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Treaty and Protocol between the United States and Brazil for the extradition of criminals. Signed respectively at Rio de Janeiro, May 14, 1897, and May 28, 1898; ratification with amendments advised by the Senate, February 28, 1899; ratified by the President, February 13, 1903; ratified by Brazil, April 14, 1903; ratifications exchanged at Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1903; proclaimed, April 30, 1903.


May 14, 1897. May 28, 1898

Whereas a treaty between the United States of America and the Preamble. United States of Brazil providing for the extradition of criminals was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Rio de Janeiro on the 14th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninetyseven, the original of which treaty, being in the English and Portuguese languages is, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America, word for word as follows:

Treaty of Extradition between the United States of America and the United States of Brazil.

The United States of America and the United States of Brazil, desiring to. strengthen their friendly relations and to facilitate the administration of justice by the repression of crimes and offences committed in their respective territories and jurisdictions, have agreed to celebrate a treaty of extradition and have nominated for that purpose the following plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America, Mr. Thomas LL. Thompson, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near the Government of the United States of Brazil;

and the President of the United States of Brazil, General Dionisio Evangelista de Castro Cerqueira, Minister of State for Foreign Relations;

Tratado de Extradição entre os Estados-Unidos da America e os Estados-Unidos do Brasil.

Os Estados Unidos da America Contracting parties. e os Estados-Unidos do Brasil, desejando estreitar as suas amigaveis relações e facilitar a administração da justiça na repressão das infracções da lei penal commettidas em seus respectivos territorios e jurisdicções, resolveram concluir um tratado de extradição e nomearam para esse fim os seguintes plenipotenciarios:

O Presidente dos Estados-Uni- Plenipotentiaries. dos da America o Sr. Thomas L. Thompson, Enviado Extraordinario e Ministro Plenipotenciario junto ao Governo dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil;

e o Presidente dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil o General Dionisio Evangelista de Castro Cerqueira, Ministro de Estado das Relações Exteriores;


Reciprocal delivery of persons charged with crimes.


Murder, etc.


Rape, etc.





Piracy, etc.

who having made known their respective full powers, which have been found in good form, agree upon the following articles:


The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of Brazil mutually agree to deliver up the persons who, having been charged or convicted, as the authors of or accomplices in any of the crimes enumerated in the following article, committed in the jurisdiction of one of the contracting parties, seeks an asylum or be found within the territories of the other; provided, this shall only take place after such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the person or fugitive so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial, if the crime had there been committed.

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8. Piracy, by statute or by the law of nations when the state in which the offender is found has no jurisdiction; revolt, or conspiracy to revolt, by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas, against the authority of the master; to willfully and wrongfully cause

MAY 28, 1898.

os quaes, depois de se terem communicado os seus respectivos plenos poderes, que foram achados em bôa e devida fórma, convieram nos seguintes artigos:


O Governo dos Estados-Unidos da America e o Governo dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil reciprocamente se obrigam a entregar os individuos que, estando accusados ou condemnados como autores ou complices de algum dos crimes especificados no artigo seguinte, commettido na jurisdicção de uma das partes contractantes, procurarem refugio ou forem encontrados dentro do territorio da outra; só devendo ser effeituada a entrega mediante taes provas de criminalidade, que, segundo as leis do logar em que fôr encontrado o condemnado ou accusado, justificassem a sua prisão e julgamento si o crime nelle houvesse sido perpetrado.

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7. Incendio proposital.

8. Pirataria segundo as leis de ambos os paizes, ou segundo o direito das gentes quando o Estado em que for encontrado o delinquente não tenha competencia para o seu julgamento; revolta ou conluso para revolta levada a effeito por duas ou mais pessoas a

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14. Embezzlement, consisting in the misappropriation or theft of public moneys, committed in the jurisdiction of one of the contracting parties, by a public officer or depositary.

15. Embezzlement, or theft of moneys, committed by persons salaried or employed, to the detriment of those who employ them.

16. Burglary, defined to be the act of entering during the night, by breaking or climbing, the

MAY 28, 1898.

contra a autoridade do capitão; actos voluntarios e criminosos de que resultem naufragio; abalroamento proposital; fazer aberturas no casco da embarcação com o fim de submergil-a; destruir embarcação no alto mar.

Injuries to rail

9. Destruição e obstrucção vo- roads, etc. luntaria e illegal de estradas de ferro, que ponham em risco a vida humana.

10. Contrafacção, falsificação ou alteração de moeda de qualquer especie, ou de bilhetes de banco legalmente autorizados que circulem como moeda; emissão ou introducção na circulação de moeda contrafeita, falsificada ou alterada; falsificação de titulos da divida publica emittidos pelo Governo da União ou de qualquer dos Estados Federaes ou pelas municipalidades, de coupons de juros desses titulos; contrafacção, falsificação ou alteração de sellos publicos da União ou dos Estados; o uso consciente de qualquer desses papeis ou titulos.

11. Falsidade; emissão de papeis falsos; falsificação de actos officines do Governo, de autoridades publicas ou de tribunaes judiciarios, de escripturas publicas ou particulares; uso ou emissão desses actos falsos.

