A BABY lying on his mother's breast, 360. A bale-fire kindled in the night, 676.
A ball of fire shoots through the tamarack, 326. A beam of light, from the infinite depths of the midnight sky, 718.
A bed of ashes and a half-burned brand, 735. A bird in my bower, 483.
A bluebird lives in yonder tree, 552.
A brave little bird that fears not God, 654.
A breath can fan love's flame to burning, 449. About her head or floating feet, 492. Above them spread a stranger sky, 48. A boy named Simon sojourned in a dale, 473. A cheer and salute for the Admiral, and here's to the Captain bold, 717.
A child said, What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands, 222.
A cloud possessed the hollow field, 508. A cold coiled line of mottled lead, 655. A crazy bookcase, placed before, 159. Across the Eastern sky has glowed, 520. Across the gardens of Life they go, 755. Across the narrow beach we flit, 369. Across the sombre prairie sea, 720.
A darkened hut outlined against the sky, 532. A day and then a week passed by, 142. A dead Soul lay in the light of day, 740. Adieu, fair isle! I love thy bowers, 73.
Adieu, kind Life, though thou hast often been, 441.
Admiral, Admiral, sailing home, 717.
A Dresden shepherdess was one day, 768. A dryad's home was once the tree, 170.
A flame went flitting through the wood, 633. A fleet with flags arrayed, 125.
After an interval, reading, here in the midnight, 232.
Age cannot wither her whom not gray hairs, 465.
A giant came to me when I was young, 352. Agnes, thou child of harmony, now fled, 766. A great, still Shape, alone, 351.
Ah, be not false, sweet Splendor! 477.
Ah, blessedness of work! the aimless mind, 565. Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever! 147.
Ah, Clemence! when I saw thee last, 155. Ah, Jack it was, and with him little Jill, 473. Ah, June is here, but where is May? 346. Ah! little flower, upspringing, azure-eyed, 495. Ah, me! I know how like a golden flower, 692. Ah, moment not to be purchased, 275. A house of sleepers — I, alone unblest, 575.
Ah, what can ever be more stately and admira ble to me than mast-hemmed Manhattan? 226.
A lady red upon the hill, 321. Alas! that men must see, 624. A life on the ocean wave, 177.
A line in long array where they wind betwixt green islands, 231.
A little blind girl wandering, 243. A little face there was, 418.
A little Maid of Astrakan, 281.
A little way below her chin, 650.
A little way to walk with you, my own, 624. A little while (my life is almost set !), 319. All day and all day, as I sit at my measureless turning, 657.
All day and many days I rode, 655.
All day long roved Hiawatha, 119.
All day the waves assailed the rock, 97.
All Green Things on the earth, bless ye the Lord! 367.
All hail! thou noble land, 18.
All in the leafy darkness, when sleep had passed me by, 657.
All night long through the starlit air and the stillness, 749.
"All quiet along the Potomac," they say, 454. All up and down in shadow-town, 651.
All ye who love the springtime — and who but loves it well, 461.
Almost afraid they led her in, 377. Aloft he guards the starry folds, 236. Alone I walked the ocean strand, 30. Along Ancona's hills the shimmering heat, 325. A long, rich breadth of Holland lace, 411. Along the country roadside, stone on stone, 707.
Along the pastoral ways I go, 612.
Along the shore the slimy brine-pits yawn, 279. Alter? When the hills do, 321.
A man by the name of Bolus (all 'at we 'll ever know), 563.
A man more kindly, in his careless way, 730. A mariner sat on the shrouds one night, 127. A mighty fortress is our God, 192.
A mighty Hand, from an exhaustless Urn, 67. Amid the chapel's chequered gloom, 621. A million little diamonds, 588.
A mist was driving down the British Channel, 120.
Among the priceless gems and treasures rare, 523.
Among the thousand, thousand spears that roll, 365.
And thou art gone, most loved, most honored friend! 18.
And Thou! whom earth still holds, and will not yield, 243.
Sir Poet, shall you make, I pray,"
An English lad, who, reading in a book, 612. An heritage of hopes and fears, 710. A nightingale once lost his voice, 752.
A night: mysterious, tender, quiet, deep, 663. A noisette on my garden path, 690. Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, 93. An old man in a lodge within a park, 124. Anonymous -nor needs a name, 489. Another guest that winter night, 138. A nymph there was in Arcadie, 767. A pale Italian peasant, 551.
A path across a meadow fair and sweet, 277. A peasant stood before a king and said, 266. A pilgrim am I, on my way, 298.
A pitcher of mignonette, 597.
A poet's soul has sung its way to God, 329. A poet writ a song of May, 645.
A public haunt they found her in, 608. A purple cloud hangs half-way down, 419. A raven sat upon a tree, 742.
