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'Tis to yourself I speak; you cannot know,


'Tis true, one half of woman's life is hope, 330.
To-day, dear heart, but just to-day, 712.

To eastward ringing, to westward winging, o'er
mapless miles of sea, 741.

To him who in the love of Nature holds, 53.
Toil on, poor muser, to attain that goal, 523.
To kiss my Celia's fairer breast, 28.
To me the earth once seemed to be, 368.
To put new shingles on old roofs, 608.

To spring belongs the violet, and the blown,

Tossing his mane of snows in wildest eddies and
tangles, 386.

To stand within a gently gliding boat, 632.
To the brave all homage render, 265.

To the quick brow Fame grudges her best
wreath, 351.

To the sea-shells' spiral round, 379,
To tremble, when I touch her hands, 591.
To what new fates, my country, far, 704.
To you, whose temperate pulses flow, 502.
Trembling before thine awful throne, 86.
True love's own talisman, which here, 666.
Turning from Shelley's sculptured face aside,

Turn out more ale, turn up the light, 342.

Turn with me from the city's clamorous street,

Tuscan, that wanderest through the realms of
gloom, 115.

'Twas one of the charmëd days, 95.

'T was summer, and the spot a cool retreat, 168.
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all
through the house, 15.

Two angels came through the gate of Heaven,

Two armies covered hill and plain, 264.
Two loves had I. Now both are dead, 464.
Two shall be born the whole wide world apart,

Two things there are with Memory will abide,

Tying her bonnet under her chin, 424.

Unconquerably, men venture on the quest, 647.
Under a spreading chestnut-tree, 114.
Under a sultry, yellow sky, 259.
Under a toadstool, 698.

Under the apple bough, 537.

Under the roots of the roses, 285.
Under the shadows of a cliff, 670.

Under the slanting light of the yellow sun of
October, 368.

Under the violets, blue and sweet, 198.
Unflinching Dante of a later day, 545.
Unhappy dreamer, who outwinged in flight,


Unnoted as the setting of a star, 141.
Unmoored, unmanned, unheeded on the deep,

Untrammelled Giant of the West, 773.
Unwarmed by any sunset light, 137.
Up, Fairy! quit thy chick-weed bower, 44.
Upon a cloud among the stars we stood, 498.
Upon my bier no garlands lay, 463.

Upon my mantel-piece they stand, 743.
Upon Nirwána's brink the ráhat stood, 718.
Us two wuz boys when we fell out, 529.
Vengeful across the cold November moors, 728,
Venus has lit her silver lamp, 692.
Very dark the autumn sky, 697.

Wake, Israel, wake! Recall to-day, 519.
Wake not, but hear me, love! 678.
Wall, no! I can't tell whar he lives, 396.
Warm, wild, rainy wind, blowing fitfully, 370.
Was there another Spring than this? 754.
Was this his face, and these the finding eyes,

Water-lilies in myriads rocked on the slight
undulations, 117.

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber, 288.
Weak-winged is song, 209.

We are but two- the others sleep, 51.
We are ghost-ridden, 639.

We are our fathers' sons: let those who lead us
know! 726.

We are the Ancient People, 398.

We are two travellers, Roger and I, 292.
Weary at heart with winter yesterday, 518.
Weary, weary, desolate, 549.

Weave no more silks, ye Lyons looms, 221.
We break the glass, whose sacred wine, 81.
We count the broken lyres that rest, 157.
We follow where the Swamp Fox guides, 106.
We gazed on Corryvrekin's whirl, 184.
We had been long in mountain snow, 656.
We have sent him seeds of the melon's core,

We know not what it is, dear, this sleep so
deep and still, 392.

We lay us down to sleep, 357.

Well, yes, sir, that am a comical name, 55.
We must be nobler for our dead, be sure, 534.
Were but my spirit loosed upon the air, 357.
Were I a happy bird, 448.

Were I transported to some distant star, 672.
We sailed and sailed upon the desert sea, 387.
We sail toward evening's lonely star, 370.
We, sighing, said, “Our Pan is dead," 465.
We summoned not the Silent Guest, 499.
We took it to the woods, we two, 393.
We were boys together, 82.

