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The Cape Law Journal. Vol. VII, Part 1. Grahamstown: Josiah Slater. The Theory of the Judicial Practice: Judicial Separation a mensa et thoro-Notes on some Controverted Points of Law-The Constitutional Law of the South African Republic-Kafir Government and its practical operation.

Political Science Quarterly. Vol. V, No. 2. New York: Ginn & Co.

National Sovereignty (Jameson)-The Comptrollers and the Courts (Renick) The Legislatures and the Courts (Dr. Elliott)-On Census Methods (R. M. Smith)-The Taxation of Corporations (Prof. Seligman)Wells' Recent Economic Changes (White).

Harvard Law Review. Vols. III, IV.

No. 8. The Disseisin of Chattels, III (J. B. Ames)-State Jurisdiction in Tide Water (C. F. Chamberlayne).

No. 2. The Burden of Proof (J. B. Thayer)-Elevated Road litigation (E. A. Hibbard)—Taxation of Pipes in Public Streets (J. H. Beale, jun.). The Green Bag. Vol. II. Boston Book Co.

No. 3. Lord Eldon, with portrait (W. H. Dunbar)-Enigmas of Justice (G. M. Towle)-Trial by Battel (M. C. Hobbs)-Kemmler's Case and the Death Penalty (Spahn)-The Law School of the Tulane University of Louisiana: illustrated (Quintero).

No. 4. Abraham Clark Freeman (with portrait)-Lawyers in Literature (Larremore)-Animadversion by Counsel in Court (Hackett)-The Albany Law School: illustrated (Irving Browne)—The Lord Chancellor of England (with portrait).

No. 5. Jeremiah Sullivan Black (with portrait) (W. U. Hensel)-Law School of the University of Minnesota (illustrated) (W. S. Pattee)-The Reporter's Head-Note (S. D. Thompson).

The Medico-Legal Journal. New York.

Criminal Responsibility in Narcomania (Norman Kerr)-Separate Hospitals for Insane Convicts (Clark Bell)-The Disposition to be made of Criminal Lunatics (Dr. Godding)-Notes on Medical Expertism in the Old World (A. Wood Renton)-The Medico-Legal Points in the case of State of Michigan v. Milard (Dr. Vaughan)-The Post-Mortem absorption of Strychnia (Dr. Miller)-Hypnotism (Clark Bell).

The New Jersey Law Journal. Vol. XIII, No. 5. Somerville, N. J. Honeyman & Co.

American and English Reports.

Revue de droit international et de législation comparée. Vol. XXII, No. 1. Brussels.

The Berlin labour Conference (Rolin-Jaequemyns)-Agrarian Reform in Roumania (Le Louchier)-Les accidents du travail (Sainctelette)-L'esclavage noir devant les jurisconsultes et les cours de justice (Nys)-Judicial Institutions in Egypt (Féraud-Giraud).

Nouvelle revue historique. 14° Année. No. 2. Paris: L. Larose et Forcel. La juridiction de l'Église sur le mariage en occident (Esmein)-La succession coutumière dans les pays de droit écrit (Jarriand)-Histoire de la


B b

propriété prétorienne et de l'action publicienne (Audibert)-Notes et Documents sur l'Université de Rennes et sur Lanjuinais, professeur de droit Canon à Rennes (Fournier).

Journal du Droit International Privé. 17o Année. Nos. 1, 2. Paris : Marchal & Billard.

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Annales de Droit Commercial. 4o Année. No. 1-2. Paris. A. Rousseau. The assignment of debts (Saleilles)-De l'attribution, en cas de sinistre des indemnités d'assurances et des autres indemnités dues à l'occasion de la perte d'une chose (Darras & Tarbouriech)-The amendment of the Bern copyright convention (Bal).

Revue générale du droit, etc.

14o Année. No. 2.

Paris: E. Thorin.

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Bulletin de la Société de législation comparée.

F. Pichon.

No. 4. April. Paris:

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Berlin: Franz Vahlen.

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Zeitschrift für deutschen Civilprozess. Vol. XV, Part 1. Berlin Carl Heymann.

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Archivio Giuridico. Vol. XLIV, Nos. 4-6. Pisa.

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Rivista Italiana per le Scienze Giuridiche. Vol. IX, Nos. I, 2. Rome: Ermanno Loescher & Co.

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Rivista Penale di Dottrina, Legislazione e Giurisprudenza. Series III. Bologna.

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No. 62. Le Reforme al Codice di procedura penale (Benevolo)-La Vigilanza speciale dell' autorità di pubblica sicurezza (Alpi)—Per la vetta applicazione dell' articolo 432 del Codice penale (Morisani)-Il delitto di duello e il futuro codice penale militare (Bruchi)—Intorno all' applicazione dell' art. 39 delle disposizioni transitorie (Sighele).

Bulletino dell' Istituto di Diritto Romano.

Anno II, No. 6. Rome.

Mille Passus e continentia aedificia (Zdekauer).

Themis. Vol. LI, No. 1. The Hague.

Verdediging van onvermogende beklaagden (van Stipriaan Luïscius)— Compensatie (Scholten) Aanspraakelijkheid der vrachtvervoerders (Tichelaar)-Revision of Civil Code (v. d. Biesen)-Divorce (Wttewaal).

Rechtsgeleerd Magazijn. Vol. IX, No. 3. Haarlem.

Damages under Dutch Civil Code, art. 1404 (Segers)—English legislation of 1889 (Molengraaff).


Tidsskrift for Retsvidenskab. Vol. III, Part 1. Christiania H. Aschehoug & Co.

Om Retshandler til Fordel for Tredjemand (Torp)-Zanardelli on the new Italian Penal Code (Olivecrona).

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No. XXIV. October, 1890.



HE interest and importance of the questions discussed by
Mr. J. G. Butcher in his criticisms in the July number of this
REVIEW upon my article on the above subject justify me, I hope,
in asking permission to say a few words in reply.

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The portion of my article upon which the questions arise is that which deals with the law relating to 'conspiracies to injure otherwise than by criminal or fraudulent acts.' Mr. Butcher charges me with inferring from the English authorities a definition of criminal conspiracy which is more limited than the decisions justify,' and on the other hand with inferring from the Irish authorities a definition of criminal conspiracy which is more extended than the decisions justify,' and consequently with error in concluding that there has been any wider view of the law of conspiracy adopted in the Irish courts than has been hitherto regarded as settled law by English authorities.

With regard to the English decisions Mr. Butcher has somewhat misconceived the point of my argument. My contention was that if the English authorities alone are looked to, this branch of the law of conspiracy will be found to be in an unsettled condition, and that there are weighty opinions in favour of at least three inconsistent views of what is necessary at common law to constitute a criminal conspiracy of the kind under investigation. So far from 'inferring a definition' of this class of conspiracies, my point was that no definition had been authoritatively laid down by the English courts.

Mr. Butcher states the following counter proposition to that which he ascribes to me as the result of his investigation of the English authorities: Where the "injury" involves the invasion of a legal right, the combination to do the injury is criminal.' As

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