306 Synopsis No. 16838 (G. A. 3357) Balloons, tissue paper... Ballot balls, glass...................... 17403 (G. A. 3594) 17209 16895 17083 (G. A. 3464) 16701 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, bond of, as common carrier.... Blinds and scrolls, classification as wood under act of 1890. Bandanna handkerchiefs . 17175 (G. A. 3492) Bande brodé, silk-muslin bands, classification of, under act of 1890.......... Band-saw steel in coils........ 17477 (G. A. 3616) Bank, receiver of, to take possession of imported goods by direction of the court, Barclay & Co., of New York, drawback on preparations made by... Barometers, pocket.. Barrels- Containing oranges, coverings..... Beadings, cotton, classification of, under the act of 1890... 16728 (G. A. 3316) 17189 16857 (G. A. 3376) Glass, strung in form of ornaments, classification of, under act of 1890........ 16932 17592 17173 (G. A. 3490) 17397 (G. A. 3588) 17270 (G. A. 3532) Bengal or Patna rice, classification of, under the act of 1894... Beveled glass........... Beverages, sarsaparilla...... 17479 (G. A. 3618) Bible and Tract Depot not an individual issuing gratuitous publica- Billets- Hollow steel... Steel.......... Synopsis No. 16840 (G. A. 3359) Steel, cost of carrying same from mill to trucks, element of dutiable Bills of- Lading for I. T. goods in express or packed packages... Sale, recording of........... Bird skins, whole........ Biscuits- 17605 Cakes, or crackers, manufactured by the New York Biscuit Company, of New 17206 Blank- Forms, care and custody of.................................. Oaths furnished by collectors under section 2648, Revised Statutes, one suffi- Blattstitch, dotted swisses, classification of, under act of 1890...... 16714 ...... 17421 16908 16694 16822 (G. A. 3341) 17289 17089 17370 16742 ... 17110 Blue prints of boilers, makers of boilers for steam vessels to furnish inspectors Board of arbitration, finding of, as to imported teas... Board of United States General Appraisers- Proceedings under decisions of.. Reports of local appraisers to.. Boards, mahogany.... Boat and raft equipments on differently defined navigable waters. Of Canadian lumbermen, on St. John River, free of duty..... Boilers- Locomotive steam, made from imported steam-boiler tubes, draw back on..... 17537 .... Cloth, copper-wire gauze....... Goods, transshipment of, en route.... 17420 Manufacturing warehouse of class 6, disposition of goods on relinquishment of.. 17025 in a bonded warehouse in same city, but entry must be for direct export... 17361 Bond, general, for goods stored in private bonded warehouse........... |