We were not many -we who stood, 110.
We were ordered to Samoa from the coast of
Panama, 729.

We were twin brothers, tall and hale, 485.
We wondered why he always turned aside, 487,
We wreathed about our darling's head, 250.
What are the long waves singing so mournfully
evermore? 300.

What, are you hurt, Sweet? So am I, 521.
What bird is that, with voice so sweet, 485.
What bring ye me, O camels, across the south-
ern desert, 746.

What can console for a dead world? 411.
What, can these dead bones live, whose sap is
dried, 520.

What care I, what cares he, 452.
What charlatans in this later day, 751.
What, comrade of a night, 626.

What domes and pinnacles of mist and fire, 476.
What dost thou here, 553.

What! dost thou pray that the outgone tide be
rolled back on the strand, 575.

What end the gods may have ordained for me,

What fragrant-footed comer, 648.

What great yoked brutes with briskets low,


What has become of the good ship Kite, 757.
What if the Soul her real life elsewhere holds,

What is a sonnet? 'Tis the pearly shell, 476.
What is it to be dead?" O Life, 582.
What is the little one thinking about? 234.
What is there wanting in the Spring? 550.
What man is there so bold that he should say,

What! Roses on thy tomb! and was there
then, 674.

What seek'st thou at this madman's pace? 606.
What shall her silence keep, 711.

What shall we do now, Mary being dead, 238.
What shall we mourn? For the prostrate tree
that sheltered the young greenwood? 480.
What's love, when the most is said? The flash
of the lightning fleet, 449.

What songs found voice upon those lips, 495.
What's the brightness of a brow? 354.

What strength! what strife! what rude unrest!

What then, what if my lips do burn, 510.
What though the green leaf grow? 566.
What time the earth takes on the garb of
Spring, 627.

What was my dream?

be clear, 430.

What, what, what, 473.

Though consciousness

What will you give to a barefoot lass, 648.
What wondrous sermons these seas preach to
men! 736.

When almond buds unclose, 629.

When April rains make flowers bloom, 544.
When calm is the night, and the stars shine
bright, 15.

Whence come ye, Cherubs? from the moon? 22.
Whence, O fragrant form of light, 489.
When cherry flowers begin to blow, 739.
When Darby saw the setting sun, 11.

When Dorothy and I took tea, we sat upon the
floor, 625.

When dreaming kings, at odds with swift-paced
time, 660.

Whenever a little child is born, 587.
Whenever a snowflake leaves the sky, 587.
When first I looked into thy glorious eyes, 101.
When first I saw her, at the stroke, 590,

When Freedom from her mountain height. 46.
When from the gloom of earth we see the sky,

When from the vaulted wonder of the sky, 443.
When I am standing on a mountain crest, 705.
When I consider Life and its few years, 610.
When I forth fare beyond this narrow earth,


When I'm in health and asked to choose, 753.
When in my walks I meet some ruddy lad, 200.

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When in thy glass thou studiest thy face, 465.
When I was seventeen I heard, 503.
When I went up the minster tower, 653.
When late I heard the trembling cello play, 477.
When leaves turn outward to the light, 449.
When Love comes knocking at thy gate, 678.
When love in the faint heart trembles, 595.
When Love, our great Immortal, 591.
When Nature had made all her birds, 172.
When on my soul in nakedness, 572.
When our babe he goeth walking in his gar
den, 527.

When Psyche's friend becomes her lover, 449.
When she comes home again! A thousand ways,


When souls that have put off their mortal gear,

When stars pursue their solemn flight, 354.
When sunshine met the wave, 662.
When the grass shall cover me, 494.
When the lessons and tasks are all ended, 471.
When the reaper's task was ended, and the
summer wearing late, 134.

When the rose is brightest, 106.
When the Sultan Shah-Zaman, 379.

When the veil from the eyes is lifted, 338.
When to soft sleep we give ourselves away, 383.
When tulips bloom in Union Square, 545.

When winds go organing through the pines, 710.
When winter's cold tempests and snows are no
more, 12.

