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And a million firs stand tipped with I KNOW a place where the sun is like gold, lucent fire.

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And the cherry blooms burst with snow, And down underneath is the loveliest

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1 Copyright, 1898. by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY.

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THE sudden thrust of speech is no mean test

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Of man or woman. Caesar, with his cry
Of anguish, Pilate, putting justice by,
Into three words a human soul compressed;
Three broke from Galileo's brooding breast;
And Desdemona, instant to reply,
"Nobody- I myself," is by that lie
In all her purity made manifest.
But Tito, Tito, standing so secure,
Tito, the idol of the market-place,
Who muttering to himself, "Some mad-
man, sure!"

Could look his stricken father in the face,
From a yet deeper well his falsehood drew,
And lived more base than that young wife
died true.


ERE yet in Vergil I could scan or spell,
Or through the enchanted portal of that


Dear to old Rome had found my faltering

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