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Historical, Chronological,






And who may not have a large Historical Library at hand.

[PRINTED, (but not Published,) FOR THE USE OF




THE Convention which, on call of the Church of the Pilgrimage in Plymouth, met in the Broadway Tabernacle, in the city of New York, on the 2d March last, to “take such action as shall seem to it expedient, for ordering the Commemorative Services" of this 250th year since the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth, passed, among others, the following resolution, viz :

Resolved, That it be earnestly recommended that during the month of May, next, every Congregational pastor set forth from the pulpit, our obligations to the Pilgrim Fathers, the influence of their faith and polity upon the character of the nation; and the duty we owe to the memory and principles of the Fathers, to maintain, enlarge and transmit the inheritance we have received at their hands.

It was felt by that Convention to be of the highest importance that this request should be complied with, if practicable, by every pastor and acting pastor of a Congregational church in the land; for the possible direct relation of such preaching to the prosperity of all the Jubilee endeavors of the year, by which it is sought to put our American Congregationalism at once upon a plane of higher life and broader efficiency, not more than for its probable educational results, in giving to all Congregationalists clearer conceptions of their principles, a more precise acquaintance with their history, and a more accurate perception of the relations of their polity to the civil and religious prosperity of our own land and of the world. As the month of May will soon be here, and the time afforded for special research upon this subject is not long; and as the books in general circulation, which treat of the Pilgrims and their history, and of the great struggle out of which sprang that Separatist faith which established itself upon the rock of Plymouth and leavened this new world, are neither numerous, exhaustive, nor always authentic; and as the sources of some of the most accurate and interesting portions of these annals have been discovered by investigations comparatively recent, whose results are as yet mainly confined to the shelves of the few great libraries, while these are not within easy reach of the majority of Congregational pastors; the Executive Committee, to whom that Convention entrusted "all matters of detail connected with the commemorative endeavors of the year,” have decided — in deference to suggestions and requests received from various quarters to publish a little pamphlet of Memoranda - historical, chronological, etc., in the hope to aid all special students of the Pilgrim history in their studies, by indicating to them where to find what they desire to refer to just now, so that their library research may perhaps be lightened, and in the hope of putting in the most condensed form within the reach of those whose circumstances do not favor their consultation of the libraries, some hints of the facts of which they are in search.

Hastily prepared, and felt to be exceedingly fragmentary and inadequate, the following pages are therefore sent forth in the hope that, while they will hinder nobody, they may possibly, in default of something better, prove helpful to some investigators, and so aid a little in the Jubilee work of the year, and the good results for the honor of the Fathers, the prosperity of the future, the benefit of man, and the glory of God, which are sought in it.

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Pilgrim Fathers, and their History.

1380. Wycliffe completed his translation of the Bible, multiplied copies by the aid of transcribers; and, by God's blessing on His Word, thus unbound from the fetters of alien tongues, a spirit of inquiry was generated, and the seeds sown of that religious revolution, which a little more than a century later, astonished and overturned the world.

1418. Council of Constance ordered Wycliffe's bones to be ungraved and burned for those of a heretic.

1534. Henry the Eighth of England, for the reason that the Pope would not divorce him from Katharine, his wife, divorced the Church of England from its allegiance to Rome.

1550. Puritanism dates from John Hooper's "scrupling the vestments,” and refusing to take the oath of supremacy, until King Edward had run his pen through a part of it.

1554. The Frankfort congregation of exiles arose, under the persecuting reign of "Bloody Mary," and the Puritan separation began with Englishmen outside of England.

1566. Date of separation in England, by Puritans who were shut out of the Church, and restrained of the press, and who thought, as separate congregations had for some time been existing at Frankfort, Geneva, and even in London, it might be right, and their duty, to come out and be separate from the corruptions and superstitions swaying the English Church, and its service.

1570. Thomas Cartwright pushed the fundamental proposition to reduce all things in reforming the Church to the apostolical way, as contained in the New Testament. For this he was expelled from Oxford, and took refuge abroad. Coming back seven years after, he maintained that government by the eldership is of divine appointment aud obligation — anticipating, mainly, the views and practices of the Presbyterian party of the time of the Commonwealth.

1582. ROBERT BROWNE threw a new element into the conflict of opinion which was agitating the English people (under Elizabeth), by evolving from the New Testament, essentially, the Democratic system of Church polity.

1591. A church of English exiles, actuated by the principles of Browne, but misliking his name, was formed at Amsterdam, of which Henry Ainsworth became pastor.

1593. Henry Barrow, John Greenwood and John Penry put to death for their Congregational principles.

1606. The Mayflower Church was formed by mutual covenant, at Scrooby in Nottinghamshire.

1607. Harried out of England, this Church begins to fly to Holland, and in the next spring, all get over to Amsterdam, where they continue about a year. 1608. The Mayflower Church removed to Leyden, where Robinson was sole pastor, and William Brewster was chosen elder.

25 April.
5 May.

1611. John Robinson and others of his church bought a house in the Kloksteeg in Leyden, near the University, which "being large," was both occupied by him, and used by them as their place of Sabbath worship.



26 Aug. Robinson became matriculated in the University. Age, thirty

5 Sept.

1620.July. The last revised conditions of the agreement of the English merchants with the intending colonists were settled, and the emigration to America finally and absolutely determined on.

1620. More particular schedule of the events of their emigration hither, and of the first six months of their settlement-in illustration of their sufferings in laying the foundations of civil and religious liberty here.

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2 Sept.

6 Sept. 16

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Put back to Dartmouth.

Sailed again.

Put back the second time to Plymouth, and Speedwell

Sailed from Plymouth, (102 in the Mayflower.)
William Butten dies at sea.

Saw Cape Cod.

Anchored in Provincetown harbor, signed the com

pact, chose Carver Governor, and went ashore. Unshipped the shallop, and went ashore to wash. Started on first expedition inland.

Found springs in Truro, went as far as Pamet River, found a kettle, dug up corn, etc.

Sunk the kettle in the pond, and went back to ship. Second and larger exploring party started in shallop and get to East Harbor Creek.

Went on to Pamet River, and inland from it. Revisited Cornhill, and Master Jones and a part went back to the ship.

Found wigwams, graves, etc., and got back to ship and found Peregrine White had been born in their absence.

Dies, Edward Thompson.

Francis Billington nearly blows up the Mayflower.
Third exploring party started in the shallop, and get

as far as Eastham. Jasper Moore dies on the ship.

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