When wintry days are dark and drear, 488.
When youth was lord of my unchallenged fate,

Where all the winds were tranquil, 619.
Where ancient forests round us spread, 29.
Where broods the Absolute, 339.

Wherefore these revels that my dull eyes greet?


Where Helen comes, as falls the dew, 718.
Where Helen sits, the darkness is so deep, 525.
Where Hudson's wave o'er silvery sands, 83.
Where in its old historic splendor stands, 755.
Where's he that died o' Wednesday? 336.
Where's Peace? I start, some clear-blown
night, 209.

Where now these mingled ruins lie, 5.

Where swell the songs thou shouldst have sung,

Where the graves were many, we looked for
one, 376.

Where were ye, Birds, that bless his name, 490.
While I recline, 314.

While now the Pole Star sinks from sight, 236.
Whipp'will's singin' to de moon, 680.
White England shouldering from the sea, 644.
White sail upon the ocean verge, 372.
White sand and cedars; cedars, sand, 525.
Whither doth now this fellow flee? 763.
Whither leads this pathway, little one? 516.
Whither, midst falling dew, 54.

White wings of commerce sailing far, 442.
Who are ye, spirits, that stand, 501.
Who comes to England not to learn, 740.
Who drives the horses of the sun, 515.

Who has robbed the ocean cave, 14.
Who knows the thoughts of a child, 425.
Who'll have the crumpled pieces of a heart?

"Whom the gods love die young; "-if gods
ye be, 708.

Who nearer Nature's life would truly come, 78.
Whose furthest footstep never strayed, 703.
Who tamed your lawless Tartar blood? 429.
Who will watch thee, little mound, 760.
Why, Death, what dost thou hear, 306.
Why dost thou hail with songful lips no more,


Why here, on this third planet from the Sun,

Why should I stay? Nor seed nor fruit have I,

Why shouldst thou cease thy plaintive song,

Why should we waste and weep, 260.

Why thus longing, thus for ever sighing, 296.
Wide open and unguarded stand our gates, 380.
Wild is its nature, as it were a token, 340.
Wild Rose of Alloway! my thanks, 39.
Wild stream the clouds, and the fresh wind is
singing, 355.

Will there really be a morning? 587.
Wind of the City Streets, 599.

Wind of the North, 632.

With eyes hand-arched he looks into, 710.

With oaken staff and swinging lantern bright,


With sails full set, the ship her anchor weighs,

With saintly grace and reverent tread, 444.
With wrath-flushed cheeks, and eyelids red,

Winged mimic of the woods! thou motley fool!


Withdraw thee, soul, from strife, 627.

Within a poor man's squalid home I stood, 387.

Within his sober realm of leafless trees, 250.
Within me are two souls that pity each, 505.
Within my heart I long have kept, 635.
Within this lowly grave a Conqueror lies, 63.
Within this silent palace of the Night, 651.
Without him still this whirling earth, 608.
Woe for the brave ship Orient! 178.
Woodman, spare that tree! 82.
Words, words, 745.

Wouldst know the artist? Then go seek, 668.
Would the lark sing the sweeter if he knew, 463.
Would you hear of the River-Fight? 245.
Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night, 526.

Years have flown since I knew thee first, 475.
"Yer know me little nipper," 764.

Yes, death is at the bottom of the cup, 387.
Yes, faith is a goodly anchor, 216.

Yes, he was that, or that, as you prefer, 444.
Yes, I have heard the nightingale, 476.
Yes, I know what you say, 420.

Ye smooth-faced sons of Jacob, hug close your
ingleside, 758.

Yes, still I love thee! Time, who sets, 195.
Yet, O my friend-pale conjurer, I call, 631.
Ye white Sicilian goats, who wander all, 770.
Yon clouds that roam the deserts of the air,

You ask a verse, to sing (ah, laughing face!)

You ax about dat music made, 748.
You gave me roses, love, last night, 582.
You may drink to your leman in gold, 281.
You know, my friends, with what a brave
carouse, 443.

Young to the end through sympathy with youth,


Your heart is a music-box, dearest ! 170.
You sang me a song, 773.

You will come, my bird, Bonita? 430.
You who dread the cares and labors, 327.

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