CHARLES GEORGE WALPOLE, M.Α., OF THE INNER TEMPLE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW; LATE PRESIDENT OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF LARNAKA, CYPRUS; AUTHOR OF 'A RUBRIC OF THE COMMON LAW,' 'THE OTTOMAN PENAL CODE,' 'A SHORT HISTORY OF THE KINGDOM OF IRELAND,' &c., &c. LONDON: WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, 27, FLEET STREET. 1892. M19 892 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITI Rec. May 31, 19. TO HIS EXCELLENCY SIR WILLIAM HAYNES SMITH, K.C.M.G.. GOVERNOR OF THE COLONY OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS, This Book IS WITH GREAT RESPECT DEDICATED BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. FIVE of the Acts printed in this volume were passed the year 1891. The object aimed at, and, I trust, secure was the consolidation and the simplification of the lav under which the Magistrates of the Colony worked. The constitution of, the procedure in, and a large pa of the jurisdiction conferred on Magistrates' Courts cam into existence under, and was from time to time amende and re-amended by some eight-and-twenty Acts of th Federal Legislature, amongst which were to be foun re-enactments of "Jervis' Acts," "The Summary Juri diction Act, 1879," and parts of the "Merchant Shippin Act, 1854," slightly modified to the local requirements. These twenty-eight Acts have been recast, and boile down into the "Magistrates' Code of Procedure Ac 1891." The jurisdiction of a Magistrate in respect of the sum mary trial of petty offences was different in each of the fiv Presidencies, and dependent upon about a score of differen local Acts and ordinances, under which similar malprac tices were punishable by most dissimilar penalties. Th heterogeneous mass of law has been swept away and a fairl comprehensive criminal code, of offences triable summaril has been put in its place. By "The Trespass Act" matters which, under nin |