SYNOPSIS OF THE DECISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT AND Board of U. S. General Appraisers ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TARIFF, IMMIGRATION, AND OTHER LAWS, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1896. JOHN G. CARLISLE, Secretary of the Treasury. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. Abandoned goods- INDEX. A. Synopsis No. Seized by health authorities as a menace to the public health, no return of 174764 Under section 23, act of June 10, 1890, section not confined to damaged 17099 Abandonment of- Damaged fish under section 23 of the act of 1890 taken possession of by Protest, presumptive. Accounts- Fees for oaths in verification of......... For fees, mileage, subsistence, etc........ Acid- Carbolic, crude. June 10, 1890 (Customs Administrative), appeals to the courts under sec- 16908 1890, goods imported thereunder, classified under act of 1894.. 17044 1894, duties prescribed by, do not attach to goods imported in 1892, but duties prescribed by act of 1890 apply.......... 17360 May 18, 1896, free entry of returned exhibition goods............... 17202 May 18, 1896, Syracuse, N. Y., a port of delivery..... 17193 May 22, 1896, Pueblo, Durango, and Leadville, Colo., ports of delivery....... 17194 17241 17221 June 11, 1896, Erie, Pa., a port of immediate transportation......... 17219 Additional- Duties, collection at port of final destination where no appraisement took place Candidates to grade of cadet in Revenue Cutter Service....... 16876 |