Are there favoring ladies above thee? 666. Arise, O soul, and gird thee up anew, 630. A rose's crimson stain, 607.
Around this lovely valley rise, 294.
Art thou some winged Sprite, that, fluttering round, 497.
Art thou the same, thou sobbing winter wind? 678,
As a bell in a chime, 550.
As a fond mother, when the day is o'er, 124. As a twig trembles, which a bird, 204. As by the instrument she took her place, 330. A scent of guava-blossoms and the smell, 330. As doth his heart who travels far from home, 298.
As dyed in blood the streaming vines appear, 400. As flame streams upward, so my longing thought, 544.
As I came down from Lebanon, 658,
As I came down Mount Tamalpais, 635.
A sight in camp in the daybreak gray and dim, 231,
A silver birch-tree like a sacred maid, 410. A simple-hearted child was He, 669.
As I sit on a log here in the woods among the clean-faced beeches, 620,
As I was strolling down a woodland way, 743. A soldier of the Cromwell stamp, 380. As one advances up the slow ascent, 724. As one by one the singers of our land, 684. As one who follows a departing friend, 259, As one who held herself a part, 138,
A song lay silent in my pen, 767. A song! What songs have died, 253. As on the gauzy wings of fancy flying, 162. As some mysterious wanderer of the skies, 634. As the insect from the rock, 415.
As the transatlantic tourists, 472. As the wind at play with a spark, 358. As through the Void we went I heard his plumes, 497.
As to a bird's song she were listening, 597. As we the withered ferns, 728.
At anchor in Hampton Roads we lay, 123. "At dawn, "he said, “I bid them all farewell,”
At Eutaw Springs the valiant died, 3.
A throat of thunder, a tameless heart, 613. A thousand silent years ago, 220.
At midnight, in his guarded tent, 36. At midnight, in the month of June, 146. At Shelley's birth, 489.
At table yonder sits the man we seek, 617. At the king's gate the subtle noon, 324. Autumn was cold in Plymouth town, 553. A viewless thing is the wind, 646. Awake! Awake! 506.
Awake, ye forms of verse divine! 46. A weapon that comes down as still, 34.
A week ago to-day, when red-haired Sally, 291. A whisper on the heath I hear, 763. A whisper woke the air, 170.
A white rose had a sorrow, 571. Ay, Dwainie! - My Dwainie! 563. A year ago how often did I meet, 326. Ay, not at home, then, didst thou say? 376. A youth in apparel that glittered, 734. Ay, tear her tattered ensign down! 153. Ay, this is freedom!-these pure skies, 59. Ay! Unto thee belong, 347.
Azaleas whitest of white! 349.
Backward, turn backward, O time, in your flight, 329.
Bathsheba came out to the sun, 611. Battles nor songs can from oblivion save, 610. Beautiful! Sir, you may say so. Thar is n't her match in the country, 403.
Before Him weltered like a shoreless sea, 387. Behind him lay the gray Azores, 426. Behind the hilltop drops the sun, 516. Behold a hag whom Life denies a kiss, 710. "Behold another singer!" Criton said, 348. Behold, the grave of a wicked man, 734. Behold the portal: open wide it stands, 564. "Believe in me, ," the Prophet cried, 467. Bend low, O dusky Night, 355.
Beneath the burning brazen sky, 655, Beneath the Memnonian shadows of Memphis it rose from the slime, 413.
Beneath the midnight moon of May, 371. Beneath thy spell, O radiant summer sea, 636. Beside her ashen hearth she sate her down, 662. Beside that tent and under guard, 670. Beside the landsman knelt a dame, 526. Between the dark and the daylight, 122. Between the falling leaf and rose-bud's breath, 377.
Between the mountains and the sea, 447.
Between the sunken sun and the new moon, 318. Be ye in love with April-tide? 660.
Beyond the bourn of mortal death and birth, 671.
Beyond the low marsh-meadows and the beach, 173..
Beyond the sea, I know not where, 579.
Bind us the morning, mother of the stars, 574. Birds are singing round my window, 280. Black riders came from the sea, 734. Black Tragedy lets slip her grim disguise, 384. Blessings on thee, little man,
Blind as the song of birds, 252.
Blow softly, thrush, upon the hush, 723. Blue gulf all around us, 247.
Blue hills beneath the haze, 431.
Bold, amiable, ebon outlaw, grave and wise! 531.
Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans, 541. Boy, I detest these modern innovations, 769. Break forth, break forth, O Sudbury town, 609. Break not his sweet repose, 332.
Break thou my heart, ah, break it, 282. Breathe, trumpets, breathe, 189. Bring me a cup of good red wine, 181. Broad bars of sunset-slanted gold, 532.
Broncho Dan halts midway of the stream, 690. Brook, would thou couldst flow, 425.
Brother of mine, good monk with cowled head, 610.
