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Persons claimed by other countries.

Limitation of time,


Disposal of articles seized with person. Post, p. 2100.



When the person demanded by one of the contracting parties is also demanded by one or more powers on account of crimes and offences committed within their respective jurisdictions, extradition shall be conceded to the one whose request is first received, unless the Government to which the request is made has before agreed by treaty in case of the concurrence of requests to give preference to the country of the person's origin, to the gravity of the crime, or to the request which is of oldest dates in whichsoever of these cases the usual rule shall be followed.


Extradition shall be refused when the action or sentence for which the offender is demanded shall have been extinguished by prescription, according to the law of the country try to which the request is made, or when such person shall have been already tried and sentenced for the same crime.


All articles found in the possession of the person accused and obtained through the commission of the act with which such person is charged, and may be used as evidence of the crime for which such person is demanded, shall be seized and surrendered with the person. Nevertheless, the rights of third persons to the articles, so found shall be respected.


Requisitions for the surrender of fugitives from justice accused or convicted of any of the crimes or offences hereinbefore mentioned shall be made by the diplomatic agent of the demanding Government. In case of the absence of such agent either from the country or from the seat of Government such requisition shall be made by

MAY 28, 1898.


Quando o individuo reclamado por uma das partes contractantes o fôr tambem por uma ou mais potencias, em razão de crimes commettidos dentro das suas respectivas jurisdicções, a extradição será concedida aquella cujo pedido tiver sido recebido em primeiro logar, salvo si o Governo requerido já se tiver obrigado por tratado, em caso de concurrencia de pedidos, a dar preferencia ao paiz de origem, á gravidade do crime, ou ao pedido que tiver data mais antiga; em qualquer desses casos seguir-se-ha a regra convencionada.


A extradição será recusada si estiver extincta a acção ou a pena pela prescripção, segundo a lei do paiz requerido, e si o individuo reclamado já tiver sido processado e julgado pelo mesmo crime.


Os objectos encontrados em poder do individuo reclamado, quer sejam o producto do crime de que elle fôr accusado, quer constituam elementos de prova desse crime, serão apprehendidos e entregues conjunctamente com o individuo. Serão todavia respeitados os direitos de terceiros sobre taes objectos.


Os pedidos de extradição de individuos accusados os condemnados por qualquer dos crimes ou delictos mencionados neste tratado serão feitos pelo agente diplomatico do Governo requerente. Na ausencia desse agente, quer do paiz, quer da séde do Governo, os mesmos pedidos poderão ser apresentados pelos respectivos agentes When the person whose surrender is requested shall have already been convicted of the crime or offence for which his extradiction is demanded, the demand therefor shall be accompanied by a copy of the judgment of the court or tribunal which has, pronounced it, duly signed by the judge of the court or president of the tribunal: and the signature of the judge of the court or president of the tribunal shall be authenticated by the proper executive officer, whose official character shall in turn be attested by the diplomatic agent or a superior consular officer of the Government on which the demand is made.

When the person whose surrender is asked is merely charged with the commission of any of the crimes mentioned in the present treaty, the application for extradition shall be accompanied by an authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest issued against such person by the officer duly authorized to do so; and likewise by an authenticated copy of the depositions or declarations made before such officer and setting forth the acts with which the fugitive is charged.

The extradition of fugitives under the provisions of the present treaty shall be carried out in conformity with the laws and practice for the time being in force in the state on which the demand is made, without, however, denying recourse to the writ of habeascorpus.


When the arrest and detention of a person are desired on telegraphic or other information in advance of the presentation of the formal proofs provided for in the preceding article of the present treaty, the following practice shall be observed: In the United States of America application shall be made by the diplomatic agent of Brazil, or in his absence by a superior consular officer, to the Secretary of State, for a certificate 'stating that request has


Si o individuo reclamado já tiver Copies of papers resido condemnado pelo crime ou Judgment. delicto por motivo do qual fôr solicitada a extradição, o pedido deverá vir acompanhado da cópia da sentença do Juiz ou tribunal que a tiver proferido, devidamente rubricada pelo Juiz ou pelo presidente do tribunal, e a assignatura do Juiz ou do presidente do tribunal tem de ser authenticada pelo competente funccionario executivo, cujo caracter official será por sua vez attestado pelo agente diplomatico ou pelo agente consular mais graduado do Governo requerido.

[blocks in formation]

Quando a prisão e detenção de vispications um condemnado ou accusado.forem solicitadas pelo telegrapho ou por outro modo antecipadamente á apresentação das provas mencionadas no artigo precedente, será observada a seguinte pratica: nos Estados Unidos da America agente diplomatico ou, na falta deste, o agente consular mais graduado do Brasil requisitará do Secretario de Estado um certificado em que se declare que o Governo dos Estados-Unidos do Brasil pedio

In Brazil.

Discharge on default of formal request.



Exchange of ratifications:

the United States of Brazil for the provisional arrest of a person convicted or accused of the commission within the jurisdiction thereof, of a crime or offence extraditable under the terms of the present treaty, which, upon presentation to any competent judicial officer and upon complaint duly made that such a crime or offence has been SO committed, it shall be lawful for such judicial officer to issue a warrant for the apprehension of such person; And in the United States of Brazil upon request of the Government of the United States of America, duly made through its diplomatic agent, or in his absence by a superior consular officer to the Minister for Foreign Relations; the provisional arrest shall be made of any person convicted or accused of the commission of a crime or offence extraditable under this treaty.

But if the formal requisition for surrender with the formal proofs hereinbefore mentioned, be not made as aforesaid by the diplomatic agent of the demanding government, or in his absence by a superior consular officer, within with sixty days from the date of the arrest of the fugitive, the prisoner shall be discharged from custody.


