| United States - Law - 1875 - 438 pages
...of the sugar-beet. SEC. 9. That barrels and grain-bags, the manufacture of the United States, when exported filled with American products, or exported...empty and returned filled, with foreign products, may be returned to the United States free of duty, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed... | |
| Tariff - 1879 - 252 pages
...of the sugar-beet. SEC. 9. That barrels and grain-bags, the manufacture of the United States, when exported filled with American products or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, may be returned to the United States free of duty, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribed... | |
| Lewis Heyl - Money - 1879 - 496 pages
...being ns follows : "SECTION 9. That barrels and grain bags, the manufacture of the United States, when exported filled with American products, or exported...empty and returned filled, with foreign products, may be returned to the United States free of duty,* under such rulos and regulations ns shall be prescribed... | |
| Campaign literature - 1888 - 262 pages
...exported, without having been advanced in value by any process of manufacture or by labor thereon ; casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of...and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks when returned as barrels or boxes; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made,... | |
| United States. Congress. House - United States - 1882 - 848 pages
...growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned in the same condition as exported. Casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of...and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks when returned as barrels or boxes; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made... | |
| Mineral industries - 1883 - 848 pages
...growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned in the same condition as exported. Casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of...and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks when returned as barrels or boxes, but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made... | |
| Postal service - 1883 - 104 pages
...growth, produce, and manufacture of the United States, when returned in the same condition as exported. Casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of...and returned filled with foreign products, including shooks when returned as barrels or boxes ; but proof of the identity of such articles shall be made... | |
| Charles Frederic Williams - Tariff - 1883 - 214 pages
...the Treasury.] — Rev. St. [That barrels and grain-bags, the manufacture of the United States, when exported filled with American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, may be returned to the United States free of duty, under such rules and regulations as shall be preseribed... | |
| Law reports, digests, etc - 1899 - 962 pages
...the United States, exported to a foreign country and returned without having been advanced in value ds, mortgages and other Instruments in writing which are authorized to and upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed, are entitled to entry free of duty, but this... | |
| Lewis Heyl - Money - 1883 - 488 pages
...and manufacture* of the United States, when returned in the same condition^ as exported. (1482.) 6. .Casks, barrels, carboys, bags, and other vessels of American manufacture, exported filled witli American products, or exported empty and returned filled with foreign products, (1468, 2191.)... | |
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