12. Perjurio ou testemunho falso e suborno ou peita de testemunha. 13. Fraude commettida por depositario, banqueiro, agente, corretor, administrador, thesoureiro, director, membro ou empregado de alguma companhia ou sociedade anonyma.

Counterfeiting, etc.



Breach of trust, etc. Post, p. 2099.

Embezzlement of

14. Peculato, consistindo no ex- public moneym

travio ou subtracção de dinheiros publicos practicado na jurisdicção de uma ou outra parte contractante por funccionario, ou depositario publico.

15. Extravio ou subtracção de dinheiro commettido por pessoas empregadas ou assalariadas, em detrimento daquellas que as tiverem empregado.

16. O crime de burglary', consistindo na acção de introduzir-se alguem durante


noite com

Em bezzlement by cmployees.


Complicity anu at tempts.

No surrender for political offenses.


Post, p. 2099.

Attempts against officials not political offenses.

Ante, p. 6.

Presidents and governors.

Vice-Presidents, etc.

tent to commit a felony; robbery, defined to be the act of feloniously and forcibly taking from another money or goods of any value, by violence, or putting in fear, and known in the Brazilian Penal Code as roubo.

17. Complicity in or attempts at the commission of any of the crimes specified in the preceding sections, provided that such complicity or attempt be punishable by the laws of the country from whence the extradition is demanded.


Extradition shall not be granted if the offence on which the surrender is demanded be of a political character, or if the fugitive prove that there is an intention to try or punish him for a political crime; nor if the circumstances on which extradition is demanded are connected with political crimes.

The Government from which extradition is demanded will examine the circumstances, to ascertain whether the crime be of a political character, and its decision shall be definite.

The following shall not be considered political crimes when they are unconnected with political movements, and are such as constitute murder, or willful and illegal homicide, as provided for in section 1 of the preceding article: 1. An attempt against the life of the President of the United States of America, or against the life of the Governor of any of the States; an attempt against the life of the President of the United States of Brazil, or against the life of the President or Governor of any of the States thereof;

2. An attempt against the life of the Vice-President of the United States of America, or against the life of the Lieutenant-Governor of any of the States; an attempt against the life of the Vice-President of the United States of Brazil, or against the life of the Vice President or Vice Governor of any

MAY 28, 1898.

tação de outrem com intenção criminosa; o crime de robbery, consistindo em subtrahir, ou tirar forçada e criminosamente de alguma pessoa dinheiro ou effeitos de qualquer valor, por meio de violencia ou intimidação, ou o crime' previsto pelo Codigo Penal Brasileiro sob a qualificação de roubo.

17. A cumplicidade ou a tentativa dos crimes comprehendidos na precedente classificação, uma vez que ellas sejam puniveis pela legislação do paiz ao qual a extradição for solicitada.


Não terá logar a extradição si o crime fôr de caracter politico ou si o fugitivo provar que ha intenção de julgal-o ou punil-o por crime politico; nem tambem será concedida por factos connexos a delictos politicos.,

O Governo requerido apreciará, segundo as circumstancias, si o facto pelo qual a extradição foi reclamada tem ou não caracter politico, e a sua resolução será definitiva.

Os seguintes crimes não serão considerados de caracter, politico quando não forem connexos a movimentos politicos e constitui rem os crimes de murder ou homicidio voluntario e illegal, classificados no no 1 do artigo precedente:

1. O attentado contra a vida do Presidente dos Estados-Unidos da America ou do Governador de algum dos Estados; o attentado contra a vida do Presidente dos Estados Unidos do Brasil ou do Presidente ou Governador de algum dos Estados;

2°. O attentado contra a vida do Vice-Presidente dos Estados-Unidos da America ou do Vice-Governador de algum dos Estados; o attentado contra a vida do VicePresidente dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil ou do Vice-Presidente ou Vice-Governador de algum dos Estados.


The person surrendered cannot be tried nor punished in the country which has obtained the extradition, nor be surrendered to a third country, for trial or punishment therein, for any crime or of fence not mentioned in this treaty, nor for one committed previous to extradition, other than the crime or offence for which he was extradited, unless such person has been in either case at liberty to leave the country which has obtained the extradition for a month subsequent to trial therein.

Furthermore, such person shall not be tried nor punished for an offence or crime mentioned in this treaty committed previous to the extradition, other than the offence or crime for which he was extradited, without the consent of the Government which has surrendered such person, and the said Government shall be able to demand an exhibition of any of the documents mentioned in Article X of the present treaty.

In like manner the consent of the said Government shall be solicited if the extradition of the offender is requested by a third Government; although this shall not be necessary when the offender voluntarily requests trial or consents to punishment; or if he fails to leave the territory of the country to which he has been surrendered within the period above fixed.


The contracting parties shall in no case be obliged to surrender their own citizens in virtue of the stipulations of the present treaty.


If the person shall be in course of trial, or shall have been convicted of an offence other than that for which the surrender is demanded, extradition shall only take place after the trial shall have been concluded and the sentence full

MAY 28, 1898.

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