The expenses incurred in the arrest, detention, examination and delivery, of fugitives under this treaty shall be borne by the State in whose name the extradition is sought.


The present treaty shall take effect six weeks after the exchange of ratifications, and shall continue in force six months after one of the contracting parties shall have notified the other of an intention to terminate it.

It shall be ratified and the ratifications exchanged at Rio de Ja

MAY 28, 1898.

accusado ou condemnado por um crime ou delicto commettido no Brasil e passivel de extradição em virtude do presente tratado, e á vista desse certificado e de queixa devidamente formulada, referindo que tal crime ou delicto foi assim commettido, qualquer autoridade judiciaria competente terá a faculdade legal de expedir mandado de prisão contra aquelle individuo; e nos Estados-Unidos do Brasil, á vista de pedido devidamente feito ao Ministro das Relações Exteriores pelo Governo dos EstadosUnidos da America por intermédio do respectivo agente diplomatico ou, na falta deste, do agente consular mais graduado; effeituar-se-ha a prisão provisoria de qualquer pessoa accusada ou condemnada por crime ou delicto sujeito a extradição nos termos deste tratado.

Mas si, dentro do prazo de sessenta dias contados da prisão do fugitivo, o pedido formal de extradição, acompanhado das provas formaes mencionadas no artigo precedente, não fôr apresentado, como acima fica estipulado, pelo agente diplomatico do governo requerente ou, na sua ausencia, pelo agente consular mais graduado, o fugitivo será posto em liberdade.


As despezas provenientes da captura, detenção, verificação e transporte dos fugitivos a que se refere este tratado correrão por conta do Governo requerente.


O presente tratado entrará em vigor seis semanas depois da troca das ratificações e continuará a produzir seus effeitos até seis mezes depois que uma das partes contractantes houver notificado á outra a intenção de dal-o por findo.

Será ratificado e as ratificações trocadas no Rio de Janeiro no mais

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries sign the above articles written in the English and Portuguese languages and hereunto affix their seals.

Done and signed in duplicate in the city of Rio de Janeiro, this 14th day of May 1897.



MAY 28, 1898.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

And whereas a protocol amending the said treaty in certain particulars was concluded and signed by the respective plenipotentiaries of the United States of merica and the United States of Brazil, at Rio de Janeiro, on the 28th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, the original of which protocol, being in the English and Portuguese languages, is word for word as follows:


The undersigned, the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America and the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, met together to-day in the Department of Foreign Affairs and being duly authorized, have agreed to modify in the manner hereinafter indicated the provisions of No. 13 of Article II, of the end of § 2 of Article III, and of the first two paragraphs of Article IV, and the wording of Article IX of the Extradition Treaty signed May 14th, 1897, for the purpose of preventing ques tions in the execution thereof.


To add in the English text after "broker" the word "manager", corresponding in the Portuguese text to the term "administrador",


To substitute in the English text for the word "definite" the word "final"


To change the wording of the first paragraph of the Portuguese text to read as follows: O individuo entregue não poderá ser processado nem punido no paiz que


Os abaixo-assignados, Enviado Extraordinario e Ministro Plenipotenciario dos Estados Unidos da America e Ministro de Estado das Relações Exteriores da Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brasil, reunidos hoje na Secretaria de Estado das Relações Exteriores, devidamente autorizados, concordaram em modificar pela fórma adiante indicada, no intuito de prevenir duvidas na sua execução, as disposições do no 13 do artigo II, do final do §. 2o do artigo III, dos dois primeiros paragraphos do artigo IV e a redacção do artigo IX do Tratado de Extradição assignado em 14 de maio de 1897.

ARTIGO II, 'no 13.

Accrescentar no texto inglez, depois de broker, a palavra manager, correspondente no texto portuguez ao termo administrador.

ARTIGO III, §. 2o.





Ante, p. 2093.

Substituir no texto inglez a Ante, p. 2094. palavra definite por final.


Alterar a redacção do primeiro paragrapho do texto portuguez nos seguintes termos: "O individuo entregue não poderá ser processado nem punido no paiz que tiver

Ante, p. 2005,

Ante, p. 2095.

Ante, p. 2096.



tregue a terceiro paiz por crime
ou infracção não prevista no pre-
sente tratado nem por crime ou
infração anterior á extradição,
etc., etc.

MAY 28, 1898.

a terceiro paiz por crime ou infracção não prevista no presente tratado nem por crime ou infracção anterior á extradição, etc., etc."

Substituir no segundo para ex-grapho do texto inglez a expressão shall be able to demand por may

To substitute in the second paragraph of the English text the pression "may demand" for "shall be able to demand".

[blocks in formation]



Substituir a redacção do texto inglez pela seguinte: "All articles found in the possession of the person accused, whether obtained through the commission of the act with which such person is charged, or whether they may be used etc., etc."

O presente protocollo será submettido á approvação dos Congressos dos dois paizes.

Feito na cidade do Rio de Janeiro aos vinte e oito dias do mez de maio de 1898.



And whereas the said treaty, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America, and the said protocol have been duly ratified on both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchanged in the City of Rio de Janeiro, on the 18th day of April, one thousand nine hundred and three;

Now, therefore, be it known that I, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty, as amended by the Senate of the United States of America, and the said protocol to be made public, to the end that they and their every article and clause may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States of America and the citizens thereof.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States of America to be hereto affixed.


Given under my hand at the City of Washington the thirtieth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and twenty-seventh.

By the President:

Secretary of State.


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