Brown earth-line meets gray heaven, 718. Bugles! 703.
Burly, dozing humble-bee, 92.
But do we truly mourn our soldier dead, 736. By the flow of the inland river, 292.
By the merest chance, in the twilight gloom, 580.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood, 100. By the waters of Life we sat together, 343. By the wayside, on a mossy stone, 108.
Calling, the heron flies athwart the blue, 710. Calm as that second summer which precedes, 316.
Calm Death, God of crossed hands and passion- less eyes, 649.
Can freckled August, - drowsing warm and blonde, 708.
Captain of the Western wood, 407.
Carved by a mighty race whose vanished hands, 522.
Cast on the water by a careless hand, 446. Channing! my Mentor whilst my thought was young, 77.
Child of sin and sorrow, 19.
Children, do you ever, 521.
Child, weary of thy baubles of to-day, 631. Child with the hungry eyes, 692. Circling on high, in cloudless sky, 763. City of God, how broad and far, 254. Climbing up the hillside beneath the summer stars, 641.
Clime of the brave! the high heart's home, 84. Close his eyes; his work is done! 264. Close on the edge of a midsummer dawn, 381. "Come a little nearer, Doctor,- thank you, let me take the cup," 388.
Come, all you sailors of the southern waters, 353. Come back and bring my life again, 196. Come, dear old comrade, you and I, 158. Come down, ye graybeard mariners, 556. Come hither and behold this lady's face, 356. Come learn with me the fatal song, 96. Come, let us plant the apple-tree, 62. Come listen, O Love, to the voice of the dove, 429.
Come not again! I dwell with you, 536. Come, on thy swaying feet, 640.
Come, Silence, thou sweet reasoner, 425. Come, stack arms, men; pile on the rails, 277. Come to me, angel of the weary hearted! 169. Come, Walter Savage Landor, come this way,
Dear little Dorothy, she is no more! 539. Dear Lord! Kind Lord! 564. Dear Lord, thy table is outspread, 297. Dear marshes, by no hand of man, 695. Dear singer of our fathers' day, 358.
Dear Sir, you wish to know my notions, 206. Dear, when the sun is set, 539. Dear, when you see my grave. 539.
Dear wife, last midnight, whilst I read, 529. Death could not come between us two, 759. Death in this tomb his weary bones hath laid, 4. Death's but one more to-morrow. Thou art gray, 312.
Death, thou 'rt a cordial old and rare, 434. Deep in a Rose's glowing heart, 624.
Deep in the heart of the forest the lily of Yarrow is growing, 546.
Deep in the wave is a coral grove, 70. De gray owl sing fum de chimbly top, 623. Delayed till she had ceased to know, 322. De massa ob de sheepfol', 635.
Did Chaos form, and water, air, and fire,
Dimpled and flushed and dewy pink he lies, 701.
Disguise upon disguise, and then disguise, 570. Dismiss your apprehension, pseudo bard, 359. Divinely shapen cup, thy lip, 650.
Dixon, a Choctaw, twenty years of age, 480. Does the pearl know, that in its shade and sheen, 754.
Don Juan has ever the grand old air, 361. Do not waste your pity, friend, 702.
Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Bolt, 233.
Dost deem him weak that owns his strength is tried? 515.
Down from a sunken doorstep to the road, 742. Down in a garden olden, 651.
Down in the bleak December bay, 256. Down the long hall she glistens like a star, 519. Down the world with Marna! 702. Do you fear the force of the wind, 656. Do you remember, my sweet, absent son, 537. Drink! drink! to whom shall we drink? 17. Dumb Mother of all music, let me rest, 745.
Each golden note of music greets, 613. Each of us is like Balboa: once in all our lives do we, 549.
Edith, the silent stars are coldly gleaming, 187. Eileen of four, 540.
Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani? 413.
Enamoured architect of airy rhyme, 382. Enchantress, touch no more that strain! 332. En garde, Messieurs, too long have I endured, 638.
England, I stand on thy imperial ground, 594. Ere last year's moon had left the sky, 184. Ere yet in Vergil I could scan or spell, 696. Ermine or blazonry, he knew them not, 239. Even as tender parents lovingly, 351. Even at their fairest still I love the less, 422.
Far, far away, beyond a hazy height, 715. Far-off a young State rises, full of might, 350. Farragut, Farragut, 457.
Far up the lonely mountain-side, 331. Fasten the chamber! 290.
Fathered by March, the daffodils are here, 609. Father, I scarcely dare to pray, 325.
Father, I will not ask for wealth or fame, 166. "Father of lakes!" thy waters bend, 87. Father! whose hard and cruel law, 443. Farewell, my more than fatherland! 27. Few, in the days of early youth, 89. Few men of hero-mould, 595.
Fierce burns our fire of driftwood; overhead, 735.
