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agreed to conclude a treaty to this effect, having appointed for this purpose their plenipotentiaries as follows:

His Majesty, the Emperor of Germany, King of Prussia:

His Minister Resident to the Republic of Bolivia, present Counsellor of the Legation, von Haxthausen,

His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Bolivia:

His Excellency, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Señor Doctor Don Claudio Pinilla,

Who, after having communicated their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles.


There shall be perpetual friendship between the German Empire on the one side and the Republic of Bolivia on the other, as well as between their respective citizens.


There shall be complete and reciprocal freedom of trade between the domains of the two high contracting parties. The citizens of each one of the parties shall have complete freedom to enter into all places of the territories of the other party, to which entry is generally allowed to the native citizens; they shall respectively enjoy the same rights, privileges, liberties, favors, immunities and exceptions in all matters pertaining to trade now enjoyed or to be in the future enjoyed by their native citizens in general, without being obliged to pay higher taxes or imposts than those paid by the latter. As regards individual protection, acquisition of property, and the exercise of industries, they shall enjoy the same rights as the most favored nation, being subject to the laws and regulations of the country wherein they reside.


In no case shall the import duties levied in Germany on the staple or industrial products of Bolivia, or those levied in Bolivia on staple or industrial products of Germany, be different from or higher than those to which the same products of the most favored nation are subjected. The same system shall be observed as to the export and transit of goods. None of the prohibitions or restrictions regarding the importation or exportation of any article shall be applied to the reciprocal trade if they

are not extended to all the other nations found in the same condition; nor shall the customs formalities required in regard to merchandise imported or exported from one of the two countries be other than those applied to other nations.

The facilities which one of the contracting parties has granted or might grant to adjoining states in order to favor the boundary traffic, cannot, nor shall be, claimed by right by the other party while the said facilities are not extended to other non-adjacent states.


The Republic of Bolivia recognizes the right of the merchant vessels of the German Empire to freely navigate with its own flag the rivers in Bolivian territory. By virtue whereof the merchant vessels of the German Empire shall have the same rights and privileges as those which have been granted or might be granted to the most favored nation.


The high contracting parties reserve the right to conclude a special convention regarding the rights and privileges of their respective consular officials. Pending the conclusion of such convention, they have agreed to grant to each other the rights, liberties and privileges which may have been granted or might be granted to the most favored nation.


The two high contracting parties, prompted by the desire to eliminate whatever difficulties might arise regarding nationality, declare that the following shall be considered as Germans in Bolivia and as Bolivians in Germany:

The Germans who settle in Bolivia and the Bolivians who settle in Germany, and who have preserved their nationality in accordance with the laws of their country.

Those born of German parents in Bolivia, and those born of Bolivian parents in Germany, who, on arriving at the age of twenty-one years have their domicile in the two countries, shall have the right to choose, within the year following, the one or the other nationality, and shall enjoy from that moment all privileges granted by this treaty to the citizens of the nationality which they may have elected.


By virtue of the right of election granted by paragraph 3, Article VI, children born of Germans in Bolivia, and children born of Bolivians in Germany, shall not be called to military service before they attain the age of twenty-one years.


Bolivians in Germany and Germans in Bolivia shall be exempt from all personal service in the land or sea forces, as well as in the national guard or militia; they shall also be exempt from the obligation of accepting political, administrative, or judicial offices or charges.

Those municipal duties which might be performed without loss of nationality, and which preserve therefore, the quality and condition of an alien, are excepted from the preceding rule.


The citizens of the contracting parties are exempt from all extraordinary war contributions as well as from obligatory loans of any kind. They shall also be exempt from all military levies and services according to the principles in force in regard to the relations with the most favored nations, and in no case shall they be subject to said levies or services without obtaining first an indemnity on a just and equitable basis.

In all other cases, their personal or real property shall not be subject to charges or taxes other than those which are now imposed, or might be imposed in the future, upon their own nationals or upon the citizens of the most favored nation.


No intervention on the part of the diplomatic representatives of the contracting parties shall take place by reason of legal pretensions or private claims in any civil, criminal or administrative matter, except when there should be a denial of justice or any extraordinary or illegal judicial delay or failure to execute a judgment which has already obtained legal force, or, if, after exhausting all legal remedies, there should exist a manifest violation of existing treaties between the two contracting parties, or of the principles of public or private international law universally recognized by civilized nations.


The present treaty shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged as soon as possible.

The treaty shall come into force ten days after the exchange of ratifications, and shall remain in force for ten years from that date; but, if, twelve months before the expiration of this period, neither of the high contracting parties shall have declared its intention to abrogate this treaty, the same shall be in force for another year and so on until a year after said official declaration should be made.

In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the present treaty, affixing their respective seals thereto.

Done in two originals, in German and in Spanish, in the City of La Paz on the 22nd day of July, 1908.



Signed at Peking, May 8, 1911; ratifications exchanged July 28, 1911

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and His Majesty the Emperor of China, believing that, independent of the treaty of commerce and navigation between the Netherlands and China, it is desirable that a special convention should define the rights, duties, powers, privileges, exemptions and immunities of Chinese consular officers in the Dutch possessions or colonies, in order to conclude said convention, have named as their plenipotentiaries, to wit:

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: François Beelaerts van Blakland, Esquire, Knight of the Orders of the Dutch Lion and of Orange-Nassau, invested with the third class of the first grade of the Order of the Double Dragon, her envoy and minister plenipotentiary to His Majesty the Emperor of China;

His Majesty the Emperor of China: Lou Tseng Tsiang, invested with the first class of the second grade of the Order of the Double Dragon,

1 Staatsblad, 1912, No. 280.

Grand Cross of the Order of Orange-Nassau, of the Order of Saint Stanislas, his envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands,

Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:


The consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls and consular agents of China shall be admitted into the ports of the Dutch possessions beyond the sea or into the Dutch colonies where reside or may reside officers of the same class of any other foreign nation.


The consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls and consular agents of China shall be considered as commercial agents, protectors of the commerce of their nationals within their consular jurisdiction.

They shall reside in the ports of the Dutch possessions beyond the sea or in the Dutch colonies, save such exceptions as the present convention establishes in their favor.


Before being admitted to the exercise of their functions and enjoying all their powers, privileges, exemptions and immunities therewith connected, the consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls and consular agents must present to the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, a commission, indicating their consular jurisdiction and their place of residence.

The government of the possession or colony shall deliver to them, free of cost, the exequatur duly countersigned, necessary for the exercise of their functions; and upon having produced this document, the said consular officers of every grade shall be entitled to the protection of the government and to the assistance of the local authorities to insure to them the free exercise of their functions.

The Government of the Queen reserves unto itself the right to withdraw the exequatur or to have it withdrawn by the governor of the possession or colony, stating the reasons for such action.

In case of the death, incapacity or absence of the consuls-general, consuls, vice-consuls and consular agents, their consular students, their chancellors or secretaries, after their official character shall have

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