Fifty leagues, fifty leagues - and I ride, 765. Finding Francesca full of tears, I said, 240. Fit theme for song, the sylvan maid, 600. Flower of the moon! 662.
Flower of youth, in the ancient frame, 508. Flower, that I hold in my hand, 565. For a cap and bells our lives we pay, 204. For death must come, and change, and, though the loss, 673.
Foreseen in the vision of sages, 272.
Forever am I conscious, moving here, 383. Forgiveness Lane is old as youth, 714.
For, lo! the living God doth bare his arm, 661. For many blessings I to God upraise, 412. For me the jasmine buds unfold, 536. For sixty days and upwards, 317.
For them, O God, who only worship Thee, 242, For, O America, our country!—land, 533. Four straight brick walls, severely plain, 313. Four things a man must learn to do, 547. Framed in the cavernous fire-place sits a boy, 632.
Freedom's first champion in our fettered land! 79.
Friends of the Muse, to you of right belong, 161. Fringing cypress forests dim, 576. From far away, from far away, 521. From some sweet home, the morning train, 366. From the Desert I come to thee, 272.
From the drear wastes of unfulfilled desire, 467.
From their folded mates they wander far, 645, From the misty shores of midnight, touched with splendors of the moon, 547.
From this quaint cabin window I can see, 735. Frowning, the mountain stronghold stood, 481. Furl that Banner, for 't is weary, 402.
Glooms of the live-oaks, beautiful-braided and woven, 435.
Glory and honor and fame and everlasting lau- dation, 476.
Go bow thy head in gentle spite, 267. God called the nearest angels who dwell with Him above, 139. God dreamed
the suns sprang flaming into
space, 444. God keep you, dearest, all this lonely night, 449. Godlike beneath his grave divinities, 490. God made a little gentian, 321.
God makes sech nights, all white an' still, 207. Gone, gone, sold and gone, 128.
Good-by: nay, do not grieve that it is over, 662 Good Master, you and I were born, 313. Good-night! I have to say good-night, 380. Good oars, for Arnold's sake, 665.
Headless, without an arm, a figure leans, 648. Hear now this fairy legend of old Greece, 202. Hear the sledges with the bells, 150. Heart, we will forget him! 321.
He ate and drank the precious words, 320. Heaven is mirrored, Love, deep in thine eyes, Heaven is open every day, 432.
He brought a Lily white, 490.
He came too late! - Neglect had tried, 682. He caught his chisel, hastened to his bench, 499. He comes, the happy warrior, 732.
He crawls along the mountain walls, 360.
He cried aloud to God: "The men below," 714. He didn't know much music, 623. He'd nothing but his violin, 580.
Heedless she strayed from note to note, 408. Heed the old oracles, 95.
He gathered cherry-stones, and carved them quaintly, 480.
He knelt beside her pillow, in the dead watch of the night, 371.
Helen, thy beauty is to me, 144.
He lies low in the levelled sand, 427.
He loved her, having felt his love begin, 643. He loves not well whose love is bold! 371. He might have won the highest guerdon that heaven to earth can give, 568.
Her aged hands are worn with works of love, 687.
Her casement like a watchful eye, 297. Her dimpled cheeks are pale, 577.
Here in this room where first we met, 667. Here lived the soul enchanted, 487. "Here, O lily-white lady mine," 525. Here room and kingly silence keep, 428. Here they give me greeting, 745. Her eyes be like the violets, 609.
Her hands are cold; her face is white, 159. He rides at their head, 235. Her lips were so near, 503.
Her suffering ended with the day, 197. Her voice was like the song of birds, 477. Her ways were gentle while a babe, 126.
He sang one song and died - no more but that, 505.
He sang the airs of olden times, 168.
He sleeps at last a hero of his race, 614. He speaks not well who doth his time deplore, 478.
He was in love with truth and knew her near, 620.
He was six years old, just six that day, 588. He who hath loved hath borne a vassal's chain. 716.
He who would echo Horace' lays, 200.
He wrought with patience long and weary years, 762.
Hey, laddie, hark, to the merry, merry lark,
High above hate I dwell, 667.
High-lying, sea-blown stretches of green turf, 663.
High towered the palace and its massive pile, 71. High walls and huge the body may confine, 102. His body lies upon the shore, 725,
His broad-brimmed hat pushed back with care- less air, 428.
His cherished woods are mute. The stream glides down, 326.
His echoing axe the settler swung, 171. His face is truly of the Roman mould, 399. His falchion flashed along the Nile, 34.
His feet were shod with music and had wings, 496.
His footprints have failed us, 429.
His fourscore years and five, 391. His grace of Marlborough, legends say, 375. His soul extracted from the public sink, 6. His tongue was touched with sacred fire, 548. His way in farming all men knew, 451. Hit's a mighty fur ways up de Far'well Lane
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